Chapter 647 Helpless Qin Liangyu
Qian Qianyi sighed and sighed in the room, with a sad expression on his face.

According to the records in the Book of America, Qian Qianyi felt that as long as he went to America, he might never come back.

"In that case, let's run. Before the appointment is made, let's just run back to the capital." Liu Rushi comforted Qian Qianyi.

"Run?" Qian Qianyi shook his head, "It's easy to say, Liu Wenzhong told me that if I run away, even if I run away, the soldiers and horses in Xuanzhen will catch me back. It’s not that he went to America to become an official, but lost his head.”

Qian Qianyi looked up to the sky and sighed, his face was full of pain.Qian Qianyi never imagined that he finally ran out of the capital and came to Xuanzhen, and this would be the result.

"It's not good to run, it's not good to not run, it seems that we can only go to this America to be some kind of governor." Liu Rushi's face turned pale.

She didn't want to go to America, the point was that this America was too far away, so far away that she couldn't even imagine it.

"At the beginning, I told you not to surrender to Zhao Wen, but you insisted. If we hadn't surrendered to Zhao Wen, how could we have fallen to this point?" Liu Rushi looked at Qian Qianyi with dissatisfaction.

Liu Rushi felt that Qian Qianyi was to blame for all of this. If he hadn't come to Xuanzhen, he wouldn't have to go to America now.

"Hehe, your thinking is too simple. If we don't come, Zhao Wen will break through the capital at that time, and then we will really lose our heads.

Although we are now thrown into this America to be some kind of governor, it is not impossible to survive.If we really wait until Zhao Wen breaks through the capital, we will die without a place to die. "

The matter of surrendering to Zhao Wen was thought up and implemented by Qian Qianyi. Qian Qianyi will definitely not admit that the current situation is caused by himself.


Ba County is located in the east-central part of Sichuan, connected to Huguang.Ba County is also the capital of Chongqing Prefecture.

Baxian City was originally a relatively stable city. Although the people in the city were not very rich, they lived relatively peacefully.

In addition to Guoba County, in Zhongzhou, Qin Liangyu's hometown, there were wailing sounds everywhere, and the atmosphere in Zhongzhou City was extremely depressed.

There are retreating remnants and defeated soldiers everywhere, and there are countless wounded soldiers inside.

In the yamen in the county seat of Baxian County, a middle-aged female general wearing a padded jacket sat on the main seat in the yamen hall.

Although she is a woman, the heroism on her face is not comparable to that of ordinary generals.

This person is none other than the famous Qin Liangyu in history.

Qin Liangyu is the only person in history who is recorded in history books and biographyed separately. Although this person is a woman, she is not comparable to ordinary people in fighting, especially the white soldiers under her command are the elite of this era .

Of course, there is a premise for all this, that is, don't run into Zhao Wen's soldiers.

Qin Liangyu has fought for half his life, and has never encountered such a difficult opponent.

Since Liu Wu led the army into Sichuan, it didn't take long to conquer Chengdu as if entering and exiting no one's land.

When Liu Wu began to attack Sichuan, Qin Liangyu was leading the white soldiers in Guizhou to suppress and kill the remnants of the resurgent She'an Rebellion.

The Anshe Rebellion in history lasted for a very long time. Although the She'an Rebellion had been quelled during the reign of Tianqi, it was not completely wiped out.

As Zhao Wen galloped across the land of the Central Plains, these remnant soldiers in the southwest rose up to make trouble again.

Therefore, Qin Liangyu led his soldiers and horses into Guizhou again.

Previously, Chongzhen once recruited Qin Liangyu and asked her to lead troops to the north to King Qin, and at that time Qin Liangyu also led troops to go.

After going there, Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses did not attack the capital, and Chongzhen appointed Sun Chuanting as the governor of the three provinces, so Qin Liangyu was allowed to return to Sichuan.

After all, the remnants of the She'an Rebellion have not been wiped out.

"Tell me, how should we deal with Bandit Zhao's troops!" Qin Liangyu looked at the people sitting in the hall with a gloomy expression.

When Liu Wu began to attack Sichuan, Qin Liangyu hurriedly ended the battle in Guizhou and led his troops northward into Sichuan.

However, her marching speed was not as fast as Liu Wu's. Before she entered Chengdu, Chengdu was captured by Liu Wu.

Qin Liangyu had no choice but to lead his troops into Chongqing Fucheng.

Baxian County is the location of the prefectural capital of Chongqing Prefecture, and Qin Liangyu is from Chongqing Prefecture, so Qin Liangyu has a high prestige in Baxian County.

Before, Liu Wu took all the north of Chengdu and the west of Chengdu, and then divided his army into three branches, each with about 1 people, and began to raise troops Go south and east, ready to take Sichuan completely.

Liu Wu's soldiers and horses came all the way, attacking the city and looting land was as simple as eating and drinking water, and the soldiers and horses along the way were not Liu Wu's opponents at all.

As the war progressed, more and more remnants of soldiers and fleeing civilians poured into Zhongzhou and Ba County, the prefectural capital of Chongqing Prefecture.

