Chapter 688

"Well, I will appoint Mr. Qingyang Mansion as the Chief Doctor of Epidemic Control, and together with the Imperial Envoy for Epidemic Control, control the epidemic in Qingyang Mansion.

I will give you three days, and after three days, I will leave for Qingyang Mansion in Shaanxi.During this period, if you have any needs, please tell me, and I will try my best to meet your needs. " Zhao Wen looked at Wu Youxing and said.

Wu Youxing stood up, and bowed to Zhao Wen, "The grassroots leader!"

Wu Youxing had just returned home when his son and wife greeted him.

Wu Youxing's son welcomed Wu Youxing in, and followed Wu Youxing, "Father, what did your majesty say? What does your majesty look like? Is it what those officials in Suzhou said?"

Wu Youxing took a deep breath and said with emotion: "Your Majesty is young, his brows are full of heroism, he speaks without ambiguity, and speaks directly of the key points. Moreover, His Majesty is also very accomplished in medical skills.

An emperor who is accomplished in medical skills will definitely treat the people kindly.Your Majesty asked me to go to Qingyang Mansion to preside over the important affairs of epidemic control. I will leave in three days, and you will stay here then. "

"Cure the epidemic? Then you have to be careful, don't get infected with the epidemic!" Wu Youxing's wife looked at Wu Youxing worriedly.

Although Wu Youxing's medical skills are known to his wife, but now that Qingyang Mansion is a hard-hit area, Wu Youxing's wife is inevitably worried.

"It's nothing. As a doctor, I naturally have to shoulder the responsibility of curing diseases and saving lives. Now His Majesty values ​​me, and I can't let His Majesty down. Don't worry, I will definitely return safely." Wu Youxing said indifferently.

"Don't worry, hurry up and get ready, I'm leaving in three days!"


After Wu Youxing walked out of the imperial study, Zhao Wen asked Chen Donglai to inform Liu Wenzhong to sort out the latest news about Qingyang Mansion and send it to Wu Youxing.

Zhao Wen still believed in Wu Youxing.Wu Youxing is a person whose name has lasted through the ages. With his medical skills, he can pass on the history, and he is not someone who is easy to take.

After dealing with these matters, Zhao Wen went to Song Yingxing's place.

Now that the epidemic situation in Qingyang Mansion is serious, Zhao Wen asked Song Yingxing to put down the research on tanks first.

At the same time, Song Yingxing was asked to renovate the research institute to produce wood-burning cars first.The production plant for firewood vehicles has not yet been built, so Zhao Wen can only use this method.

If there is a wood-burning car, then the delivery of supplies to Qingyang Mansion will be faster.

If the materials can be delivered to Qingyang Mansion one day earlier, the epidemic can be brought under control one day earlier.

When Zhao Wen came to the research institute, Song Yingxing was busy in the temporarily built factory next to the research institute, directing the workers in the factory to work.

The most difficult part of a wood-burning car is the engine, and other parts are easy to produce, so Song Yingxing will personally watch over the production of the engine.

"Your Majesty!" Song Yingxing saw Zhao Wen just as Zhao Wen came outside the factory building.

Song Yingxing hastily walked up to Zhao Wen and bowed in salute.

Zhao Wendao: "You don't need to be too polite, how is the production of wood-fired cars going?"

"Your Majesty, the factory has just been built, and there are only seven or eight firewood vehicles produced. At present, three temporary factories have been built temporarily. It is estimated that there will be almost fifty firewood vehicles in a month.

The produced diesel-burning cars have already been driven away to train drivers, and the training place is not far from the research institute. "Song Yingxing replied.

Zhao Wen nodded, "The training of drivers is also very important, otherwise the production of wood-burning cars without drivers will be a waste of time.

How is driver training going now?If they are almost the same, send them to the train first, and go to Qingyang Mansion with Wu Youxing. "

"I've been training for more than ten days, and I can almost completely master driving a firewood car." Song Yingxing replied.

"In this case, let's send them to the train together and go to Qingyang Mansion with Wu Youxing. With a firewood car, Wu Youxing's speed will be much faster." Zhao Wen said.

"The minister will start to arrange!"


Three days later, Wu Youxing got on the train to Pingyang Mansion.On the train with Wu Youxing were the supplies to Qingyang Mansion and the few firewood cars produced.

Wu Youxing was sitting on the train, with a booklet on the table in front of him, and an inkstone next to the booklet.

Holding a brush in his right hand, he wrote on the booklet with great concentration.

