Chapter 844 Developing Domestically
Wang Qi asked his subordinates to put Huang Tianhe and Huang Tianhe's men on the truck. After putting these people on the truck, the truck started and headed towards the yamen of the Ministry of Punishment.

Not long after these people left, Cao Huachun showed up with a dozen people. Cao Huachun looked at the leaving truck and narrowed his eyes. It's quite big, originally I was wondering if I could find a way to take people like Huang Tianhe for my own use, but now it seems that there is no need for this."

"Catch Huang Tianhe, maybe Huang Tianhe will be able to confess that I am promoting this matter. It seems that I can't stay here in Xuancheng for too long." Cao Huachun said to himself.

Cao Huachun didn't stay here for a long time before he left this place with his men.

The place where Cao Huachun was located was not very far from where Huang Tianhe was. After Cao Huachun came to the place where he lived, he stayed here not long before he walked out of the house where he lived with his subordinates.

It didn't take long before Cao Huachun brought people to appear outside the house where Chongzhen lived, but now the place where Chongzhen lived was surrounded by a large number of people. After the disappearance of Chongzhen last time, Zhao Wen sent more people to come Visiting Chongzhen, so it is very difficult for Cao Huachun to meet Chongzhen now.

"I have to leave for a long time. The emperor should know about this matter. If the emperor doesn't know, he might be worried." Cao Huachun looked at Chongzhen's house and said to himself. In my mind, to a certain extent, Chongzhen was much more important than myself.

But now Cao Huachun couldn't get close to the change of the important town at all, he watched the guards outside the Chongzhen mansion shaking their heads and sighing.

When night fell, Cao Huachun walked towards the distance.

At the same time, in the prison of the Ministry of Punishments, personnel from the Department of Criminal Affairs and the Department of Pretrial Division joined forces to interrogate Huang Tianhe and Huang Tianhe's subordinates.

Although Huang Tianhe was an incense master of the White Lotus Sect, his bones were so weak that he didn't have much interrogation, so he told everything he could say and recruited everything he knew.

These things were compiled into a booklet by the interrogators and placed on Zhao Wen's desk in the shortest possible time.

In the imperial study room, Zhao Wen sat behind the desk. Zhao Wen held the booklet sent by the interrogator in his hand and read it intently.

"Hehe, Huang Tianhe's courage is not ordinary, it is very big, and this Cui Tianli, these two people are talents, they dare to do such a thing."

Zhao Wen kept sneering as he looked at the contents of the brochure.

"This Cui Tianli's eloquence is also good, he even said that the factory exploited these farmers, even said that these factory owners enclose these farmers' land to build factories, and then drive these farmers to work for them in the factory.

It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous, given the degree of industrialization and industrialization in Xuanzhen, where are there any big factory owners?

These factories in Xuanzhen are basically government-run factories, so there is no such thing as exploitation or non-exploitation.Besides, the land of these factories was originally built on wasteland, so how can there be any land that encloses the common people?It's ridiculous. "

Zhao Wen may not be surprised if such remarks appear after decades of industrialization, but in this case, such remarks in the current development of Xuanzhen are purely fanning the flames and provoking The conflict between the people and the factory.

We must know that the current factories have solved the employment problems of many ordinary people and brought them a way of life, and Zhao Wen has invented so many agricultural machinery, which has made the productivity of the common people even further. It is no longer possible for the common people to support themselves. The problem is that it is better than before. I don't know how many times.

Zhao Wen carefully looked at the booklet in his hand and kept shaking his head, "It's a pity that such a good mind is used in evil ways. If it can be used in the right way, it must have made a lot of contributions."

"And this Cao Huachun, I really didn't expect this Cao Huachun to become a White Lotus Sect now, and want to take this country back, what a joke." Zhao Wen shook his head and said jokingly.

It's not that Zhao Wen looks down on Cao Huachun, but the reality lies here.

From Zhao Wen's point of view, even if Cao Huachun now has 100 million people in his hands, he still can't take the country back. After all, no common people would like to return to the poor days before.

"It seems that people are going to start arresting this Cao Huachun. Why do you want to take back the country? It's ridiculous!"

As Zhao Wen said, he put the brochure aside. This matter was handled together by the Department of Justice and the Yamen of the Ministry of Punishment. In addition, this matter was specially instructed by Zhao Wen, so the case was handled very quickly.

In the afternoon when the interrogation letter was delivered, the three yamen made their verdicts against Huang Tianhe, Cui Tianli and others.

Huang Tianhe and Cui Tianlili were sentenced to death. As for Huang Tianhe and Cui Tianlili's subordinates, they were also sentenced according to the severity of the crimes.

The main members who participated in the arson were basically sentenced to death. Those who were not deeply involved in the incident and joined for a long time were not sentenced to severe sentences, but for the key members of Huang Tianhe and Cui Tianli, the sentences were still very severe.

All in all, this time the White Lotus Sect that was running around in Xuanzhen was uprooted.

A few days after the verdict, Huang Tianhe, Cui Tianli and their key subordinates were sent to the execution ground.

The execution ground was set up outside the city of Xuan Town. On the day of the execution, many people came to watch.

The onlookers looked at the scene in front of them without any fear, and were even very excited.

Before the execution, Zhao Wen had people report the identities of these people and what they committed through newspapers.By the way, I also mentioned what kind of organization and what kind of thing the White Lotus Sect is.

Therefore, these onlookers were well aware of the crimes committed by Huang Tianhe and Cui Tianli, and wished that Huang Tianhe and Cui Tianli would be beheaded.

After the execution, the heads of Huang Tianhe and Cui Tianli were hung on the city wall as a warning to those who came after.

