Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 648 Winning the Chongqing Mansion

Chapter 648 Winning the Chongqing Mansion

Sichuan is not the Central Plains. Although Liu Wu's division was only 150 miles away from Chongqing, it was a straight-line distance.

Although the straight-line distance is only 150 miles, I don't know how much longer the real distance is than 150 miles.

The mountain roads in Chongqing Prefecture are rugged and endless, and there is no hardened cement, so it is very difficult to walk.

Qin Liangyu really did not expect that the speed of this partial division would be so fast, and it would soon reach outside the Chongqing Mansion in just a few days.

Qin Liangyu said solemnly: "Order everyone to go up to the city wall and prepare to defend the city.

In addition to this, recruit young and strong people in the city and work together to defend the city. "

"I'll wait for orders!"

The generals in the hall saluted Qin Liangyu, and then walked out of the hall.

The sky gradually dimmed, and a team of about 5000 people stopped in a relatively open place.

The camp has also been set up, with a bonfire burning in the camp, and soldiers patrolling the camp at night.

When this army set off from Chengdu, there were a total of 1 people, but at this time, only 5000 were left.

As for the other men and horses, they either escorted the captives to Chengdu, or stayed in the conquered counties.

In the center of the camp, a huge tent was brightly lit. A middle-aged man in armor sat on the main seat, looking at the generals and counselors standing in the hall.

The man's name is Gao Pingliang, and he is the leading general of this partial division.

"Now the straight-line distance to Chongqing is less than 100 miles, and the real distance is about [-] miles. The mountain road is very rugged. It is estimated that we will have to walk another two or three days to reach the outside of Chongqing.

Now that the war in Henan and Shaanxi is over, only Sichuan is left.In addition, Mr. Chief Soldier has already ascended the throne, so our speed should be faster.

The number of soldiers and horses attacking Sichuan is about the same as that of attacking Shaanxi. There are many mountain roads in Sichuan, so the only artillery in our hands is mortars. However, this is not the reason for our slow speed.

The new dynasty is already established, and I don't want to drag down His Majesty's ambitions because our speed is too slow.Therefore, the general decided to start marching in a hurry from tomorrow, and rush to Chongqing Mansion non-stop without any delay. "

Gao Pingliang looked at the generals in the big tent and said loudly.

These subordinates of Zhao Wen have a strong sense of honor and competitive spirit.

Now their speed of attacking Sichuan has become the slowest, which makes these people lose face.

In addition, now that Zhao Wen has been enthroned as emperor, and the new dynasty has been established, rewards will be rewarded for meritorious deeds. If the attack on Sichuan is too slow, resulting in fewer rewards, then the whole army will not be reconciled of.

"I'll wait for orders!"

The generals in the big tent clasped their fists at Gao Pingliang and said loudly.

"Our speed is too fast, which will definitely cause the grain transportation channel to be too narrow and long, and the people who transport the grain will definitely not be able to transport the grain and grass up in time. Therefore, you must prepare in advance. After conquering Chongqing Mansion, you will eat in Chongqing Mansion.

After arriving in Chongqing Mansion, try to take Chongqing Mansion for me within one day, and the whole area of ​​Chongqing Mansion within one month, not to mention the rugged mountain roads, I only have one month. "Gao Pingliang said hurriedly.


A few days later, Yebushou sent by Gao Pingliang began to appear outside the Chongqing government.

Ye Bushou rode a war horse around Chongqing Mansion, spying on the military layout and terrain around Chongqing Mansion.

Qin Liangyu stood on the gate tower of the north city wall of Chongqing Fucheng, looking at Yebushu cruising outside the city with a serious expression on his face.

"Zhao thief's soldiers and horses have arrived. This is their night not to accept. I'm afraid the follow-up troops are not far away from us."

"Mother, the weapons of Zhao's soldiers and horses are too powerful. Can we really defend the city?" Qin Liangyu's son Ma Xianglin looked at Ye Buchao cruising outside the city, his face full of worry.

"Yeah, not to mention the gap between the weapons in our hands and theirs, the armor on their bodies is not comparable to us.

Almost all of Zhao's soldiers and horses wear armor, but our soldiers only have armor, and the quality of the armor is not as good as that of Zhao's soldiers and horses. "Qin Yiming said solemnly.

Qin Liangyu let out a long breath, "Don't be intimidated by the Zhao thieves before. We have encountered countless enemies since the beginning of the campaign. We have fought many battles, winning and losing. As the saying goes, victory or defeat is the How can you be discouraged by a single failure?"

