Chapter 583 I ask you what to do!
Wu Zhen looked at Sun Chuanting standing in front of the map, and anxiously put the secret letter in his hand on the table.

"My lord, according to reports from the spies we sent to Taiyuan Mansion, the bandits Zhao have increased their troops in Taiyuan Mansion. As for how many troops will be added, I'm not sure, but according to their guess, it's no less than 10 people!
In order to report this news, our spies have already killed several horses! "Wu Zhen looked at Sun Chuanting anxiously.

When Sun Chuanting heard this, he was taken aback, and hastily picked up the secret letter on the table, and took out the letter inside.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you will be shocked when you see it.After reading the contents of the letter, Sun Chuanting was so frightened that he slumped down on the chair next to the table.

"Increase by one hundred thousand soldiers, where did Bandit Zhao get so many soldiers? It's impossible!" Sun Chuanting sat slumped on a chair, with cold sweat pouring out of his forehead.

"An increase of 10 troops. Zhao Wen had 20 soldiers in Shanxi before. This time, an additional 20 troops will add up to 20. [-], this is [-]. Destroyed me yet?

That's right, Bandit Zhao must have thought so. There was news from the capital that Bandit Zhao was about to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor. Now Bandit Zhao has increased his troops by [-]. This must be the plan! "

Sun Chuanting panicked, his hand holding the letter kept shaking, his knuckles turned white due to excessive force, and the back of his hand was covered with sweat.

"Huchihuchi!" Sun Chuanting breathed heavily, he couldn't believe the contents of this letter.

"20, 20 army, this is a 20 army. Even without powerful weapons, we can't stop this 20 army, we can't stop it. Now I have more than 5 troops. How can people stop these 20 soldiers? How can they stop these soldiers?" Sun Chuanting trembled, his face turned pale, he couldn't believe that Zhao Wen would increase his troops by [-].

Including the previous soldiers and horses, there are a total of 20 soldiers. This is 20 soldiers, not 20 miscellaneous soldiers, but also 20 soldiers and horses with excellent equipment and powerful weapons.

"It's over, it's over, the Yellow River defense line can't stop these soldiers and horses at all. What should we do now, what should we do!"

Sun Chuanting completely panicked, he slumped on the chair, screaming in panic.

President Sun Chuan has experienced many things at such an age, but he has never been so flustered as he is today.

It's not that Sun Chuanting didn't have the attitude of not changing his face when Mount Tai collapsed in front of him. It's just that Zhao Wen brought out so many soldiers and horses this time that Sun Chuanting was not mentally prepared at all.

"My lord, what should we do now?" Wu Zhen looked at Sun Chuanting with a panicked expression.

"What to do, what to do, how do I know what to do? This is 20 horses, not 20. Do you think the Yellow River defense line can stop these [-] horses? Forget it, report this matter quickly and send [-] more troops Li Jia is in a hurry, report this matter to the capital." Sun Chuanting yelled at Wu Sheng.

Wu Xuan didn't dare to delay, and hurried down.

A few quarters of an hour later, several fast horses ran out of Henan Mansion, and galloped non-stop towards the capital.

Because of the urgency of the situation, these soldiers who sent the message ran forward without stopping.

Along the way, every time they reached a station, they didn't even dare to take a rest. Instead, they put on a new horse and then galloped towards the capital.

On the afternoon of the third day, Chongzhen finally got the military newspaper that Sun Chuanting asked Wu Sheng to send up.

"What? 20 troops?"

Chongzhen, who was sitting in the imperial study, looked at the military newspaper in his hand, screamed, and his expression twisted together.

"How could it be an army of 20? Didn't Chen Xinjia go to sue for peace? Now Chen Xinjia has not come back. If the peace petition fails, it is impossible for Chen Xinjia not to come back. According to Zhao Wen's temper, it is impossible for him to kill Chen Xinjia .

What the hell is going on here?How could an army of 20 suddenly appear? Chongzhen sat tremblingly on the chair, his face turned pale and panicked.

Standing beside Chongzhen, Gao Qiqian looked at Chongzhen's appearance, and hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look at Chongzhen.

At this time, Chongzhen didn't look like an emperor, he was like a frightened child, terrified all day long.

Chongzhen flipped through the military newspaper in his hand, he really didn't want to believe that Zhao Wen sent 20 troops to Shanxi.

Although Chongzhen had never been on the battlefield, he had seen Zhao Wen's weapons with his own eyes, so he knew what the 20 troops meant to the entire Ming Dynasty.

"20 troops, this is 20 troops, this is the death of Ming Dynasty!" Chongzhen looked at the words on the military newspaper, slapped the general newspaper on the table in front of him, and roared with grief.

A deep sense of powerlessness welled up in Chongzhen's heart.

The eunuchs and maids in the royal study acted as if they hadn't heard Chongzhen's words, and hurriedly knelt on the ground, trembling.

