Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 577 Dare to ask, but Mr. Zhao Wenzhao, the chief soldier of Xuanzhen?

Chapter 577 Dare to ask, but Mr. Zhao Wenzhao, the chief soldier of Xuanzhen?
"Begging for peace?"

"That's right, it's just a peace request. Don't you say it's okay to ask for peace? Why don't you hurry up and let me see your commander-in-chief? If you delay this matter because of your reasons, will you be guilty?" ?Stop talking nonsense, let me see your commander-in-chief quickly, if you delay, your commander-in-chief will probably not easily bypass you." Chen Xinjia looked at Wang Dahe and said threateningly and sarcastically.

Wang Dahe frowned and said, "Seeking peace is not a trivial matter, why should I believe that you are here to ask for peace?"

At any time, such a matter of seeking peace is a major matter, and a small official cannot decide on such a level of matter, even if Chen Xinjia is the censor of the capital of Youqin and the right servant of the Ministry of War.

"I searched your things just now, and I didn't see anything like an imperial decree. Why should I believe that you are here to seek peace? If you have any ulterior motives, the matter will definitely be counted on me in the end " Wang Dahe squinted his eyes and kept looking at Chen Xinjia, trying to see any flaws in Chen Xinjia's face.

However, no matter how he looked, he couldn't see any flaws on Chen Xinjia's face.

"The court officials will never agree to such a thing as a peace request. Although His Majesty is the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, in certain matters, he is constrained by the court officials.

In order to fully proceed with the peace-seeking matter, His Majesty chose to bypass the court officials and secretly asked me to come to Xuanzhen in person.

Since I came here in secret, of course I don't have any imperial edicts on me. "Chen Xinjia explained in detail.

Wang Dahe looked at Chen Xinjia as if he was lying, and he didn't know whether to believe it or not for a while.

"I said, I don't need to deceive you about this kind of thing, I really don't need to deceive you." Chen Xinjia saw that Wang Dahe still had a face of disbelief, and kept explaining.

"My lord, what this person said should be true. I think we should report this news to the Chief Soldier and let the Chief Soldier make a decision. Anyway, it will take less than a day." The soldiers standing beside Wang Dahe approached Beside Wang Dahe, whispered.

Wang Dahe nodded, "You're right, then let's report this matter to the Chief Soldier, and let the Chief Soldier make a decision."

Wang Dahe walked out of the prison as soon as he said that. Chen Xinjia looked at the back of Wang Dahe leaving, and shouted at the top of his voice: "What I said is true, why don't you believe me? Come back to me, everything I said is true." So big!"

After Wang Dahe walked out of the prison, he asked people to take the news and get on the train towards Xuanzhen.

During the period when Zhao Wen attacked Liaodong, the railway in Xuanzhen had been built to every corner of Xuanzhen, and Chang'an also had a railway station.

The soldiers who sent the order got on the train and arrived in Xuanzhen in a short time.

After receiving Zhao Wen's accurate reply, the messenger took the train back to Chang'an Office.By this time, it was already dark.

Early the next morning, a dozen or so soldiers brought Chen Xinjia to the train station at Chang'an.

Because he came to seek peace, Chen Xinjia was not tied up.

Chen Xinjia stood on the platform of Chang'an Station with his entourage and his belongings.

It didn't take long for the railway to be built here, and there were almost no people here, so the railway station was relatively simple, with only a few pavilions for shelter from the wind and rain.

Chen Xinjia stood on the platform. He looked at the railway next to the platform with a puzzled look on his face.

"What are these people doing? Didn't they say they wanted to take me to Xuan Town? How did they get here? Still standing here motionless? What the hell is this up to?
And the two iron bars next to it, what are these?Why are there two such long iron bars here?What are these two iron bars for? "

Chen Xinjia had never seen a train, and had almost never heard of a train, so when he saw the railway, he was very puzzled.

Chen Xinjia kept mumbling, with a dissatisfied expression on his face.


At this moment, several long sirens sounded from a distance.

Chen Xinjia listened to the sound of the siren, and looked in the direction of the sound with a puzzled expression.

"What the hell is this sound? Why is it so loud?" Chen Xinjia looked in the direction of the whistle and kept mumbling.

