Chapter 622
"What should I do? What should I do? What should I do now? Shanxi is gone, Henan and Shaanxi are almost gone, and Jiangshan Sheji is about to disappear." Chongzhen stood in the palace, his face full of anxiety.

However, no matter how anxious he was, there was no reliable way to stop Zhao Wen.

"Your Majesty, in two or three days, the British Duke Cheng and his family will be able to inspect their homes. At that time, they can use the money seized from their homes to recruit troops and form a new army."

Gao Qiqian supported Chongzhen, stood beside him and interjected.

"Forming a new army? Now all the people in the Gyeonggi region have gone to Xuanzhen, how many people are left in the Gyeonggi region now?
Even if you recruit soldiers in Zhili, even if you recruit a large number of soldiers, how can you be the opponent of Zhao thief?Fortified cities such as Yanmen Pass, Tongguan, Taiyuan Mansion and Luoyang City could not last long under the attack of Zhao thieves. Even if new troops were recruited, how could they beat them? "

Chongzhen looked sad, at this moment he no longer had the confidence he had before.

Judging from the military newspapers reported in recent days, Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses are already invincible.

In Chongzhen's heart, even if he recruited a large number of soldiers, he would not be Zhao Wen's opponent.

At this time, Chongzhen was wrapped in a deep sense of powerlessness, like a person who fell into the abyss, and could only struggle meaninglessly.

"Alas!" Chongzhen sighed, and with Gao Qiqian's support, he walked out of the bedroom slowly.

Chongzhen came outside the bedroom and looked at the sun in the sky.

The sun is still the sun, and the sky is still the same sky.

Chongzhen didn't know how long this great Ming Dynasty could last.

"After confiscating the houses of the British princes, take out all the money that was confiscated, and recruit soldiers and horses." Chongzhen sighed and said.

Although Chongzhen also knew that conventional soldiers and horses were of no use to Zhao Wen, it was better than sitting still and waiting for death.


Zhao Wen led a large army to station in Gong County, which is located at the junction of Henan Prefecture and Kaifeng Prefecture, on the bank of the Yellow River, and is under the jurisdiction of Henan Prefecture.

This county has little reputation in history, but a county less than a hundred miles east of Gong County has a great reputation in the history of the late Ming Dynasty.

To the east of Gong County is Xingyang County, where in history the bandits held the Xingyang Conference.

It's just that because of the existence of Zhao Wen in this era, the Xingyang Conference naturally disappeared.

Gong County is just an ordinary county, and there are not many defenders in the city, not to mention that Sun Chuanting passed by here when he was going to Kaifeng Mansion, so he took away the defenders, officials and gentry in Gong County.

Because Sun Chuanting spread the news that Zhao Wen was going to massacre the city before leaving, the people in the city basically ran away.

The wealthy family followed Sun Chuanting and ran to Kaifeng Mansion together.As for those who are not rich, they go to the countryside near Gong County.

Ordinary people didn't know that Sun Chuanting's news was fake. In this troubled world, all they asked for was rice porridge that could last until the next day.

Because there are basically no people in Gongxian County, Gongxian County is empty. After Zhao Wen's army entered Gongxian County, they did not set up camps and lived directly in empty houses in the city.

Zhao Wen was sitting in the yamen hall of Gong County, holding a military newspaper sent by Zhao Daniu and Liu Wu in his hand.

Liu Wu said in the military newspaper that he would lead the army together with Zhao Daniu to take Weinan Mansion and Xi'an Mansion first, and then with Zhao Daniu's assistance, the army turned south, took Hanzhong, and finally entered the land of Bashu through Hanzhong.

The roads from Shaanxi to Sichuan include Jinniu Road, Ziwu Road, Lianyun Road, Qishan Road, Lizhi Road, Chencang Road, Baoxie Road, Tangluo Road, Micang Road and Wuguan Road.

The destinations of these ten passages are basically Hanzhong, and finally enter the land of Bashu from Hanzhong.

If Zhao Wen didn't take the whole of Shaanxi, if Zhao Wen wanted to attack the land of Bashu, he would have to go through one of these passages.

But now, Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses can go straight to Hanzhong and attack the land of Bashu from Hanzhong.

The land of Bashu is a land of abundance, with the existence of Dujiangyan, the Chengdu Plain has been prosperous for thousands of years.

