Chapter 843 Caught Huang Tianhe

The platoon leader of the front office led his men towards Cui Tianli.

Cui Tianli buried his head on the road and didn't notice the danger coming. At this time, he was completely unaware that someone was coming towards him behind him.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer, and when there were less than 200 meters left, Cui Tianli finally found the person behind him.

Dianqiansi's staff wore the clothes of ordinary people, so Cui Tianli initially regarded Dianqiansi as ordinary people.

When the Dianqian Division and the others came 200 meters behind Cui Tianli, Cui Tianli had no time to escape.

"Catch them." The platoon leader of the Dianqian Division rushed towards Cui Tianli after speaking.

Under the leadership of this platoon leader, all the officers in front of the temple rushed forward.

Cui Tianli sensed that something was wrong in the back, and hurriedly led the people to run forward.

Dianqiansi chased after, Cui Tianli ran in front, and a tug-of-war began.

People like Cui Tianli are just mobs, they can't outrun the people in front of the palace at all.

Not long after, the platoon leader led his men to surround Cui Tianli.

The platoon leader looked at Cui Tianli who was surrounded by him, took a few deep breaths, and calmed down.

"Run, keep running, why don't you run, can't you still run." The platoon leader looked at Cui Tianli who was inside the encirclement and said.

Cui Tianli looked at the people who surrounded him, his body trembling uncontrollably.

"At this time, you must not admit cowardice, and you must not panic, otherwise, the matter will really be irreparable!" Cui Tianli kept admonishing himself.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Cui Tianli looked at the platoon leader pretending to be calm.

"Hehe, who are we? We are in the front of the palace, what do we want to do? That's a good question, of course we are doing what we do!" The platoon leader looked at Cui Tianli jokingly.

"So what about the Dianqian Division, the Dianqian Division, you Dianqian Division, can you arrest us for no reason? We are just ordinary people, why do you want to arrest us?" Cui Tianli looked at the platoon leader , questioned.

The platoon leader looked at Cui Tianli with contempt, and said, "Ordinary people. Anyone can say they are ordinary people, but you can't. If you are ordinary people, why do you see us running away?"

"If you are chasing after us, then we will definitely run. If you don't chase, we won't run." Cui Tianli was still quibbling.

"It's so eloquent, it's too late to say anything now, I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore, just follow us." The platoon leader said and led people to control Cui Tianli and the others.

At the beginning, Cui Tianli and the others still wanted to resist, but when the platoon leader and the others took out the weapons from their waists, Cui Tianli and the others all froze.

Cui Tianli was controlled by four or five soldiers, and Cui Tianli looked panicked.

He really didn't expect that he would be caught on the way ahead.

Cui Tianli's legs were trembling constantly, Cui Tianli knew what would happen to him, this time he was caught, there was absolutely no possibility of surviving.

"My lord, what should the people in that house do now?" one of the platoon leader's subordinates asked.

The platoon leader said: "Don't worry about it for now, let's arrange someone to keep an eye on the area around the house. After we get this person back and interrogate the results, we will report it up and wait for the order of the adults!"


It didn't take long for Cui Tianli to be escorted back to the yamen of the Dianqian Division by the platoon leader, and then the Dianqian Division reported the news to Zhao Wen, the Ministry of Punishment and the Dianqian Division.

Not long after Cui Tianli stayed in the Dianqian Division, he was transferred by the Dianqian Division to the prison of the Ministry of Punishment.

After Cui Tianli was transferred to the prison of the Ministry of Punishment.Zhao Wen ordered people to start interrogating Cui Tianli.

Cui Tianli looks like a man on the surface, but he is actually a coward.

Before the people interrogated by the Ministry of Criminal Justice were executed, Cui Tianli recruited everything, sold Huang Tianhe, and told about Cao Huachun.

After getting out the news, the staff of the Ministry of Punishment told Zhao Wen the news.

In the imperial study room, Zhao Wen sat behind the desk.

Zhao Wen looked at a booklet on the table, and frowned tightly.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect, I didn't expect that this matter was really done by the White Lotus Sect. And this Cao Huachun actually came here, and this Cao Huachun is now also a incense master of the White Lotus Sect.

