Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 841 Huang Tianhe Ready to Escape

Chapter 841 Huang Tianhe Ready to Escape
"Don't look, come with me, Your Majesty asked me to let your accomplices go, come with me!" Mao Chengzuo looked at Thomas.

Thomas didn't know what Mao Chengzuo was talking about, so he could only stand there blankly, looking at Mao Chengzuo with a puzzled expression.

Mao Chengzuo looked at Thomas who stayed where he was, shook his head, and didn't care about it anymore.

Mao Chengzuo himself took people to the direction of the prison, preparing to release all Thomas' accomplices.

Because of the language difference, Thomas had to find a subordinate who could speak the Hongyi language and a Hongyi captive who could speak English as before.

Almost an hour later, Thomas brought the accomplices detained by Mao Chengzuo to the outer port.

Masi took these people onto the merchant ship he drove when he came.

At the same time, Thomas and his accomplices loaded all the firearms that Zhao Wen had sold them onto the merchant ship.

Thomas stayed in the port of Batavia for a day, and on the second day, Thomas, the hundred Guards soldiers sent by Zhao Wen and the fleet sent by Mao Chengzuo headed towards England together.


On the former site of the ruined factory in the south of Xuanzhen, the staff of the Dianqian Division and the Ministry of Punishment kept wandering around the ruins, looking for clues.

This area used to be very prosperous and full of people. Because of the existence of factories, it was one of the most prosperous places in Xuan Town.

But now, this place has turned into a piece of scorched earth, and all the things that can be burned in these factories have been burned up, leaving only some that cannot be burned, standing alone and full of scorched walls, telling the story of the fire.

The scope of the fire was very large, and more than 30 factories were reduced to ashes. This incident had a great impact on Xuanzhen.

Those factories that did not catch fire were trembling every day during production, for fear that one day a sudden fire would burn down their factories.

"Come on, people, this should be the place where the flames just started!"

A member of the criminal department squatted next to a wall, pointed at the base of the wall, and shouted loudly.

The people around heard this man's voice and hurried over.

The surrounding people gathered around this person, their eyes fixed on the direction of this person's finger.

At the base of the wall in front of him, there was an obvious trace of flame burnt, which was more obvious and deeper than other places.

Obviously, this is where the flames first started to burn.

Next to this place, there is a mass of scorched black that has been burned to ashes. From the shape of this scorched black mass, it seems to be in the shape of a torch.

"Look, can you see if this shape is the shape of a torch." The man pointed to the shape of the torch and said to the person next to him.

The people around looked at the shape of the torch and were all shocked.

The person who spoke said again, "I inquired before that this factory is a textile factory, and the place we are standing at is the warehouse inside the textile factory.

In the past, this warehouse was filled with cotton cloth temporarily produced by the textile factory.

From this point of view alone, it has been proved that the fire in this factory was man-made.

I also checked the relationship of the boss of this factory before. The relationship of the boss of this factory is not bad, and the workers under him are also good, and I have not offended anyone.

Generally speaking, when a factory catches fire, if it is set on fire, it is either intentional or unintentional.

But looking at the current situation, it should be intentional, but I can't figure out why someone wants to burn this textile factory.

I asked, this is the owner of the textile factory. According to the owner of the textile factory, he has not offended anyone recently, nor has he had any trouble with anyone. He never imagined that anyone would burn his factory down. .

Then look at the factories that are on fire around you.I think people who set fire should be indiscriminate.His purpose is to burn down these factories. "

The member of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs who spoke frowned tightly. If his guess is correct, then this incident must be done by some hidden force, although I don't know why this force did this. Do, but what can be figured out is that this force is definitely coming towards the factory.

"The fire on New Year's Eve was obviously not caused by one person. It is estimated that the number of people who set the fire must be quite a few, at least 50 or more. Otherwise, it would be impossible to set so many processing factories on fire at the same time." The staff said solemnly.

"Your guesses are correct, but our top priority now is to find out who these people who set the fire are.

What is their purpose in doing this, and will they do the same thing in the future. "An official from the Ministry of Punishments said.