Qin Liangyu persuaded these generals that if the generals did not have confidence, there would be no way to defend the city.

In fact, these generals can't be blamed, it's because the weapons in Zhao Wen's hands are too powerful, so powerful that these generals don't even have confidence in themselves.

In this era, Zhao Wen's weapon is not afraid of anyone, let alone Qin Liangyu.

"In the future, let others build up their ambitions, and say less about destroying your own prestige. The most urgent task now is to defend the city well, and keep the city well. Put all the soldiers and horses in the city and the young men recruited on the city wall for me. The equipment must also be properly prepared, and there must be no mistakes." Qin Liangyu said, and began to patrol the city wall with his personal guards.

Two days later, Gao Pingliang led the army and finally arrived outside the city of Chongqing.

Gao Pingliang was riding on a war horse, looking at Chongqing Fucheng not far ahead, with a smile on his face.

"It's not easy, it's not easy, it's really not easy. If it was placed in the Central Plains, we would have arrived long ago. But in this land of Sichuan and Chongqing, it is really too difficult. Fortunately, we arrived in time." Gao Pingliang jumped from his horse Jumping down, he looked at the messenger who was beside him, "Order the whole army to set up camp five miles outside Chongqing Mansion, and at the same time order the artillerymen in the army to start setting up artillery positions four miles outside the city.

The troops in our hands are limited, so we cannot surround the city on all sides. I pass on my order to encircle the north and east walls of the city.The artillery in the army is deployed outside the north and east city walls. Tomorrow morning, we will bomb the city gates and walls with all our strength, trying to blast the city gates and walls in the shortest possible time.

Let the three, five, and seven thousand households go to the east wall, and the rest will besiege the north wall with me. "Gao Pingliang looked at the orderly and shouted loudly.

The artillery in Gao Pingliang's army is mortars, and the power of mortars is not comparable to that of cannon howitzers, so Gao Pingliang can only concentrate the mortars in his hands and bombard the north and east walls.

Under Gao Pingliang's order, the army that had just arrived outside the Chongqing government moved again, and began to go to their respective places according to Gao Pingliang's order.

Qin Liangyu stood on the city wall, looking out of the city with solemn eyes.

She understood that if the Chongqing government couldn't defend it, there would be no place in the Chongqing government that could stop these soldiers and horses.

At that time, the fall of the Chongqing government will become a matter of time.

Moreover, once the Chongqing government falls, these soldiers and horses will definitely divert to the southwest, and together with the army attacking the southwest, they will form a pair of iron tongs to firmly clamp the southwest of Sichuan.

"Order everyone to strengthen the city's defenses. No mistakes are allowed. Anyone who dares to disturb our army's morale at this time will be punished. There are more than ten thousand defenders in our hands and young and strong recruits. I don't have the strength to fight." Qin Liangyu shouted.

The number of white-armed soldiers in Qin Liangyu's hands was originally not many, plus the failure of the previous ambush, so there were only more than [-] young and strong men in the city.

Standing behind her, Ma Xianglin cupped his hands at her, and then hurried along the city wall with his personal guards.

Time passed by every minute and every second. When the sun rose from the horizon the next day, smoke rose from Gao Pingliang's camp.

Gao Pingliang was sitting in the big tent, drinking a bowl of rice porridge.

After finishing the rice porridge, Gao Ping wiped his mouth, put the bowls and chopsticks in his hands on the table, and then walked out.

The personal guards standing outside the big tent surrounded him.

"Order the whole army to assemble!" Gao Pingliang looked at a messenger.

The messenger hurriedly ran down with Gao Pingliang's order.

A few quarters of an hour later, the soldiers and horses had assembled.

Gao Pingliang came to the back of the artillery position with the assembled soldiers and horses.

At this time, the defenders on the city wall also saw the movement of soldiers and horses outside the city.

For a while, the sound of the gong on the top of the city resounded non-stop.

Qin Liangyu was wearing cotton armor and standing on the gate tower of the north city wall, looking solemnly at the soldiers and horses that had assembled outside the city.

"The thieves are about to attack the city, let everyone get ready." Qin Liangyu shouted.

The orderly behind her hastily passed on her order.

The defenders on the top of the city began to move the equipment used to defend the city to the crenels of the city wall, and the archers also put the leather bags with arrows under their feet.

The sun rose slowly, and when the news that all the horses were ready reached Gao Pingliang's ears, Gao Pingliang gave the order to fire.

All of a sudden, thousands of cannons were fired, and the sound of the rumbling cannons was like the firecrackers set off during the New Year, non-stop.

After a short flight, the shell landed on the city wall.

