Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 576 Chen Xinjia's Plan for Peace

Chapter 576 Chen Xinjia's Plan for Peace
After a while, Gao Qiqian and others cleaned up the imperial study.

Chongzhen sat behind the desk, tidied up his appearance, and then said to Gao Qiqian: "Let people from outside come in!"

Gao Qiqian walked outside the imperial study room, looked at Chen Xinjia who was kneeling on the ground, and said, "The emperor asked you to go in, you go in now!"

Chen Xinjia hurriedly stood up from the ground and walked in.

As soon as he walked in, Chen Xinjia kowtowed and worshiped Chongzhen three times and nine times.

"The censor of the capital of the minister and the right servant of the Ministry of War pay homage to His Majesty!" Chen Xinjia respectfully kowtowed and bowed to Chongzhen three times and nine times.

Chongzhen waved his hand and said, "Get up!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Chen Xinjia thanked and stood up from the ground.

Chongzhen looked at Chen Xinjia, and said, "Just now I heard you say that you have a strategy against the enemy, but what kind of strategy is it?"

Chen Xinjia didn't dare to look up at Chongzhen. He looked at the desk in front of Chongzhen and said, "Your Majesty, this method may not be very good, but it is the best method now."

"It doesn't matter, no matter what the method is, as long as it is useful, I will definitely reward you heavily." Chongzhen said calmly.

The current Chongzhen has almost been driven crazy by Zhao Wen, so it doesn't matter if the method is good or not, as long as it works, any method will do.

"Your Majesty..." Chen Xinjia looked at the eunuchs and maids around him with a perplexed expression.

Chongzhen understood and let these people go out. If it had been done before, Chongzhen would not have done this at all, but now it is no longer possible.

When Gao Qiqian was the only one left in the imperial study room, Chen Xinjia took a deep breath and said cautiously: "Your Majesty, the minister's strategy is to seek peace, and ask Zhao Wen for peace!"

"What did you say? Sue for peace?" Chongzhen looked at Chen Xinjia in horror. He really couldn't believe that what Chen Xinjia said was sue for peace.

Chen Xinjia nodded, "Your Majesty, that's right, what I'm talking about is peace.

Now that the Zhao bandits are powerful, no matter what means they use, they cannot defeat Zhao Wen.Even if all the soldiers and horses in the world are pulled over, they are not the opponent of Zhao Thief.

Therefore, the only solution for the present is to seek peace. "

"No..." Chongzhen just wanted to yell, but he held back.

What Chen Xinjia said was correct, the current imperial court is not comparable to Zhao Wen at all, as long as Zhao Wen is willing, he can take down the capital at any time, after all Xuanzhen is next to the capital.

Listening to Chen Xinjia's voice, Chongzhen fell into deep thought.

You are right, the current imperial court is no match for Zhao Thief at all, whether you want to admit it or not, but the fact is.

If you fight head-on with Zhao thief at this time, only the court will be injured in the end.

"But if you ask for peace, do you think thief Zhao can agree? Besides, if many ministers know about it, it may not end well." Chongzhen said with a embarrassed face.

Although Chongzhen thought it was a good way to seek peace, if the courtiers knew about it now, it might not be so easy to end.

Historically, after the Battle of Songjin in the Ming Dynasty, there was no way to organize troops in Liaodong, and Jiannu in Liaodong was about to enter the customs.

At this time, Chen Xinjia stepped forward, met with Chongzhen secretly, and proposed to sue for peace.

At this time, Chongzhen also agreed to the peace request and asked Chen Xinjia to supervise the matter in person.

When supervising the handling, Chongzhen strictly prohibited the matter from spreading.

Chongzhen understood that if the courtiers knew about the peace request, the whole court might explode.

At the beginning, the matter of seeking peace was relatively smooth.

During the Battle of Songjin, Jiannu also suppressed his national fortune. Although he won the battle, it also consumed a lot of family property.

In order to be able to recuperate better, Jianu also took advantage of the situation and showed his willingness to negotiate peace.

When the document of Jiannu's willingness to sue for peace was sent back from Liaodong, Chen Xinjia put the document on the table in the study because of carelessness.

His family boy mistakenly thought it was a good news from Liaodong, so he handed it over.

When the matter was leaked, the ministers were in an uproar.In this matter, Fang Shiliang took the lead in writing a letter to impeach Chen Xinjia.

But this matter was also agreed by Emperor Chongzhen, and Chongzhen naturally understood something when he saw this.

Although Chongzhen was angry, he had to suppress the memorial first.

