Chapter 499 The Embarrassed Zhao Wen

"Understood!" Everyone in the hall shouted at Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen nodded and said, "Since that's the case, Zhou Laoliu, Wang Chong and Zhang He, you should start to organize your troops now and set off immediately.

Remember, don’t stop when you’re on your way, even if it’s dark, don’t stop for me. After arriving in Liaoyang City, I can allow you to rest for a day, but during the time you’re on your way, don’t take a rest, and you should spend the shortest possible time. Arrive at Liaoyang City within time. "

Although Zhao Wen's request was a bit harsh, Zhou Laoliu and others in the hall did not object.

Although they have been fighting for days and nights without taking a long break, in their view, as long as they can make meritorious service, everything is worth it.

Relying on the weapons in their hands, they thought that Liaoyang City would definitely be conquered within two days, and they would just hand over the cleaning of the city to Mao Wenlong and Zheng Yiguan, and they could just take advantage of this time to take a good rest .

"The last general takes orders!"

Zhou Laoliu and the others cupped their fists to salute Zhao Wen, and then walked out.

After Zhou Lao Liu and the others walked out, the hall was quite empty.

"Little San, you go and explain things to Zhou Laoliu and the others, and replace the city defense!" Zhao Wen looked at Li Xiaosan who was standing next to him, and said.

"Obey!" Li Xiaosan yelled, and then walked outside.

After Li Xiaosan walked out, Bu He stepped forward, looked at Zhao Wen, and said, "My lord, why don't you let us go to reinforce Liaoyang City? We can also help!"

Bu He looked at Zhao Wen suspiciously.

"Yes, sir, we may not be as good as your soldiers, but if we go, we can help you somewhat." Ombu also said hastily.

Buhe and Omubu had the same thought in their hearts, and they both wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to make more contributions.

Now Zhao Wen has the power to sweep the world, and becoming the emperor in the future is a certainty. If there is not enough credit in the future, once the country is established, the rewards that people like himself will receive will be reduced.

As the saying goes, all the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit, the prosperity of the world is for profit, and everything in the world cannot be separated from the word profit.

If Huang Taiji is the emperor in the future, then Buhe and Omubu will not be in a hurry. After all, even if Huang Taiji becomes emperor and takes control of the Central Plains, the rewards he can bring to them are really limited.

But Zhao Wen was different. Zhao Wen hadn't become emperor yet, and Bu He hadn't made much contribution to Zhao Wen before.But even so, Zhao Wen treated Horqin pretty well.

It's like this if you don't make any contribution, so if you make a great contribution, will you be able to pay it back in the future?
"Yes, my lord, although our soldiers and horses are not as good as yours, but it's okay to help." Bu He said again, with expectation on his face.

"Haha!" Zhao Wen looked at the two and burst out laughing. "I know exactly what you are thinking. It's not that you are not allowed to make meritorious deeds, but it is not yet time. There will be opportunities to make meritorious deeds in the future. Mao Wenlong and Zheng Yiguan outside Liaoyang City are still watching Liaoyang City helplessly. , if you are sent there again at this time, what do you make these two think?
Let's eat meat, we must let them drink some soup.If they are not allowed to make some contributions, it may affect their morale.

Besides, attacking cities is not the strong point of your prairie cavalry, after all, your horses can't climb the city walls. "

"That's true!" Bu He suddenly realized.

"Okay, don't talk about this, just follow me around the Shenyang Palace, this is my first visit to the Shenyang Palace."

Zhao Wen stood up from the chair and walked outside with his hands behind his back.

Bu He and others hurriedly followed behind Zhao Wen, respectful.

"My lord, the layout of the Shenyang Imperial Palace is said to be similar to that of the Beijing Imperial Palace. Although I have never been to the Beijing Imperial Palace, I have been to the Shenyang Imperial Palace several times."

Bu He walked behind Zhao Wen and explained to Zhao Wen in detail.

"The Shenyang Imperial Palace can be divided into three parts according to the architectural layout and construction sequence, namely the East Road, Middle Road and West Road.

The East Road includes the Dazheng Hall and the Ten Kings Pavilion built during the Nurhachi period. This is where Nurhachi and Huang Taiji held grand ceremonies and the Eight Banners ministers worked.

