Chapter 845 Development Planning
Zhao Wen listened carefully to the questions raised by these officials. After all the officials said their questions, Zhao Wen took a sip of tea, cleared his throat, and said, "These questions you raised are very serious. Well, basically all the challenges and shortcomings in this plan have been stated, and now I will tell you my solution.

First of all, let me answer the question raised by Song Aiqing, why do I set up the cities in the northwest as industrial cities, and why don't I set up these industrial cities in the southeast and other coastal areas? "

"The Northwest is very large and vast. Although it is not as flat as the Central Plains, it is much better than the Southwest.

The larger the place, the more factories will be established, and the mineral resources in the northwest are very rich, which can completely supply the needs of industrial factories.

Moreover, a lot of land in the northwest is not suitable for farming, and the people here can only get enough food and clothing by farming the land every year. Once they encounter natural disasters, they basically have no crops. If they only rely on farming, it is difficult for the people here to get rid of poor.

Therefore, I want to build factories and industrial cities in the northwest, so that the people no longer need to dig food in the ground, and no longer need to rely on the sky for food. The northwest has this condition, why not use it? "

In the following time, Zhao Wen explained the questions raised by those officials one by one.

Although some of Zhao Wen's explanations are not very appropriate or correct, they can solve many problems.

What Zhao Wen said was a general framework for solving the problem. As for the specific solution, these officials should discuss it and discuss it, and solve it after encountering specific things in the future.

After all, Zhao Wen is not a god, it is impossible to think about everything, and it is impossible to solve all problems.

Zhao Wen discussed these matters with these officials for a very long time, which lasted until midnight. In the next few days, Zhao Wen continued to discuss these matters with these officials.

After seven or eight days in this way, Zhao Wen and these officials finally formulated a specific development plan. Although the current development plan is only a general framework, it is a very good development plan compared to this country. the trend of.

After formulating the development plan, Zhao Wen sent the development plan to the Council, and asked the officials of the Council to publish the development plan, and then issued it to all ministries.

In addition, Zhao Wen also asked the Senate to list the most important clauses in this development plan, and then formulated it as the number one document in the country and distributed it to all places.

Because of the use of railways and other transportation and the use of wood-burning vehicles, the speed of distributing these documents is very fast. Basically, these documents have been distributed to all parts of the country in seven or eight days.

After these documents were sent to all parts of the country, those departments across the country began to formulate development goals and development plans for each region in accordance with the instructions of this document.

After these development goals and development plans are formulated, they will be reported to the Council, and then the Council will conduct a summary review. After the review is completed, they will be handed over to Zhao Wen for approval. Approval comes out of the plan for development.

Almost another month later, the development plans and development plans from all over the country were sent to the Senate. After half a month of processing, the Assembly sent the processed items to Zhao Wen. There were a lot of these items. , It is not so easy for Zhao Wen to finish sorting out in a short time.

One day at the end of February, Zhao Wen was sitting in the imperial study, looking at the thick pile of development plans on his desk, with an uncomfortable expression on his face, "There are too many of these things, I have read them three or four times. The genius has seen less than half of it, when will it be the head?"

Zhao Wen looked at the development plans on the table with a distressed face. They were screened out by the Senate, and all the less important things were screened out. Finished.

Zhao Wen picked up the teacup on the table, drank the tea in it, and then began to work hard, handling these things seriously.

After about six or seven days, Zhao Wen finally dealt with all these things.

After Zhao Wen finished dealing with these things, he returned to the Senate.

The House of Representatives received these items returned by Zhao Wen and returned them to all parts of the country.

In mid-March, all the development plans and development plans that had been approved were returned to all parts of the country. Under these development plans and development plans, all parts of the country have undergone vigorous development.

The prefectures and counties all over the country have vigorously started to develop according to the content of the development plan.

A wave of development is sweeping across the country, and this wave feels a bit like a revolution in later generations.

For a while, various slogans and various preferential policies were introduced all over the country. Among these preferential policies, the most frequently mentioned one is to have more children and more children.

In a county under the jurisdiction of Xi'an, Shaanxi, all kinds of slogans are posted all over the county. These slogans are very easy to understand, abandoning the kind of literary language, which is even more plain than vernacular.

