Chapter 846 Harvester

Looking at the hot construction site in front of him, Wang Danhua said excitedly, "I really didn't expect His Majesty to come up with so many silver coins at one time."

Liu Yimiao put his hands behind his back and walked forward.On the large construction site in front of us, there are at least 2000 workers working here.

Although there are already a lot of vehicles and equipment in Xuan Town, the number of those tools is still relatively small here, so the construction of buildings is basically completed by workers.

To complete such a large amount of work in a short period of time, without modern machinery, we can only rely on a large amount of labor to achieve it, which is also impossible.

Wang Danhua stood next to Liu Yimiao, he squinted his eyes and looked around, the smoke and dust on the construction site were constantly floating in the air.

"Brother Liu, when do you think this construction site will be completed?" Wang Danhua looked at Liu Yimiao and asked.

Liu Yimiao looked at the construction scene around him, thought for a while, and said, "If it's fast, I think it will take at least a year. If it's slow, I can't say for two or three years. After all, the number of factories we built this time There are still quite a few, and we are not here in Shenzhen, so there are not so many equipment available, and we can only rely on a large amount of labor to achieve it."

Wang Danhua nodded and said, "I think so too, so do you think the money allocated from above is enough?"

"It must be enough, the money allocated from above is not only enough, but there is still a surplus.

Earlier, I asked people to calculate how much it would cost to build these factories. After those people’s calculations, the money was completely enough for the construction of these factories, and there was even a lot left over. Even for future work, these The money is also enough to support, so you don't have to worry about the money not being enough to build a factory. "Liu Yimiao said solemnly.

In addition to this county, the several counties under the jurisdiction of Xi'an also basically started to build their own factories and other things according to their own development plans.

For a while, the counties around Xi'an were all busy.Because the construction of these factories requires a lot of consumables such as cement, bricks and tiles, many businessmen sell these things from all over Shaanxi to Xi'an.

in.The number of merchants selling cement from Xuancheng to Xi'an is the largest.After all, when building a factory, the most important building material is cement. As for bricks and tiles, they can be made locally.

In a busy, time came to summer.Summer is the season for harvesting summer grain, which is mainly winter wheat planted last autumn.

The planting range of winter wheat is basically concentrated in the north of the Yangtze River. Because winter wheat is resistant to cold, it is said that more winter wheat is planted in the north.

And winter wheat is also the staple food in the north.As the saying goes, if you have food in your hand, don't panic in your heart.At the beginning of the summer grain harvest, Zhao Wen asked the personnel of the Ministry of Agriculture to arrange to supervise and supervise the governments all over the country, especially the winter wheat-growing areas.

In spring, Zhao Wen considered the harvest of winter wheat.At that time, Zhao Wen asked the newly built automobile factory to produce a large number of agricultural machinery, among which the number of harvesters was the largest.

And these harvesters were also sent by Zhao Wen to the main planting range of winter wheat.With these harvesters, the harvest time of winter wheat will be greatly shortened, which can save a lot of time for storage and transportation.

A few years ago, these harvesters were arranged by Zhao Wen, but because of the small number, the range of activities of these harvesters was basically concentrated in Xuanzhen and some areas in the north of Shanxi.

At that time, the automobile factory mainly produced automobiles, and there were not many agricultural equipments.

This year, because Zhao Wen arranged the time early, and the number of harvesters manufactured was relatively large, it is said that these harvesters were sent to the main winter wheat planting areas very early.

Under Zhao Wen's current rule, each county has an agricultural department, which is in charge of the county's agricultural production.

These agricultural machines were also sent to the Department of Agriculture by Zhao Wen, and then the Department of Agriculture carried out unified management and unified harvesting.

As for the cost of harvesting, it is mainly divided into two parts, one part is supported by the local agricultural department, which is paid by local finance, and the other part is paid by the people.

In Pingyang Prefecture, Shanxi Province, it is located on the edge of the Yellow River and has many fertile fields. It is also one of the main areas for growing winter wheat.

Outside the city of Pingyang Prefecture, there is a piece of farmland that can't be seen at a glance. The crops grown in this farmland are winter wheat.