Although the power of mortars is not as powerful as that of cannons, the walls of Chongqing Fufu City are also not as powerful as those of the northern cities.

After all, Chongqing Mansion is located in Sichuan, and Sichuan's geographical location is not so important in this era compared to the Central Plains and the North. Except for Chengdu, the remaining city walls are almost impossible to compare with the northern city walls.

The shells fell on the city wall, and the huge explosion shattered the bricks covering the city wall. After the explosion, the fragments and brick fragments swept away at high speed, hitting the surrounding defenders and reaping their lives. .

The defenders on the top of the city were ruthlessly harvested. At this time, they had no power to fight back, and their defense equipment was useless at all.

Under the continuous bombardment of mortars, the defenders on the prefectural city of Chongqing began to be defeated.

Although Qin Liangyu gave the order to cut those who retreated, this order still couldn't resist the determination of the defenders to escape.

When the first escaped young and strong began to appear, the defenders on the city wall were in a mess, and all the defenders began to run for their lives.

Ma Xianglin rushed to Qin Liangyu's side with a dozen guards, "Mother, retreat, retreat, and prepare for street fighting in the city."

At this point in the battle, Ma Xianglin also saw clearly that the defense of the city had become a joke.

Qin Liangyu looked at the defenders scurrying across the wall with their heads in their hands, his face was full of sorrow.

Qin Liangyu understood that the battle to defend the city was over, and it was only a matter of time before the city wall was conquered.

"Okay, retreat, gather troops and horses, and prepare for street fighting." Qin Liangyu gritted his teeth and said with a distorted expression.

Under Qin Liangyu's order, the defenders on the top of the city quickly withdrew to the bottom of the city.

After Qin Liangyu withdrew, he ordered his subordinates to gather the defeated soldiers and prepare for street fighting.

Gao Pingliang looked at the prefectural city of Chongqing in front of him with a telescope, and when he saw that the defenders on the city wall were running for their lives, he said to the messenger beside him: "Let the artillery bomb the city gate and blow it open in the shortest possible time. .”

After receiving Gao Pingliang's order, the artillery began to bomb the city gate.

Although there were earth and rocks behind the city gate to block the gate, under the bombardment of the mortar, it didn't take long for the city gate to be blasted open.

After the city gate was blown open, Gao Pingliang led the infantry and rushed into Chongqing Fucheng.

Street fighting broke out, but the street fighting did not cause much burden to Gao Pingliang's men.

After all, the weapon in Gao Pingliang's hands has spanned nearly 300 years, and it is simply not something that Xue Yong can make up for.

The white-armed soldiers in Qin Liangyu's hands were one of the few elite soldiers with a hundred battles in the late Ming Dynasty. In the bloody battle of Hunhe, the white-armed soldiers relied on their blood and bravery to block the Eight Banners soldiers' attacks several times, killing more than [-] Eight Banners soldiers.

However, under the weapon in Gao Pingliang's hands, no matter how bloody and courageous he was, he was nothing.

The white soldiers hidden in the streets and alleys attacked Gao Pingliang's team again and again, but before they got close, they were hit by 56 and a half and 56.

Under the attack of hot weapons, their full of blood and courage became nothingness and meaningless resistance.

In the afternoon of the second day, Gao Pingliang finally took down Chongqing Fucheng.

At this time, the Chongqing mansion was full of corpses of white soldiers who died in battle. Gao Pingliang walked in the streets of Chongqing mansion with a dozen bodyguards. He looked at the corpses on the ground, his face full of sorrow.

"I have been fighting for so many years. I have fought with the general soldier to build slaves, bandits, and Shanxi. But I have never met this kind of team. They are obviously not our opponents, and they keep fighting against us. We attack.

When I was in Shanxi before, as long as I conquered the city walls of the Fucheng, I could take the Fucheng within half a day, but this Chongqing Mansion took me two whole days.

These white soldiers attacked me fearlessly. Although they didn't hold the city wall, they spent a lot of time in this city. Gao Pingliang looked at the corpses of the white soldiers on the ground, and sighed: "Let your subordinates bury their corpses well."These soldiers and horses are much better than those incompetent guard soldiers in the Central Plains. "

In fact, the counterattacks in the city were only the white soldiers in Qin Liangyu's hands. As for the young and strong, they were so scared that they didn't know where they went.

"Obey!" The messenger following Gao Pingliang clasped his fists at him and ran back.

"My lord, the main defender of the city ran away and only grabbed her nephew Qin Yiming."

Just then, a messenger ran over.

(End of this chapter)

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