Chapter 584
"Bah, how can you say such a thing? How did you become the chief assistant of this cabinet? You actually want the old leader of Liaodong, Sun Ge, to come back. You don't know that the Zhao thief has already taken Liaodong. Come down? If Sun Ge is transferred back, will you go to guard Shanhaiguan?

Don't you know that once old Sun Ge comes back, bandit Zhao may lead troops southward from Liaodong and approach the capital?Let me ask you, what is your purpose in doing this?What are your intentions? "

Chongzhen got up from his chair, walked in front of Wen Tiren, walked back and forth, kept swearing, and sprayed Wen Tiren all over his face with saliva.

Wen Tiren could only let Chongzhen's saliva fall on his face, not even daring to move.

"Wen Tiren, ah, Wen Tiren, I thought you had some ability before, and what you said before, I also see that you don't care about you because you have worked so long for the court, but what about you? You don't know what to do, and you I came up with such a bad idea, this idea really stinks, it stinks." Chongzhen was furious, pointing at Wen Tiren and yelling and cursing non-stop.

Wen Tiren knelt on the ground tremblingly, his face full of horror.

"Your Majesty, your ministers are guilty, please make atonement!" Wen Tiren looked at the furious Chongzhen, and hastily kowtowed at Chongzhen a few times.

Chongzhen stopped, he stood in front of Wen Tiren, looked at Wen Tiren, his face was gloomy enough to drip water.

The civil and military officials in the imperial study looked at the scene in front of them, each one of them was like a chill.

When Chongzhen's voice ended, only Wen Tiren's kowtow was left in the imperial study.

Chongzhen returned to the chair, sat down, and rubbed his forehead and temple with his right hand.

Wen Tiren didn't dare to stop, and kowtowed continuously, and it didn't take long for his forehead to bleed out.

After a long time, Chongzhen took a deep breath and said expressionlessly: "Wen Tiren, I think so, now that the Zhao bandits have sent 20 troops into Shanxi, Sun Chuanting and the others must be short of manpower.

I will send you [-] soldiers and horses from the Beijing camp, and you will take these soldiers and horses to Henan to assist Sun Chuanting in guarding Henan.If you dislike the lack of people, then you can recruit soldiers and horses yourself. As for the military pay and food, I will give you three months.

I will leave these matters to you. If you can block Thief Zhao, then I will keep the position of chief assistant in the cabinet for you.

If not, then don't blame me for not remembering old love! "

Hearing this, Wen Tiren's body trembled like chaff.

He looked at Chongzhen in disbelief, he really couldn't understand that Chongzhen would send him to Henan.

This is not letting yourself resist Zhao Wen, this is simply letting yourself go to death.

Wen Tiren tremblingly wanted to refuse, but after seeing Chongzhen's frosty face, he didn't dare to speak.

After a long time, Wen Tiren respectfully kowtowed to Chongzhen, and said tearfully: "I obey the order, and thank you for the emperor's grace!"

When Wen Tiren raised his head, he suddenly looked ten years older, his face was full of ashes.

"Okay, you can go now and deal with your own private affairs. Tomorrow morning, I will pull out the troops from the Beijing camp for you." Chongzhen looked at Wen Tiren coldly, and waved his hands at Wen Tiren with disgust .

Wen Tiren doesn't have much ability, whether it is Wen Tiren in this era or in history, they are all the same, with little ability and sharp tongue.

In history, when Wen Tiren served as the chief assistant of the cabinet, he made no achievements and made no achievements.Moreover, the growth of Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and other gangsters is also inseparable from him.

In history, Chongzhen has changed nearly [-] chief ministers of the cabinet, among which Wen Tiren served as the chief minister of the cabinet for the longest time.

However, the long time in office does not mean that Wen Tiren is capable.

The main reason why Wen Tiren was able to serve as the chief assistant of the cabinet for such a long time was that he was good at figuring out the holy will.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Wen Tiren kowtowed to Chongzhen, thanked him, then stood up tremblingly from the ground, and walked outside alone.

Wen Tiren knew what he was facing.

The civil and military officials in the imperial study looked at Wen Tiren's desolate back with different expressions.

Some gloated, some sighed, some regretted, and some sighed.

After Wen Tiren walked out of the imperial study, Chongzhen set his sights on the civil and military officials in the imperial study.