Chongzhen's body began to tremble, he looked at Gao Qiqian who was kneeling beside him, and shouted loudly: "Hurry up and find me all the old six ministers of the cabinet, hurry up!"

Chongzhen looked at Gao Qiqian, without any regard for face, he yelled directly.

Gao Qiqian didn't care about saluting Chongzhen, and ran outside in panic.

After a while, the elder of the cabinet and the six ministers came to the imperial study.

Chongzhen looked at these people and asked anxiously: "Have you seen the military report sent by Sun Chuanting?"

"I've already seen it!" Wen Tiren, the chief minister of the cabinet, nodded bitterly.

After the [-]-mile express was sent to the capital, it first entered the military office, then handed it over to the cabinet, and finally went to the palace.

Therefore, when the military report was sent to Chongzhen, the Minister of the Ministry of War and the cabinet elders had already read the military report.

"Let me say something first. This matter is of great importance. No one is allowed to spread it, and it is not allowed to spread it to me. If anyone spreads this matter to me, don't blame me for being rude to you." Chongzhen looked at These people drank gloomyly.

Chongzhen knew in his heart that if this kind of thing spread, among other things, the whole capital would probably panic immediately.

Once the hearts of the people are scattered, it is not so easy to gather them together.

Chongzhen took a few deep breaths, forced himself to calm down, and said: "This is Zhao's 20 army. If the 20 army is Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong, then I don't have to worry about it. After all, the thieves are the most powerful. What he is good at is bragging and demagogy. He said that there are 20 troops, but it is estimated that there are not even [-].

But Bandit Zhao was different. If Bandit Zhao said that he had an army of 20, even if it was a little worse, it would not be so bad! "

Chongzhen's fear of Zhao Wen was not comparable to those of Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong. Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong were just bandits to Chongzhen, but Zhao Wen was different.

To Chongzhen, Zhao Wen was like a stone on his chest.Originally, when Zhao Wen took Shanxi down, he frightened Chongzhen enough, let alone this time Zhao Wen directly assembled an army of 20.

"Zhao Bandit's purpose this time is definitely not ordinary. Earlier, Zhao Bandit planned to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor. Now he has dispatched 20 troops to Shanxi. As for his purpose, you should be able to guess without telling me! " Chongzhen looked at these officials standing in the hall, frowning tightly.

Wen Tiren, Chief Assistant of the Cabinet, and Liang Tingdong, Secretary of the Ministry of War, stood quietly in the center of the Imperial Study Room without saying a word.

It's not that they don't want to say it, but they really don't know what to say.

"Don't you have anything to say?" Chongzhen looked at these silent officials, his face darkened to the extreme.

Wen Tiren glanced at Chongzhen, then lowered his head.

Earlier, Wen Tiren had ridiculed Zhao Wen once based on Zhao Wen's country title and year title, but that was just lip service. After all, Zhao Wen hadn't sent an army into Shanxi at that time.

This time Zhao Wen sent an army to Shanxi, with a total of 20 troops.

Before Zhao Wen sent troops, Wen Tiren could still talk about it.But this time, even if Wen Tiren could speak, he couldn't say anything at this time.

In the face of absolute power, any tricks and sounds are nothing.

"Wen Tiren, what do you want to say? Didn't you tell me before that according to Zhao thief's year name and country name, Zhao thief can't last long. Now I'm asking you, what should I do now? What should the court do? How can we resist this 20 army?" Chongzhen pointed at Wen Tiren and shouted Wen Tiren's name directly.

Wen Tiren's forehead was dripping with cold sweat. It is not a good thing to be named by the emperor, especially Chongzhen who is now angry.

Wen Tiren knelt down hastily, "Your Majesty, this matter, this matter, my ministers, I think that we should increase our troops in Henan!"

Wen Tiren trembled for a long time before holding back such a sentence.

"Increase troops in Henan?" Chongzhen's eyes were burning with fire.


Chongzhen grabbed a memorial from the imperial case and slammed it down in front of Wen Tiren.

Seeing this, the officials in the imperial study became more restrained.

Wen Tiren knelt on the ground, cold sweat dripped from his forehead down his nose and onto the ground.

"Hehe!" Chongzhen sneered twice, half-closed his eyes, like a man-eating beast.

"Thanks for what you can say, I ask you, where should I increase troops in Henan? What should I use to increase troops in Henan?
Now there are thieves in Huguang again, I just sent Wu Sangui and Wu Xiang there a while ago, at that time I had no troops in my hands, tell me now, where did I get the soldiers?Do you want me to conjure it up empty-handed? " Chongzhen pointed at Wen Tiren, without any regard for face, and cursed.

Wen Tiren's body kept shaking, and the ground in front of him was already wet with sweat.

In Wen Tiren's impression, Chongzhen had never been so angry with him.

(End of this chapter)

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