Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 608 Chongzhen's plan to kill with a knife

Chapter 608 Chongzhen's plan to kill with a knife

"It's really unreasonable, it's unreasonable. The imperial court treats the British dukes well. The British dukes are in the same line as the dukes of the country. No matter what time they are, they are important ministers in the court.

There will definitely be places for them in the Beijing Camp and the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies, even if they are their descendants, there are many hidden seals.

It is unreasonable and unreasonable to want to seek refuge with Zhao thief now and attempt to collude with internal and external parties. Chongzhen looked at Gao Qiqian in front of him, his face was full of anger.

Chongzhen's right hand kept patting the table in front of him, even if his hand turned red, he didn't stop.

Chongzhen felt a feeling of being deceived and played by others.

"Hehe, fortunately those people who appeared outside the city were not soldiers of Bandit Zhao. If these people were soldiers of Bandit Zhao, they probably wouldn't be able to defend the city wall at all, but opened the city gate wide and led Bandit Zhao Soldiers and horses came to the palace and dedicated me to the traitor Zhao thief.

Damn, hate, really hateful.When did the imperial court treat them badly?When did you let them suffer?For so many years, their family has embezzled many people's fields and done many illegal things.

But Zhen Nian spared them for the sake of their ancestors serving the country, but who would have imagined that lawlessness has become lawless now, it is simply lawless. "

Chongzhen's eyes were about to split open, his eyes were spouting fire, and he seemed as if he would chop the British Duke and Cheng Guogong alive as long as they were in the imperial study.

Gao Qiqian stood beside Chongzhen, and kept comforting Chongzhen, "Your Majesty, it's not worth it. It's not worth it to lose your body because of this kind of popularity. It's really not worth it. To serve the king's kindness, he did not care about the safety of the court for his own self-interest.

Fortunately, thief Zhao did not agree to their refuge this time. If thief Zhao agreed to their refuge, then the court would be really miserable. "

"Hmph, Zhao thief is not a good thing either. It's just that compared with Zhao thief, British Duke Cheng Guogong and the others are even worse." Chongzhen's face was frosty, and he kept yelling and cursing.

Chongzhen really couldn't believe that British Duke and Cheng Guogong would secretly contact Zhao Wen and plan to join Zhao Wen.

Once they really took refuge in Zhao Wen, then when Zhao Wen attacked the capital, he didn't need to attack the city at all, and these people would open the city gate.

If that time really comes, I'm afraid Chongzhen will be betrayed without knowing it.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now? According to the captives, these people have not entered the city since they returned from Xuanzhen, and Duke Ying and Duke Cheng still don't know about it.

According to their testimony, Zhao Wen did not seem to accept their surrender, but arranged for them to meet with Chen Xinjia.Your Majesty, you should act first. "Gao Qiqian looked at Chongzhen, with fierce lights flashing on his face.

The eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty liked to ransack their homes the most, and the British Gongcheng Guogongs were a big family that had been passed down for hundreds of years. Ordinary families could not compare with these two families. If some leak out of it, it will be enough to spend a lifetime of diving.

Most of the eunuchs in the Ming Dynasty were greedy for money, although not all of them, but Gao Qiqian was one of them. He didn't dislike his family's money at all.

"The British Duke Cheng is definitely going to deal with it, but not now!" Chongzhen shook his head, "The British Duke Cheng is a nobleman who has been passed down for hundreds of years, and his power in the capital is deeply rooted. If you act rashly, it may be counterproductive. The British Duke Cheng Guogong has already threatened the foundation of the imperial court, and it is impossible not to get rid of these two.

But now I only have the testimony of these captives. It is not so easy to overthrow the British Duke Cheng Guogong just by relying on these things. What's more, the British Duke is still the admiral of the Beijing camp. Not good, British Duke and Chengguo Guild will jump over the wall in a hurry.

The British government has run the Beijing camp for several generations. In the Beijing camp, the British government's words are better than my voice. If you are not sure, you can't act rashly at this time. Chongzhen looked at Gao Qiqian solemnly.

For the betrayal of Duke Ying and Duke Cheng, Chongzhen hated and was angry from the bottom of his heart.

Chongzhen wished he could kill British Duke and Cheng Guogong alive now, but reason told him that he could not do anything to British Duke and Cheng Guogong yet.

It's not that Chongzhen didn't want to arrest British Duke and Cheng Guogong at this time, but that he couldn't be arrested at this time.

