Chapter 687
"By the way, electric lights have been installed in the house. Maybe you don't know what electric lights are. It doesn't matter. I'll let someone teach you later. You don't have to worry too much." Chen Donglai suddenly remembered that Wu Youxing might not have contacted him. Pass the electric light, so greet Wu Youxing in advance.

"Electric light? Is it the electric light on the train?" Wu Youxing looked at Chen Donglai in confusion.

When coming to Xuanzhen by train, Wu Youxing once asked Wang Qi when he saw the electric lights in the carriage.

Wang Qi also explained the electric light to Wu Youxing in detail.

Now, upon hearing Chen Donglai, Wu Youxing wanted to ask if the light Chen Donglai was talking about was the one on the train.

"It's similar to the electric light on the train." Chen Donglai nodded, and then led Wu Youxing into the house.

Chen Donglai took Wu Youxing around the house, almost every room where electric lights were installed, and at the same time taught Wu Youxing how to use the electric lights.

After seeing off Chen Donglai, Wu Youxing's family also settled down.

Chen Donglai stood in the middle of the courtyard of the house, looking around in disbelief.

What happened in the past few days was like a dream to him, which was unbelievable.

From seeing Wang Qi, to getting on the train, and now.Chen Donglai acted as if all this was a dream, not so real.

Chen Donglai's wife was wandering around in the yard. She looked at the glass windows above the room and exclaimed in disbelief, "My God, it turned out to be a glass window, this turned out to be a glass window. I can't believe that one day I would also A house with glass windows."

Before Zhao Wen raised his troops, glass had already been sold inside and outside the Ming Dynasty.In Jiangnan and other places, wealthy families also use glass windows, so Wu Youxing's wife has also seen it.

Although Wu Youxing's family is not poor, they are not extravagant enough to use glass as windows.

Wu Youxing's wife walked to a house, looked at the window in front of her, and smiled like a flower.

After all, Wu Youxing's family are ordinary people. Although Wu Youxing's medical skills are very good, in the final analysis they are just ordinary people.

Although Wu Youxing was also very concerned about the affairs of his family and country, what he saw and heard along the way made Wu Youxing feel that coming to Xuanzhen didn't look so bad.

"Okay, don't be surprised, go to rest early, and go to the palace tomorrow!" Wu Youxing took a deep breath. Although he was very excited now, he didn't show it like his wife.

As the night gradually darkened, Wu Youxing lay on the bed, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

When Wu Youxing thought about what had happened in the past few days, she became so excited that she couldn't sleep.

Wu Youxing's wife was lying beside him, unable to sleep either.

"We have seen more things in the past few days than we have seen in the first half of our life." Wu Youxing's wife said suddenly.

Wu Youxing took a deep breath, "Yes, what we have seen in the first half of our life is not as much as we have seen in the past few days. I used to think that Jiangnan was the richest place in the world, but after coming to Xuanzhen , I just realized that I was wrong, and it was ridiculously wrong.

Compared with Xuanzhen, Jiangnan is not a little bit worse.The people on the streets of Xuanzhen hardly wore patched clothes, and the faces of the people were also flushed.The people in Xuan Town are living a very good life, which is much better than our previous life. "

"The officials from the Suzhou Mansion said that Xuanzhen was worthless before, but now I realize that those officials from the Suzhou Mansion are simply farting." Wu Youxing suddenly remembered what the officials from the Suzhou Mansion said back then, with a dissatisfied expression on his face complained.

Wu Youxing's wife turned over and said: "Okay, don't talk about it, go to bed quickly, you have to enter the palace tomorrow!"

Early the next morning, what woke Wu Youxing was not the familiar crowing of a rooster, but the bell from the bell tower in the center of Xuan Town.

In the very center of Xuan Town, there is a bell tower more than ten meters high, on which there is a huge mechanical clock.

The current industrial level of Xuan Town is too high to say how high it is, but the mechanical clock can be manufactured completely.

The mechanical clock on the clock tower was designed by Zhao Wen. The specifications follow the time habits of this era. The clock is divided into twelve divisions, representing twelve hours.

Every morning at the hour of the hour, the clock tower will sound the bell on time.

Wu Youxing got off the bed, listened to the sound of the bell that hadn't disappeared, and murmured: "It's different, it's just different. It's no longer the cock crowing that wakes me up!"

After Wu Youxing finished dressing and washing, she walked out of the house.