The entourage next to him also looked into the distance with a puzzled look on his face.

"Bang dang, bang dang!"

Not long after, the train appeared in Chen Xinjia's sight.

Chen Xinjia had never seen a train before. Looking at the locomotive that suddenly appeared, he shouted in surprise, "What is this? Why is it so huge?"

In Chen Xinjia's eyes, a black steel house was slowly coming towards him, and the chimney at the top of the house was still hiding its breath.

Chen Xinjia had never seen this scene before, so he thought he saw some monster.

"This is a monster, this is a monster!" Chen Xinjia looked at the train that was getting closer, and was about to turn around and run away.

However, the soldier following him grabbed his arm.

"What are you afraid of? Seeing that you have never seen the world, this is a train, and you will take the train to Xuanzhen later!" The soldier looked at Chen Xinjia and said playfully.

"Train? What kind of car is a train?" Chen Xinjia saw that these soldiers did not panic, and he couldn't help but feel relieved.

"A train is a train, where do you get so many words, just wait here slowly, don't talk nonsense!" The soldier pointed to the approaching train and said.

Chen Xinjia took a deep breath, collected himself, and then set his sights on the train that was about to stop.

The entourage who followed him was still like him at the beginning, looking terrified and about to run away, but they were stopped by the surrounding soldiers.

In addition, Chen Xinjia returned to normal, and they also stood around Chen Xinjia, watching the train that was about to arrive at the station.

While speaking, the train stopped beside the platform.

Chen Xinjia looked at the train in front of him, speechless in surprise.

After a while, Chen Xinjia said dumbfounded: "Hey, is this the train? How long is it? Why can't I see the end from here?"

Chen Xinjia looked at the train of unknown length with surprise written all over his face.

Because there are no common people living in Chang'an, the trains coming here are not equipped with flight attendants, and the train doors need to be opened by soldiers from the outside.

And in this train, only one car is for people, and the rest are for goods.

"How long is it? Hehe, it's longer than you can imagine. Come on, stop talking nonsense, and get in the car!" A soldier walked up to the carriage pulling people, opened the door of the carriage from the outside, and then stood in the car. Looking at Chen Xinjia at the door.

Chen Xinjia looked at the carriage with the door open, feeling a little scared.

It was the first time for Chen Xinjia to see this kind of thing, so when he saw the train, he was inevitably a little apprehensive.

Chen Xinjia stood where he was, dawdling and unwilling to get in the car.

"Hurry up, why dawdle? Do you still want to go to Xuan Town to ask for peace?" The soldier standing at the door walked to Chen Xinjia's side and urged.

Seeing this, Chen Xinjia shrank his neck and walked into the train with his belongings.

After walking into the train, the horror on Chen Xinjia's face became more intense.

"Is this a train? Why is this carriage so big? How many people can it hold? How can it be so huge? It seems that this carriage is made of steel. Where did Zhao Wen get so much steel? How can it be made?" Out of such a big train?

How did such a large carriage run? If you want to pull the steel carriage, you may need a lot of war horses.However, I didn't see the war horse just now, what's going on? "

Chen Xinjia sat on a chair in the middle of the carriage under the leadership of the soldiers. He sat on the chair and kept looking around with his eyes.

At this time, he had 1 doubts in his heart. He wanted to ask these soldiers what was going on, but he didn't dare to ask. He could only hold it in his heart and ponder it slowly.

Those attendants of Chen Xinjia were even worse than Chen Xinjia. The moment they walked into the carriage, they couldn't control their legs, they were so weak that they kept falling to the ground.

They were supported by the soldiers who walked into the carriage and sat on the chairs in the carriage.

They sat on the chairs, gasping for breath, they had never seen such a scene.

When everyone was seated, the train whistled and moved slowly.

Chen Xinjia was dizzy as he watched the scenery passing by outside the window.

"What's going on here? Why do I want to vomit?" Chen Xinjia had never experienced this kind of thing, and now seeing the scene flashing behind him, he couldn't control himself, his head was a little confused, and his stomach was a little overwhelmed.

It took a long time for Chen Xinjia to recover and get used to it.

