Chapter 561 Endless?

Sakata Arii had never been to Xuanzhen, nor had he seen a train.Although Hong Chengchou introduced the train to Sakata Arui when he was in Japan, but how can he experience it personally from others?
When Sakata Arui saw something like a train for the first time, Sakata Arii really couldn't believe that there was such a thing in this world.

The whole body is made of steel, and the dark metal shell reflects the light of the metal. Sakata Arii was amazed for a long time.

Sakata Arui could be better, at least I heard Hong Chengchou said it, but the warriors who came with him have never heard of it or seen it.

When they saw the train for the first time, they thought it was a dragon in the sky, so they kowtowed to the train.

If Hong Chengchou and Sakata Arii hadn't stopped them in time, these warriors would have knelt down and kowtowed.

Whether they kowtow or not has little to do with Hong Chengchou. If this is not Xuanzhen, no one knows him, so Hong Chengchou will go with these people.

But who made Xuanzhen here, there are quite a few people who know him here.

If these warriors really kowtowed to the train, Hong Chengchou felt that he would be laughed to death if such a thing got out.

"Brother, this train is really amazing, it can run so fast!" Miyuki Sakata looked at the scenery flashing by outside the window, and excitedly shouted at her brother sitting next to her.

Sakata Arii also said excitedly: "I heard Mr. Hong talk about this train before, and I thought Mr. Hong was lying to me at that time, but I didn't expect it to be true, this kind of thing really exists.

If Mr. Hong hadn't introduced this kind of thing to me before, maybe when I entered the train station, I would kowtow to the train like them! "

Sakata Arei said that they were the warriors who followed Hong Chengchou.

When the samurai sitting behind Sakata Arui heard what Sakata Arui said, his face instantly flushed red with embarrassment.

Hong Chengchou looked at the two of them and said with a smile: "Besides this train, there are countless good things in Xuanzhen. You are really lucky to come to Xuanzhen this time. You should cherish this opportunity and serve the general well. Lord Bing is loyal!"

Because Sakata Arii and Sakata Miyuki both spoke Chinese, Hong Chengchou could understand it too.

Sakata Arii and Sakata Miyuki lived in Ryukyu before. Although they can't write Chinese characters, they can still speak Chinese, but the tone of voice is a bit strange.

Coupled with the arrival of Hong Chengchou and others, Sakata Arui continued to learn Chinese out of loyalty to Zhao Wen, and now he can write a lot of Chinese characters.

"Mr. Hong, this life of mine was given by the Commander-in-Chief. Needless to say, I will be loyal to the Commander-in-Chief. Except for death in this life, I will definitely follow closely behind the Commander-in-Chief! "

As soon as Sakata Arui mentioned Zhao Wen, he became frantic. He looked in the direction of Xuanzhen and shouted frantically.

Finally, he stood up, walked to the aisle of the train, kowtowed three times and bowed nine times in the direction of Xuanzhen.

When he walked to the aisle, the samurai who came with him also walked to the aisle one after another, followed by Sakata Arui and knelt on the ground.

"Sakata Arui is willing to die for the commander-in-chief. Whatever the commander-in-chief orders, even death is not hesitating!" Sakata Arui roared and bowed heavily in the direction of Xuanzhen.

The samurai kneeling behind him also followed his example and knelt on the ground facing Xuan Zhen's direction.

The movement of these people instantly attracted the attention of other people on the train, and the other people on the train looked at these people and started talking a lot.

Hong Chengchou looked at Sakata Arii, who was kneeling on the ground in a frenzy, and sighed, "Oh, why are these Japanese people like this? They are too excited, too excited, and too stubborn. The commander-in-chief couldn't see it, and he couldn't see it. I can't hear it, kneeling here is useless at all."

The Japanese people, especially the Japanese warriors, are a group of extremely single-minded people, and they are also very fanatical.After Hong Chengchou went to the Wa country, he didn't adapt for a long time.

These people can't turn their minds at all, and they can't even crack a joke.No matter what Hong Chengchou said, these people would believe it!

So much so that after Hong Chengchou arrived in Japan, he seldom joked with these people.

"Okay, okay, get up, you will arrive in Xuanzhen in a short time, and then I will take you to meet the commander-in-chief!" Hong Chengchou hurriedly said to the warriors kneeling on the ground.