The current winter wheat is yellow and clear, and a gust of wind blows, rolling golden waves of wheat.

A middle-aged man in a T-shirt and a square crown was standing on the field ridge, with his left hand on his hips and his right hand over his eyes, looking at the wheat field in front of him.

"I don't know when those harvesters from the Department of Agriculture will arrive. If it takes too long, I might as well ask some macs to come and help me harvest.

There are several hundred acres of land in my family, and it will cost a lot to let those mikes harvest it.But if you let the harvester harvest, you can save a lot of money, and the speed is also fast.

The season of summer is like a child's face, it can change as it says, and there were several thunderstorms on the ground yesterday, which scared me so much that I didn't sleep well all night.

The weather is a bit cloudy today, who knows if there will be rain these days, if there is rain, all my wheat will be soaked. "

The middle-aged man stood on the ridge with an anxious expression on his face. This middle-aged man was none other than Liu Wenqing who had been in contact with Zhao Wen a long time ago.

Speaking of this Liu Wenqing, his current status is not ordinary, he married one of his daughters to Zhou Laoliu.

The time Zhou Lao Liu followed Zhao Wen was later than Song Hu Zhao Daniu and the others today.

The current Zhou Laoliu has been awarded the title of Marquis by Zhao Wen. He is a proper first-class marquis in the army, and he is now the leader of the first army.And judging from this sign, he will be promoted in a short time. Zhao Wen will adjust the army's garrison situation after a while. At that time, Zhou Laoliu will definitely be promoted again. The rank of general may be promoted to general again at that time. At the top is the level of marshal. Zhao Wen is the generalissimo of the soldiers and horses of the whole country. Marshal, Zhu Laoliu will definitely be promoted to a quasi-marshal by then, so now.This Liu Wenqing's identity is really unusual.

Liu Wenqing's help to Zhao Wen was not insignificant. When Zhao Wen first came to Xuan Town and the population was not so large, Liu Wenqing also helped to send those refugees who came from Shaanxi to Xuan Town.

Liu Wenqing stood on the ridge, looking anxiously at the wheat fields in front of him. Seven or eight servants stood behind Liu Wenqing, and Liu Wenqing's housekeeper also stood behind Liu Wenqing.

He said to Liu Wenqing: "Master, it seems that the situation is not good now, the weather is a bit cloudy today, who knows if there will be rain these days.

Our family has too much land. If you look for Mai Ke, it will be impossible to get all the wheat back in a short while, and there are not so many Mai Ke now.

Today's young people basically go to work in the city, either to Taiyuan or to declare war, but it is not so easy to find a few Mikes. "

"I know what you said, otherwise, I wouldn't be in such a hurry.

Like in previous years, now I have already found quite a few mikes, but this year it is no good, and there are fewer and fewer people every year.

By the way, hurry up and take someone to the Department of Agriculture to see what they say, can you get the harvester out first. " Liu Wenqing looked at his housekeeper and said.

The housekeeper patted his chest and said plausibly: "Master, as long as the Agriculture Department lets go, I will definitely get the harvester back for you."

Liu Weiqing said: "Don't talk so much nonsense, you go and talk first."

Under Liu Wenqing's urging, the housekeeper took three or four family members on the bicycles propped beside the field ridge, and headed towards Pingyang Fucheng.

Liu Wenqing also has a house in Pingyang Mansion, but Liu Wenqing lives outside the city most of the time.

Liu Wenqing doesn't live in the city. It's not that Liu Wenqing hates the city, but Liu Wenqing's properties are basically outside the city.

Living outside the city, it is more convenient to take care of your own property, and now the roads are very smooth, it doesn't take long to get from outside the city to the city.

After the housekeeper left, Liu Wenqing, like an old farmer, walked around the field with his servants.

He stopped by the wheat field, picked a few ears of wheat casually, and kept rubbing them in his hands. After a while, Liu Wenqing blew on the ears of wheat in his hand, blowing away the husks inside, leaving The grains of wheat in the ear.

Liu Wenqing picked up a few grains of wheat and chewed them in his mouth, "This year's wheat grains are round and full. It seems that this year is another bumper harvest year."

