Chapter 607 The Incompetent King Fu

"My lord, my lord, Sun Chuanting's resistance is weak, we're going to file a memorial to impeach him." The chief eunuch of the palace stood beside Lu Wang Zhu Changxiao, fanning the flames non-stop.

"You are right. The widow is going to submit a memorial to impeach him. Sun Chuanting is not a good person at all. He swore an oath to His Majesty at the beginning, saying that he could stop the Zhao thief.

But what?Today's result is like this. The Yellow River defense line that was built with great difficulty in manpower and material resources was taken down by Zhao thief within a few days.

Even if the defenders on the Yellow River defense line were pigs, it was impossible for Zhao thief to catch all these pigs so quickly. Sun Chuanting, Sun Chuanting, is really a waste, a waste. "Zhu Changhao became more and more angry as he spoke, and finally threw the letter in his hand on the ground.

After throwing it on the ground, Zhu Changhao still felt puzzled, and stomped hard a few times.

"My lord, what should we do now?" The chief eunuch looked at Zhu Changhao.

"Hmph!" Zhu Changhao snorted coldly, "What else can I do? Pack up and move."

Although Zhu Changhao was unwilling to evacuate Weihui's mansion, it was not his choice not to evacuate.

Now that Zhao Wen is about to take down the Yellow River defense line, Weihui Mansion is not far from Qinyang and the Yellow River defense line. When Qinyang falls, Weihui Mansion where he lives will bear the brunt.

Even if he doesn't want to, there is no way to stay in Weihui Mansion.

In order to survive, he had no choice but to move to Kaifeng Mansion.

"Notify everyone in the mansion that from now on, pack up your things immediately and prepare to move. Before tomorrow morning, pack up everything for me." Zhu Changhao looked at the chief eunuch and shouted loudly.

The chief eunuch didn't dare to delay, and hurried to the backyard.

After a while, Prince Lu's Mansion became like a bustling market, and all the people in the mansion were packing up the things in the mansion.

At the same time, Fu Wang Zhu Changxun was sitting in the main hall of Fu Wang's mansion. He was sitting on the throne, his face was full of sorrow.

He kept patting his thighs and sighing and booing.

Fu Wang Zhu Changxun is a complete waste. Because he doesn't exercise all the year round, he is like a big fat pig in middle age, obese.

His son, Zhu Yousong, the famous waste emperor in history, stood beside him, his fat face was also full of worries.

At this time, he was in his 20s. Although he was young, just like his father, Zhu Yousong was also a bloated and fat man.

"Father, what should we do now? The cavalry of Zhao thief is outside Luoyang City. What should we do?" Zhu Yousong looked at Zhu Changxun who was sitting on the throne, and said anxiously.

Zhu Changxun looked at Zhu Yousong, "You ask the widow? How do you know? Sun Chuanting, the trash, has not come back yet. Now that Zhao's soldiers are approaching the city, it is estimated that Sun Chuanting's Yellow River defense line has been lost.

At this time, I am afraid that Sun Chuanting has already fled for his life.We were thrown in Luoyang City, but fortunately, there were cavalry outside the city, so there will be no attack for a while.

If Zhao thief's infantry came, Luoyang City would not last long before being breached. "

"Damn Sun Chuanting, the Yellow River defense line fell and didn't even know to send me a message. If I send a message to me, I should have prepared early. Why should I be so helpless?" Zhu Changxun patted his thigh and kept talking. Scolding Sun Chuanting.

In Zhu Changxun's view, the reason why the Yellow River defense line could not be defended was because of Sun Chuanting's incompetence.

"Father, what should we do? Or should we run away? Run out of the city at night?" Zhu Yousong looked at his father with an anxious expression on his face.

Zhu Yousong is a complete waste. The difference between him and an illiterate is that he can know a few words. During the years of being the son of Prince Fu, he was addicted to drinking and sex, and he didn't like reading.

Coupled with the reason of identity, I have never experienced the sinister heart, and I don't know the truth that many ordinary people understand.

So, at this time, he can say nonsense about fleeing the city at night.

Zhu Yousong in history was really unbearable. After the Jiashen state change, because the sons of Chongzhen did not escape, and his father was the son of Shenzong, he was very close to Chongzhen.

For this reason, after he escaped from birth, he was eager to move towards the throne.

The most glorious moment in Zhu Yousong's life was when he committed himself to the throne and turned to the Jiangbei towns for help.

Zhu Yousong's turning to the Jiangbei towns for help can also be regarded as a man who can bend and stretch, and he seems to have a bit of courage.

But in fact, he is nothing, and the glorious moment of his life is this.