This time, the truth of the matter became clear.The factory in the south of Xuanzhen Town was burned by the White Lotus Sect, and it was Huang Tianhe and Cui Tianli who burned it.

A while ago, Chongzhen disappeared suddenly, probably related to this Cao Huachun.Cao Huachun has now become the incense master of the White Lotus Sect, what is his purpose for doing this? "

Thinking of this, Zhao Wen suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Not long after, Zhao Wen looked at Chen Donglai who was standing beside him.

"Tell Wang Qi, let them quickly send someone to arrest this Huang Tianhe." Zhao Wen said.

Chen Donglai cupped his hands at Zhao Wengong, and then walked out of the imperial study with Zhao Wen's order.Not long after, Chen Donglai came to the Si Yamen in front of the hall with Zhao Wen's order.

After receiving Zhao Wen's order, Wang Qi headed outside with the troops of the Dianqian Division.

When Wang Qi came outside Huang Tianhe's house, the personnel who were monitoring Huang Tianhe hurriedly came to Wang Qi and told Wang Qi all the current situation in Huang Tianhe's house.

"Report, my lord, no one has come out of this house since we came here." A man in front of the palace stood in front of Wang Qi and said to Wang Qi.

At this time, Huang Tianhe didn't know that the danger had come. He was standing in the front hall and walking back and forth anxiously.

He looked in the direction of the gate, and muttered with confusion: "Why haven't you come back yet? It's been so long, what the hell is he doing? Why hasn't he come back now? Could it be that something happened halfway?" what happened?"

Huang Tianhe couldn't help thinking about the worst of the matter, but even so, Huang Tianhe couldn't guess that there were already a lot of people standing outside the house at this time.

Although Huang Tianhe had set up a sentry post outside the house, the Dianqian Division and others were some distance away from Huang Tianhe's house, and they were well hidden, so Huang Tianhe didn't know that there were people outside, and he didn't find people like Wang Qi.

Wang Qi looked at the house not far from him, and said to one of his subordinates standing behind him: "Bring some people, rush in for me, arrest everyone inside, don't leave any one behind, remember, Arrange someone at the back door, don't let them run away."

The subordinate standing behind Wang Qi said to Wang Qi: "I would like to obey the orders of the adults."

As the subordinate spoke, he headed towards Huang Tianhe's house.

Behind him was a hundred and ten people, these people were all masters in the Dianqian Division, and they were basically brought out by Wang Qi this time.

In the past, these subordinates were experienced in many battles, and it was very easy to capture a little Huang Tianhe.

Huang Tianhe was still walking back and forth in the front hall, holding a cup of tea in his hand, the tea had already become cold, at this time Huang Tianhe didn't have the time to drink tea at all, and he didn't have the mood to drink tea, he looked in the direction of the door, his forehead Cold sweat started to flow down my face.

Now he has become more and more suspicious that something happened to Cui Tianli, otherwise it would be impossible for him not to show up for such a long time.

It stands to reason that after such a long time, Cui Tianli should have come back, but there is still no sign of Cui Tianli, and the surroundings are terribly silent.

"Could something really happen? If nothing happened, he should have come back by now, but even if something happened, he should send some people back and tell me, what's going on now?" Huang Tianhe was anxious Incomparable, fidgeting.


Just when Huang Tianhe was extremely anxious, there was a muffled sound from the direction of the gate.

Huang Tianhe hurriedly looked in the direction of the gate, because there was a yard in front of him and several rows of screen walls, so Huang Tianhe couldn't see clearly what happened in the direction of the gate.

"Ah, ah!"

At this moment, several screams sounded, and Huang Tianhe's heart suddenly stopped.

"Xiangzhu, it's not good, someone rushed in!!!"

One of Huang Tianhe's subordinates ran up to Huang Tianhe from the front, and said anxiously to Huang Tianhe, when Huang Tianhe heard this, his face instantly collapsed.

"Who are they? Have you seen clearly?" Huang Tianhe asked hastily.

Huang Tianhe's subordinate shook his head, and said: "I don't know, I just saw a large group of people rushing towards this side, and now they have rushed into the gate, I don't know who they are, anyway, they are menacing!"