A company commander in front of the temple standing next to him said: "We have already begun to investigate this matter, but we don't have a leader yet, so we don't know which direction this matter should go.

Xuanzhen is so big, we really can't figure out who came after these factories.I heard news that the pre-trial division is currently investigating the matter of the White Lotus Sect.Could this matter have something to do with the White Lotus Sect? "

When the people around heard him talking about the White Lotus Sect, they immediately thought of this.

"Maybe this matter is really related to the White Lotus Sect. I heard before that the pre-trial department is currently investigating the White Lotus Sect in Shanxi.

It's just for a while, it's impossible for the White Lotus Sect from Shanxi to come to our Xuan Town, right?Besides, the White Lotus Sect is just some rabble, how did they know to burn the factory? "An official of the Ministry of Punishment said with a puzzled look on his face.

"Hey, look at what you said. What good things has the White Lotus Sect done since its birth? Does he want to burn the factory for any purpose?

I think this matter is probably related to the White Lotus Sect. Maybe these factories were burned by the White Lotus Sect. These damned White Lotus Sects don't know anything other than rebellion, so damn it. "An official of the Ministry of Punishment standing next to the official of the Ministry of Punishment shouted with a gloomy face.

The people around them also said the same thing, and they also blamed the White Lotus Sect for burning down the factory.

In the following time, the officials of the Ministry of Punishment and the staff of the Dianqian Division carefully searched the ruins.

Almost an hour later, the company commander in front of the palace stopped in front of a concrete wall.

He stopped, looked at a bright glowing object under his feet, squatted down and picked it up.

This is an iron signboard, which has been burned by fire, and it is all black.

The company commander rubbed the sign with his hands, and the sign was slightly deformed under the fire.

When you rub your hands, your hands will turn black. It may be because the fire has been burned for too long, so the burnt black in some places cannot be rubbed off at all.

Rubbing and rubbing, the writing on the sign appeared.

Although it is not very obvious, it can be seen roughly.

"No birth mother, a vacuum hometown."

The company commander looked at the handwriting on the sign, and his face darkened instantly. "It was really done by the White Lotus Sect. These two dharma names are the Dharma names of the White Lotus Sect."

The company commander picked up the sign in his hand and shouted at the people around him.

"I can now be sure that the fire was set by the White Lotus Sect. What do you think it is?"

The company commander waved the sign in his hand and shouted at the people around him.

The company commander's voice instantly attracted the attention of the surrounding people, and the surrounding people gathered beside the company commander, their eyes on the iron plate in the company commander's hand.

The company commander pointed to the iron plate in his hand and said loudly, "On this iron plate are engraved the eight characters of Silent Old Mother, Vacuum Hometown, and these eight characters are the name of the White Lotus Sect. It can be seen that this matter was done by the White Lotus Sect."

When the people around heard this, they all started talking.

"I didn't expect the White Lotus Sect to do it."

"The White Lotus Sect has actually infiltrated Xuanzhen, and has set its sights on the factory."

"It seems that our primary goal now is to investigate the White Lotus Sect. If the White Lotus Sect is not cleared up for a day, then the factory in Xuanzhen will always be in danger.

If the White Lotus Sect burns down the other factories in Xuanzhen, there will be nowhere for us to cry. "An official of the Criminal Department looked at the sign in the company commander's hand and said solemnly.

"Who says it's not? It's just that the top priority now is to send this plaque to His Majesty as soon as possible." The company commander handed the plaque in his hand to one of his subordinates and asked him to take the plaque to the palace. .

This subordinate took the sign from the company commander, and ran towards the palace at full speed.

Half an hour later, the sign was placed on Zhao Wen's desk.

In the imperial study room, Zhao Wen looked at the sign on the table, his face so gloomy that water dripped out.

"I asked Chen Lin to investigate the White Lotus Sect, but the White Lotus Sect burned my factory down.

These White Lotus Sects are really good means, they dared to burn my factory, they are purely courting death. " Zhao Wen cursed murderously.

These factories in Xuanzhen are very important to Zhao Wen, even if they are said to be Zhao Wen's lifeblood, they will not return.

