Chapter 623
The Morse telegraph is a relatively mature and reliable telegraph, which is actually the second-generation telegraph.

Although the Morse telegraph is a second-generation telegraph, it is still a wired telegraph and requires the laying of lines.

The production of this kind of telegraph is also very simple, the parts are also very simple, and the blueprint is also very simple. It does not require too many electronic components. With the resources in Zhao Wen's hands, it can almost be manufactured.

The most important part of the Morse telegraph is the electromagnet. The generator has already been manufactured. It will not take long for the electric power to be output stably. At that time, the electromagnet will also be manufactured.

The manufacture of an electromagnet is very simple, and anyone who has studied physics in junior high school can make it. The simplest electromagnet is nothing more than winding an iron rod with an insulated wire.

Therefore, when Zhao Wen was drawing the wood-burning car, he drew the blueprint of the Morse telegraph.

Of course, the Morse code, which has a very high status in history, has also become Zhao Wen's code. Who made Zhao Wen the first to invent the telegraph in this era?
"Little San!" Zhao Wen rode on the horse and looked at Li Xiaosan who was following behind him.

"My lord!" Li Xiaosan took a few steps forward and looked at Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wendao: "Send the order, the whole army will speed up and try to reach Xingyang by tomorrow afternoon."

"Obey!" Li Xiaosan cupped his hands at Zhao Wen, and then led a few messengers to convey Zhao Wen's order.

After a few quarters of an hour, Zhao Wen's army speeded up a lot, and they kept rushing towards Xingyang.

At the same time, Sun Chuanting was sitting in the side hall of King Zhou's Mansion. He looked at the contemporary Zhou King Zhu Gongyun who was sitting on the main seat, and said, "Your Majesty, Henan Mansion has been taken by Zhao Bandit now. I'm afraid it won't be long. Bandit Zhao will be able to come under the Kaifeng city, and I hope the prince can contribute some strength to the city defense."

Today's King Zhou is a middle-aged man in his 40s. People in this era generally have a short life expectancy, so King Zhou's temples in his 40s have turned white.

King Zhou stroked his beard on his chin, and said: "I am a Zhou vassal of the imperial court, so I should contribute to the imperial court.

Over the past few hundred years, my Zhou Fan lineage has also accumulated a lot of money and food. As long as it can benefit the city defense, I will definitely support it. "

Different from stingy lords like Fu Wang, Zhou Wang Zhu Gongyou is a lord who understands righteousness.

In history, Li Zicheng attacked Kaifeng several times, but he has been unable to attack for a long time. A large part of the reason is because of Zhou Wang Zhu Gongyun.

When Li Zicheng attacked Kaifeng, Zhu Gongzun, the King of Zhou, spent all his family wealth and provided it to the defenders in the city, or recruited the young and strong in the city.

Under the leadership of King Zhou, Kaifeng was impenetrable, and Li Zicheng was unable to attack for a long time. Finally, he had to dig the Yellow River and flood Kaifeng.

"My lord understands righteousness so well, please accept my obeisance!" Sun Chuanting lifted up his clothes, knelt down in the hall, and bowed respectfully to King Zhou.

King Zhou said: "My lord Sun is no different than this, please hurry up."

"Thank you, my lord!" Sun Chuanting thanked him and stood up from the ground.

"The widow is also of the blood of the Taizu, so naturally he has the responsibility to defend the city. Even if Mr. Sun does not come to the widow today, the widow will open the treasury of the palace and provide the money and food in the treasury to the defenders in the city." King Zhou looked at Sun Chuanting , said calmly.

In King Zhou's eyes, it seemed that all this was just a normal thing.

In the Ming Dynasty, there were really few lineages of vassal kings that could be compared with the lineage of King Zhou.

The first king of Zhou, Zhu Wei, is said to be the younger brother of Ming Chengzu Zhu Di. He dare not say that he has the qualifications of becoming an ancestor, but he is not an ordinary generation.

The lineage of Zhou Wang can be said to be a generation of talents. The second generation of Zhou Wang Zhu Youdun was erudite and thoughtful, good at calligraphy, and wrote "Dong Shu Tang Tie". He was a famous calligrapher in the early Ming Dynasty.

His eighth younger brother Zhu Youxi, the first generation of Zhenping Wang, was also a studious and versatile man, who was proficient in poetry, calligraphy and painting, riding and shooting, and felting.Author of "Orthodoxy" and "Biography of the Wise King".

