Chapter 500 Running North
After Buhe brought Bumbutai and Zhezhe down, Zhao Wen didn't have the intention to continue wandering around the Shenyang Palace.

Today's Shenyang Imperial Palace has been burned by the fire, and it is in ruins, and there is nothing to see.

When Zhao Wen returned to the main hall, Li Xiaosan walked in.

"My lord, the city defense has been handed over, General Zhou and the others can set off in an hour at the latest.

The captured people in the city were also handed over to us. Just now, I gathered all the princes and nobles among the captured people in the prison of slavery not far from the palace. "

Standing in front of Zhao Wen, Li Xiaosan told all the things that Zhao Wen asked him to do before.

Zhao Wen said: "Ordinary Jiannu and the princes and nobles among Jiannu are detained separately. You did a good job in this matter. How about this, and Huang Taiji and the others are also detained together with the princes and nobles of Jiannu.

By the way, those Ming people who surrendered and became slaves will also be detained separately. These traitors, if they don't deal with them properly, it is really hard to vent their anger. "

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he let out a long breath, and continued: "Now the city of Shenyang has been destroyed, the people who survived in the city must be taken care of, and the food that the slaves in Shenyang did not take away should be taken out and given to these people. After the division, it is necessary to let this common people stabilize quickly.

Starting tomorrow, you will bring the surviving people in the city to repair the city wall. It doesn't need to be well built, just repair it in general.

After Liaodong is completely pacified, some cement will be transferred from Xuan Town at that time, and Shenyang City will be well repaired at that time. "

"Understood!" Li Xiaosan said, counting towards Zhao Wen.

"Be honest, be honest with me, otherwise I will let you enjoy the taste of the army stick!"

At this moment, two or three soldiers came in escorting Jian Nu with a pigtail of money.

Zhao Wen stood in the middle of the hall, looked at the man who was escorted in, and asked with a puzzled look: "Who is this person?"

"My lord, this man is the son of Huang Taiji, named Hauge. This man was imprisoned by Huang Taiji in a brick house in the harem before. This house was built with bricks and tiles. With a big lock.

Huang Taiji forgot to unlock him after he escaped, so he left him in that house.

The location of this house is relatively remote, so we didn't find it until just now when we were cleaning the palace, so we arrested him.

Originally, we planned to take him out directly, but your lord is here in the palace now, so we brought him here first for your lord to see. "

The leading soldier gave a military salute to Zhao Wen, pointed at Hauge behind him, and explained to Zhao Wen.

"Haug? Haha!" Zhao Wen looked at Hauge who was tied up and stuffed with rags, sneered twice, and then read out the information about Hauge from his memory.

"Haoge was born in the 37th year of Wanli, the eldest son of Huang Taiji, and in his early years he followed Taiji to conquer the grassland Dong Kui, Chahar, Ordos and other tribes.

Almost every battle can make meritorious service. Because of the military exploits, Nurhachi was named Baylor by Nurhachi at a young age.

In the sixth year of the apocalypse, Haoge followed Dabeile Daishan and others to conquer the Jarut tribe in the grassland, and made great achievements in this battle.

Nurhachi once said that Hauge's bravery is far superior to Huang Taiji's Daishan, and he is the number one warrior in the later Jin Dynasty. "

"Woooooo!" Haoge was pressed in front of Zhao Wen by several soldiers. His eyes were red, like a man-eating monster, and he groaned at Zhao Wen.

"Unfortunately, although Yong Meng is brave, he is a reckless man, and he will not be seen by Huang Taiji for the rest of his life." Zhao Wen looked at the poor Hauge, said a few words sarcastically, and then said: "Take him and Huang Taiji together." Taiji is locked up alone, I want to see what kind of sparks can be created between a lost Khan and his son who doesn't wait."

"As ordered!"

The soldiers who were escorting Hauge saluted Zhao Wen and pulled him out.


At the same time, in Hetuala, an old village in the east of Liaodong, brothers Dorgon and Duoduo were sitting in the study of the palace in the city.

Laozhai Hetuala is Nurhachi's hometown and the place where Nurhachi started his army.

After Nurhachi conquered Shenyang, Nurhachi moved the capital to Shenyang City.

Although the capital was moved to Shenyang City, the palace in Hetuala, the old village, was not demolished, but was converted into a palace by Nurhachi.

The imperial palace in Laozhai Hetuala is simply not comparable to that in Shenyang City, at best it is a relatively large mansion.

"What should we do now? There are rout soldiers coming to Laozhai every day. According to what those rout soldiers said, Huang Taiji and the others have been captured alive by Xuanzhen's soldiers and horses." Duo Duo sat at Dorgon's lower seat , said with a serious face.