So many factories have been burned, and it is impossible to rebuild them without three to five months. During these three to five months, these reconstructed factories will not provide a cent of tax revenue.

Moreover, Zhao Wen has to invest a lot of money in order to rebuild these factories, which is another expense.

If these factories hadn't been burned down, Zhao Wen wouldn't have to pay the money at all, and he could get a lot of taxes.

"Let Wang Qi and Minister of the Ministry of Justice come to see me!" Zhao Wen looked at Chen Donglai who was standing beside him.

Chen Donglai cupped his hands at Zhao Wengong and walked outside.

Not long after, Wang Qi and Minister of the Ministry of Justice stood in front of Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "When I asked Chen Lin to investigate the auspicious incident, I sent them to Yangqu.

As a result, Chen Lin discovered the traces of the White Lotus Sect in Yangqu, so I asked Chen Lin to investigate the matter of Xiangrui, and then asked them to investigate the matter of the White Lotus Sect.

But after searching, they found nothing in Yangqu, and the White Lotus Sect seemed to have disappeared.

So I asked them to focus on the counties around Yangqu and Xuan Town.

Originally, I thought that Xuanzhen should not have the White Face Sect or that even if there were the White Lotus Sect, the number of the White Lotus Sect would not be large.

But this time I found out that I was wrong, this time the factory in the south of the city was burned by the Bailian Sect. "

As Zhao Wen said, he picked up the iron plate on the table and handed it to Chen Donglai, asking Chen Donglai to bring the iron plate in front of Wang Qi and Minister of the Ministry of Justice.

The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice took the iron plate from Chen Dong's hand and looked at it carefully.

At a glance, it is the eight characters of "vacuum hometown without birth mother".

"This must be the White Lotus Sect. I didn't expect the White Lotus Sect to be so arrogant!"

The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice said that he handed over the iron plate in his hand to Wang Qi.

Wang Qi took the iron plate, glanced at it, and then handed it back to Chen Donglai.

"Your Majesty, the White Lotus Sect is still born, and what these monsters like to do most is to rebel.

Moreover, what these people are best at is hiding themselves. Once these people hide, it is not an ordinary difficulty to find them.

However, they should never, never should have burned down the factories in the south of the city. Their behavior is undoubtedly asking for their own death. "Wang Qi said murderously: "Your Majesty, I will definitely wipe out these monsters of the Bailian Sect and declare peace to the town!" "

The reason why Wang Qi was so angry was because among the factories in the south of the city, some factories belonged to Wang Qi, and they were burned down by the White Lotus Sect.

In the current Xuan Town, almost every yamen has its own factories directly under it, and the profits of these factories basically go into the warehouses of each yamen.

Zhao Wen knows this situation, and Zhao Wen does not support or oppose this phenomenon. As long as taxes are paid on time, tax evasion is not avoided, and workers are not exploited, Zhao Wen generally does not care about it.

Among the factories burned this time, apart from factories run by ordinary businessmen, these yamen were the most damaged.

"Originally, I handed over the affairs of the White Lotus Sect to the pre-trial division, but now I don't think it's going to work.

I have decided that this matter will be handled by the Pre-Trial Division, the Dianqian Division and the Ministry of Punishment, and try to uproot the Bailian teacher in the shortest possible time! " Zhao Wen said with a gloomy face.

"The minister obeys the order!"

Wang Qi and the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment bowed their hands to Zhao Wengong and withdrew from the imperial study.

At the same time, in Huang Tianhe's house, Huang Tianhe stood in the front yard, directing his subordinates to carry various things in the house.

Huang Tianhe was about to move. Huang Tianhe was unusually clever. He sent people to burn down the factory, and he expected that it would attract an investigation from the court. In order to avoid this disaster, Huang Tianhe planned to leave the city.

"Xiangzhu, when are we coming back?" Cui Tianli stood beside Huang Tianhe and asked.

"Let's come back after the wind has passed. Zhao Wen has suffered such a big loss this time. He will definitely not let it go so easily!"

(End of this chapter)

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