Although Chongzhen may not be so outstanding in governing the country, this does not mean that Chongzhen is a fool.The British government has been in charge of the Beijing camp for several generations, and the Beijing camp is run by the British government like an iron bucket.

If you rashly attack the British Duke at this time, once the British Duke counterattacks, it will not end well at that time. Don't forget, there is still Zhao Wen in Henan.

When things get serious, people in the capital will definitely be panicked. Once this happens, how will the capital defend itself?The most taboo thing at this time is internal strife.

Moreover, the evidence in Chongzhen's hands is nothing more than the testimony of a few captives. Without definite evidence, it is almost impossible to use this kind of evidence to bring down the British Duke.

After all, the British Duke is not a fool, and he can completely deny it when the time comes.This method is somewhat effective in dealing with ordinary officials, but it is so small that it can be ignored in dealing with dignitaries like British princes.

"My lord, what should we do now? If the Duke of England is not eliminated, they did not succeed in surrendering this time, but it does not mean that they will not be able to succeed next time. There is a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no way to prevent a thief for a thousand days." Reason?" Gao Qiqian looked at Chongzhen and said worriedly.

"What you said is not unreasonable, but there are too few soldiers and horses in my hands now. If it were in a peaceful day, I would be able to take these people down now, but it is really impossible now." After Chongzhen said, he fell into a trap. While meditating, he was thinking about what method to use to deal with people like Duke Ying and Duke Cheng.

Chongzhen's brows were tightly wrinkled together, and the dignified look on his face became more and more serious.

Gao Qiqian stood quietly beside Chongzhen, not daring to disturb Chongzhen.

Time passed slowly, and the sky outside gradually darkened.Chongzhen has never left since he sat in the chair.

The moon rose from the horizon, and Gao Qiqian arranged for the imperial dining room to deliver the food to the imperial study.

Chongzhen looked at the food on the table, but did not move his chopsticks.

"My lord, let's eat first." Gao Qiqian looked at Chongzhen, and leaned in front of Chongzhen.

Chongzhen shook his head, "If I don't want to come up with a way to deal with British Duke, I won't eat."

"Your Majesty, the Zhao bandits sent 20 troops to attack Henan, and now Henan's troops are in a hurry, plus the current British and Cheng Guogong, if your majesty doesn't eat something, how can you deal with these things if you are exhausted?" Gao Qi Qian looked at Chongzhen and advised him.

When Chongzhen heard this, his eyes lit up instantly.

"Yes!" Chongzhen clapped his hands together, a smile appeared on his face, and then, the smile turned into a sneer, which made him feel a little nervous.

"The emperor thought of a way to deal with the British princes?" Gao Qiqian looked at Chongzhen.

"Hehe!" Chongzhen gritted his teeth and sneered twice, "If you didn't say it just now, I haven't thought of this yet.

Isn't Sun Chuanting asking for help now? I can let British Duke and Cheng Guogong lead an army to Henan.

As long as Yingying Gong and Cheng Guogong leave the capital, the remaining small fish and shrimps will be easy to deal with. "

When Gao Qiqian heard Chongzhen's words, he couldn't help thinking.

After a while, Gao Qiqian frowned and looked at Chongzhen, "Your Majesty, this method is not very good. The British and the others are not fools. If Your Majesty asks them to go to Henan at this time, what if they pretend to be sick and refuse to go?
If you push them into a hurry, it may be counterproductive. "

"Pretend to be sick? If you don't go, you won't go. If they pretend to be sick, let their subordinates in the Beijing camp go. Cut off their branches and leaves in the Beijing camp, and replace them with the men and horses of the Imperial Horse Supervisor.

At that time, things will be much easier to handle than now. If their subordinates don't go, they will find some people from the Yumajian, and let the Yumajian lead the soldiers and horses of the Beijing camp out of the city.

When the matter came to this point, if the British public disagreed, it would be unreasonable.

Once the British princes are dealt with, let these soldiers and horses return to Beijing.

By the way, those detained in Zhao Prison can no longer be kept, let's deal with them directly.These people are of no use in bringing down the British princes. The reason why I asked you to interrogate these people is that I just want to know whether the British princes have defected to the enemy. " Chongzhen looked at Gao Qiqian with a fierce look on his face, he had never been so angry like today.

Especially the British Duke who once supported him as emperor, when Chen Xinjia first heard that the British Duke surrendered to Zhao Wen, Chongzhen still didn't believe it.

After all, when he ascended the throne as emperor, the Duke of England had put in a lot of effort.