Chen Xinjia wasn't motion sick, it was just that he had never taken such a fast vehicle, and he was shaken by the scenery outside the window, so he was a little dizzy.

The train was running on the railway, although the interior of the carriage was not as peaceful as the later generations, but in Chen Xinjia's opinion, it was much calmer than the carriage.

"This, this, this is a god in the sky, right? How could it be so fast? How could it be so fast?" Chen Xinjia said tremblingly.

The soldier sitting opposite him looked at the scenery outside the window and ignored Chen Xinjia.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Chen Xinjia closed his mouth in embarrassment.

Chen Xinjia's entourage was sitting on the other side of the carriage. They looked at the scenery that kept flashing outside the window, their faces were flushed, and they kept breathing heavily.

"The means of the gods, the means of the gods!" Chen Xinjia's followers exclaimed. They really couldn't believe that there was such a thing in the world.

During the period from Chang'an Station to Xuanzhen, Chen Xinjia and their entourage's surprise and shouts never stopped, from the beginning to the end.

When the train stopped at the train station in Xuanzhen, the sun had already risen in the sky from the early morning.

After the train arrived at the station, Chen Xinjia was taken off the train by soldiers.

Chen Xinjia got off the train and stepped on the platform of Xuanzhen Railway Station, a sense of unreality flooded Chen Xinjia's heart.

"This is it? This is Xuan Town? Impossible?" Chen Xinjia felt that he had a very real dream. He couldn't believe how long he had arrived in Xuan Town.

"Hehe, this is the Xuanzhen Railway Station. Come on, stop talking, and follow me!" A soldier pointed to the exit in front of the station, and then led Chen Xinjia and others towards the outside.

Chen Xinjia hurriedly followed behind him and walked outside.

After walking out of the train station, Chen Xinjia felt that his eyes were not enough.

The streets are smooth, the roads are all paved with cement, and there are some strange things on the roads.

"Two wheels can run in front of each other? Isn't this too weird? Is this a demon?" Chen Xinjia stood in the square outside the train station. He looked at the bicycles of pedestrians on the road outside the square. The brows were tightly wrinkled together.

"Where is Xuanzhen? Who is Zhao Wen? I have never heard of such a thing, and I have never seen it.

There is no record in the history books. Needless to say, this kind of thing must have been made by Zhao Wen. If it weren't for him, I really can't think of anyone else in the world who can make this kind of thing. "Chen Xinjia stood there, muttering solemnly.

Chen Xinjia's followers stood behind Chen Xinjia, their legs were trembling as they watched the scene before them.

"Demon method, are these all demon methods? How can two wheels run one front and one rear? How can they not fall? I don't believe it, I don't believe it, this is a demon method, this is a demon method!" Jian's entourage pointed to the bicycles driving on the road outside and shouted in horror.

His shout was so loud that it instantly attracted the attention of the people around him.

The people around looked at these people being escorted by several soldiers, and instantly understood.

"These must be a few spies who have never seen the world caught by the soldiers of the adults. In recent years, this kind of thing has become commonplace. It's not a big deal." A middle-aged commoner walked on the square of the railway station , looked back at these people, and then walked away with a look of contempt.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, follow me to see the adults." The leading soldier urged, and then led Chen Xinjia and the others towards the front.

Not long after, Chen Xinjia and others were escorted to the gate of the General Military Mansion.

Now the workers are not yet in place, so the expansion project of the General Military Mansion has not yet started. Zhao Wen is now living in the General Military Mansion.

At this time, Zhao Wen was sitting in the study and processing some documents. When the guard who came to report said that Chen Xinjia had been sent, Zhao Wen stood up from his chair and told the guard to take him to the hall.

When Zhao Wen came to the hall, Chen Xinjia had been waiting in the hall for a long time.

Chen Xinjia looked at Zhao Wen who walked into the hall and recognized him immediately.

Zhao Wen had been to the capital and court before, so Chen Xinjia also met Zhao Wen several times.

"Dare to ask, but Mr. Zhao Wen, the chief soldier of Xuan Town?" Chen Xinjia cupped his hands at Zhao Wengong and asked respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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