Chapter 847
"In the future, these harvesters will harvest all the winter wheat in our Pingyang Prefecture, so I have to keep an eye on it today to see the efficiency of this harvester and the problems encountered during use." said the head of the Department of Agriculture.

"Master Wang, you really have a heart!" Liu Wenqing complimented the head of the Department of Agriculture with a smile on his face.

Although the current Liu Wenqing is Zhou Laoliu's father-in-law, but Liu Wenqing is also very good at being a man, and never takes the initiative to offend anyone, even if this person is not as good as himself.

"Brother Liu, didn't you see when we will start harvesting your winter wheat?"

The head of the Department of Agriculture looked at Liu Wenqing, and then pointed to the wheat fields in front of Liu Wenqing.

Liu Wenqing said: "Of course, the sooner the better, if it is possible now, I want to start harvesting now."

The head of the Department of Agriculture nodded and said, "This kind of harvester has lights on it, and it is also possible to harvest at night, but the speed is not as fast as during the day, but it is also possible."

Liu Wenqing immediately became excited when he heard this, "Since it can be harvested at night, then harvest it at night, then harvest it now, my family has a lot of land, and those who work overtime must finish it in the shortest time, who knows Will it rain these few days."

"With your words, I'm relieved. I'll go and make arrangements now. By the way, where are the landlords in your house? You come with me."

The head of the Department of Agriculture said that he brought Liu Wenqing to the side of the seven harvesters.

The head of the Agriculture Department gathered the drivers of the seven harvesters, and then, under the guidance of Liu Wenqing, arranged the harvesting area in detail.

After almost two quarters of an hour, Liu Wenqing finally told the harvester drivers all the information about his location.

Amidst the rumble of the harvesters, the harvesters headed towards Liu Wenqing's wheat field.

Liu Wenqing stood in place and looked at the harvester going away, his face was full of excitement, "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, I have lived for such a long time, and I never thought of such a good thing. Before, I didn't even dare to think about it. "

The head of the Department of Agriculture stood beside Liu Wenqing and said, "Don't say you dare not think about it, I dare not even think about it. Although I studied in a university, it was only theoretical knowledge. I never dared to think about this world. There will be something like this."

While the two were talking, a harvester stopped in the wheat field in front of Liu Wenqing.

The general appearance of the harvester is similar to that of later generations. This harvester kept adjusting its position in the wheat field. After adjusting the position, the front bucket in front of the harvester fell down. The harvester faces forward.

The rollers in the front bucket continuously collect the wheat into the front bucket. Under the rotation of the sharp roller, the ears of wheat are cut off by the sharp blade on the roller, and then sent in.

After a series of crushing and cleaning, the wheat grains fall off the ears and enter the storage place of the harvester.

About two quarters of an hour, the harvester stopped beside the path.

The driver stepped down from the cockpit, and he came in front of the head of the Agriculture Department and Liu Wenqing.

The driver looked at the two and pointed to the harvester behind, and said to the two: "The wheat in the harvester is full, now we have to release them quickly and then pull them back."

"Master Wang, what does this mean?"

Liu Wenqing has never been in contact with a harvester. Although he had seen it when he was in Xuanzhen, he did not understand the specific working method of the harvester.

Liu Wenqing looked at the head of the Department of Agriculture and asked with a puzzled expression.

The head of the Department of Agriculture explained it to Liu Wenqing with a smile.

Not long after, Liu Wenqing suddenly realized: "It turned out to be like this. You mean that the harvested wheat is stored in the harvester, and now you want to release the wheat stored in the harvester. Is that what you mean?"

The head of the Department of Agriculture nodded and said, "That's what it means, but it's difficult for ordinary small carts to pull the wheat back from the harvester.

You must know that there is a lot of wheat stored in the harvester, and it is difficult for ordinary small carts to pull the wheat back from the harvester. "

"Then how do I get the wheat back?" Liu Wenqing looked at the head of the Department of Agriculture.

The head of the Department of Agriculture said: "The wheat can be pulled back by truck."

As soon as Liu Wenqing heard this, his face changed, "Use a truck to pull these wheat back? Although my son-in-law said he was a marquis, but I am not. Where did I get the truck? The most I have is a tricycle, too. Pedal, how can I have a truck, if I have a truck, I will still use you?"

"I know you don't have a truck, but we have trucks in the Agriculture Department. But you know there is a fee for these things."

"As long as I can get my wheat back, I will accept your fee. Where are your trucks now? Why didn't I see you bring them along?"

"Now the truck is not at the Agricultural Department's office and has been sent for maintenance. It is estimated that it will be back in half an hour."

"Then hurry up, don't delay the harvest time."

"This cannot be delayed. Don't worry about this. I have sent someone to tell you before. As long as they are overhauled, they will come to you. Don't worry."

Hearing this, Liu Wenqing finally breathed a sigh of relief. As Liu Wenqing spoke, he sat on the side of the road and waited quietly. When the sun set on the western mountain, five or six trucks came from a distance.

Liu Wenqing looked at the truck coming towards this side and stood up hastily, "Oh, it's finally here, I almost waited for my death, almost made me die in a hurry."

After the truck was in place, the harvesting mechanism, which was already full of wheat, put the wheat in the truck compartment, and finally the truck pulled the full-filled wheat and headed towards Liu Wenqing's manor under the leadership of Liu Wenqing's housekeeper.

After harvesting like this for almost two days, Liu Wenqing's family's wheat was finally harvested.

The weather in the past few days has been relatively good, and there has been no rain. Although the sky sometimes becomes cloudy, it has not rained.

In the following time, the head of the Department of Agriculture took these harvesters and trucks to harvest all the wheat fields around Pingyang Mansion.