Huang Tianhe hesitated for a dozen breaths, then turned around and ran towards the inside, the matter had come to this point, no matter how stupid Huang Tianhe was, he could still figure out what happened.

Huang Tianhe thought while running, "I'm afraid Cui Tianli has already been arrested, otherwise it would be impossible for someone to come to me, but this matter is very well planned, what link has gone wrong?"

Huang Tianhe couldn't figure out why Zhao Wen was able to find them out in such a short period of time.

Seeing Huang Tianhe running towards the inside, Huang Tianhe's subordinates panicked for a moment, and hurriedly followed behind him and ran towards the inside.

But just after Huang Tianhe ran two steps, Wang Qi's subordinate rushed into the house with people.

Huang Tianhe's subordinates in the front yard wanted to resist and block them, but they were not the opponents of Dianqiansi at all. These people in Dianqiansi knocked these people down without even using their weapons.

Huang Tianhe's subordinates were nothing more than a mob. When they saw that the person who was going to stop him was knocked to the ground, they immediately fled back like birds and beasts.

The people from the Dianqian Division chased them all the way to the back. At this time, Huang Tianhe had already arrived in the backyard. He packed up some things indiscriminately, and ran towards the back with them.

But just after running two steps in the back direction, there was a booming sound from the back direction.

Huang Tianhe stayed where he was, a coolness enveloped Huang Tianhe from head to toe.

"It's over, it's over, someone rushed in through the back door, and it's over now."

Huang Tianhe was trembling all over, he stared blankly at the direction of the back door, as if he had lost his soul.

At this time, Huang Tianhe's subordinates also came to Huang Tianhe.

They looked at Huang Tianhe who stayed where he was, and thought Huang Tianhe was thinking about something.

"Xiangzhu, they rushed in, run, what else are you thinking?"

One of Huang Tianhe's subordinates dragged Huang Tianhe who was staying inside and ran towards the back door, but just after two steps, a large number of people poured in from the back door, and the sound of chaotic footsteps came over all at once, Huang Tianhe's The men stayed where they were.

"It's completely over now."

Huang Tianhe's subordinates stayed where they were in despair, unable to move forward or retreat.

At this time, Huang Tianhe felt slightly regretful, regretting that he had burned down the factory in the south of the city. If he hadn't burned down the factory in the south of the city, he would not have been in this situation, nor would he be in the current situation.

Huang Tianhe's legs were numb, if it wasn't for his subordinates dragging him to run just now, Huang Tianhe wouldn't even be able to take a step.

But it was too late to say anything now, Huang Tianhe could only face this reality.

Not long after, Huang Tianhe was pressed down by Wang Qi's men and walked out of his house.

As for Huang Tianhe's subordinates, they were also controlled by the staff of the Dianqian Division.These subordinates of Huang Tianhe were basically a mob. When they saw the people in front of the palace rushing in, they crouched decisively in place, holding their heads in their hands.

These subordinates of Huang Tianhe also want to resist, but the result of resistance will be disastrous, after all, when the chief of the palace rushed in, they were all carrying weapons in their hands.

Wang Qi looked at Huang Tianhe who was escorted in front of him, and said with a sneer: "You are Huang Tianhe, right? You are the Huang Tianhe that Cui Tianli said, right?

I heard that you were the one who came up with the idea of ​​burning down the factories in the south of the city. I found that you are really brave. You dared to burn down the factories in the south of the city. Do you know who owns these factories?

You brat is quite courageous, do you know who you offended?You not only offended His Majesty, you also offended almost all the officials in the entire imperial court. You are very powerful, I really admire you. "

Huang Tianhe buried his head very low, he didn't dare to look directly at Wang Qi, Huang Tianhe knew what kind of crime he had done, it was too late to say anything now, Huang Tianhe remained silent, but his body was like a chaff sieve The same trembling.

"Wait a little longer, I just sent a few trucks over, when the time comes, load them on the truck and pull them back!"

Wang Qi pointed to Huang Tianhe and said.

Not long after, seven or eight trucks stopped beside Wang Qi.

Wang Qi asked his men to put Huang Tianhe and Huang Tianhe's men on the truck.

(End of this chapter)

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