After taking the Chengdu Plain, all the grain on the Chengdu Plain will belong to Zhao Wen.This has a great effect on Zhao Wen who is in a state of expansion.Although Zhao Wen has food from Southeast Asia and Taiwan's Yuan Island, who would dislike the lack of food in his hands?
Moreover, after taking the land of Bashu, Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses can radiate to the southwest.Coupled with the control of the Northwest after Shaanxi, the entire Ming Dynasty is almost under Zhao Wen's control.

Shaanxi and Sichuan are won, and as long as Zhao Wen is willing, he can win the entire Ming Dynasty at any time.

Zhao Wen looked at the military newspaper in his hand, frowning tightly, thinking about something.

After a long time, Zhao Wen let out a long breath and said to himself: "Since ancient times, the road to Shu has been difficult. If you want to completely control the southwest and completely take down this territory that has been floating for nearly a thousand years, you must open up the road from Shaanxi to Sichuan. .

Now the technology for laying railways has become more mature, and it is time to lay the railway from Shaanxi to Sichuan.When the railway is being laid, cement roads must also be built at the same time. The two-pronged approach will completely open up the road into Sichuan. "

Zhao Wen then looked at Li Xiaosan who was standing beside him, "Bring the pen and ink!"

Li Xiaosan ran out in a hurry, and came in with a basket after a while.

Zhao Wen took the basket, put it on the table, and then took out some rice paper, pen, ink and inkstone.

Seeing this posture, Li Xiaosan hurriedly rubbed ink for Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen took a brush, looked at the rice paper spread on the table, thought for a while, and then started to write.

After about half an hour, Zhao Wen put down the brush in his hand, dried the ink on the rice paper, and then stamped his big seal.

Zhao Wen rolled up the dried rice paper, and asked Li Xiaosan to find the bamboo tube that conveyed the military order.

Zhao Wen put the rice paper into a bamboo tube, sealed it and handed it to Li Xiaosan, "deliver this military order to Liu Wenzhong in Xuanzhen within eight hundred miles."

Li Xiaosan took the bamboo tube from Zhao Wen's hand, and then hurried outside.

Zhao Wen's military order is very simple, which is to ask Sun Yuanhua to send personnel to survey and build railways and roads to Shaanxi to prepare for surveying the terrain.

After the topographic survey is completed, the construction of railways and roads will begin.

As for the personnel who built the railways and roads, apart from the workers who passed through Xuanzhen, the rest were Ming soldiers captured in Shaanxi and Sichuan.

With the presence of so many people, the speed of construction will be faster.

After Li Xiaosan walked out, Zhao Wen came to the backyard of the county government and walked into the study of the county government.

Sitting in the middle of the study, Zhao Wen took out the drawing tools that had been placed in the study.

"If you want to completely control the land of Bashu and the southwest, it is not enough to have trains, at least you should have cars.

Today there is no oil, and there is no ability to mine and refine, so oil cannot be burned, but cars do not necessarily have to burn oil. "

Sitting behind the desk, Zhao Wen looked at the rice paper spread on the desk, and couldn't help but think of North Korea's firewood trucks in his mind.

To be honest, when Zhao Wen of later generations learned about this kind of car for the first time, he was really shocked.

The first time Zhao Wen knew about this wood-burning car was on a certain video website.

That kind of car looks similar to an ordinary car in appearance, except that there is a stove for burning wood in the compartment.

The truck is featured frequently in videos about North Korea.

Some netizens in later generations even ridiculed them, saying that they even set up a stove for roasting sweet potatoes in the car, and they never forget to roast sweet potatoes wherever they go.

At that time, Zhao Wen felt very curious. There are cars that burn oil and natural gas. After the founding of the motherland, there are still gas-fired cars in later generations, but why are there still firewood?

Out of curiosity, Zhao Wen read a lot of information.

In fact, this kind of car that burns firewood also has a special name, called charcoal car.

In fact, this kind of car is not a North Korean patent. This kind of firewood-burning car was used in later generations when the motherland was just established and during the Anti-Japanese War.Moreover, the engine of this kind of domestic car was not imported from abroad. It is said that in 1931, Tang Zhongming, a native of Henan, invented the first internal combustion engine of a wood-burning car in China.

This is an automotive internal combustion engine that is completely designed and manufactured by Chinese people and has independent intellectual property rights.

Later, with the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the discovery of a large number of oil fields, and the changes in the international situation, this kind of car quickly retired from the stage of history.

