Chapter 842 Capture Cui Tianli

"Let's come back after the wind has passed. Zhao Wen has suffered such a big loss this time. He will definitely not let it go so easily!"

Huang Tianhe looked at Cui Tianli who was standing next to him, and said.

Huang Tianhe knew how what he did this time would have an impact on Xuanzhen's industrial zone, and he could also imagine what he would face in the next time.

Therefore, Huang Tianhe thought about escaping from Xuan Town and hiding outside for a while.

"Master Huang Xiang, if we go out, how should we collect the manpower and recruit believers in Xuanzhen Town?" Cui Tianli looked at Huang Tianhe.

"Let's cancel the operation in Xuanzhen for now, the power in Zhao Wen's hands is really too strong.

If he finds us, I'm afraid we will be defeated by Zhao Wen in an instant.

Our immediate priority is to preserve our strength, not to develop it.

Let's wait until the limelight has passed before making any plans.Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry for a while. "Huang Tianhe said.

Huang Tianhe saw it very clearly, he knew that he was not Zhao Wen's opponent, and he also knew that what he had done this time, Zhao Wen would definitely not let him off easily.

Looking at the busy people in the yard, he let out a sigh of relief with a smile on his face.

There was a bit of sarcasm in this smile, as if mocking Zhao Wen.

"Zhao Wen was smart all his life, and he was confused for a while. He probably doesn't know who burned the factory now. Zhao Wen racked his brains and couldn't think of me or us." Huang Tianhe's face was full of smug smiles.

"That is, although it is rumored that Zhao Wen is a god who descended from the sky, in my opinion, Zhao Wen is just an ordinary person.

If he is really a god in the sky, can we still burn these factories? " Cui Tianli, who was standing next to Huang Tianhe, also had a smug smile.

While the two were talking, a subordinate hurriedly came to Huang Tianhe.

Huang Tianhe looked at the subordinate standing in front of him, and asked, "Why are you so panicked?"

His subordinate pointed to the door, and said to Huang Tianhe, "Return to Xiangzhu, Eunuch Cao is here."

The Eunuch Cao mentioned by this subordinate is none other than Cao Huachun.

Huang Tianhe looked in the direction of the door, and saw Cao Huachun and a dozen of his men walking towards this direction aggressively.

"Hey, isn't this Eunuch Cao? Why do you have the leisure to come to my place today?" Huang Tianhe greeted him with a smile on his face.

Cao Huachun's face was gloomy, he looked at Huang Tianhe walking towards him, and snorted coldly: "Hmph, if I don't come again, I think you will go to heaven."

"Brother Cao, what do you mean? Why can't I understand?"

Huang Tianhe looked at Cao Huachun suspiciously.

Cao Huachun half-opened his eyes, carefully studying Huang Tianhe's face.

"Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? Let me ask you a question, did you burn those factories in the south of Xuanzhen Town?" Cao Huachun asked coldly.

"So what if I burned it, so what if I didn't burn it, why did Brother Cao come to me today to ask about this matter." Huang Tianhe was a little confused, what kind of medicine was sold in Cao Huachun's gourd.

"Based on what you said, you admit that you burned those factories in the south of Xuanzhen?" Cao Huachun asked.

"Brother Cao is right. I was the one who burned the factories in the south of Xuanzhen Town."

Huang Tianhe didn't hide anything, and directly admitted the matter.

"You don't talk about discussing such a big matter with me. Do you know how many factories were burned this time? Do you know how big a hole you poked?

Now the entire Xuan Town is searching for the White Lotus Sect. From top to bottom, everyone in Xuan Town has been mobilized, searching every family.

Now, all the city gates of Xuan Town have been blocked, and all the roads out of the city have also been blocked. Now, let me see what you do! "

Cao Huachun looked at Huang Tianhe with hatred.

From Cao Huachun's point of view, although Huang Tianhe burned down the factory in the south of Xuanzhen, he also offended the entire Xuanzhen. Now, all of them are trapped in Xuanzhen, and life will be difficult at that time.

When Huang Tianhe heard what Cao Huachun said, he became anxious.

