Chapter 606 Retreat to the Southeast
"Disobedience? That's up to them to have the courage to send people to stare at them to death while escorting food and grass. I don't believe that under the surveillance of our soldiers and horses, these captives dare to disobey Heart? If under such circumstances, they still have the heart of disobedience and want to destroy food and grass, then there is no need to say anything, just kill them directly." Zhao Wen said coldly.

Zhao Wen didn't have to worry about these captives being disobedient at all, even if they had disobedience, it didn't matter to Zhao Wen.

These soldiers and horses under Zhao Wen's command are not vegetarians, and they will definitely not let them destroy food.

"Don't think about it too much, since these prisoners were captured by us, they are all obedient like children, how can there be disobedience?

Even if they have the heart of disobedience, our soldiers and horses can make them hold back these petty thoughts. "Zhao Wen said indifferently.

"In that case, then listen to the adults." Li Xiaosan also felt that Zhao Wen's words made sense.

"Okay, you go down first, let's arrange this matter early tomorrow morning. After this matter is arranged, we will march to the next line of defense." Zhao Wen waved his hand at Li Xiaosan.

Li Xiaosan saluted Zhao Wen, and then walked out of the big tent.

When Li Xiaosan walked out, Zhao Wen picked up the letter on the table again, and began to think about Feng Wang in his mind.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Wen packed the letter in his hand and lay down on the bed.

Under the moonlight, Zhao Wen's camp was quiet, and there was no other sound except the voices of the soldiers of the patrol battalion.

Overnight, the sun rose from the horizon.

Smoke billowed from the camp, and Zhao Wen's soldiers gathered around the fire in twos and threes, looking at the iron pot on top of the fire.

The canned food is steamed in the iron pan. Although the canned food can be eaten cold, it is not good for the stomach to eat the canned food cold in the early morning.

In the place where the captives were, there were also a large number of fire piles, and there were also iron pots on the fire piles.

But unlike the soldiers and horses under Zhao Wen's command, some thin meat porridge was cooked in the iron pot in the captive camp.

These people were all captives, and the transportation line was too long, so it was impossible for Zhao Wen to treat them like his soldiers and horses.

Although it was some thin meat porridge, for these captives, it was a rare delicacy in the world.

These captives were drawn up by Sun Chuanting, and Sun Chuanting was also very concerned about these captives, and he was willing to spend money.

However, being willing to spend money and having money to spend are two different things.

When Sun Chuanting was stationed in Henan, Chongzhen did not give him a penny of money, and everything was raised by Sun Chuanting.

Under such circumstances, Sun Chuanting had limited supplies, so the food provided to these captives was also very limited, which was enough to keep them full.

As for meat, Sun Chuanting didn't even dare to think about it.

When these soldiers were stationed on the Yellow River defense line, they rarely touched meat, so when they gathered around the fire and smelled the smell of meat, they all stared at the iron on the fire like old gluttons. pot.

"You people are really lucky. You met Mr. Chief Soldier. If you meet someone else and you still want to eat your stomach, it's like a dream." A cooking soldier stood next to the iron pot, using the big iron spoon in the pot Stirring constantly, while stirring, while talking.

The captives around him stared intently at the iron pan under his hands, swallowing their saliva non-stop.

The prisoners almost turned a deaf ear to what the cooking soldier said, and didn't listen at all.

At this moment, their minds were all on the meat porridge in the pot.

"Gulu!" A prisoner took a bite of saliva, and the halazi flowed down the corner of his mouth.

He hurriedly wiped the corner of his mouth with his hand, and then said with a smile, "Master, is the food in Xuanzhen really so good? Since we were captured, we have eaten meat porridge almost every day. It’s like a dream, I really can’t imagine it.”

"Dreaming? Haha!" The cooking soldier stirred the thin meat porridge in the pot, and then covered the pot.

He looked at the prisoner, laughed a few times, and then said: "I tell you, in our Xuan Town, almost everyone can eat meat, as long as they want, they can eat meat every time.

Don't look at the lean meat porridge you are eating now, let me tell you, compared with our soldiers, the commander-in-chief, what you eat is better than pig food.

Don't blame me for looking down on you, that's the truth.Those of us eat canned beef, pork, and mutton, as well as noodles and rice. As long as we want, we can eat beef, pork, and mutton as a meal.