The working principle of this kind of car is very similar to that of a steam engine, except that the power source of the steam engine is water vapor, while the working principle of the charcoal car is gas.

The working principle of a charcoal car is very simple. In fact, charcoal or firewood is put into a special gas stove in the compartment behind the car.

At the right temperature, charcoal or firewood is turned into gas, which is then transported through pipes to the engine to generate power.

Before the charcoal car is driven, the special stove is fixed on the car compartment, and the wind is blown to light the fire before driving, and the power generated by the gas is used to drive the car. It can run about [-] kilometers at a time, and then the ashes need to be emptied to continue the operation.

The speed can reach up to [-] kilometers per hour. According to the data, this kind of car only needs one catty of firewood to run one kilometer.

Because North Korea lacks oil resources, many people use this kind of firewood car.This is also a relatively helpless method. After all, oil is a strategic resource, and North Korea is a country that lacks oil.

This kind of car is still very practical even when economic conditions do not allow it.

However, because the combustion boiler produces a large amount of smoke and dust, it will cause great pollution to the environment.

But in today's Daming, there is almost no pollution, and this level of pollution can be said to have no impact on the environment.

In addition, its fuel is only charcoal or firewood, so it is very suitable for Zhao Wen now.

In fact, this kind of wood-burning car can also burn charcoal, but the requirements for charcoal are relatively high. After all, ordinary charcoal will have a lot of impurities, which can easily block the pipeline.

If industrial coke is used, it is estimated that the speed and transportation distance can be greatly increased.

Compared with a fuel engine, the engine of this kind of car is still very simple, and its specific working principle is similar to that of a steam engine.The only thing needed are spark plugs and batteries, but now that generators have been produced, things like spark plugs can also be manufactured.

Advanced ones cannot be produced, but backward ones can be produced.As for the battery, Zhao Wen plans to use the lead-acid battery of later generations, after all, the technical content of this thing is not very high.

Zhao Wenzao gave Song Yingxing the production method of three acids and two bases in the industry, and these things can also be produced.

Now Xuanzhen's steam engine technology has matured, various lathes modified by Zhao Wen are gradually common, generators have also been successfully manufactured, and electric welding is not far away, so this kind of car will not be long for Zhao Wen. can be fully manufactured.

As for the wheels, although Zhao Wen can't make the tires on the wheels, don't forget that there are quite a few 107mm rocket launchers in Zhao Wen's warehouse, and there are tires under these launchers.

At that time, the tires of the 107mm rocket launcher can be removed and loaded into a wood-burning car.

Zhao Wen thought for a while, and then began to draw on the rice paper.

Zhao Wen had a detailed understanding of this kind of car, and also got specific drawings. After all, this thing is not high-tech, and there are a lot of searches on the Internet in later generations.

Zhao Wen lay quietly on the table drawing blueprints until midnight.

Although Zhao Wen has the blueprint of this kind of car, it is not so easy to draw this kind of blueprint in one day.

Zhao Wen painted in the middle of the night, folded the unfinished drawings, put them away, and then went back to sleep.

Drawing blueprints is important, but fighting is equally important now, and Zhao Wen has to put down the blueprints first in order to ensure the spirit of the next day because he has to rush on the road the next day.

At noon the next day, the army set off. In the next few days, Zhao Wen led the troops across the border of Gong County and arrived at the border of Xingyang.When you arrive at Xingyang, you arrive at Kaifeng Mansion.

In the past few days, once the army set up camp, Zhao Wen stayed in the big tent, drawing blueprints.

In Zhao Wen's drawings, except for some necessary parts, everything such as the speedometer radio was omitted.

After all, these things are useless to Zhao Wen now. I am afraid that there are no other cars in this world except wood-burning cars, and the speedometer is useless.

As for the radio, there is no need, after all, there is no radio station.

After drawing the drawings of the wood-burning car, Zhao Wen compiled a manufacturing outline manual.

In addition to the drawings of wood-burning cars, Zhao Wen also drew drawings of spark plugs and lead-acid batteries.

Although the shell of the lead-acid battery is made of plastic, Zhao Wen couldn't make it out, but the 107 rocket launcher uses electric power to launch, and there are battery packs on it that provide power for launch. Zhao Wen can remove these battery packs and use them to the wood burning car.

In addition to these drawings, Zhao Wen also drew the drawings of the Morse telegraph.

 Thank you BIETA and DOGGP for your rewards, and thank you for your support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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