At the beginning of the Southern Ming Dynasty, the situation was many times better than that of the Southern Song Dynasty in history, at least half of the country was still there.

However, it was such a great situation that was all destroyed in Zhu Yousong's hands.

It stands to reason that after the overthrow of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yousong should reorganize his troops and regroup after he became emperor.

Even if you don't have the idea of ​​counterattacking the Central Plains, you should train your troops extensively to defend this half of the country.

However, Zhu Yousong did not do this.After he became emperor, the first thing he did was to choose a concubine.

After choosing a concubine, he was addicted to wine and sex and couldn't extricate himself.

Although he turned to the Jiangbei towns for help, he fulfilled his wish and successfully ascended to the throne of supremacy.

But it caused a very bad influence, especially these warlords in the Jiangbei towns.

After supporting Zhu Yousong to ascend the throne, they regarded themselves as "the benefactor of the emperor" and "conglong Yuanxun", and became arrogant and domineering.

If this matter were placed on Emperor Taizu and Emperor Chengzu, they would definitely have to deal with these people.Let alone whether it can be handled or not, there are at least some ideas and plans.

But, Zhu Yousong didn't care at all, and didn't even think about it.

Under Zhu Yousong's indulgence, the soldiers and horses in the Jiangbei towns became extremely arrogant and domineering. No one in Jinling, from the emperor to the important ministers, could control this domineering army.

Since then, the Nanming warlords have been severely divided, and they listened to the tune and did not listen to the propaganda.

In fact, Gao Jie, Huang Degong, Liu Liangzuo, etc. in the Jiangbei towns are all brave men from the army. Although their subordinates have their own concerns, there are many good generals and warriors.

If Zhu Yousong had the political experience of Ming Taizu and Ming Chengzu, even if it was only half.As long as it is controlled properly, it is absolutely possible to exert influence and make the three towns work for oneself while relying on the support of the three towns.

It's a pity that Zhu Yousong inherited his father's broad heart and fat body, but he didn't inherit the great talent and military strategy of Taizu Chengzu.

Seeking help from the three towns to ascend to the throne of the emperor is considered an extraordinary performance of his. Because he wanted to be emperor so much, he set a high price for the towns in Jiangbei from the very beginning and devalued himself.

Once the value has dropped, it will be difficult to raise it.

After Zhu Yousong ascended the throne, he ignored the government and indulged in wine and sex.His appearance caused dissatisfaction among many people.

The towns in Jiangbei also saw clearly that Zhu Yousong was an adou who could not be supported, and since then they have never dismissed his authority.

During Zhu Yousong's reign, he indulged in wine and sex.Ma Shiying, Ruan Dacheng and others who hold the real power of the court are also drunk and dreamy, using their power to embezzle and corrupt.

The Hongguang small court showed signs of subjugation just after its establishment, which is inseparable from Zhu Yousong.

On the first day of March in the first year of Hongguang, a person who claimed to be the Chongzhen prince Zhu Cihong arrived in Nanjing. Zhu Yousong was afraid that his throne would be taken away, so he ordered his subordinates to imprison him in the prison of Wucheng Bingmasi. Later, he was identified by civil and military officials. After it was found to be false, he was executed.

In fact, this fake prince was thrown out by someone with ulterior motives. After the fake prince was executed, Zuo Liangyu declared that the prince was real, and under the pretext of "saving the prince and punishing treacherous ministers", he marched into Jinling City, targeting Zhu Yousong .

Huang Degong, Ruan Dacheng and others led troops to resist, and Nanming, which was finally established, fell into internal strife.

Taking advantage of this, the Qing army marched south. Under the leadership of Duoduo, they successively broke through Guide, Yingzhou, Taihe, Sizhou, Xuzhou and other places, and finally crossed the Huaihe River and approached the city of Yangzhou.

Seeing this, Shi Kefa, who was guarding Yangzhou City at that time, hurriedly asked the court for help.It's a pity that at this time, the small imperial court of Nanming was still in the midst of internal strife and couldn't care about this matter at all.

After the city of Yangzhou was broken, Duoduo soldiers approached the city of Jinling.

Qian Qianyi, whose scalp was itchy due to the cold water, opened the gate of Jinling City and knelt down to welcome the Qing army into the city.So far, the Hongguang small court perished.

"My son, now Zhao's bandits' cavalry are approaching the city. No matter when we leave the city, we will definitely be discovered by them. We are not fleeing for our lives, we are throwing ourselves into a trap!" Zhu Changxun looked at his son, non-stop sighed.

The useless Zhu Yousong hugged Zhu Changxun's thigh and cried, "Then what should I do? I can't run for my life, and I can't run for my life. Are we just waiting to die? Father, I'm still young, and I don't want to die."

