Chapter 562
Hong Chengchou led Sakata Arui and the others into the gate of the General Military Mansion and walked towards the hall of the General Military Mansion.

Hong Chengchou has been to the General Military Mansion before, so he is relatively clear about the location of the General Military Mansion Hall.

Not long after, Hong Chengchou took Sakata Arui and the others to the outside of the hall of the General Military Mansion.

At this time, the door of the hall was completely open, and Zhao Wen could be seen sitting on the main seat from outside.

Hong Chengchou looked at Zhao Wen who was sitting on the main seat, arched his hands towards Zhao Wen, bent down and bowed, "Hong Chengchou pays homage to the Chief Soldier!"

In Xuanzhen, Zhao Wen once stipulated that no salute is required to meet him in informal occasions.

On formal occasions, when you see yourself, soldiers salute, and civil servants bow, that is, you just bow your hands and bow, you don't need to kowtow and kneel.

As for ordinary people, like civil servants, they don't need to kneel and worship.

Zhao Wen came from later generations, and he has never knelt before anyone other than his own parents, so in Zhao Wen's opinion, he can't kneel if he can.

After all, if you kneel too much, you will lose your energy and strength, just like the Qing Dynasty, when you kneel down, you will not be able to get up.

Zhao Wen sat in the hall, looked at Hong Chengchou outside, waved his hands, and said, "Okay, get up!"

Hong Chengchou thanked him, and immediately stood up straight.

Hong Chengchou tidied up his clothes and prepared to walk into the hall.

Just when Hong Chengchou was about to go to the hall, Sakata Yui and the others knelt outside with a thud, and kowtowed to Zhao Wen again and again.

Hearing the voice in his ears, Hong Chengchou let out a long sigh, and said in his stomach, "My God, here we go again, and we never stop on this journey!"

"Sakata Arii has met the Chief Soldier, the Chief Soldier has been around for thousands of years, and has lived a long life..."

Sakata Arii's mouth was like a machine gun, chattering non-stop, kowtowing every time he said a sentence.

The rest of the samurai also knelt behind Sakata Arui, they were even more excited than Sakata Arui.

These samurai were all wild samurai before, that is, samurai without a master.

The samurai without a master lived a very miserable life. For them, Zhao Wen's ability to take them in was equivalent to the grace of rebuilding, so they were very grateful to Zhao Wen.

Although it was Sakata Arii who took them in, not Zhao Wen.But this does not hinder their gratitude to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen looked at Sakata Arui and others who were kneeling outside and kept kowtowing, with embarrassment on his face.

He really didn't expect Sakata Arui's reaction to be so intense. From the looks of it, if he didn't stop shouting, they would probably be able to knock until dark.

"Okay, stop kowtowing and come in!" Zhao Wen said helplessly, rubbing his temples.

After Zhao Wen came to Xuanzhen, it was not that no one kowtowed to him, on the contrary, people often kowtowed to him.

But this is the first time Zhao Wen has seen people like Sakata Arii and the others this time.

"Master Xie Zongbing, willing to die for Mr. Zongbing!" Sakata Yui and others knelt up straight, shouted at Zhao Wen, then stood up, followed Hong Chengchou cautiously, and walked towards the hall.

Sakata Miyuki also stood up from the ground, followed behind her brother, and walked towards the hall.

When Hong Chengchou and others walked in, Zhao Wen pointed to the chairs on both sides of the hall and said to them, "Sit down!"

Hong Chengchou thanked him and sat under Liu Wenzhong.

But Sakata Arui and the others acted as if they didn't hear them, they just stood there without moving.

"Sit down!" Zhao Wen pointed to the chair next to him again, and looked at Sakata Arui.

Sakata Arii said frantically: "How can there be a seat for a villain in front of an adult? A villain is such a mess, he dare not act presumptuously in front of the commander-in-chief!"

"If you are told to sit, you can just sit. Where did all this nonsense come from?" Zhao Wen pretended to be angry.

However, even so, Sakata Arii still refused to sit down.

Zhao Wen saw that people like Sakata Arui were so stubborn, so he stopped forcing them and let them stand in the hall.

Zhao Wen looked at Sakata Arui and said, "This time you brought so many new faces, are these all the samurai you recruited?"