As soon as he walked out of the house, Wu Youxing saw Chen Donglai.

Chen Donglai was standing at the door of the gate, and had just jumped off a carriage.It seems that Chen Donglai has just arrived.

Chen Donglai looked at Wu Youxing who walked out of the gate, and greeted him with a smile.

"Mr. Wu, get in the car!" Chen Donglai said with a smile.

When Wu Youxing saw Chen Donglai, he was flattered. He never thought that Chen Donglai would personally pick him up today.

"Don't dare, I'm just a country doctor, how dare I bother my father-in-law with such a grand master?" Wu Youxing hastily bowed and saluted.

"It's not in the way, it's not in the way. Your Majesty attaches great importance to Mr. Chen, and I should come to pick him up. Let's not talk about it. Hurry up and get in the car. Your Majesty has been waiting for a long time." Chen Donglai turned sideways and made an invitation gesture.

Wu Youxing humbled a few times, and then got into the carriage.

Not long after, Wu Youxing arrived at the Imperial Study Room led by Chen Donglai.

Zhao Wen looked at Wu Youxing who walked in, and fixed his eyes on Wu Youxing.

"Meet Your Majesty!" Wu Youxing didn't dare to look directly at Zhao Wen. He stood in the imperial study room and was about to kowtow three times and bow nine times.

Zhao Wen waved his hand, "No need, no need, please hurry up, sir."

Zhao Wen looked at Chen Donglai who walked in with Wu Youxing, "Give Mr. Wu a seat!"

Chen Donglai moved a chair and placed it behind Wu Youxing.

Wu Youxing was flattered, thanked him, and sat on the chair with half of his buttocks, not daring to fill it up.

"I heard that Mr. Wu has some unique views on the epidemic. I wonder if Mr. Wu can talk about it." Zhao Wen didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point.

Wu Youxing thought for a moment, and then said, "Your Majesty, the epidemic is different from other diseases, and the speed of this disease's onset and spread are not comparable to ordinary diseases.

Although there have not been any serious or large-scale epidemics in the south in recent years, there have been several small-scale epidemics in the south of the Yangtze River since the Year of Apocalypse.

The general doctor thinks that the epidemic disease is an exogenous disease, and when treating the epidemic disease, it always adopts the method of treating the exogenous disease.

Or treat it with the method of treating typhoid fever, and use the prescription of Jun Gong Quxie at will.But the symptoms of epidemic diseases are not like this, so this kind of prescription is often ineffective against epidemic diseases, and even causes the disease to prolong and aggravate the disease, resulting in countless deaths. "

"Then what do you think? What do you think the epidemic is?" Zhao Wen asked.

Wu Youxing replied: "Your Majesty, I feel that the epidemic is different from other epidemics. It is neither wind nor cold, neither heat nor damp, nor the invasion of the six evils, but because there is a kind of strange energy in the world that moves people. Typhoid fever is very different.

The epidemic is not caused by the evil of the six evils, but by the unhealthy qi of the four seasons.The symptoms of the epidemic were similar to those of typhoid at the beginning, but in essence, they were fundamentally different from typhoid.

When a disease occurs, it does not happen suddenly or out of nothing.In every year of great famine, epidemics will occur.Or on the battlefield, if the corpses are not handled properly, epidemics will also occur.In essence, this is different from ordinary diseases.

Therefore, Caomin believed that the disease must be caused by something.This stuff exists on rotting corpses, or rats, or whatever.

This kind of thing is called Plague Qi by the grassroots. From the perspective of the grassroots, the Plague Qi should be a kind of thing.There are many kinds of epidemic diseases, such as colic intestinal syndrome and pimple plague, so Caomin believes that there are also differences in plague qi.According to different seasons, the occurrence of epidemic diseases is also different, so Caomin believes that plague is also seasonal.

These are just some of the views of grassroots.From ancient times to the present, there is no medical art that differentiates these content differences, which is the deficiency of the ancients.However, today's doctors in Jiangnan and other places stick to the rules and dare not easily change the will of the ancients. Although the grassroots have some opinions, they are only some opinions. "

Although Wu Youxing's "On the Plague" was written very late, it does not mean that Wu Youxing did not study epidemic diseases before.

In fact, Wu Youxing had studied epidemic diseases a long time ago.However, because his statement is too shocking for the doctors of this era, it is not recognized by many people.

Zhao Wen's eyes gradually brightened when he heard Wu Youxing's voice.