At the same time, Lu Xiangsheng also came to Qingyang Prefecture.

Because the local garrison in Qingyang Mansion responded quickly and blocked the roads in and out of Qingyang Mansion in time, the epidemic has not spread further.

Although it didn't spread outside, the epidemic situation in Qingyang Mansion became more and more serious.

Lu Xiangsheng was standing on a small hillside outside a temporary camp outside Qingyang Prefecture, wearing a simple mask and smelling of alcohol.

"My lord, since the day before yesterday, the number of patients sent to the camp has increased significantly. There are no longer enough rooms in the camp, and the consumption of medicinal materials, alcohol and other supplies has also increased day by day. Your lord, you must plan early. "

Standing behind Lu Xiangsheng, Sun Liancheng, the doctor of the Imperial Hospital, said solemnly.

When Lu Xiangsheng and others arrived in Qingyang Mansion, the epidemic had already spread to Qingyang Mansion.

The population of Qingyang Prefecture is larger than the population of counties like Huan County, so after the outbreak of the epidemic, Qingyang Prefecture became the hardest hit area.

Although Lu Xiangsheng brought a lot of supplies when he came, these supplies can only be transported by manpower, so so far, there are still many supplies that have not been delivered.

"My lord, there have also been soldiers who have fallen ill recently in the army. According to reports in the past few days, the number of soldiers who have fallen ill has already exceeded 100, and the number is still increasing." Sun Liancheng said worriedly.

Lu Xiangsheng sighed: "Oh, let people remind the personnel who transported supplies to the rear again. The epidemic is not a war. Now that we have powerful weapons, we can't lose many people in a war. But this time, the epidemic is not easy to deal with." Many soldiers were lost.

These soldiers are all veterans of many battles, they were piled up with silver by His Majesty, the death of one of them would be a great loss.

There are also local people. It hasn't been long since Shaanxi was taken. If this matter is not handled well, and the hearts of the people have just been gathered, I am afraid they will disperse.

The people in the city must also be protected, this is the cornerstone of the future development of Qingyang Mansion, without these people, Qingyang Mansion would be an empty city.

After going down today, you will lead the doctor who came from Xuanzhen to check my house from house to house. If any patient is found, he will be transferred immediately, and his family members will be monitored at the same time.

The food brought in must be distributed to the people in the city in time, and the people must not be starved.Every corner of the city must be disinfected with alcohol, the environment must be cleaned up, and rat poison must also be placed in places where rats often appear to prevent rats from rising again.

Other prefectures and counties in Shaanxi should also take precautions in advance to prevent the spread of the disease.

In addition, at the same time, let the defenders in the city build several camps outside the city, and divide them into divisions according to the severity of the patients' illnesses. "Although Lu Xiangsheng was very worried, he didn't panic and made arrangements in an orderly manner.

The doctor and the doctors standing behind Lu Xiangsheng bowed their hands at Lu Xiangsheng and accepted Lu Xiangsheng's order.

In Huan County, where the epidemic is most severe, Lu Xiangsheng has sent a large amount of supplies and doctors.

After these people and supplies arrived in Huanxian County, treatment was launched immediately.

In the original county government office in Huan County, Zheng Daquan, a hundred households stationed here, looked at an imperial physician standing in front of him wearing a simple mask, and said, "Sir, nearly a quarter of the patients in the city have fallen ill. If this continues, there may not be many people left in the city.

More than 20 of my soldiers have fallen ill and died.Sir, tell me the truth, can this disease be cured?How long will it take to bring this disease under control? "

The imperial doctor squeezed the beard on his chin, and shook his head solemnly, "My lord, let me tell you the truth, I can't cure this disease. I can't do anything, I can only use some strong medicine to get rid of the pain of these patients." Life, as for whether it can be cured, I really have no way. When the epidemic will end, I can't say for sure!"

The imperial doctor didn't have any good solutions, and he was helpless against the epidemic.

Although we have tried our best to treat them in the past few days, the effect is not great, and a large number of patients die every day.

In addition to this imperial physician, there are ten imperial physicians in Huanxian County and more than 20 doctors recruited from all over Xuanzhen. These doctors started to treat patients after entering Huan County.

The imperial physician who spoke was the person in charge of going to Huan County.

"Then what should we do? Now the people in the city are panicking, everyone is afraid of death, and there are even situations where the people are fighting against the soldiers. If the epidemic cannot be cured, the entire Huan County will be in chaos within a few days." Yes." Zheng Daquan looked worried, he was really worried about this epidemic.