"Thank you, Mr. Hong!" Sakata Arii thanked Hong Chengchou, then stood up and sat down.

The reason why Sakata Arui called Hong Chengchou Mr. Hong was because in the eyes of Sakata Arii, Zhao Wen was the only one who could be called an adult. Except for Zhao Wen, no one could be called an adult by him.

Sakata Arii's enthusiasm for Zhao Wen was beyond Hong Chengchou's comprehension, and there was no way to understand it.

As the train continued to move forward, Sakata Arii became more and more excited.

When the train arrived at Xuanzhen Railway Station, Sakata Arui was too excited to speak.

Hong Chengchou took these people out of Xuanzhen Railway Station and walked on the streets of Xuanzhen.

Hong Chengchou was wearing an ordinary official uniform, and he looked no different from an ordinary gentry.

The commanders of the soldiers sent by Zhao Wen to Japan also wore clothes similar to those of Hong Chengchou, so they looked normal.

Only people like Sakata Arii say that the glory of a samurai is above all else, and they are unwilling to put down the sword in their hands.

Coupled with their reluctance to wear hats, the iconic crescent head of the samurai was exposed at a glance.

When the passers-by on the street saw this weird team, they looked at them curiously and talked a lot.

Hong Chengchou looked at the look with embarrassment on his face, but Sakata Arui and the others didn't care at all.

If this kind of scene is placed in the southeast, it is estimated that this hairstyle will scare the local people away just after it appeared.

After all, Southeast was heavily poisoned by Japanese pirates before, and here is Xuanzhen, which has never been harassed by Japanese pirates, so the people of Xuanzhen took it as a surprise when they saw these warriors with Yue leading the way.

Hong Chengchou led these people, and after a short walk, they came to the street where the General Military Mansion was located.

Along the way, Sakata Arii and the others kept looking around as if they were entering the city for the first time.

They looked at the neatly lined buildings on both sides of Xuanzhen Street, with surprise on their faces.

When they saw some people riding bicycles and tricycles, they were even more surprised and pointed to these things to ask Hong Chengchou.

Hong Chengchou couldn't refuse, so he explained for these people.

It's okay if you don't explain it, but once you explain it, it will be endless.

As long as Sakata Arui and the others see something they have never seen before, they can't wait to ask Hong Chengchou.

Although Hong Chengchou was very annoyed by this, he still explained to these people one by one with the mentality of helping others to the end.

"This place is really too prosperous. I have never seen such a prosperous place. Even Kyoto is far inferior to this place, although I have never been to Kyoto.

Compared with here, Kyoto is a larger rural area, and there is no comparison at all.Lord Chief Soldier is worthy of being Lord Chief Soldier! "

No matter what happened to Sakata Arui, as long as it was a good thing, he could link it with Zhao Wen.

In Sakata Arui's heart, everything in Xuanzhen is due to Zhao Wen.

Hong Chengchou looked at Sakata Arii who was so enthusiastic, and didn't know what to say.

Hong Chengchou has also seen many loyal courtiers in history books, but Hong Chengchou has never seen someone as loyal as Sakata Arii.

Hong Chengchou shook his head helplessly, and led them to move forward.

"The center of this street is where the General Military Mansion is located, which is just a few steps away!" Hong Chengchou stood on the street where the General Military Mansion was located, and said to Sakata Arui and others.

When Sakata Arui heard this, without saying a word, he knelt down again and repeated his behavior on the train.

The samurai who followed behind Sakata Arui hurriedly imitated Sakata Arui and knelt down.

When Hong Chengchou saw this group coming again, he became depressed instantly, "Again, it's endless!"

Hong Chengchou shook his head with a wry smile, and could only stay where he was, waiting for them quietly.

After they finished all this, Hong Chengchou led them towards the General Military Mansion.

When he came to the small square in front of the gate of the General Military Mansion, Hong Chengchou pointed to the General Military Mansion in front and said, "This is the General Military Mansion, but I can't guarantee that the General Military Mansion is at home today."

"Sakata Arii is willing to die for Mr. Zoubing!"

Just when Hong Chengchou was about to move forward, Sakata Arui suddenly yelled.

Hong Chengchou was taken aback by Sakata Arui, and looked towards Sakata Arui.