According to these remnant soldiers and the fleeing civilians, a part of Liu Wu's division is now heading towards Chongqing Mansion, and the army is not far away from Chongqing Mansion. After knowing the news, Qin Liangyu sent a large number of Ye Bu Shou.

After several days of investigation, Qin Liangyu finally figured out the intention and location of Liu Wu's army.

Sichuan is mountainous, and Qin Liangyu's troops often fight in the mountains, so it is not so easy for Liu Wu's troops to wipe out Qin Liangyu's Yebushou in the mountains.

After figuring out the intention and location of this army, Qin Liangyu led all the troops under his command to attack decisively and lay in ambush at the place where Chongqing must pass, more than 150 miles north of Chongqing.

This is a valley. At the beginning of the war, because Qin Liangyu was fully prepared, he caught Liu Wu's partial division by surprise. Qin Liangyu led the soldiers and horses to a high place, and threw rolling wood and rocks down. Liu Wu's partial division was caught off guard for a while. Unable to expand formation.

However, as the battle progressed, when Liu Wu's partial division set up the mortar, the balance of victory instantly fell to Liu Wu's partial division.

The battle lasted less than an hour, and Qin Liangyu's soldiers and horses were scattered and fled by the mortar shells.

Seeing this, Qin Liangyu hurriedly gathered his troops and retreated to Chongqing Mansion.

However, Liu Wu's partial division did not take advantage of the victory to catch up, but camped on the spot to diagnose and treat the wounded.

After all, the mountains are high and the forests are dense, and the white-armed soldiers on the opposite side are famous for mountain warfare, so chasing may not be able to catch up.

Anyway, this place is not far from Chongqing Mansion, after arriving at Chongqing Mansion, just take Chongqing Mansion directly.

Now the wailing in the city is basically made by the wounded soldiers who fled back.

"Zhao thief's soldiers and horses are really too difficult to deal with. What we dealt with before was only a partial division. The strength of a partial division is so strong. If we really face their main force, we may not even last for a quarter of an hour. Don’t come down.” Qin Liangyu’s son Ma Xianglin looked at his mother helplessly.

Ma Xianglin is the son of Qin Liangyu and Ma Qiancheng, and Ma Qiancheng is the successor of General Fubo Ma Yuan.

Although Ma Xianglin is one-eyed, he is fearless in battle and is known as "Little Ma Chao" in the army.

"That's right, our army uses white long spears, and they are no match for Zhao's bandits at all.

Their firecrackers hit very far, and they have powerful artillery in their hands. Although we caught them by surprise at the beginning a few days ago, it was entirely due to the advantages of the terrain and their lack of preparation. , we are definitely not their opponents. "

Qin Liangyu's nephew Qin Yiming frowned and looked at Qin Liangyu solemnly.

"That's true. We are no match for Zhao Thief at all. Now that Zhao Wen is powerful, I heard that Zhao Wen has ascended the throne in Xuanzhen and proclaimed himself emperor. It is estimated that Zhao Wen's subordinates will speed up their attack on Sichuan in the future." Qin Liangyu said another Nephew Qin Bangming also said with a serious face.

Except for these few people, almost everyone in the yamen had serious expressions on their faces.

Looking at the state of these people in the yamen, Qin Liangyu sighed, "Oh, how come I don't know what you are talking about? But now that Bandit Zhao's army is strong, can't we shrink back because of Bandit Zhao's strength?

Don't forget, Chongqing is still our hometown, don't you just watch your hometown die like this?What's more, the imperial court treats us well, can we give up because of Zhao's power? "

"But, but, but thief Zhao's soldiers and horses are too powerful, and our team can't charge up at all. They killed them before they got in front of them. We can't fight this kind of battle at all. ah.

Sichuan is not an important town on the nine borders. Among all the prefectures and counties in Sichuan, there are not even a few artillery pieces. How can we be the opponent of Zhao thief? "Ma Xianglin said helplessly.

In the previous battle, Ma Xianglin had already been frightened by Liu Wu's partial division.

To this day, whenever Ma Xianglin thinks of the battle that day, he still has lingering fears in his heart.

At this moment, a soldier rushed in panting.

"It's not good. The partial army we ambushed before is less than [-] miles away from the capital city of Chongqing. It won't be long before they will be able to attack the city. Now, they have broken through all the county towns along the way." The soldier stood in the middle of the hall and rushed towards the city. Qin Liangyu cupped his hands and shouted loudly.

"What?" Qin Liangyu screamed, stood up straight away, and looked at the soldier in disbelief.

"Although we didn't win that battle, we destroyed the road we passed when we came back, and it rained a few more times, making the road even more slippery and muddy. It took only five or six days. How could they do it so quickly? ?”

Qin Liangyu couldn't believe how fast this partial team was.

"Fifty miles, fifty miles, how can it be so fast. This is not the Central Plains. The mountain road is rugged, and I have destroyed the road and it is raining. It is impossible for Zhao's soldiers and horses to be so fast." Qin Liangyu kept shaking. Head, eyes full of disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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