After a while, Liu Wenqing spat out the wheat grains he was chewing, and said with emotion.

"It seems that the agricultural manual issued by the Ministry of Agriculture is still relatively good."

Every year during spring or autumn plowing, the Ministry of Agriculture will ask the following agricultural department to make an agricultural manual and distribute it according to the situation of this year.

These agricultural manuals contain a series of things related to agricultural production, such as the way of planting, when to fertilize and weed.

Because of the agricultural manual, there is basically no major problem with food now. Compared with the Ming Dynasty, the production has indeed increased a lot, but it is still far behind compared with later generations.

Now an acre of wheat can almost hit four or five stones, which is about four or five hundred catties when converted into the weight unit of later generations.

The yield of wheat, especially winter wheat, in later generations is basically between [-] and [-] jins per mu. If it is well raised, fertilized and weeded quickly, it can reach [-] jins. Four to five hundred catties of wheat is indeed not bad.

After all, there are not so many chemical fertilizers and pesticides now, but Zhao Wen has asked the research institute to start researching in this area.

Nitrogen fertilizer has already had a concrete prospect, and the development of nitrogen fertilizer in history is mainly after the industrial synthesis of ammonia.Now that Zhao Wen has realized the industrial synthesis of ammonia, it will not be long before nitrogen fertilizer is produced.

As for pesticides, it is quite torturous, but it will be produced in a few years.It's just that I dare not compare with those pesticides of later generations, but it is better than nothing, better than nothing.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it was already afternoon in a blink of an eye.

Unknowingly, a few clouds floated in the sky, covering the sun in the sky.The world suddenly became dark, Liu Wenqing stood on the ridge of the field, looking at the fainted sky, his face was full of anxiety.

"If I can't get all the wheat back in the next few days, then all the wheat in my hundreds of acres will be ruined."

As Liu Wenqing spoke, he looked in the direction of Fucheng. At this moment, he could only hope that the harvester from the Department of Agriculture would arrive soon.

At this moment, a roar reached Liu Wenqing's ears.Liu Wenqing looked in the direction of Fucheng in disbelief.

"Could it be the harvester coming over? When I went to Xuanzhen last year, I saw the scene of those harvesters harvesting wheat. This sound is very similar to the sound of a harvester."

Liu Wenqing listened carefully to the voice with narrowed eyes, and a smile began to appear on his face.

"Master, sir."

Liu Wenqing's butler appeared in Liu Wenqing's field of vision on a bicycle, and was far away. Liu Wenqing's butler kept shouting at Liu Wenqiang, his face full of excitement.

Liu Wenqing's butler stopped in front of Liu Wenqing on his bicycle. He jumped off the bicycle and said to Liu Wenqiu out of breath, "Master harvesters are here. There are seven harvesters in total."

"What? Seven?"

Liu Wenqing's eyes lit up instantly.

"Why are there so many, why are there so many harvesters at one time?"

Liu Wenqing really did not expect so many harvesters to come.

Liu Wenqing stood beside the field ridge, looking in the direction of the sound, looking forward to it.

Not long after, a huge machine appeared on the path beside the field ridge.

The road next to Liu Wenqing's wheat field had been leveled and widened by Liu Wenqing's people half a month ago, so the harvester could be parked on the side road.

The seven harvesters stopped one by one on the small road next to the wheat field, and the head of the Agriculture Department got off the first harvester.

The head of agriculture does not know how to drive a harvester, but the cockpit of the harvester is relatively large, so he came here with the harvester.

Seeing the head of the Department of Agriculture coming down, Liu Wenqing recognized him at a glance, and Liu Wenqing greeted him with a smile.

"Isn't this Lord Wang? Why did you come here yourself?"

Liu Wenqing smiled and bowed to the head of the Department of Agriculture.

The head of the Department of Agriculture returned a salute with a smile, and said: "This is the first time a harvester has appeared in our Pingyang Mansion and it is the first time to try it out. I will keep an eye on all of this, and nothing will happen again.

In the future, these harvesters will harvest all the winter wheat in our Pingyang Prefecture. I have to find out how efficient this harvester is, and prepare for harvesting winter wheat later. "

(End of this chapter)

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