"Now that Wen Tiren, the chief assistant of the cabinet, is going out to lead the army, I have decided that Zhang Zhifa, the second assistant of the cabinet, will take over temporarily." Chongzhen set his sights on a middle-aged official.

This middle-aged official is Zhang Zhifa, the second assistant to the cabinet.

Although he has now become the chief assistant of the cabinet, he is not happy at all.

In the Chongzhen Dynasty, the most unlucky one was the chief assistant of the cabinet. From Chongzhen's ascension to the present, together with the current Wen Tiren, a total of ten cabinet chief assistants have been changed.

It is only eight years since Chongzhen, and ten cabinet ministers have been replaced in just eight years.

On average, among the ten chief ministers of the cabinet, none of them survived even a year.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Although Zhang Zhifa was unwilling, Chongzhen's decree had been made, and he had to be willing if he didn't want to.

Zhang Zhifa bowed three times and bowed nine times to Chongzhen, and performed a big gift.

Because it is interim, the ceremony is not too grand.

Chongzhen waved his hand at Zhang Zhifa, "Okay, get up!"

Zhang Zhifa thanked him and stood up from the ground.

"Aiqings, now that the Zhao bandits have sent 20 troops into Shanxi, what good strategy do you Aiqings have?" Chongzhen looked at these officials and said again.

Asking Wen Tiren to lead the troops to Henan before was just to punish Wen Tiren and vent his dissatisfaction.

Chongzhen also knew that letting Wen Tiren go to Henan would be useless at all, and would have no effect on the situation in Henan.

Many officials in the imperial study looked at each other, but none of them dared to speak up.

Zhang Zhifa turned his head to look at the officials in the imperial study, and when he saw no one stood up, he had no choice but to stand up.

He had just been appointed as the chief assistant of the cabinet by Chongzhen. Although he was only acting temporarily, he was also the chief assistant of the cabinet.

If we don't say anything at this juncture, I'm afraid Wen Tiren's present is Zhang Zhifa's future.

Zhang Zhifa stood up, saluted Chongzhen, organized his words, and then spoke solemnly.

"Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei got Xuanzhen's weapons from Xuanzhen before, and the British Duke also demonstrated the power of these weapons.

Judging from the results displayed at that time, Zhao thief's weapons were extremely fierce and could kill people hundreds of feet away.

If there is a field battle with Xuanzhen soldiers and horses, our army has no chance of winning.Moreover, even if more soldiers and horses are added to Henan, no matter how much they increase, they will not be Zhao's opponent.

Similarly, according to the information we have now, there are powerful artillery in Xuan Town. These artillery have a powerful effect when attacking the city, and can easily blow down the city wall.

In this way, the defense of the city will not work. "

Zhang Zhifa shook his head, looking at Chongzhen solemnly.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, what do you think should be done?" Chongzhen looked at Zhang Zhifa impatiently.

Based on what he said before, Zhang Zhifa slowly sketched out an imperfect plan in his mind.

Because of the rush of time, Zhang Zhifa spoke slowly at the beginning, but he became more and more fluent as he spoke, "Your Majesty, whether it is a field battle or a battle to defend the city, the imperial court is no match for Zhao Thief. All the troops in Henan were broken up into pieces, and they fought guerrillas against Zhao thieves in the mountains and villages.

Neither the field battle outside the city nor the city defense battle is the opponent of Zhao thief, and the court is definitely not the opponent of Zhao thief if they fight with them upright.

However, in field battles, even if they are not Zhao thief's opponents, they can still harass them, making them exhausted all the time.

Chen had studied the strategies of Zhao thieves before, and found that wherever they went, they would provide a large amount of food and supplies to support the local people.

That being the case, why wouldn't the court let those soldiers disguise themselves as ordinary people and ask the Zhao thief for food and supplies?Moreover, the imperial court can be more ruthless. Before Henan is captured by the Zhao thieves, the local officials in Henan can hand over all the supplies hoarded by the Henan government to the capital.

In this way, within three months, the local food price will definitely soar.Food prices are soaring, and the common people are bound to be excited.

At that time, as long as the people are incited and said that the mistakes are all Zhao's thieves, then the people will naturally become the vanguard against Zhao's thieves.

Even if the people dare not do anything to Zhao thief, the people in the whole Henan can eat Zhao thief.

Zhao thief has 20 troops in his hands, and the food and grass consumed by these 20 troops every day is not a small amount.These 20 troops plus the people in Henan consume an unimaginably huge amount of food and grass every day.