Chongzhen said expressionlessly: "By the way, let your descendants also mobilize, especially the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Once the British government pretends to be sick, I will impeach them with a memorial."

When Gao Qiqian heard what Chongzhen said, he was so frightened that he knelt down, "Your Majesty, I am loyal to His Majesty, and I have never done such a thing. I am not a traitor like Wei Zhongxian, so it is impossible for me to do such a thing. I hope His Majesty will learn from you."

The body of the high dive kept shaking, and the cold sweat on his forehead flowed to the ground as if he didn't want money.

He really couldn't figure out how Chongzhen knew about his extensive planting of party members.

After eunuchs don't have that thing, they will become very keen on money and rights.

Gao Qiqian is now the chief eunuch here in Chongzhen, but since he became this chief eunuch, he feels that he lacks something.

After thinking about it, he found that he lacked prestige, lack of prestige like Wei Zhongxian.

Therefore, Gao Qiqian secretly planted his party members, cultivated his own power, and prepared to be like Wei Zhongxian back then.

However, Chongzhen came to power by stepping on Wei Zhongxian's corpse.Before Chongzhen became emperor, he was often bullied by Wei Zhongxian, so at the beginning, Chongzhen was very vigilant about eunuchs blocking power.

Therefore, when raising your potential to cultivate your own power, you should be extra vigilant and careful.

But after all the calculations, he never thought that what he did would be known by Chongzhen.

Knowing Chongzhen's temper well, he was afraid that Chongzhen would punish him because of this, so he hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy.

Chongzhen may not be able to deal with Duke Ying and Duke Cheng now, but to deal with Gao Qiqian, he still has his hands full.

At the beginning, Chongzhen was also very taboo about eunuchs taking power.But with the change of time and Zhao Wen's rebellion, Chongzhen also saw many things clearly.

Sometimes, courtiers are really not as easy to use as these eunuchs.After all, once the eunuch leaves himself, he cannot survive.

But what about these foreign ministers?Chongzhen still has ways to deal with civil servants, but what about dealing with these leading generals?Just like Zu Dashou in the second year of Chongzhen, because Chongzhen killed Yuan Chonghuan, he left the capital city that was still besieged by Jiannu and ran back to Shanhaiguan.

Although Chongzhen was full of anger at that time, there was nothing he could do.kill him?How to kill?What to kill?Guan Ning's iron cavalry has almost become the private army of Zu and Wu. How can Chongzhen kill him?

In the end, Chongzhen also had to spare Zu Dashou, and he had to persuade him with good words.

Therefore, Chongzhen was not so resistant to Gao Qiqian's seizure of power. As long as Chongzhen's status and rights were not threatened, Chongzhen did not interfere excessively.

It's the same this time, Duke Ying's power is many times stronger than Zu Dashou, Chongzhen wanted to kill him, but he didn't dare to kill him.

"I can see your little tricks clearly. Don't forget, Wei Zhongxian's reputation was many times stronger than you are now. At that time, I could send Wei Zhongxian to see the late emperor, let alone You?" Chongzhen said calmly.

After Chongzhen finished speaking, he had nothing to say, neither stopped nor agreed, nor scolded.

Gao Qiqian is a fine person. Although Chongzhen's words seemed a bit threatening, but combined with Chongzhen's expression, tone and lack of harsh reprimands, Gao Qiqian quickly understood that this was a tacit acquiescence to himself. way of doing.

"My lord, don't worry about these things!" Gao Qiqian wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead, and respectfully kowtowed to Chongzhen a few times.

"Okay, you go out. This matter has to be done well, so that others can't see anything! These days, the surveillance of the British public cannot be relaxed, but they can't be discovered by them. Be natural and don't show it. Weaknesses." Chongzhen said a few words briefly, then waved his hand at Gao Qiqian, "You can make arrangements now, if Duke Ying and Duke Cheng are not dead, I will have no peace."

Gao Qiqian nodded heavily, and then walked outside.

Chongzhen looked at Gao Qiqian's leaving figure, heaved a long sigh, and then set his eyes on the food on the table.

Chongzhen's meals were very simple, just a few side dishes and a bowl of gruel.This kind of food is not as good as his elder brother, Emperor Tianqi, nor his grandfather, Emperor Wanli, and even more inferior to Emperor Jiajing, who has a clean family in Jiajing.

But when it comes to diligence, I am afraid that only Emperor Hongwu and Emperor Yongle can compare with him.

(End of this chapter)

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