Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 840 Released Thomas' accomplice

Chapter 840 Released Thomas' accomplice
As soon as he walked out of the study, Cui Tianli saw the crowd standing in the yard.

These people are the subordinates of Cui Tianli and Huang Tianhe, and there are a large number of them, about 300 people.

These people started the fire in the Chengnan Industrial Zone of Xuanzhen Town tonight.

"How are things going?"

Huang Tianhe stood in front of these people and shouted loudly at them.

A small boss stood up and replied excitedly: "Master Huixiang, you have completed the task perfectly. After tonight, the south of the city will be a blank land!"

"Okay, okay. Today is New Year's Eve, and you have done such a big event. Today, I will reward you a lot." Huang Tianhe said to Cui Tianli who was standing next to him: "Brother Cui, you take People bring up what I have already prepared."

Cui Tianli walked out of the yard with a smile.

The people in the yard looked at Cui Tianli who walked out of the yard, with smiles on their faces.

There is no one in this world who doesn't like money, even Huang Tianhe's most loyal believers are no exception.

Not long after, Cui Tianli led someone back into the courtyard carrying a basket.

The silver light in the basket is a basket of silver coins.

Cui Tianli asked people to put the basket in front of Huang Tianhe.

Huang Tianhe pointed at the silver coins in front of him and shouted loudly: "Brothers, you did a good job today, the silver coins in this basket are for you."

As Huang Tianhe said, he divided up the silver coins in the basket.

The silver coins in the basket are about three to four thousand yuan, and each person is divided into about ten silver coins.

These ten or so silver coins are already quite a lot, and they are comparable to the wages of ordinary workers for two to three months.

After Huang Tianhe handed out the silver coins, he said some words of encouragement, and then asked his subordinates to withdraw.


The flames in the south of the city grew even bigger, and the flames soared into the sky, dyeing half of the sky red.

The fire in the south of the city can be clearly seen in Xuanzhen City.

Although the staff of the Water Dragon Department in the entire Xuanzhen City kept rushing to the south of the city, the flames in the south of the city would not be extinguished for a while.

At noon the next day, the flames were brought under control, and by the time the flames were completely extinguished, it was already noon of the third day.

After the flames were extinguished, the Ministry of Industry sent personnel to assess the damage of the burned factory.

When the results of the damage assessment were placed on Zhao Wen's table, Zhao Wen's face turned livid.

"A fire burned 35 factories, 21 people died, 37 people were missing, 86 people were injured, and a direct loss of [-] silver coins..."

Zhao Wen looked at the documents placed in front of him, his face was ashen, and he said in a low voice, "This fire is weird, it's really weird, it burned so many factories, although these factories It’s just some civilian factories, but it’s unbelievable that the loss is so huge. If there is no one here, I won’t believe it at all.”

Chen Donglai stood beside Zhao Wen, and he whispered to Zhao Wen: "Your Majesty, this fire is strange, according to the report from the staff of the Water Dragon Department, this fire did not burn from one place, but from all over the place.

In this way, the fire will be difficult to control, and it is not so easy to extinguish it in addition to the dry weather in winter. "

"Fortunately, it's Chinese New Year, and there are not many workers in the factory. If it were in normal times, I'm afraid there would be more casualties." Zhao Wen looked at Chen Donglai, and said, "Let the Council of Parliament draft an imperial decree, and let the Ministry of Punishment and the Dianqian Division investigate this case together." You must find out this matter for me in the shortest possible time!"

"According to the order!"

Chen Donglai walked out of the imperial study with Zhao Wen's order.

At the same time, Mao Chengzuo, who was far away in Java, was wandering around the city of Batavia with a dozen personal guards.

In the current Batavia City, almost all the buildings are in the interior style. If you don’t know that this is Batavia City, you may think that this is a town in the interior. This foreign town is just like the interior.

In today's Batavia city, the largest number are the people from the interior, and these people have surpassed the local aboriginals in number.

In addition to the mainland people who have come over, the number of new children born in recent years has also been very large, and the population is growing steadily.

With the increase of the population, the people of Batavia also opened up new settlements around Batavia.