It's okay not to suppress it, but once it was suppressed, the officials in the capital instantly understood what was going on.

Those censors and gossip officials seemed to be holding on to something, and the impeachment became more severe.

Although Chongzhen was not explicitly impeached, the spearhead was directed at Chongzhen.

Seeing this, Chongzhen had no choice but to question Chen Xinjia in order to save his face.

At first, Chongzhen didn't want to kill Chen Xinjia, after all, this person still has certain abilities.

However, Chen Xinjia has a bad problem, that is, arrogance.

An imperial edict issued to him by Chongzhen was to ask him why he negotiated peace without telling himself.

At this time, Chongzhen perfectly picked himself out.

If Chen Xinjia could take all the blame on himself at this time, maybe Chongzhen would let him go.

However, Chen Xinjia couldn't see the situation clearly. Not only did he not blame himself for the crime, he even boasted how much credit he had made.

And there are signs of confessing Chongzhen.

Seeing this, Chongzhen naturally couldn't let Chen Xinjia continue talking nonsense for the sake of his own face.

Chongzhen imprisoned Chen Xinjia in Zhao Prison. Although some officials who had a good relationship with Chen Xinjia continued to write letters to defend Chen Xinjia, Chongzhen's murderous intention was determined and he was beheaded within a short time.

It took two months from being imprisoned to beheading Linlin. It can be seen that in Chongzhen's heart, his own face is more important than the life of an official.

As soon as Chen Xinjia died, the peace talks were shelved.The officials in the court saw that Chen Xinjia, who had made many contributions to the court, was beheaded by Chongzhen. Since then, no one dared to mention the peace negotiation.

"Your Majesty, this matter can come in secret, as long as the courtiers don't know, everything is easy to talk about." Standing in the center of the imperial study, Chen Xinjia murmured to Chongzhen.

"Don't let the courtiers know?" Chongzhen was a little puzzled.

Chen Xinjia said: "Your Majesty, that's right, just keep the courtiers from knowing. At that time, after the peace negotiation is successful, if the courtiers know about it.

At that time, the raw rice had already been cooked, and the courtiers had nothing to do.If His Majesty is at ease with the minister, he can leave this matter to the minister, and the minister can even go to Xuanzhen in person. "

Chongzhen's eyes lit up when he heard that Chen Xinjia could go to Xuanzhen in person.

"Are you sure?" Chongzhen asked in disbelief.

Now that Zhao Wen is planning to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, it can be said that Zhao Wen has already determined to rebel. Xuanzhen at this time is like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den to the officials of the court. Anyone who dares to go to Xuanzhen at this time, in Chongzhen's view, They are all loyal ministers.

Chen Xinjia said loudly: "I came up step by step from Zhizhou, and I have also experienced many wars. I still have some courage."

In Chen Xinjia's eyes, Zhao Wen was not Jiannu after all, and it was impossible for him to kill himself after he went to Xuanzhen.

Although Chen Xinjia had never had contact with Zhao Wen, Chen Xinjia felt that Zhao Wen should not be as shameless as Jiannu.

"Well, well, well, you are really a loyal minister, I really didn't misunderstand you!" Chongzhen laughed loudly, with a happy face. "Since that's the case, then I will leave this matter to you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Chen Xinjia saluted Chongzhen.

"If Aiqing can succeed in this matter, then I recommend you to enter the cabinet." Chongzhen drew a big cake for Chen Xinjia.

When Chen Xinjia heard this, he suddenly became excited.

Although he tried his best to cover it up, he couldn't hide the flush on his face.

Chen Xinjia was born in Juren. From the establishment of the cabinet until now, there is almost no cabinet elder who was born in Juren.

This is the top of civil servants, something that Chen Xinjia dreamed of, how could Chen Xinjia not be excited?
"Your Majesty, I would like to put my heart and soul to the ground!" Chen Xinjia kowtowed and bowed to Chongzhen three times and nine times.


A few days later, Chen Xinjia took a few soldiers selected from the capital camp and a few domestic servants, got into a carriage, and walked out of the capital.

Xuan Town is not far from the capital, and within a few days, Chen Xinjia came to the vicinity of Chang'an, the defense line east of Xuan Town.

On an official road that had been in disrepair for a long time, Chen Xinjia was sitting in a carriage, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

His entourage followed the carriage on horseback.

This official road leads directly to Chang'an Office. On the capital side, because of disrepair for a long time, it is full of potholes.

But under the rule of Chang'an, it became a very smooth concrete road.

Chen Xinjia was discovered by several patrolling cavalry before he formally entered the Chang'an office.