I think, no matter how powerful Zhao thief is, it is impossible to conjure food out of thin air. "

After Zhang Zhifa finished speaking, he took a deep breath and cupped his hands towards Chongzhen, "Your Majesty, this is the only way I can think of to deal with Bandit Zhao."

Zhang Zhifa's voice fell, and the imperial study room fell into silence.

Including Chongzhen, everyone in the imperial study was lost in thought.

To be honest, Zhang Zhifa's method is indeed a good one, but the premise of this method is that Zhao Wen does not have strong logistics and transportation capabilities.

If Zhao Wen didn't have strong logistics transportation capabilities, then the people in a place in Henan would be able to eat up the military rations that Zhao Wen transported to the front line and eat up Zhao Wen.

However, the railway has now been built to Taiyuan Prefecture. Although it has not been built to the territory of Henan, it is much closer.

Therefore, the grain in Xuanzhen can be transported to Taiyuan, Shanxi within a short period of time.

Zhao Wen farmed a lot of land in Xuan Town, hoarding a lot of grain, and Java, Southeast Asia and Taiwan Yuan Island continuously sent grain to Dengzhou, so even if the imperial court used Zhang Zhifa’s method, for Zhao Wen, the impact would be huge. Not too big.

But Chongzhen and others don't know these things, they don't know these things.

The eyes of the officials in the imperial study gradually lit up, and the expressions on their faces were no longer as panicked as before.

Although this method is not perfect, it is the most effective and least laborious method at the moment.

After a long time, Chongzhen breathed a sigh of relief, "Zhang Aiqing's method sounds good, but it is still a bit difficult to implement!"

Chongzhen felt that this method was really good. Now that Zhao Wen could not be defeated militarily, he could only find a way in other places.

Although Zhang Zhifa's method still has some flaws, it is more than twice as good as Wen Tiren's bullshit method.At least Chongzhen thought so.

"Your Majesty, I think Mr. Zhang Ge's method is very good!" Liang Tingdong, Minister of the Ministry of War, stood up and cupped his hands at Chongzhen.

Bi Ziyan, Minister of the Household Department, also stood up, "Your Majesty, this method is really good.

Bandit Zhao is different from rogues like Li Zicheng, in that rogues like Li Zicheng don't take care of the lives of the local people whenever they go to a place. For rogues like Li Zicheng, these people are just a burden.

But this Zhao Wen is different, he will not let the local people do nothing, he will give food to the local people.

Although this method is very good and very benevolent, it is also the Achilles heel of Zhao thief.As long as a large number of people have no food, then thief Zhao has to find a way to provide food for these people.

If Zhao thief does not provide food, or half of the food is not provided, then Zhao thief will not be able to establish rule in the local area.

As the saying goes, Shengmi is kind to Miqiu, if Zhao thief can't satisfy the appetite of these people in the future, then Zhao thief is bound to fall apart! "

Bi Ziyan was the Secretary of the Household Department of Chongzhen. He was good at increasing income and reducing expenditure. Because he dealt with money and grain all the year round, he was very keen on these matters.

When Liang Tingdong and Bi Ziyan opened their mouths, the officials in the imperial study all spoke to Chongzhen in a hurry.

It is said that this method is the best method at the moment, the most suitable method, the most economical method, and the method with the least effort.

Chongzhen also passed this method amidst the voices of these people.

"Although this method is good, there are still some flaws. After you go back, discuss this method with me. Before the palace gate is locked tomorrow afternoon, you must show me a detailed and complete charter. "

Chongzhen waved his hands at these people in the imperial study room, and said calmly.

When the officials heard this, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

From the moment they entered the imperial study, these officials were trembling and dared not move or speak.

Now that Chongzhen finally let them go out, they felt relieved.

The scene where Chongzhen dealt with Wen Tiren just now really frightened them, they were afraid that Chongzhen would deal with them like Wen Tiren.

These officials kowtowed and worshiped Chongzhen three times and nine times, and then walked out of the imperial study.

Zhang Zhifa walked out of the imperial study room, he looked at the sun hanging in the western sky, his face was full of worry.

"Hey, is the current imperial court still an imperial court? Although the method I proposed is good, it will be a disaster for the people in Henan and other places.

Is a court that does not consider the common people a good court? "

(End of this chapter)

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