"You don't want to die, and the widow doesn't want to die either, but what can I do now? Now Zhao Bandit's troops are outside the city, and Sun Chuanting's trash doesn't know where. Tell me, what can the widow do?" Zhu Changxun looked at himself. His son hugged his thigh like a child and kept crying, and when he was out of breath for a moment, he started yelling and cursing immediately.


Song Hu was standing in an open space outside Luoyang City. He was riding a horse and looking at Luoyang City in front of him, his eyes were full of eager light.

Around Luoyang City, the tents under Song Hu's command stretched endlessly.

"My lord, we've been here for a day or two, why haven't we attacked yet? Although we don't have many people in our hands, and we don't carry heavy weapons and artillery, but there are not many defenders in Luoyang City now, so we will spend more to take down Luoyang City. It's just kung fu.

If we take Luoyang City down at this time, wouldn't we be doing a great job? "One of Song Hu's personal guards stood behind Song Hu and said excitedly.

Song Hu turned sideways and looked at the guard, "A great achievement? If the commander-in-chief lets me attack Henan alone, it will be a great achievement for me to take down Luoyang City.

However, it was the commander-in-chief who attacked Henan this time.And Luoyang City is not comparable to other cities, it has been the capital of emperors since ancient times.Lord Zongbing personally led the army to attack Henan, so Luoyang naturally had to be taken down by Mr. Zongbing himself.

Lord Zong Bing is about to ascend the throne as emperor, what will happen if I take him down? "

"But I think, even if we win Luoyang City, the commander-in-chief probably won't say anything!" The guard looked at Song Hu in confusion.

Song Hu shook his head, and said earnestly: "Although the commander-in-chief won't say anything, maybe he will give me a great credit, but even so, I can't win Luoyang City.

Some things are inconvenient for me to say, you can slowly comprehend them yourself. "

Song Hu is a very shrewd person who knows how to advance and retreat. He knows when to be in the limelight and when not to be in the limelight.

Although before departure, Zhao Wen gave him an order to lead troops and horses to attack Luoyang City. It would be best if he could take Luoyang City.

But Song Hu understood that he absolutely could not take Luoyang City at this time.Luoyang City has been the capital of emperors since ancient times, and Zhao Wen is the one who is about to become emperor.

Therefore, it should be Zhao Wen who took down Luoyang City, not Song Hu himself.

"My lord, I don't understand this. You said that the commander-in-chief will give you great merit, but why didn't you take down Luoyang City?" The guard continued to ask.

"Haha!" Song Hu laughed loudly, "If you can understand the meaning of this, then you should be the commander of the army now, and I will be your personal guard."

Song Hu said, flicking the whip in his hand, and headed for the camp.

After returning to the big camp, all the thousand households in General Song Hu and the counselors at the first level of the thousand households were called to the big tent.

"Everyone, Luoyang City has been surrounded by us. Although we have the strength to take Luoyang City down, I have decided to leave Luoyang City alone for the time being.

Starting tomorrow, 2000 troops will stay outside Luoyang City, and the remaining troops will attack all around with Luoyang City as the center. "Song Hu looked at the generals and counselors in the big tent and shouted loudly.


At the same time, Chongzhen, who was far away in the capital, was holding the military report sent by Sun Chuanting, his face was full of sorrow.

Chongzhen sat in the imperial study, put the military newspaper in his hand on the table, and then covered his forehead, rubbing it non-stop.

The military newspaper in the hands of Chongzhen was the first military newspaper sent by Sun Chuanting.

What Sun Chuanting wrote in the military newspaper is very simple, that is, asking for help.

"Please help, please help, where can I get the extra soldiers to reinforce Henan? Now the British Duke Cheng and the others have ulterior motives, and the capital is cloudy. Even if I have soldiers, do I dare to send them out at this time?" Chongzhen He kept shouting in a low voice.

At this moment, Gao Qiqian walked into the imperial study.

He came to Chongzhen's side and whispered in his ear, "Your Majesty, those people have recruited."

When Chongzhen heard this, he immediately became energetic, "Have you recruited?"

"Your Majesty, the thing is like this..." Gao Qiqian repeated what those people said.

The more Chongzhen listened, the uglier his face became.

After Gao Qiqian finished speaking, Chongzhen slapped the table in front of him, "How unreasonable!"

Chongzhen's face was distorted, his expression was ugly, his eyes were burning with anger,

"It's unreasonable, it's really unreasonable, what Chen Xinjia said is indeed correct, he is really a bunch of people who eat inside and out!" Chongzhen yelled and cursed.

(End of this chapter)

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