"Brother Cao, is what you said true? All the roads out of the city have been blocked?" Huang Tianhe looked nervous.

"Why am I lying to you? Last night, all the roads out of Xuan Town were blocked. In the past few days, those people in Xuan Town are going door-to-door in Xuan Town. It is estimated that they will come to you in a few days. Already!" Cao Huachun said.

Cao Huachun's words frightened Huang Tianhe very much, if he really followed what Cao Huachun said, he would go door-to-door to check.

Huang Tianhe will be investigated in a few days. Huang Tianhe's matter is a matter of losing his head, and he is the incense master of the White Lotus Sect, and with so many people under him, it will be difficult not to be discovered by then.

"Then what should I do now? I can't leave the city now, and I will be found in a few days. At that time, I'm afraid Zhao Wen, a thief, will definitely not spare me." Huang Tianhe asked anxiously.

"Now I know I'm in a hurry, and I don't know what to do. When you were going to do this, you never notified me, and you didn't say to discuss it with me. How do I know what to do now? Besides, you just did it back then. When this matter is over, if you don’t hurry out of the city, you have to wait for a few days. Now it’s all over, you can’t get out of the city even if you want to.” Cao Huachun said bitterly.

"I came here today just to ask, what is your backhand.

But now I find that I was wrong, you have no backup at all.When doing this, you didn't notify me or discuss it with me.

It seems that they didn't take me seriously, nor did they regard me as one of their own.Since you don't regard me as your own, I don't have to care about your life or death, so let's end our friendship here. "Cao Huachun said, then turned around and walked outside.

The moment Cao Huachun turned around, the corners of Cao Huachun's mouth rose slightly.

At the same time, Cao Huachun said to himself: "It's really funny that a countryman like you still wants to play tricks in front of me."

The biggest purpose of Cao Huachun coming to Huang Tianhe today is to scare Huang Tianhe.

When Huang Tianhe burned the factory before, he didn't discuss it with Cao Huachun, which made Cao Huachun feel that Huang Tianhe didn't take himself seriously, so Cao Huachun wanted to take advantage of this incident to vent his anger.

Another one is that Cao Huachun and Huang Tianhe have always been on equal footing, and this Huang Tianhe sometimes doesn't take Cao Huachun seriously, doesn't listen to Cao Huachun, and is not under Cao Huachun's control, so Cao Huachun wants to let Huang Tianhe through this incident. Listen to yourself.

Huang Tianhe and Cao Huachun seem to have a good relationship on the surface, but in fact, the relationship between the two is not good. Cao Huachun is greedy for the people in Huang Tianhe's hands, Huang Tianhe is greedy for the money and connections in Cao Huachun's hands, neither of them has good intentions.

It's just that they have the same enemy now, so they can temporarily unite their camp, but this camp is not strong.

What Cao Huachun said was true. All the roads out of the city were indeed blocked, and the personnel of Xuan Town also began to search from house to house.

Looking at the back of Cao Huachun leaving, Huang Tianhe's face was gloomy.

"I don't know if what this old man said is true, or if this old man is lying to me!" Huang Tianhe looked at Cao Huachun's back with a gloomy expression.

"Xiangzhu, can this old man Cao Huachun come to us with such kindness to tell us these things? I don't believe it. I guess this old man Cao Huachun has no good intentions at all!" Cui Tianli, who was standing next to Huang Tianhe, said.

"However, I think that what Cao Huachun said is very likely to be true. How about you take someone out to see if it's true!" Huang Tianhe said to Cui Tianli.

Cui Tianli nodded, recruited a dozen of his subordinates, and walked out of the yard.

Cao Huachun's words frightened Huang Tianhe very much. Before Cui Tianli came back, Huang Tianhe never asked his subordinates to take care of the family.

In the front hall, Huang Tianhe was walking back and forth with a cup of hot tea in his hand.

It was getting late now, seeing that it was getting dark, and Cui Tianli hadn't come back yet, Huang Tianhe couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the sky gradually darkened. Huang Tianhe walked back and forth anxiously in the yard.