Today's Java is developing in a good direction in all aspects.

When Mao Chengzuo came to the port, he looked at the ships docked at the port, and said with emotion: "My father was originally the general soldier of Dongjiang Town, although there are many people under him, the number of soldiers is only a few thousand.

At that time, Dongjiang Town was very poor, and my father often couldn't pay for the military expenses, and even offended the Guanning Army for the military expenses.

Life is better now, and when I think of the past, I can't help but sigh. "

"My lord, now you are Lord Marquis, guarding the southwestern sea area of ​​the court, and your lord's father is a Duke, guarding the northeast of the court.

One sect, one duke and one marquis, this is a great honor, which shows how much His Majesty attaches importance to His Majesty! "

Mao Chengzuo's guard commander Zhu Qiang stood behind Mao Chengzuo and said with a smile on his face.

Mao Chengzuo said: "But it is precisely because of this that I feel that the burden on my shoulders is heavy.

The new year has just passed, and I don't know how many people there are in Java now.

After a while, we will start to check the number of people in Java and formulate a new development plan.

Although there is no war now, things have not decreased for this reason! "

"Okay, let's go back!"

Mao Chengzuo lost his interest, turned around, and walked towards the Governor's Mansion.

Seven or eight days later, a fleet from Dengzhou appeared at the port outside Batavia.

In this fleet, there is a ship pulling Thomas and the weapon Zhao Wen gave Thomas.

Thomas stood on the deck of an extra-large blessing boat, watching the approaching port with a smile on his face.

When Thomas came here for the first time, he was captured by Mao Chengzuo's men. At that time, Thomas was ashamed.

Now, Thomas is swaggering, and he doesn't have to worry about being detained by Mao Chengzuo again.

"Batavia, here I come!" Thomas opened his arms, facing the port of Batavia.

On the ship Thomas was on, there were personnel sent by Zhao Wen to convey the imperial edict.

The ship docked at the port, and Thomas couldn't wait to jump off the ship.

The messengers sent by Zhao Wen followed closely behind.

Now there is a radio telegraph, but the distance from the interior to Batavia is too far, and there is no way to transmit it directly from the interior.

"Haha, this time, let me see who dares to detain me?" Thomas stood on the port with an unusually arrogant expression.

When he first came to the port of Batavia, Thomas came as a prisoner of war.

Not long after that, Thomas changed his identity.

The workers working on the port looked at the excited Thomas and recognized him instantly.

"Hey, isn't this the barbarian who was captured by the governor earlier?

Why are you running here again now?Wasn't he sent away by the governor?Why did it appear again?Could it be that this guy ran away halfway? "

One, the worker looked at Thomas with a stinky face and said solemnly.

The workers standing next to this worker also looked at Thomas suspiciously.

When Mao Chengzuo captured Thomas before, there was quite a commotion. When Thomas was escorted back from the ship, all the workers near the port saw it.

In addition, Thomas was detained at the front and the most noisy, so these workers at the port basically wrote down Thomas's appearance.

"Why don't you just stay here and watch, and I'll report this to you?" A worker poked the shoulder of the worker next to him and said to him.

The worker next to him said, "Okay, I'll keep an eye on it here, you go quickly."

After the voice fell, the worker standing next to him ran back.

Thomas stayed in the port for a while, then headed towards the Governor's Mansion.

Just as Thomas had walked a short distance, the worker who sent the letter before led a group of seven or eight patrolling soldiers towards Thomas.

"That's him." The worker pointed to Thomas in front of him, and said to the soldiers patrolling the city behind him.

The soldiers patrolling the city looked at Thomas and stopped.

When Thomas saw these soldiers patrolling the city, he instantly remembered the time when he was captured before.

The uniforms worn by these patrolling soldiers were the same as those worn by the soldiers who captured Thomas.

When Thomas saw these soldiers patrolling the city, he remembered when he was captured.

Thomas panicked for no reason.

"Why did you come here again? Didn't your lord send you to Xuan Town? What are you doing here?" A soldier patrolling the city raised his gun, aimed at Thomas, and asked.

But Thomas couldn't understand what the patrolling soldier said at all.