As for the counties under the jurisdiction of Pingyang Prefecture, they were also equipped with harvesters, so the heads of the agricultural departments of those counties under the jurisdiction of Pingyang Prefecture did not need to worry too much.

After the grain was harvested, the head of the Agriculture Department sent officials to weigh the wheat harvested by each household and then count the quantity.

The counted quantities are all recorded and sent to the Ministry of Agriculture for storage after the summer harvest is over.

At the same time, the summer harvest was booming all over the country, and Thomas finally returned to England at this time.

London at this time was far less prosperous than London in later generations.

At this time, the port of London was also relatively small, and it would take nearly another 100 years for the Port of London to really grow. After the start of industrialization, the Port of London prospered further.

The current Port of London is still relatively bleak. Thomas stood on the deck of the merchant ship. He looked at the sea ahead and the faintly visible coastline, his face full of excitement.

He opened his arms and embraced in the direction of London, "I'm back, I'm finally back."

Thomas looked at the port ahead and kept shouting loudly.

On the merchant ship he was on, he pulled the Dreiser rifles and matching bullets and grenades that Zhao Wen gave him.

Zhao Wen sold a total of [-] Dresser rifles to Thomas, and all of these rifles are now stored in the cabin.

On the deck of this merchant ship, the sailors of this merchant ship were the same as Thomas. They stood on the deck and cheered in the direction of the port of London.

Almost a year has passed since they went out, and during this year, they have suffered a lot.

In addition to running around on the sea, they were imprisoned by Mao Chengzuo for so long, and now they can finally see their home.

Thomas looked ahead and could vaguely see the coastline, remembering his hardships along the way, and tears flowed from his eyes instantly.

"I'm back, I'm back, I'm finally back now."

Thomas wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and murmured.

Surrounding the Thomas fleet is the fleet sent by Mao Chengzuo in accordance with Zhao Wen's instructions.

The fleet consists of one treasure ship and five sailing battleships. These five sailing battleships are all first-class sailing battleships. They are very large and have a large displacement. Although they are not as big as the treasure ships, they are still very large.

Although the number of ships in this fleet is small, they can be said to be invincible in the west, especially the weapons on the treasure ships, which can be said to be a mobile arsenal.

To put it bluntly, the firepower of this fleet alone can single out the entire West. This sentence is not bragging.

As the fleet continued to approach the people on the port of London, they also discovered the fleet.

At the forefront of the fleet was the huge treasure ship. The treasure ship was very large, and the people on the port of London were the first to discover the treasure ship.

There is a lookout tower built above the port of London, and there are soldiers in lobster suits on the watchtower.

They looked at the sea with binoculars in their hands, "What is that? What do you see?"

A lookout soldier held up his binoculars and looked at the sea with a look of panic.

In the field of view of the monocular, a huge ship is coming towards this side.

Behind this ship, there are five large ships coming towards this side. This fleet is mighty and menacing.

As for the Thomas fleet behind the fleet, it was selectively ignored by the soldier.

A soldier was standing next to him. Hearing the soldier's exclamation, he hurriedly took the binoculars from the soldier's hand.

The soldier next to him put the binoculars on his right eye, squinted his left eye, and looked towards the sea ahead through his right eye.

Sure enough, a huge ship came towards him, towards the port.

The ship was very big, and a sense of oppressive force came to my face, "What is this? Where did this ship come from? I have never seen such a large ship."

The soldier was flustered, and he hurried down from the watchtower to report the incident.

In today's Western world, the Hundred Years' War has just ended, so there are still so many watchtowers on the port of London. These watchtowers were originally used to observe the enemy's situation. With the end of the Hundred Years' War, now basically It is no longer of much use.

As the fleet got closer and closer to the port, it didn't take long for all the watchtowers above the port to discover this huge treasure ship and the five sailing battleships behind the treasure ship.

It didn't take long for the news to spread throughout the port, and those merchant ships that were loading cargo on the port hurriedly put away their anchors and fled towards the surroundings.

The laborers who were working on the port stood blankly on the pier, watching the treasure ship coming towards them.

Now the fleet is not far away from the port, and as time goes by, the fleet is getting closer and closer to the port.

Finally, the treasure ship was only less than three miles away from the port. The distance of three miles may sound far, but it is actually not that far.

People standing on the port can clearly see the fleet coming towards the port. This huge treasure ship is as oppressive as a hill, and the people on the port can't breathe.

These laborers standing on the port can even clearly see the huge beast-faced ram made of bronze at the bow of the treasure ship.

You can even see the thick screws on the hull, and even the rocket launchers installed on the side of the ship.

"What kind of monster is this? Where did this monster come from? Why is there such a monster in this world?"

"Is that the artillery on the side of the ship? Why are there so many of them densely packed?"

"Where is this a ship? This is obviously a mobile arsenal."

For a while, the laborers in the port were talking about it. Looking at this treasure ship that they had never seen before, they forgot their panic and fear for a while, and only shock remained on their faces.

"Go to the coastal defense artillery, and quickly turn on the coastal defense artillery."

An officer in military uniform kept running on the port, followed by dozens of soldiers in lobster suits.

They hurriedly ran towards the coastal defense guns not far from the port. These coastal defense guns were originally used to guard against sneak attacks by enemy warships.

Thomas stood on the deck of the merchant ship, holding up his binoculars and looking at the port in front of him.

The soldiers running on the port caught his attention, and Thomas said with a gloomy face: "These people ran to the coastal defense artillery, don't they regard us as enemies, don't they want to start shelling us? ?

If that's the case, it's not good.Once they fire, I'm afraid it will be a big misunderstanding.

No one knows better than me how terrifying that Eastern Empire is. If you offend that Eastern Empire, there will be no good fruit to eat! "

Thomas looked at the running soldiers on the port with an ugly expression.

(End of this chapter)

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