"Back to the adults, the villains dare not recruit them. These are the warriors recruited by the villains for the adults. These warriors are extraordinary and have made great military exploits in the country of Japan. When they were in the country of Japan, they studied Chinese diligently, so they can speak Chinese now. Please don’t be disgusted by the commander-in-chief!" Sakata Arui pointed to the samurai standing behind him, and said to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen nodded, and continued, "Let them introduce themselves!"

Sakata Arii turned around and looked at these samurai, "Let's start with you!"

Sakata Arii pointed to the samurai on the far left.

The warrior stood up and said in a loud voice: "The villain Tu Yuanhe, after surrendering, he cut off the thief's head five times..."

After the samurai finished speaking, the samurai next to him also stood up, "Little man..."

There were more than 20 warriors in the hall. After everyone introduced themselves, more than a quarter of an hour passed.

Sakata Arui recruited more than these samurai, but the number of places is limited, so the samurai who can follow Sakata Arii to announce the town are those who have made great achievements in battle and are extremely loyal to Zhao Wen.

After everyone introduced themselves, Zhao Wen nodded, then looked at Li Xiaosan who was standing next to him, "Go, bring the samurai swords made of fine steel from the previous ironworks to the mansion, and give them to these samurai. By the way, there is also the one that I specially asked to build before, and I also brought it together."

Zhao Wen usually prefers cold weapons, and he also asked the ironworks to forge many cold weapons. There are all kinds of cold weapons, all of which are made of fine steel.

Putting these weapons here with Zhao Wen, Zhao Wen felt that they were of no use, so he might as well take advantage of the situation and give them to these warriors, since these weapons were not worth much anyway.

"Obey!" Li Xiaosan replied to Zhao Wen, then headed outside.

The warriors in the hall heard Zhao Wen's voice, their eyes were full of excitement, and their faces were full of enthusiasm.

In the eyes of the samurai, to be given a sword by the head of the family is their affirmation and their supreme honor.

These warriors thanked Zhao Wen in unison and knelt on the ground at the same time.

Zhao Wen looked at the warriors kneeling on the ground, but didn't let them get up.

Not long after, Li Xiaosan walked into the hall with several personal guards and samurai swords.

Li Xiaosan and others put these samurai swords on the table next to Zhao Wen.

Among these samurai swords, there is a samurai sword with a red spherical glass inlaid on the handle.

This samurai sword is different except this place, the scabbard is also engraved with exquisite patterns, and a seal script Zhao character is inlaid on the pattern with gold wire.

The scabbard has the word Zhao on both sides, and it looks very exquisite just from the outside.

This samurai sword was originally made by Zhao Wen for Sakata Arui, but it was taken out today.

Zhao Wen knew these warriors quite well, knew what these warriors valued, and what they were most fanatical about.

For these samurai, rewarding them with a katana sword is more exciting than rewarding them with money and land.

Sakata Arui made a lot of credit for Zhao Wen anyway, so Zhao Wen asked someone to make this knife for Sakata Arui.

When this sword was placed on the table by Li Xiaosan, Sakata Arui's eyes were deeply attracted by this samurai sword, and he couldn't move his eyes away.

Seeing Sakata Arii like this, Zhao Wen didn't talk nonsense, and stood up directly, holding the knife in his hand.

"Sakata Arii!" Zhao Wen held the knife and looked at Sakata Arii!
"The villain is here!" Sakata Arii kowtowed loudly.

Zhao Wen raised the saber in his hand, "You have made great military exploits in the Japanese country, and now this saber will be rewarded to you, take the saber!"

Sakata Arii fixed his eyes on the samurai sword in Zhao Wen's hand, not daring to relax for a moment.

He knelt on the ground, walked to Zhao Wen with his legs prostrate, and raised his hands high.

Zhao Wen didn't talk nonsense, and put the knife in Sakata Arui's hand.

Sakata Arii took the knife, put it on the ground beside him, and kowtowed to Zhao Wen again.

"The villain is very grateful to Mr. Zongbing. In this life, except for death, no one can stop the villain from following Mr. Zongbing!"

Sakata Arui spoke sonorously, his face was full of fanaticism.

The samurai behind looked at the knife in Sakata Arui's hand, his face was full of envy.

They understand that now their credit is not worthy of this knife at all.

Zhao Wen looked at Sakata Arii, "The knife is also given to you, you can give it a name!"

"The villain doesn't dare to overstep, so please give me a name from the commander-in-chief!" Sakata Arii said hastily.