Zhu An, the No.13 son of Zhu Tongbiao, the sixth king of Zhou Hui, was the most famous one in the clan at that time. He wrote "Yihou Shi", "Yangzhenglu" and other books.

Zhou Wang's lineage is rigorous in governing the family, which is not comparable to ordinary vassal kings.

Therefore, the contemporary King of Zhou is also a very wise prince.

"With the help of the lord, then the officials will have confidence in the defense of Kaifeng Mansion." Sun Chuanting replied.

"As long as there is someone who can help, Mr. Sun just speaks, and I will do my best. Mr. Sun can make a list and write down the things we need now. As long as I have what I have, I will provide Mr. Sun." Zhou Zhou benevolent.

Sun Chuanting thanked him again, and then left Zhou Palace with his entourage.

After returning to the magistrate's yamen, Sun Chuanting sat in the study and began to grind ink to write the list.

Standing next to Sun Chuanting, Wu Zhen looked at Sun Chuanting who was writing the list, and sighed, "If the vassal kings from all over the world today had King Zhou's mind, we wouldn't have fallen to this point."

Sun Chuanting put down the brush in his hand and looked at Wu Zhen, "From the beginning to the present, the lineage of King Zhou has produced a large number of talents. The lineage of King Zhou is rigorous in scholarship and rich in family tradition. Who can compare to King Zhou?"

"That's true!" Wu Chen said.

Sun Chuanting couldn't help recalling what King Jin Fu and the others had done, compared it with King Zhou, shook his head and sighed again. "Hey, the other vassals are a bunch of idiots!"

After Sun Chuanting finished speaking, he buried himself in writing again.

About half an hour later, Sun Chuanting handed over the written list to Wu Sheng, "Take the list and some people, and bring them to the Zhou Palace for the King to have a look at."

"Yes!" Wu Tong took the list, glanced at it, and then walked out of the magistrate's office.

Half an hour later, Wu Tong took the list and brought about 100 people to the Zhou Palace.

When the sky was getting dark, a huge convoy drove out from the Prince Zhou's Mansion and headed towards the magistrate's yamen.

After these materials were transported back to the Zhifu Yamen, Sun Chuanting placed them in the backyard of the Zhifu Yamen, and sent a large number of soldiers and horses to guard them.

After finishing everything, Sun Chuanting went back to his study, took a map of Kaifeng Mansion, and studied it carefully.

At this moment, the door of the study room rang suddenly.

"Sir, it's me!"

Wu Sheng's voice appeared outside the study.

Sun Chuanting put down the map in his hand and looked towards the study, "The door is unlocked, come in."

Wu Chen pushed open the door of the study and walked in.

In his hand was a sealed letter with wax.

He put the letter on the table in front of Sun Chuanting, "My lord, this is from the Ministry of War and has just arrived."

Upon hearing this, Sun Chuanting quickly picked up the letter, checked the seal, and opened the envelope.

Sun Chuanting took out the letter inside the envelope and read it.

After a while, Sun Chuanting put down the letter in his hand.

"This is from the Ministry of War, saying that His Majesty has dispatched [-] troops from the Beijing battalion to Henan to assist me in resisting the Zhao bandits.

But in today's Beijing camp, where can we pick out 3 elite soldiers?It is estimated that the [-] horses are only numbers on paper, and the real number may not even be [-].

Most of these soldiers and horses are probably waste, and they are useless at all to resist Zhao's thieves. "

Sun Chuanting looked at the letter on the desk and said with a sad face.

Although Sun Chuanting had no contact with the Beijing camp, even if Sun Chuanting hadn't contacted the current Beijing camp soldiers and horses, he knew what kind of goods they were.

It's okay to let these soldiers and horses fight against the wind, but if they face soldiers and horses of Zhao thief's level, I'm afraid they will collapse after being looked at by Zhao thief's soldiers and horses.

"What's the use of these soldiers and horses coming? Your Majesty, it's true that giving me some money and food is better than giving the soldiers and horses of the Beijing camp. These soldiers and horses of the Beijing camp have no ability at all, but they have a big temper. How can I move them around?" ?” Sun Chuanting kept shaking his head.

"But my lord, these soldiers and horses have been out of Beijing for several days, and it is estimated that they will arrive in Henan in about half a month." Wu Sheng said.

"Half a month? Haha!" Sun Chuanting sneered, "Half a month is a compliment to them. If I can get to Henan within a month, I will burn incense and worship Buddha. Half a month?"