You don't know what canning is, do you?Let me tell you, canned food is an iron box, which contains all kinds of meat, which can be eaten cold or heated.

There is a layer of oil floating inside the can, and the salt inside is still very sufficient.The meat inside is even more fragrant. I don’t know how to say it. When I ate this canned food for the first time, I almost didn’t swallow my tongue. "

The cooking soldier held an iron ladle in one hand and kept waving it with the other, dancing and yelling excitedly at the captured soldiers.

The prisoners looked at the cooking soldier with longing on their faces.

"Hey, I can eat meat as a meal. I've never seen such a thing when I grow up." A prisoner listened to the voice of the cooking soldier and murmured in shock.

"Hehe, let's see how promising you are." The cooking soldier looked at these people and cursed a few times angrily.

After the cooking soldier finished speaking, he lifted the lid of the iron pot and stirred it with a big iron spoon.

After a while, the cooking soldiers looked at the prisoners, "Okay, you can eat. Take the bowls and chopsticks given to you earlier, line up and prepare to cook.

Let me tell you, whoever dares to jump in line, whoever dares to rob, will be rewarded with fifty army sticks as before. "

As soon as the cooking soldier's voice fell, the prisoners hurriedly took the large coarse porcelain bowls issued to them earlier, and lined up to eat.

When they finished their meal, they squatted on the ground and devoured it hungrily.

It didn't take long for them to eat all the porridge in the bowl.

Some captives even licked up the large coarse porcelain bowls in their hands.

When they finished eating, Li Xiaosan led a group of people to the camp of prisoners.

Li Xiaosan came here to deal with the matter that Zhao Wen entrusted to them.

There were about 300 people led by Li Xiaosan, and he led them to stop at the exit of the captive camp.

"It's all good, repeat what I told you to these prisoners, and after the repetition, you people will take these prisoners and drive towards Taiyuan.

After sending them to Taiyuan, you should hurry back.Remember, this is something that the commander-in-chief personally explained, and it must be done well. If anyone wants to cheat, don't blame me for being rude. "

Li Xiaosan looked at the soldiers standing in front of him and shouted loudly.

Zhao Wen did not capture many people, less than 3000. After all, more than 3 people were distributed on the Yellow River defense line, and what Zhao Wen attacked was only the middle of the Yellow River defense line.

"Understood!" These soldiers shouted at Li Xiaosan.

Li Xiaosan nodded, and then led the soldiers into the captive camp.

When the time came to noon, the soldiers arranged by Li Xiaosan led the prisoners in Zhao Wen's army towards Taiyuan.

In addition to Zhao Wen's place, Li Xiaosan also sent some messengers to the east and west to convey Zhao Wen's orders.

Early the next morning, Zhao Wen set off again towards the remaining Yellow River defense line.

At this time, Sun Chuanting led the rout and part of the Yellow River defense line to Qinyang.

Sun Chuanting stood on the top of Qinyang City, looked out of the city, and frowned tightly.

The cavalry led by Song Hu did not attack Qinyang, but detoured from Qinyang and approached Luoyang where the Henan government was located.

Therefore, Sun Chuanting was able to lead these troops into Qinyang.

Sun Chuanting could only enter Qinyang, because their retreat had been cut off by Song Hu, and even if they wanted to retreat to Luoyang, it was impossible.

"I, my, my [-] troops were swallowed up by that group of soldiers and horses!" Sun Chuanting said with a trembling voice.

If the [-] troops are still there, then Sun Chuanting will definitely meet this army when he retreats from the Yellow River defense line.

However, since Sun Chuanting retreated until now, he has not met a single person.

Moreover, Sun Chuanting also saw the battlefield where the battle took place on the way.

Although the battlefield was cleaned by Song Hu and his troops, there were still some armor banners scattered inside that had not been cleaned.

When Sun Chuanting saw these armor banners, he understood what had happened.

"Alas!" Standing behind Sun Chuanting, Wu Xuan sighed, "My lord, we have withdrawn more than half of the remaining soldiers and horses in the Yellow River defense line. I am afraid that within a few days, the entire Yellow River defense line will collapse. Once the Yellow River defense line collapses , I'm afraid Henan is in danger."

"Why don't I know what you said? But what can we do now? What do you think we can do about the aggressive thief Zhao?" Sun Chuanting turned to look at Wu Zhen, and said with a worried expression.