The middle road was built when Huang Taiji became a great khan, and it is the place where Huang Taiji lived, reviewed memorials, and lived for concubines.

The West Road is a place for playing and reading. On the West Road, Huang Taiji built many theaters and attics for storing books.

After Nurhachi established the capital in Shenyang, the residential area in the city was demarcated according to the Eight Banners.

Taking the center of the city where the Dazheng Palace is located as the benchmark, the east side belongs to the Zhenghong and Xianghong flags, the north side belongs to the Zhenghuang and Xianghuang banners, the south side belongs to the Zhenglan and Xianglan banners, the west side belongs to the Zhengbai and Xiangbai banners, and the flags The Baylor mansion can only be built within the boundaries of the banner.

It can be said that the imperial palace is in the middle, and the place where the Eight Banners live surrounds the imperial palace with a circle. "

After all, Buhe was Huang Taiji's father-in-law. Although he betrayed Huang Taiji in the end, his younger sister and daughter both married Huang Taiji.Before taking refuge in Zhao Wen, Buhe had also been to the palace several times, so he was familiar with the Shenyang Palace.

Before Horqin turned to Zhao Wen, Huang Taiji also paid more attention to Horqin, so Buhe entered and exited Shenyang Palace more times than other grasslands.

At this time, the imperial palace had long since lost its grandeur before. There were burnt blackened walls everywhere. Many houses were destroyed by the flames, leaving only walls that could not be burned.

"I have to say that although Nurhachi is my enemy, he still has some abilities.

It's just that Nurhachi likes to recognize his ancestors indiscriminately. I remember he once said that he was a grassland man?Is this true? "

Looking at the ruined palace, Zhao Wen suddenly remembered some rumors about Nurhachi's origin in later generations.

When Bu He heard this, he immediately became interested, looked at Zhao Wen, and said, "Hey, don't tell me, Nurhachi's origin is really confusing.

Although he is the Jianzhou Jurchen, and even though she has unified the Jurchen ministries, he really has little relationship with the Jurchen.

The sixth ancestor of Nurhachi is called Mengge Timur, who was the Wanhu of the Wanhu Mansion in Udoli in the former Yuan Dynasty before he surrendered to Ming Dynasty.

At that time, Qian Yuan was beaten out of the Central Plains by Lan Yu Xu Da and other strong generals, and the fierce brother Timur, who was Qian Yuan Wanhu, took advantage of the situation and returned to Daming.

This fierce brother Timur was sent by the Yuan Emperor to manage the Jurchen. His origin is very mysterious. As for whether he is a Jurchen, it is still a little uncertain.

You must know that Qianyuan was extremely vigilant towards the Han people and the Jurchens, and would not let them take power under normal circumstances, but this fierce brother Timur was an exception.

In addition, Mengge Timur's father is called Huihoumu Yewuju, but whether his father is him is not recorded in the history books, so it is not certain.

Some people say that this fierce brother Timur is not the son of this person at all, but the son of a certain grand master in the former Yuan Dynasty. As for whether it is groundless or not, it is hard to say.

In fact, after Nurhaci captured Shenyang, he once personally admitted that the sixth ancestor Mengge Timur was a thousand households of the Etur tribe in the grassland.

There are two versions, one is thousands of households and the other is ten thousand households, and the gap is a bit big.But in any case, Mengge Timur is a grasslander.I am also inclined to the conclusion that Mengge Timur is a grassland man.

Actually, I personally think that there are no real Jurchens anymore.When Qian Yuan and Song State attacked Da Jin, they both pierced Da Jin. Surrounded by the two armies, I don't believe they can escape.

During the period when the Dajin Kingdom was prosperous, the Dajin Kingdom offended both Genghis Khan and the Song Dynasty. I really don't believe that these two parties can let the Dajin Kingdom go.

These Jurchens in Liaodong are not related to the Dajin Kingdom in terms of blood relationship.Haixi Jurchen and Jianzhou Jurchen were only born Jurchen in Song State and Jin State. Not to mention that the Song people looked down on them at that time, even if they were also Jurchen in Jin State, they also looked down on them, and they didn't even treat them as human beings.