Dorgon said: "What should I do? What else can I do? Relying on the terrain of the old village, build a defense line and prepare to resist the Xuanzhen soldiers who come to attack."

"But there are still [-] troops in Liaoyang City, and there have been no routs in Liaoyang City in the past few days, that is to say, the current Liaoyang City should not have been breached by Xuanzhen.

I think, should we send a message to the defenders in Liaoyang City to let them withdraw from Liaoyang City and come to Laozhai.

The 13 defenders in Liaoyang City plus our 13 soldiers and horses make a total of [-] people.We have these [-] horses, so we can be more confident in keeping Hetuala. "Dodo replied.

Dorgon stood up, bypassed the desk in front of him, and walked out of the study.

Looking at the sun slanting towards the west in the sky, he took a deep breath and said, "Even if we have 13 people, we are no match for Xuanzhen.

Xuanzhen can break through Shengjing City in such a short period of time, how long can our old village Hetuala last?

Although Laozhai is our Longxing place, the geographical location is not good, otherwise, Father Khan would not have known Shenyang City back then. "

If you add the soldiers and horses in Liaoyang City, Dorgon has 13 troops in his hands.But even with this 13 army, Dorgon didn't think he could hold the old village of Hetuala.

There were 17 soldiers and horses in Shengjing City at that time, and they were all elites.

But even so, it took only one day to be broken by Xuanzhen soldiers.

Although the city walls of Laozhai are repaired every year, they are still far behind Shengjing City.

Dorgon didn't think he could hold Laozhai with 13 horses in his hands.

Moreover, in Dorgon's view, even if he guarded Hetuala, the old village, it would be of no use.

There is only one Hetuala left in the entire Liaodong. Among other things, the food consumed by 13 horses is an astronomical figure. There is almost no arable land around Hetuala in the old village, and the grain and grass hoarded in the city are really limited. 13 troops These grains can be eaten in less than half a month.

If there was no food, there would be no need for Xuanzhen to do anything at that time, and the 13 army would be defeated by itself.

"Even if we have an army of 13, we don't have that much food.

Besides, the [-] troops in Liaoyang City are not our soldiers and horses, can they listen to us?In what capacity do we inform them? "Dorgon turned around and looked at Duo Duo.

"My brother, don't worry about food or not. As long as we have 13 horses, even if we are not Xuanzhen's opponents, we can take these 13 horses and flee north. Anyway, as long as we have 13 horses People, if we really want to escape, Xuan Town can't stop us.

As for the issue of identity, a country cannot live without a king.Now that Huang Taiji has been captured by Xuanzhen, he will definitely not be able to return. As for the profuse sweating, it is better to let his brother do it directly. "Dodo said.

If he made himself a profuse sweat before, Dorgon would probably be very excited.But now, he was thrown out like a bereaved dog, and the capital was lost. Wouldn't it be humiliating to be a profuse sweater at this time?

Originally, Huang Taiji was the king of the subjugated country. If he became a profuse sweat, wouldn't that mean that Huang Taiji was not the king of the subjugated country?If he is caught by Xuanzhen in the future, he will become the king of subjugation.

In any case, he became the one who wiped Huang Taiji's ass.

Dorgon hated Huang Taiji so much, how could he wipe Huang Taiji's ass?

Dorgon said sarcastically: "Great Khan? I don't want to be the Great Khan. If I become the Great Khan, if I am declared a town in the future, then I will become the king of subjugation.

The title of King of Subjugation is too heavy for me to recite. Let Huang Taiji recite this title. "

"That's right, it seems that I didn't think about it." Duo Duo finally understood after listening to Dorgon's words.

"But what should we do now? Do you want those soldiers and horses in Liaoyang City?" Duoduo asked again.

"What should we do? What else can we do? Let them fend for themselves. Now that Liaoyang City has not been taken down, it may attract the firepower of Xuanzhen. I think we should leave Liaoyang City alone.

It will be a matter of time before Liaoyang City is breached. Even if we send people there, we probably won't be able to get in.I see, let's run. "Dorgon said a little dejectedly.

Duoduo asked in disbelief: "Run? It's only been three days since we went to Laozhai, Hetuala, and we're running away before our butt gets hot?"

"What should we do if we don't run away? Waiting for the soldiers from Xuanzhen to cut off the head? That's enough, stop talking nonsense, let everyone in the city, especially our family members, make good preparations and set off tomorrow morning , As for the destination, just keep going north. You can go wherever you can, anyway, this area of ​​Liaodong can't stay here."

Dorgon looked at the sky outside, heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a lonely face.

 Thank you for being too lazy to think of a new name, thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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