One of those slogans is particularly obvious. This sentence goes like this: If you want to get rich, you must first build roads, have more children and plant trees. Of course, this slogan was created by Zhao Wen.

With the support of various policies, the officials in this county began to mobilize the residents inside to develop according to the approved development plan and development results.

Looking at their development goals according to the development plan they formulated, in fact, this city has developed into an industrialized city. According to their plan, at least three steelmaking plants, two cement plants and some Textile mills and other factories.

Part of the money needed to build these factories comes from local fiscal revenue, and the government subsidizes what is not enough.

Today's court financial reserves are very large, and in Zhao Wen's plan, not all cities in the country will start construction at the same time, but to start construction for those big cities, and slow down for those small cities.

If you count it, there are not many cities that have started construction in earnest, so today's finances can also support these cities.

If all cities across the country were to start construction at the same time, Zhao Wen would not be able to support it no matter how big his family was.

In Zhao Wang's specific plan, the first industrial cities to start construction are several key cities in the west, such as Xi'an, Lanzhou, Yinchuan, Chengdu, etc. These key cities.

As for the eastern cities, they are mainly concentrated in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions, and these cities in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions are mainly commercial cities, and the construction of commercial cities is much cheaper than the construction of industrial cities.

As for the manpower needed to build these factories, local officials need to be recruited to involve the local people.

After all, the Ministry of Industry does not have so many construction personnel, nor does it have so many workers, so these factories can only be built by local people.

There is an advantage in this way, that is, when these factories are built, employment can be stimulated, these people can have jobs, and after these people have jobs, they can get wages.

With wages, these people can consume. If they can consume, they must buy the industrial products produced in these factories, thus forming a cycle and driving the local economic cycle.

In Zhao Wen's view, money can only be called money if it is spent. If it cannot be spent and buried in the cellar like those Shanxi merchants, it is just some non-ferrous metals. Therefore, in the current development, no matter how much Zhao Wen spends The money will not be distressed.

The county under the jurisdiction of Xi'an is called Zhouzhi County. The geographical environment of Zhouzhi County is very superior. It is adjacent to the Qinling Mountains in the south, the Weishui River in the north, and the Jinshan River with the river. It is the west gate of Xi'an and is located in the west of Guanzhong.

Regardless of water transportation or land transportation, Zhouzhi County is very developed, so it is very appropriate to say that it is an industrial city.

In Zhouzhi County, all kinds of slogans are posted all over the streets and alleys. Outside Zhouzhi County, various construction sites have also been set up. The magistrates and other officials in Zhouzhi County basically go to those construction sites every day, wishing to live on the construction sites. .

"The higher-ups allocated us 30 silver dollars, and now only part of it has come down, and it is estimated that the rest will take several months.

If we add up the silver deposits in our county, there are almost 40 silver dollars.

So many silver dollars were used to build these factories, I have to admire Your Majesty's courage.Your Majesty deserves to be His Majesty, so many silver dollars were unimaginable before. "

Wang Danhua, the county magistrate of Zhouzhi County, stood beside the factory outside the city and looked at the huge construction site in front of him with a look of sorrow.

In front of his eyes was a huge construction site, and the sky above the construction site was filled with smoke and dust, which was produced when the workers were laying the foundation.

The chants of the workers rang out one after another, and they kept swaying over the construction site.

Wang Danhua walked around the construction site with his hands behind his back, wearing an official uniform, his eyes full of hope.

Liu Yimiao, the head of Zhouzhi County, walked beside him, and said with a smile on his face: "Of course your Majesty is Your Majesty, so many silver coins, let alone you, I never dared to think before, so many silver coins are spent. Like running water."

"When I was in college, the teacher who gave me an economics class once said that he said that the money spent is called money, and I deeply agree with this.

When the money allocated by His Majesty to us is used to build factories, it will be distributed to these common people as wages. After these common people have money, they will buy things produced in this factory, so that an economic cycle will be created.

I still couldn't understand this model before, but now I understand it instantly when I see the hot construction site in front of me.It's just that I didn't expect His Majesty's handwriting to be so big, and he took out so much money at once. "

(End of this chapter)

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