"It's been such a long time, why haven't you come back? Maybe something happened to you." Huang Tianhe muttered worriedly.

At this time, Huang Tianhe really wanted to send someone out to find Cui Tianli, but Huang Tianhe didn't know the exact location of Cui Tianli.In addition, what Cao Huachun said was very mysterious, so Huang Tianhe didn't send anyone outside.

Just when Huang Tianhe was extremely anxious, Cui Tianli walked into the gate with a gloomy expression.

Looking at Cui Tianli who walked in.Huang Tianhe breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Cui Tianli came back, it would prove that nothing happened on the way.

"What's going on, why did you come back now?" Huang Tianhe asked anxiously.

Cui Tianli had a dull face, he looked at Huang Tianhe standing in front of him, and said: "What the old eunuch Cao Huachun said is true, he didn't lie to us.

I went there this afternoon, and I went to almost all the roads out of the city in the south of the city, the east of the city, the north and the west of the city.

These roads have been blocked, and no one is allowed to leave the city. If the situation is urgent, you must apply to the local training center. "

Hearing what Cui Tianli said, Huang Tianhe became even more nervous, "The old eunuch Cao Huachun didn't lie to us, so what should we do now?

It won't be long before those people in Xuan Town will be traced before us.What should we do then?What should we say, we have so many people under our command, and there is no way to arrange them out for a while. "

Huang Tianhe panicked for a moment. Although Huang Tianhe was a incense master of the White Lotus Sect, he was very timid. Otherwise, he would not have just found a clue in Chen Lin and ran to Xuan Town with everyone.

"I don't know, I have nothing to do now. The old eunuch Cao Huachun came to us today. I guess the old eunuch Cao Huachun should have a way, or let's go find Cao Huachun." Cui Tianli also has no good way. Well, things have developed to this point, and Cui Tianli has no good solution.

"Since that's the case, let's go find him!" Huang Tianhe said: "How about this, you take someone to Cao Huachun's place again, ask him, and see what he can do."

Cui Tianli nodded, and led the people out of the yard again.

Cui Tianli walked on the cement road outside with a dozen of his subordinates. The sky was dark, Cui Tianli buried his head very low, as if he was afraid of being seen by others.

It didn't take long for Cui Tianli to walk out of the gate, when a dozen or so armed men of the front office, led by a young man, appeared behind Cui Tianli.

"This person is the one I told you about!" The young man pointed to Cui Tianli who was walking in the front, and said to the staff in front of the palace.

Huang Tianhe thought that the place he lived in was remote and no one would notice them, but Huang Tianhe thought too well.

People around have already seen that people like Huang Tianhe are abnormal, which normal person would stay at home all day long?Which normal person will have a large number of strong men in his family?
It's just that Huang Tianhe didn't do anything outrageous at that time, and Huang Tianhe didn't violate their interests. In addition, Huang Tianhe usually gave these neighbors some small favors, so Huang Tianhe's neighbors didn't bother to care about Huang Tianhe's identity.

However, the burning of the factory in the south of the city was a major event this time. Huang Tianhe's neighbors could not report on Huang Tianhe because of those small favors, but when it came to such big issues, these neighbors still stood on Xuanzhen's side.

What's more, once such a person is reported, the reward will be very generous.

"My lords, the person walking in the front is surnamed Cui. I don't know the exact name. Besides him, there is another person surnamed Huang in the family. There are a hundred people under their command, and they gather together all day long. It doesn't look like a good person to talk about it!"

The young man pointed to Cui Tianli, and said to the staff behind him.

"Since you know they are not good people, why did you say it now?" a staff member in front of the palace asked.

The young man looked embarrassed and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Didn't they commit this crime at that time? What they thought at that time was that one thing more is worse than one thing less.

Besides, how could I have thought so much at the time?Just thought they were kind of weird. "

The young man explained with embarrassment.

"Don't explain any more, it's useless to say this now.

You step back first, we have to act, you stand farther away. "A platoon leader of the Dianqian Division said something to the young man, and then led his men towards Cui Tianli.

There is a platoon of Dianqian staff following the young man.

(End of this chapter)

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