Zheng Daquan had fought wars for so many years, but this was the first time he had encountered such a thing. The epidemic was more than twice as terrifying as war.

"My lord, Zhou Hai is gone!"

Just then, a soldier wearing a simple mask rushed in.

He looked at Zheng Daquan and shouted with grief.

Zheng Daquan was stunned for a moment, and then tears flowed down.

"Take me to see him!" Zheng Daquan yelled at the soldier.

The imperial doctor grabbed Zheng Daquan and scolded him: "Master Zheng, I have treated Zhou Hai before, and he is already terminally ill, and there is no possibility of a cure. If you go at this time, it is very likely that you will never come back again." .”

"Sir, Zhou Hai was brought out by me. He has been with me for many years and has made countless contributions. When he attacked Liaodong, he killed 15 people and captured 27 people. He has made great achievements in battle. He is still young. He is only 25." Years old!!!" Zheng Daquan shouted hysterically at the imperial physician.

After Zheng Daquan joined the army, he was a recruit instructor for a while. When he was a recruit instructor, this Zhou Hai was his soldier.

When Zhou Hai was a recruit, he was the one who worked the hardest.Zheng Daquan also attaches great importance to this hardworking young man.

Later he was transferred to the regular army, and not long after, this Zhou Hai also came under his command.

After Zheng Daquan was promoted to a hundred households, Zhou Hai was also promoted to the general banner because of his contributions.

The two have known each other for many years, and Zheng Daquan also values ​​Zhou Hai very much, and the relationship between the two is also very deep.

When the epidemic started, Zhou Hai was the first to charge, but in this era of no safety protection, the chance of contracting the epidemic is very high.

Zhou Hai was infected with the disease some time ago, although the Lang Zhong from Xuan Town treated him, but the effect was not satisfactory.

"No, I have to go to see him, I have to go to see him." Zheng Daquan shouted with blank eyes.

For so many years, Zheng Daquan has regarded Zhou Hai as his younger brother.

"Master Zheng, the epidemic is as fierce as a tiger. You are the backbone of Huan County now, so you can't go. If you go, what will Huan County do if you get the disease?" The imperial physician kept persuading Zheng Daquan.

Zheng Daquan listened to the voice of the imperial physician and gradually regained his senses.

He stood there blankly, and waved his hands weakly at the soldiers who came to report, "Order, deal with the dead in the same way!"

Zheng Daquan was choked up silently. During this period of time, he had experienced the scene of his subordinates dying of illness several times, and this time he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Seeing that Zheng Daquan had recovered, the imperial physician let Zheng Daquan go.

"Oh, Mr. Zheng, no one wants to see this kind of thing. However, the world is impermanent, especially here in Huan County, no one can guarantee that they will see the sun tomorrow." The imperial physician persuaded.

Zheng Daquan raised his head, looked at the imperial physician, his eyes were scarlet, "Sir, are we really helpless?"

The imperial physician shook his head, "Well, since the Wanli Dynasty, epidemics have occurred from time to time.

In October of the 32nd year of Wanli, Henan and other places not only did not cool down, but were warm as spring.All kinds of flowers are competing for splendor, which is very lively.What can be exchanged is severe cold.Entering November, the weather was extremely cold, and countless people died of freezing.

After the beginning of spring, the plague was rampant in Henan, and the number of people who died suddenly due to illness was unknown.Although the court dispatched officials, it still had no effect.

Entering the Apocalypse Dynasty, the epidemic is even more rampant.In the early years of Tianqi, there was a severe drought in Shaanxi, thousands of miles of red land, locusts were all over the sky, starvation was everywhere, epidemics were on the rise, and countless people died suddenly.

In the third year of the apocalypse, there was a flood in the southwest, the sea water poured back, countless people were drowned, mosquitoes were everywhere, and diseases were rampant..."

The imperial doctor talked about the epidemics that had happened over the years with a dejected face, and the grayness on his face became more and more serious.

"But is the plague so easy to cure? Every time the plague subsides, it doesn't mean that the doctor cured it, but that the temperature warms up and it subsides naturally.

Today, His Majesty is so wise that he sent a large number of troops and supplies into Qingyang Mansion at the early stage of the epidemic.Although the epidemic can be controlled, the dead in Qingyang Mansion cannot stop it. "

The imperial physician shook his head helplessly. Although the imperial physician did not want to face this reality, he was helpless.

"Damn, damn the disease, really damn." Zheng Daquan kept cursing.

(End of this chapter)

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