These cavalry surrounded Chen Xinjia's team, looking at Chen Xinjia and the others warily.

The carriage that Chen Xinjia was riding in stopped, and the attendants who followed the carriage also hurriedly jumped off their horses.

After seeing these soldiers and horses, these followers did not dare to resist at all.

"Who are you? Where did you come from?" A soldier raised his 56 and a half and shouted loudly.

Chen Xinjia came out of the carriage, and he jumped off the carriage, "I'm from the capital. I want to see your Lord Chief Soldier. I have something to talk to him about. As for my identity, I will wait until I meet your Lord Chief Soldier." Say it again."

"Hehe, what are you, you still want to see my commander-in-chief?" The leading soldier looked at Chen Xinjia with disdain, and sarcastically said.

Chen Xinjia was not angry, he looked at the soldiers in front of him quietly, "I was sent by the imperial court, I have important matters to discuss with your adults, I advise you to let me in.

If your adults know that you have delayed the military plane, I am afraid they will not forgive you. "

"Hehe, where is all this nonsense coming from? It's really noisy!" The leading soldier controlled the horse and led his subordinates to take a few steps forward.

"Be good now, otherwise I don't know what will happen. Follow me now, otherwise, be careful that the weapon in my hand is not recognized." The leading soldier glared at Chen Xinjia and shouted loudly.

Chen Xinjia looked at the ferocious looks of these people, and didn't say any more.

"Okay, I will follow you!" Chen Xinjia said and jumped into the carriage again.

Under the supervision of these soldiers, Chen Xinjia's carriage and his entourage slowly moved towards Chang'an Office.

When they entered the city of Chang'an, the leading soldiers took Chen Xinjia and others into the prison.

As for the things they carried with them, they were detained.

Chen Xinjia stood in the cell, looked at the defenders outside, and shouted loudly: "I want to see your commander-in-chief, let me out!"

Although Chen Xinjia kept yelling, the soldiers outside the cell ignored him as if they didn't hear him.

Chen Xinjia yelled for a long time, but found that no one answered him, so he squatted in the corner of the cell, sulking.

At this time, the leader of the soldiers escorting Chen Xinjia came to a thousand households with the things Chen Xinjia was carrying, and this thousand households were his superiors.

In the garrison where Qianhu is located, there is a carriage and several war horses.

Beside the carriage, there were also things Chen Xinjia was carrying.

"My lord, look, we found these things from that group of people. Because of the urgent time, we didn't search carefully." The leading soldier looked at Qianhu Guan, and pointed to the carriage and other assets in the open space. said the object.

Qianhu Guan walked to the side of the carriage. He looked at the things on the ground, squatted down, and started groping in these things.

Not long after, Qianhu found something like Chen Xinjia's identity certificate.

"The censor of Youqian Capital and the right servant of the Ministry of War, this official is not young, what is he doing here?" Qianhu looked at Chen Xinjia's official seal and identity certificate in his hand, with a look of confusion.

"My lord, why don't you interrogate them yourself? When we first arrested them, the leader kept yelling that he wanted to see Mr. Chief Soldier because he had something important to do," the soldier replied.

Qianhu nodded, "If that's the case, let's go and have a look."

As Qianhu said, he walked towards the prison, holding something like Chen Xinjia's identity certificate in his hand.

Not long after, Qianhu had dinner outside the cell where Chen Xinjia was.

"Are you the censor of the right capital and the right servant of the military department?" Qianhu asked loudly, looking at Chen Xinjia who was squatting in the cell.

Chen Xinjia saw a man who looked like an official standing outside the prison, and hurriedly stood up from the ground, "I am Chen Xinjia, the censor of Youqian Capital and the right servant of the Ministry of War. Who are you?"

"I am Wang Dahe, the [-]th household in Chang'an." Qianhu replied, and then asked: "You are not an official in the capital, what are you doing here?"

"I'm not here, I'm going to Xuanzhen, and I want to see your commander-in-chief!" Chen Xinjia said.

"See Mr. Zongbing? Are you able to see Mr. Zongbing? Quickly tell me what you want to do when you come to my Xuan Town? If you can't say anything, don't even think about seeing Mr. Zongbing!" Wang Dahe said coldly.

Chen Xinjia asked: "I said, can you guarantee that I will see your commander-in-chief?"

"If you don't tell me, how do I know what you are talking about when you see the Chief Soldier?" Wang Dahe retorted.

"Okay, since that's the case, then I'll just say it straight. I saw your commander-in-chief to seek peace!" Chen Xinjia said.

(End of this chapter)

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