"No wonder he is a person who is famous in history. No wonder he is a person who is famous in history. Wu Youxing has a deep understanding of the epidemic. Although I don't think it is very correct, but in this era and in this environment, it can be done. It's really not easy for Wu Youxing to reach this level." Zhao Wen was overjoyed.

"Sir, what you said is very reasonable. In fact, I also have some opinions on the epidemic." Zhao Wen kept nodding.

Wu Youxing heard that Zhao Wen also had some opinions, so he hurriedly asked, "I don't know what your Majesty's opinions are?"

"That's right, I very much agree with the plague you mentioned. The plague didn't happen suddenly, nor did it happen out of nothing. There is a root cause for the outbreak of the disease. Moreover, the infection of the disease has a lot to do with the plague.

It's just that I divide this kind of pestilence into two types: bacteria and viruses.Bacteria are small, invisible sources of disease, and viruses literally mean the poison of the disease.

Although the two are different, they are similar..."

In the following time, Zhao Wen briefly explained the content of this aspect in the high school biology textbooks of later generations.

Zhao Wen was afraid that Wu Youxing would not be able to understand bacteria and viruses, so he did not follow the script and use the contents of biology textbooks of later generations to explain, but explained bacteria and viruses in light of this era.

Wu Youxing listened carefully to Zhao Wen's voice without taking his eyes off it.

Zhao Wen's voice kept echoing in the imperial study room. Chen Donglai and others in the imperial study room were confused when they heard Zhao Wen's voice. They couldn't understand what Zhao Wen was saying at all.

But Wu Youxing listened with gusto, and occasionally asked questions.

Because Zhao Wen's speech was simple and slow, Wu Youxing could generally understand it.

Of course, what Zhao Wen talked about is the content of the bad streets of later generations. As for the more profound, Zhao Wenxue is an engineering major, so I don't know much about it.Moreover, even if Zhao Wen knew it, Wu Youxing probably wouldn't understand it.

"Bacteria, virus. Your Majesty, although you have never heard these two words before, but they hit the nail on the head. Before, I felt that my disease was detailed enough, but I always felt that something was missing. When I heard His Majesty's words today, Cao Min child will be clear.

What His Majesty said is that different types of diseases have different effects on people.The distinction between bacteria and viruses proposed by His Majesty can just solve this problem. "Wu Youxing looked at Zhao Wen with admiration. He really didn't expect that Zhao Wen still has research in this area.

"This is just some of my opinions. I can talk about it, but I can't really cure the epidemic. I have to rely on your talents." Zhao Wen said modestly.

In fact, what Zhao Wen said today was also written into the textbooks of the university before, and it was also learned by the doctors in the city.

However, doctors in this era pay attention to inheritance, and these doctors in Zhao Wen's hands are basically finalized, with solidified thinking and no foundation in this aspect, so it is impossible to understand these contents in a short time.What's more, these things are things that Zhao Wen's doctors have never touched. For these doctors, they are a bit imaginative.

As for the students in the university, talents in this field cannot be cultivated in a short period of time. After all, medicine is not so easy.

What's more, what Zhao Wen wrote are all theoretical things, and almost nothing in practice.Therefore, in the face of the epidemic, Zhao Wen has no effective methods, and Zhao Wen, a student in the university, cannot be relied on.

And Wu Youxing has done research on epidemic diseases and has a basis in this area, so he can quickly understand Zhao Wen's words.

"Now the pimple plague in Qingyang Mansion, Shaanxi is raging. Although I have sent a large number of doctors to Qingyang Mansion. But I am still a little worried. How about it, sir, do you want to go to Qingyang Mansion? With Mr. here, I thought , the pimple plague in Qingyang Mansion can be quickly eliminated." Zhao Wen looked at Wu Youxing.

When Wu Youxing came to Xuanzhen, Wang Qi explained the situation in this regard, and Wu Youxing was already mentally prepared for this.

"The grass people are willing to go!"

Wu Youxing didn't refuse, and didn't talk too much, just accepted the job straightforwardly.

"Listening to His Majesty's words is better than reading ten years of books. Hearing His Majesty's words today, Caomin already has a way to deal with the epidemic in his heart. After returning from Qingyang Mansion this time, Caomin feels that when dealing with the epidemic in the future, Caomin still needs to deal with the epidemic." There will be better ways and means."

(End of this chapter)

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