Thomas looked at the guns raised in the hands of the soldiers patrolling the city, and stepped back in horror.

At this time, the proclamation officer behind Thomas came over.

A decree official shouted at the patrolling soldiers: "What are you doing? There is His Majesty's decree, and you dare to raise your guns in front of His Majesty's decree. Don't you want to rebel?"

Hearing the imperial decree, the soldiers patrolling the city hastily put down their weapons.

"Don't dare dare not dare."

The soldiers patrolling the city repeatedly spoke back to the official who announced the decree.

"Tell you, Thomas has now become His Majesty's guest. Don't treat him like before." The official said.

Although the patrolling soldiers couldn't understand why Thomas suddenly became Zhao Wen's guest, they didn't ask.

"There is an imperial decree from His Majesty. This time we are here to deliver the decree. Hurry up and inform your lord so that he is ready to receive the decree!" The official declaring the decree shouted at the soldiers patrolling the city.

Upon hearing these words, the soldiers patrolling the city hurried towards the Governor's Mansion.

Seeing that the situation had developed to this point, the worker who sent the letter also looked for an opportunity and slipped away secretly.

Watching the backs of these patrolling soldiers leaving, the officials who announced the decree led Thomas towards the Governor's Mansion.

Mao Chengzuo had been waiting here for a long time when the officials who declared the decree brought Thomas to the gate of the Governor's Mansion.

In front of Mao Chengzuo, the incense table and everything needed for receiving the order have been set up.

Mao Chengzuo looked at the decree officials who came over, smiled and bowed to these officials, "I don't know that there is an imperial decree from His Majesty, so please forgive me for not being able to welcome you far away."

An official who announced the decree waved his hand at Mao Chengzuo, and said, "It's okay, Mr. Mao takes care of everything every day, and I didn't notify in advance, which is really normal."

The official who announced the decree took a wooden box from an official behind him as he spoke.

The decree official opened the box, took out the imperial edict inside, and shouted loudly, "The imperial edict has arrived."

Mao Chengzuo hurriedly knelt behind the incense table and shouted at the official who announced the decree: "Welcome to the decree."

The decree official then opened the imperial decree and read it aloud.

It didn't take long for the imperial decree to be read aloud.

The content of the edict is probably to ask Mao Chengzuo to return all the ships and sailors that detained Thomas to Thomas.

Now Thomas has become a guest of Zhao Wen, and this time, Zhao Wen still has more than 100 Guards soldiers who want to go with Thomas, and at the same time, some ships will be transferred from Mao Chengzuo to go with Thomas .

Mao Chengzuo stood up and took the imperial edict from the official who announced the edict.

Mao Chengzuo couldn't figure out the content of the imperial decree. Mao Chengzuo looked at the official who announced the decree and asked, "Why does your majesty suddenly want to do business with this Thomas? Why do you want me to send someone to go with him to that country? "

"If you ask me, who should I ask? I don't know why His Majesty did this, but no matter what His Majesty says, we courtiers can only follow suit. There are so many reasons." The official who announced the decree said.

Mao Chengzuo nodded, "That's true!"

"Hurry up, His Majesty's guards are on board the ship at the port, it's best to set off today, don't delay!" said the official who announced the decree.

The guard soldiers sent by Zhao Wen were scattered on three or four ships because of their large number.

These people did not disembark when the ship arrived at the port, but stayed on board.

"That is, I will be able to transfer the ship tomorrow, and then transfer the soldiers of His Majesty's Guards to the treasure ship!" Mao Chengzuo said.

"As soon as possible, this matter is quite important, and His Majesty also attaches great importance to it!" said the official who announced the decree.

While the Xuanzhi official was talking to Mao Chengzuo, Thomas stared at the side and looked around.

Thomas had been to the Governor's Mansion once before, but at that time Thomas was captured. At that time, Thomas was not leisurely and elegant, so he didn't have time to look around the Governor's Mansion.

Now the identity is different, so Thomas wants to look around the governor's mansion.

"Don't look, come with me, Your Majesty asked me to let your accomplices go, come with me!" Mao Chengzuo looked at Thomas.

(End of this chapter)

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