"Again?" Hong Chengchou looked at Sakata Arii who was kneeling on the ground again, feeling extremely depressed.

Hong Chengchou had no choice but to stand still and wait.

The guards standing at the gate of the General Military Mansion saw this scene. They saw Sakata Arui's behavior and the hairstyles of Sakata Arii and others. They immediately became vigilant and walked towards this side with weapons.

"What are you doing? The important place of the General Military Mansion, the idlers leave as soon as possible!" A guard commander raised a weapon in his hand, pointed at Hong Chengchou and others, and scolded.

Hong Chengchou hurriedly took out his identity certificate, "I am Hong Chengchou, who was sent to Japan by the Chief Soldier before. This is my identity certificate. I just arrived in Xuanzhen today, and I came to see the Chief Soldier. These people are the Chief Soldier. The Japanese samurai who were taken in by Ryukyu are a little excited because they came to Xuanzhen for the first time, so please don’t be offended!”

The guard commander took Hong Chengchou's identity certificate and checked it carefully.

"Your identity certificate is fine, but what about theirs? If they don't have an identity certificate, please leave quickly. The safety of the commander-in-chief is the top priority. Without any certificate, no one is allowed to approach the commander-in-chief mansion." If anyone resists, shoot and kill!" The commander of the guards returned Hong Chengchou's identity certificate to Hong Chengchou, and then pointed to Sakata Arui who was kneeling on the ground and kowtowed to the Zongbingfu, and said in a bad tone.

Hearing this, Hong Chengchou hurriedly took out the identity certificates of Sakata Arui and others, "This is their identity certificate, please have a look!"

Because he was afraid that people like Sakata Arui would be careless, Hong Chengchou took the identity certificates of Sakata Arii and others and brought them with him in order to be on the safe side.

In the Ming Dynasty, if any guard dared to talk to Hong Chengchou like this, Hong Chengchou would definitely be furious on the spot.

But now it's different, this is Xuan Town now, and these guards are still Zhao Wen's guards, Hong Chengchou has weighed himself very clearly, so even if these guards have a bad tone, they can only apologize.

After the guards checked the identity certificates, they returned them to Hong Chengchou.

"You guys wait here, I will report!" The guard commander left a few guards to monitor these people, and then walked towards the General Military Mansion.

At this time, Zhao Wen was sitting in the hall, listening to Liu Wenzhong who was sitting next to him report various things in Xuanzhen in the past few days.

"My lord, most of the generals in Shanxi Datong have returned to Xuanzhen. As for the local officials, they didn't come back because things couldn't go away." Liu Wenzhong stood beside Zhao Wen and said.

"There is no war in Shanxi now, and there is no problem for these generals to come back. As for the local civil officials, they cannot come back. Shanxi has not stabilized for a long time now, and it is the time to stabilize the rule. This is the time when civil officials play their role They can't come back yet!" Zhao Wen replied.

Liu Wenzhong was about to report something, but the commander of the guards suddenly appeared at the door of the hall.

"My lord, Mr. Hong Chengchou Hong has come and said he wants to see you. There are also some Japanese warriors with him. There is no problem with the identity certificates of these Japanese warriors." The guard commander stood outside the gate and shouted inside.

"Let them in!" Zhao Wen replied directly.

"Obey!" The guard commander clasped his fists at Zhao Wen, and then walked outside.

At this moment, Liu Wenzhong stood up, looked at Zhao Wen, and asked, "My lord, why don't I avoid it for a while?"

"Avoid what? What is there to avoid?" Zhao Wen said indifferently.

Seeing this, Liu Wenzhong didn't shirk, and sat down.

When the guard commander came to Hong Chengchou, Sakata Arui and the others had already stood up.

"The commander-in-chief has an order, you can go in!" The commander of the guards pointed to the knife on Sakata Arui's waist, "When entering or leaving the commander-in-chief mansion, you are not allowed to carry weapons. Give me your weapons!"

Sakata Arui and the others didn't talk nonsense, they directly took off their swords and handed them to the guards.

"This is the weapon that the commander-in-chief rewarded me. Please keep it safe, thank you!" Sakata Arii bowed to the guard commander after handing his sword to the guard commander, and said sincerely.

"No problem!" The guard commander replied.

After all the warriors handed over their weapons to the guards, Hong Chengchou led them towards the gate of the General Military Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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