"Okay, let's not talk about these things. Now that Zhao's soldiers are about to attack Kaifeng Mansion, the law and order in the city is especially important. You should deal with these things now." Sun Chuanting said.

Wu Tong didn't stop there either, and walked out of the study.

After Wu Zhen walked out, Sun Chuanting looked at the letter on the table, smiled sarcastically, and then put it away.

The night is dark and the moon is like a hook.At this time, the city of Kaifeng was silent, except for the footsteps of soldiers patrolling the city.

In the dark city of Kaifeng, soldiers patrolling every street.

However, these soldiers patrolling the city can only patrol the streets, and cannot trespass on private houses.

In a small alley in the west of Kaifeng Fucheng, a house in a courtyard was lit with lights.

More than a dozen big men crowded into the house, making the room seem extremely crowded.

In the middle of the room stood a table with an oil lamp burning on it.

A big man with a black face was sitting on the north side of the table. He looked at the men sitting beside the table and the men standing around the table, and lowered his voice, "Did you see what happened this afternoon? King Zhou actually provided Sun Chuanting with a lot of supplies. These materials will definitely be used by Sun Chuanting to defend the city.

This will probably have a certain impact on the adult's capture of Kaifeng Mansion. "

As soon as he said this, a young man sitting opposite him yelled, "Hehe, Sun Tou, I didn't mean you, why are you so timid now? It's just Sun Chuanting and the others, it's not that I look down on them, even if they will All the materials in the city were taken out, but they couldn't stop the cannons of the adults.

I don’t need to tell you how powerful your lord’s cannons are. If dozens of cannons come down, which city wall can stop them?Even with King Zhou's support, Kaifeng Mansion is no match for your lord. "

These people are the spies Zhao Wen arranged in Kaifeng Mansion, mainly to investigate the movement of Kaifeng Mansion and collect news.

This afternoon, there was a lot of commotion when Wu Zhen led people to pull supplies from Zhou Wangfu, and of course it couldn't be hidden from the eyes of these people.

"What do you know?" The black-faced man frowned and scolded, "Slow down your voice, the streets outside are full of Sun Chuanting's men and horses, do you want to recruit all of them?"

The black-faced man is called Sun Hao, the leader of this group, and is usually called Sun Tou by his subordinates.

The young man hastily shut his mouth.

"Although that's what I said, there is nothing that can stop your lord's weapons in the territory of Da Ming. However, you can't ignore these things just because your lord's weapons are powerful.

As the saying goes, a proud soldier is bound to lose.Adults often tell us to be careful and serious in everything, and not to look down on anyone just because of our own strength. "Sun Hao persuaded a few times, and said: "Let's find a way to send this news out of the city in time, and give it to your lord. "

"However, since Sun Chuanting entered Kaifeng, he has strictly guarded the city gates. We tried it a few days ago, but we couldn't get out. We can't even get out of the city. How can we send the news to the adults?" The young man looked depressed, Look at Sun Hao.

After Sun Chuanting entered Kaifeng Mansion, he had people block Kaifeng Mansion.

The reason why Sun Chuanting did this was because he was afraid of being infiltrated by Zhao Wen's spies.

But he didn't know that Zhao Wen's spies had sneaked into Kaifeng Mansion a long time ago.

"Otherwise, what does the Commander-in-Chief want us to do? The Commander-in-Chief gives us so much money every year, is it just for us to spend it for nothing?" Sun Hao frowned and said fiercely: "You all think about it, Can't figure it out and don't sleep."

When the people in the room heard this, they began to think sadly.

"Think about it here first, I'll go out and have a look." Sun Hao said to the people in the room, and then walked out of the room.

He came to the back of the gate, put his right hand on the big black star pinned to his waist, and looked out through the crack of the door.

A group of soldiers and horses patrolling the city walked past the gate, and the sound of their footsteps echoed in Sun Hao's ears.

When the soldiers and horses patrolling the city were gone, Sun Hao spat thick phlegm on the ground, "It's really bad luck."


The next day, the sun jumped out of the horizon, and the earth woke up.

The grass on the wasteland is growing desperately in the sunlight, and the dewdrops on the leaves reflect the sunlight. If you look carefully, you can see the reflected rainbow.

Unfortunately, this beautiful scene disappeared after a short time.

A horse's hoof stepped on the grass, driving it into the dirt.

The dew on the blades of grass soon fell to the ground, and together with other dew that fell on the ground, wet the ground.

Zhao Wen rode a war horse on the wasteland, and the hooves of the war horse under his crotch were wet and covered with dew.

(End of this chapter)

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