"In this case, I will give you the name Zhongyong! I hope that after you get this knife, you will always be loyal to me and go forward bravely!"

"Thank you, Lord Chief Soldier, for giving me the name. This villain is willing to die for Lord Chief Soldier, and go through fire and water!"

While shouting, Sakata Arii made up his mind that he must make repeated military exploits in the future and not let this sword be humiliated.

"Okay, you step back!" Zhao Wen picked up a knife again, and then looked at the samurai behind Sakata Arii, "Congratulations, Tuyuan!"

"The little guy is here!"


In the following time, Zhao Wen gave all the knives brought by Li Xiaosan to these warriors.

After these warriors received the sword that Zhao Wen gave them, they couldn't control their excitement, and some warriors even cried out of excitement.

In their eyes, being given a knife by the head of the family is a supreme honor.

Hong Chengchou looked at these warriors in the hall with helplessness on his face.

Liu Wenzhong was puzzled. In Liu Wenzhong's view, this is just a knife. How could he be more excited than being awarded a title?

"Retreat first!" Zhao Wen waved at these people, telling them to retreat.

These warriors saluted Zhao Wen respectfully, and then retreated.

Zhao Wen didn't stay with Sakata Yui, and asked him to withdraw.

When Sakata Yui and others withdrew, Liu Wenzhong finally couldn't bear it anymore, he looked at Zhao Wen, "My lord, I really don't understand, isn't it just a knife? Why are these people so excited?

In my opinion, these people are really too excited.If our people were rewarded by adults, they would not be like them.

I feel that they are a little suspected of putting on a show.There is absolutely no need to show this kind of thing, let alone be so excited! "

"How should I put it, maybe we think these people are overdoing it, but in their view, it is very normal.

There are many mountains in Japan, many earthquakes and tsunamis.Coupled with the small size of the Wa country, it is impossible to feed a large number of people.

There is no imperial examination in the Wa country, what ordinary people are born with, they will be what they are all their lives, and they cannot be changed forever.Even in war, it is almost impossible for an ordinary samurai to become a daimyo no matter how much credit he makes.

Because of the lack of land, lack of food, frequent earthquakes, and tsunamis, the Japanese people have a serious sense of insecurity, fearing that one day they will disappear.

The people at the bottom of the Japanese country can't even eat enough to eat on weekdays, and they are not even as good as the horses in the famous monkeys of the Japanese country.

Because they have no way to rise, they can seize any opportunity that can change their destiny, even if they pay their own lives for it.

In front of the strong, they are afraid that they will be kicked away by the strong, so they are fanatical and loyal to the strong.

Coupled with some other reasons, led to their special character.

How should I put it, the Wa people are a very complicated group.They are arrogant and conceited, but they are conceited and inferior.They will obey absolutely, but they will also show their fangs when the strong are weak.They are rigorous and cautious in doing things, but they are also rigid and inflexible.

All in all, this is a very complex country.Japanese samurai is a double-edged sword, if used well, it will exert great power. "

Zhao Wen didn't know how to explain it, so he gave Liu Wenzhong a rough explanation.

Liu Wenzhong basically didn't have a deep understanding of the Wa country, so he didn't know what Zhao Wen said before.

"But my lord, what if these Japanese people rebel in the future?" Liu Wenzhong couldn't help but feel a little worried when he heard Zhao Wen say that these people would obey absolutely and show their fangs when they were weak.

"Rebellion? Haha!" Zhao Wen burst out laughing when he heard this, "They will not rebel and have no chance to rebel. We will always be stronger than them. Now most of the Japanese kingdom has fallen into our hands. It won't be long before the entire Wa country will fall into our hands. At that time, we will promote the Central Plains culture, let the people of the Central Plains immigrate to the Wa country, and at the same time let some of the people of the Wa country immigrate to the Central Plains.

At that time, assimilate the Japanese people with culture and blood.At that time, where will there be the existence of Wa country? "

"Your Excellency is right. When I was in the Wa Kingdom, I had a deep understanding of this. In the places we did not conquer before, the Wa people there hated us, thinking that we were here to grab their territory and their food. .

But if this place is really captured, these Japanese people will treat us like a different person, and their loyalty to us is outrageous.

They do whatever we ask them to do, without even a single complaint, and they work hard without complaint. " Hong Chengchou also interjected.

(End of this chapter)

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