When the news of the completion of the execution reached Zhao Wen's ears, Zhao Wen was sitting in the royal study planning the next thing.

In front of Zhao Wen is a huge national map. This map does not have the details of later generations, but there are basically all the prefectures and counties in the provinces. Zhao Wen circled the map with a pencil in his hand. draw.

"Now that the matter of the White Lotus Sect has been resolved, although there is no guarantee that such a thing will never happen again in the future, we should not pay too much attention to this matter.

Resuming production across the country is the most important thing.In today's world, production has resumed in the first captured area in the north. Although the southeast side has recovered almost, the southwest side has been slow to recover due to the obstacles of mountains and rivers.

The coal resources and oil and gas resources in the northwest are very developed, which is also a common sense in later generations.

Therefore, the industrial cities in the future will mainly gather in the northwest, but the southeast, southwest and other places are close to the sea, and the sea transportation is more convenient, and it will be very convenient to develop business in the future...

There are vast plains in the central region, which are suitable for building large-scale farms, and those large agricultural machinery are also useful here, and the central region will be planned as agricultural land in the future.

Today's grasslands have all surrendered to me. Although there may be some special accidents in the future, in general there should be no excessive problems. Unlike the mainland, the grasslands cannot be used to develop farming. After all, if the grasslands develop farming If not, desertification will occur.

The soil structure of the grassland is different from that of the interior, so it is not suitable for the development of agriculture. In this case, let's develop animal husbandry.

There is also Nurgandusi. The current Nurgandusi is still relatively barren. Although the population continues to immigrate there, the current population is still small. The specific planning of Nurgandusi will wait until the population increases. Bar. "

While Zhao Wen was talking, he used a pencil to draw circles on the map, and marked the future specific development directions in the northwest, southeast and other places.

Zhao Wen's development plan is basically modeled after later generations, because the development of later generations is almost the same.

Now that the whole world has entered a period of stability and peace, the most important thing before Zhao Wen is to develop the domestic economy of people's livelihood.

Zhao Wen had already made up his mind before, at least seven or eight years to restore the country, and then carry out large-scale military operations, this is what Zhao Wen promised.

Zhao Wen took out a few sheets of rice paper, listed all his marks on the map, and then arranged them neatly on the rice paper.

After finishing these things, Zhao Wen looked at Chen Donglai and said, "Give me the ministers from the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance and other departments."

Chen Donglai saluted Zhao Wen, and then walked out of the imperial study with Zhao Wen's order.

In about half an hour, all the ministers of these departments appeared in the imperial study room, and the Ministry of Industry was located outside Xuanzhen City, so it took more time.

"This is the national development plan formulated by me. Take a look." Zhao Wen picked up the things he had formulated and handed them to Chen Donglai who was standing next to him to take them down.

Chen Donglai took it from Zhao Wen and took it down.

Song Yingxing, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, took the lead in taking over the development plan drawn up by Zhao Wen from Chen Donglai.

In about a quarter of an hour, Song Yingxing handed over the plan in his hands to Sun Yuanhua, Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

It took another half an hour for the people in the imperial study to read all the development plans drawn up by Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen took the development plan from Chen Donglai, looked at the ministers standing in front of him, and asked, "What do you think? Is there anything else to add?

It's all right, say it boldly.It is a matter of national affairs, if there is anything wrong, you can speak up boldly, and if you think there is something that needs to be added, just say it, it is not a big deal. "

Song Yingxing, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, stood up first, and said to Zhao Wen: "Your Majesty, there is no major problem with the plan you made, and the main goal is still acceptable.

In my opinion, these general directions are very correct, but I have a question, why does His Majesty place the industrialized cities in the northwest of the country, and why not in the southeast?

His Majesty said in the plan that in the future, the goods produced by the factories produced by the country will not only be sold domestically, but also sold abroad.

But nowadays, the most convenient way to go abroad is to go by sea. If these industrial cities are placed in the northwest, then the sea transportation must first go through land transportation.

In this way, transportation costs will undoubtedly be increased. Why doesn't His Majesty directly place these industrial cities on the southeast coast and other places. "Song Yingxing looked at Zhao Wen suspiciously.

Zhao Wen didn't answer Song Yingxing's question, but turned his attention to other people, "Do you have any questions? Tell them together, and I will solve them and answer them together."

As soon as Zhao Wen asked this question, Sun Yuanhua, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, stood up and said to Zhao Wen: "Your Majesty, I think the plans you made are acceptable.

But now there is a problem. It may not be an easy task to realize such a large project in a short period of time.

One is that there are not so many construction workers. Although there are a lot of construction workers in the hands of the imperial court, manpower is needed in many places. If you want to build so many cities in such a large area at the same time, I feel that the current manpower It simply cannot be done.

In addition, if such a large project is built at this time, especially if the number of projects is so large, then the court will spend a huge amount, and the minister is worried that the finances may not be able to support it. "

Just after Sun Yuanhua finished speaking, the minister of the Ministry of Finance also stood up, and he said to Zhao Wen: "Your Majesty, although the imperial court's finances are very sufficient, but I am worried about the completion of such a large stall and such a large project at one time. There will be major financial problems.

In the past, the financial output of the imperial court was very large, and people's livelihood has been able to recover more in the past few years. It has not been a few years of good life. It is probably not an easy task to get such a large project. "

In the following time, the ministers standing in various departments in the imperial study room also raised their own questions.

Zhao Wen sat quietly behind the desk and listened to the questions of these people. The questions raised by these people were also very ingenious, basically speaking out the shortcomings and challenges Zhao Wen faced in this plan. In fact, Zhao Wen also Thinking of these problems, I have already figured out a general solution, but Zhao Wen didn't write it down in the plan.

(End of this chapter)

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