Although there is only one word difference between Sheng Jurchen and Jin Guo Jurchen, the gap inside is very large. "

Zhao Wen walked while listening to Bu He's explanation.

"By the way, I remember that you grassland people also shave and braid their hair, but there are not many of them. In most cases, they just braid their hair and don't shave their hair. Do you know why Jiannu likes to shave and braid their hair so much? And it's money Rattails?"

Zhao Wen suddenly stopped and looked at Bu He.

Zhao Wen was both disgusted and curious about the Jurchens' money rattails.I don't know what kind of psychology Jian Nu wants to shave his hair like this.

Later generations of Zhao Wen also saw many sayings on the Internet, among which the most widely circulated one was to please the prairie people and win over the prairie people.

But Zhao Wen felt that this was a bit nonsense. Nurhachi and his descendants often fought against the grassland. Even in the Qianlong period, they fought against the grassland several times.

"How should I put it, I don't know much. More than 100 years ago, the Jurchens' braids were not like this.

We prairie people shave and braid their hair more because of grazing. After all, if long hair is not cleaned up, grazing is really inconvenient.

As for why the Jurchens wear braids, it is more because of their shamanism.

According to the teachings of Shamanism, the crown of the head, the center of the human head, is the closest to the sky, and that is where the human soul resides.

The hair in this part is to warm one's soul, so it is naturally very precious, so the braids made around this part are also precious.

When Jurchen soldiers had tribal or external conflicts, even if their own corpses could not be transported back, the braids must be cut and brought back.

This claim is just one of the reasons.

Now the Jurchens' money rattails were changed by Nurhachi. In the past, the Jurchens liked to braid their hair and drop their shoulders, and not many shaved their heads.

Before Nurhachi raised his troops, there was a Jurchen predecessor named God of War named Bald Hair Bundle Function. Just by looking at his name, one could probably guess about his hairstyle.

Unlike ordinary baldness, most people are bald in the middle, but he is born with baldness on his forehead and temples. The amount of hair is extremely limited, and he can't support the style of many small braids, so he has to braid one or two.

In order to make his soldiers as fierce as the Jurchen God of War, Nurhachi promoted this hairstyle. "

Buhe is from the prairie, and has more contact with Nurhachi, and he is also Huang Taiji's father-in-law, so he knows a thing or two about these things.

Although Zhao Wen came from later generations, he is not a history major, so he doesn't know much about these relatively remote historical knowledge.

"I see. It's just that this hairstyle is really ugly, and the clothes on them, the robes and jackets, are also really ugly and vulgar." Zhao Wen said contemptuously.

"It turns out that adults also feel this way. I thought I was the only one who felt this way."

Omubu, who walked behind Zhao Wen without speaking for a long time, suddenly spoke.

"The robe and mandarin jacket are too ugly, too ugly. I really can't understand why there are such clothes." Omubu said with a look of disgust.

In fact, the clothes worn by the grassland people at this time were not the same as those of later generations. The clothes of later generations were called flag dresses, not traditional Mongolian clothes.

The real traditional costumes of the Mongols are actually similar to the clothes of the Ming Dynasty. Among the clothes of the Ming Dynasty, the Yisa, the horse-faced skirt, and the inner lining were actually invented by the people of the grassland.Before the Ming Dynasty, the Central Plains Dynasty actually did not have such clothes.

While a few people were talking, the two women were escorted by several Xuanzhen soldiers.

The two women were in a state of distress, their faces were scorched black, and their clothes were stained with blood.

If you look carefully, you will find that the two of them have some similarities with Bu He.

The two women, guarded by Xuanzhen soldiers, did not dare to raise their heads, their heads buried very low.

"Your Majesty!"

The Xuanzhen soldiers who were escorting the two women saw Zhao Wen, and they hurriedly escorted the two women aside, forcing them to kneel on the ground.

"I've seen adults!"

When Zhao Wen passed the two women, the soldier standing next to the two women saluted Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen slightly nodded at several people, stopped, pointed to the two silent women who were kneeling on the ground with their heads lowered, and asked casually, "Who are these two?"

"My lord, we don't know who these two women are, we found them in a well behind, we asked their identities several times, but they didn't say anything.