"My lord, according to the news, the cavalry has already approached the city of Luoyang. What should we do now? The back road has been cut off by this cavalry. Once the Zhao thief's infantry captures the Yellow River defense line, the front of the soldiers will definitely point at Qin Yang, at this time, what should we do? Where should we retreat." Wu Chen frowned tightly, and looked at Sun Chuanting solemnly.

"Let's go southeast to Kaifeng Mansion. Now we can only go to Kaifeng Mansion. We can't go to other places except Kaifeng Mansion."

Sun Chuanting looked to the southeast, "Notify Qinyang City, let all the gentry and defenders in the city follow me to retreat to the southeast, bypass the front of the cavalry, and set off tomorrow morning.

In a few days, this place will become Zhao Wen's territory. "

"But my lord, what about King Fu of Luoyang and King Lu of Weihui Mansion? King Fu is the uncle of His Majesty today, and King Lu and His Majesty are not far related by blood. If we throw them here, they will be captured by Zhao thief , then what should we do?" Wu Xuan suddenly thought of King Fu and King Lu, fearing that what happened to King Jin would happen again, he looked at Wu Zhen with a worried expression on his face.

"Weihui's Mansion is not far from here. If we send someone to notify now, it will be in time. But now Luoyang has been surrounded by that group of cavalry. Even if we want to save it, we can't save it.

If you insist on saving them, if it doesn't work out, we will be dragged into it. "Sun Chuanting said with a face of embarrassment.

Speaking of this, Wu Zhen also understood the meaning of Sun Chuanting's words.

It is nothing more than to inform King Lu to let him escape alone. As for King Fu, he can only resign himself to fate.

"However, if we leave King Fu behind, I'm afraid we'll have nothing to eat." Wu Chen looked at Sun Chuanting and said worriedly.

"Do you think we can eat and walk around even if we save King Fu? Whether we save King Fu, we can't eat and walk around. Anyway, the result is the same, so it's better to save our strength for future affairs." Sun Chuanting said.

It's not that Sun Chuanting doesn't want to save King Fu, it's that he can't save him at all.

Sun Chuanting has only a few thousand soldiers and horses in his hands now, and there are still a large number of defeated soldiers.

Expecting these people to rescue Fu Wang's lineage is simply wishful thinking.

I'm afraid he was defeated by that weird cavalry before he even touched the city wall of Luoyang.

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter. You write a military report and report this matter. I don't know if His Majesty received the military report last time!" Sun Chuanting looked at Wu Zhen and ordered.

Wu Zhen nodded, and then walked down the city wall.

Early the next morning, Sun Chuanting took the gentry officials in Qinyang City and his own soldiers and horses and headed south.

It is impossible to clean up all the people in Qinyang City in one night, so the people who followed Sun Chuanting to the southeast were only the gentry officials in the mansion.

As for ordinary people, Sun Chuanting has no control at all and can only let them resign themselves to fate.

Qinyang City was originally the fiefdom of King Zheng, but when Zhao Wen exterminated Li Zicheng in Henan, the disaster of King Zheng was eliminated, so Sun Chuanting didn't have to worry about King Zheng.

As for King Lu of Weihui Mansion, he also got news from Sun Chuanting this morning.

In the palace of Weihui Mansion, in the main hall of King Lu's palace, Zhu Changhao, the current king of Lu, stood in the center of the hall, yelling and cursing non-stop.

"Damn Sun Chuanting, damn it, when we first built the Yellow River defense line, we got a lot of money from the widow. At first, the widow thought that the Yellow River defense line was indestructible and impenetrable, but I didn't expect that the whole army was defeated in a short time.

Now let the widow pack up his things and flee to Kaifeng Mansion.Is Kaifeng so easy to visit?Weihui Mansion is the fiefdom of the widow, and the widow is free in this Weihui mansion without being restrained by others.

But Kaifeng Mansion is the fiefdom of King Zhou, and King Zhou was personally entrusted by Emperor Gao, the great ancestor. If the widow goes to Kaifeng Mansion, wouldn't it be necessary to constrain others all the time?
Damn Sun Chuanting, why does his army look like trash. "Lu Wang Zhu Changhao held a letter and kept circling in the hall, his face full of gloom.

(End of this chapter)

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