Although they were wearing clothes that only court ladies would wear, Beizhi felt that these two should be Huang Taiji's concubines.Therefore, the humble official did not use violence, and prepared to take the two of them out to let the captured concubines recognize them. "

The leading soldier stood up and said to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen nodded, and then said to the two women, "You two raise your heads!"

The bodies of the two women shook for a moment, but they didn't respond. They still lowered their heads, not daring to look at Zhao Wen.

"My lord asked you two to raise your heads, how dare you not respond?" The leading soldier yelled, then grabbed the two women's buns with both hands, and pulled them suddenly, revealing their faces .

"Bumbutai, Zhezhe, why are you two? Why are you two here?" Before Zhao Wen could speak, Buhe shouted in surprise.

"Abu, aha!"

The two women are none other than Buhe's younger sister Bumbutai and his daughter Zhezhe.

Seeing this, Zhao Wen also reacted.

"Uh, why don't you let the two of you go quickly? How did you do it? Didn't you give you an order before? How could you capture these two?" Zhao Wen reprimanded Bumubu with some embarrassment. Soldiers of Taihe Zhezhe.

"My lord, we don't know, we don't know that these two are Borzigit Khan's sister and daughter, if we knew, how could we treat them like this.

When we found the two of them, they didn't say anything, we didn't know at all.If they did, how could we treat them like this. When the leading soldier heard that it was Buhe's daughter and sister, he knelt down in fright and explained in a panic.

Earlier, Zhao Wen had conveyed the order to be kind to Bumbutai and Zhezhe, but now he caught them by accident, and it was in front of adults and other people's brother and father, especially himself just now. Pulling someone's hair bun, this is a bit of a joke.

Moreover, his brother's father is the father-in-law of the adult, and the two of them are related to the adult.

The leading soldier felt as if he had eaten fly droppings for a moment, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

The soldier standing behind him also hurriedly knelt on the ground, with a look of fear on his face.

"Abu, aha. We thought we'd never see you again!"

Seeing Bu He's excited face, Bu Mu Butai and Zhe Zhe threw themselves into Bu He's arms, tears streaming down his face.

"It's fine, it's fine." Bu He hugged the two of them and quickly comforted them.

"I don't have the eyesight to see, retreat quickly, and I will deal with you later!" Zhao Wen hurriedly winked at these soldiers, scolded them a few times, and told them to retreat.

When the leading soldier heard what Zhao Wen said, he immediately relaxed a lot.

"Obey!" The leading soldier hurriedly stood up from the ground, and led the men under his command to rush outside.

"Okay, don't cry, are you hurt?" Bu He patted the shoulders of the two of them lightly, comforting them non-stop.

"No, the blood on our bodies is someone else's. After Huang Taiji left us and fled, the harem was in chaos. The maids and eunuchs in the palace were like crazy, robbing the palace's finances, and even killed people. .

Seeing that the situation was not good, the two of us changed our clothes and hid in a well behind. It was only just now that the soldiers who had just escorted us got us out. Zhezhe cried to Buhe with a sad face.

"Why don't you say you are my daughter? If you did, wouldn't it be the case?" Bu He asked.

Bumbutai wiped away his tears, "How do we know this? This group of soldiers and horses are vicious, and several court ladies who resisted with sticks were directly beaten to death by them. How dare we say such a thing."

At this time, Bumbutai is like a little girl who has been wronged. Where is the shadow of Xiaozhuang in the future?

Looking at this scene, Zhao Wen said with some embarrassment: "Well, there is nothing to see in this palace. Now that you have found your daughter and your sister, why don't you take them to wash up first."

At the beginning, he said that he would let these two people go, but now he was arrested by his subordinates by mistake.

If I hadn't suddenly become interested and wanted to hang around here, maybe Bumbutai and Zhezhe would be clicked by these soldiers as Huang Taiji's family members.

If the two of them were really clicked, wouldn't it be fart if he said it?
As a general, the most important thing is to keep your word and do what you say, otherwise how can you lead your subordinates.

 Thank you for your reward, Friends of the Dead, and thank you for your support! ! !

  Calvin today, sitting in front of the computer for three hours to squeeze out such a little, please forgive me, I will make up tomorrow.

  Another one, many readers said that it was not enjoyable to watch, so I plan to add more in the last week of July.

(End of this chapter)

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