Chapter 848 Bombing the Port
Thomas looked at the soldiers running towards the shore defense fort on the port, with a look of anxiety on his face, "No one understands the power of the Eastern Empire better than me, and the strength of that Eastern Empire.

If these people dared to attack the fleet sent by the emperor, the port would be engulfed in flames in less than half an hour. "

Although Thomas never boarded a treasure ship, he did observe it up close.

There were numerous weapons everywhere on the treasure ship. Although Thomas couldn't see what these weapons were, judging from the firearms that Zhao Wen sold to him, the weapons on the treasure ship must be unusual.

"Quickly speed up, quickly raise our national flag, and quickly show our identities."

Thomas shouted to the sailors standing behind him.

The British flag at this time is not the same as the British flag of later generations. The British flag at this time is a red cross on a white background. As for the British flag of later generations, it will be at least half a century before it appears.

The British flag was raised on the flagpole by Thomas's sailors, and raised to the highest place of the merchant ship. Under the blowing of the sea wind, the flag fluttered.

But the soldiers at the port didn't notice Thomas' merchant ship at all, because Thomas' merchant ship was too small to be found compared to the treasure ship. The attention of those people in the port was basically on the treasure ship at this time. .

"These savages still want to shoot at us, pass on my order, and teach them some lessons."

A young officer stood on the deck of the treasure ship. He held up his binoculars and looked at the soldiers running towards the shore defense fort in the port, his face full of sarcasm.

This officer is called He Donglang, and he is the commander of this fleet.

Under the order of Hedong Lang, the sailors and gunners on the treasure ship all took their positions, and the treasure ship also headed for the port.

Not long after, the treasure ship had arrived about a mile in front of the port. At this time, the treasure ship had turned sideways, exposing the side of the ship, and all the rocket launchers on the side of the ship were aimed at the port.

"Are we really going to fire? We just came here. If we really bombed the port, caused unpleasant things, and messed up this matter, how should we deal with His Majesty after we go back?"

Deputy commander Wang Dongliang looked at He Donglang, frowning tightly.

Wang Dongliang was afraid that if the port was bombarded, it would mess up this matter.

He Donglang said: "Why don't you dare? It's just a small country in a foreign land, so why don't you dare?

Besides, I still don't believe it, even if we bombed their port, they can still do it like we can't sink them all?
Moreover, if we don't show them some color, they won't obediently return the money they owe us.

Also, we're going to stay here for a while, if we don't establish our majesty first, how will we gain a foothold in the future? "

He Donglang has a domineering look on his face. In his opinion, the country in front of him has no ability to defeat him at all.

Also, according to the current strength of Hedong Lang, Hedong Lang dare not say that with these few ships, Britain can be destroyed, but Britain has nothing to do with him at sea.

Under the order of Hedong Lang, all the personnel on the treasure ship took their positions, and the rocket launcher on the side of the ship was also aimed at the port ahead.

"Pass my order, let's fight for a round first, so that they can remember it long." He Donglang said to the messenger standing behind him.

The messenger hurriedly took He Donglang's order to the ship's side, and passed on He Dongliang's order.

"It's not good, they're going to fire!" Thomas, standing on the plywood of the merchant ship, looked at the treasure ship with a binoculars. When he saw the soldiers on the treasure ship busy beside the rocket launchers, his expression changed instantly. .

Cold sweat dripped from Thomas' head in an instant, and Thomas panicked when he saw the scene in front of him, not knowing what to do.

"If this bombs the port, then my crime will be serious. Even if I get these weapons back, even if the king can spare me, those bastards in the parliament will not be able to spare me.

These damned guys will definitely try their best to deal with me, and they can't be allowed to bomb the port no matter what, but how can I persuade them, they won't listen to me at all, what should I do now? "

Thomas walked up and down the deck anxiously, not knowing what to do, not knowing how to deal with the matter in front of him.

"Bang bang bang!"

Just when he was in a hurry, several rumbling cannons rang out.

Thomas hurriedly followed the sound, and saw a few flashes of fire flashing on the side of the treasure ship.

Thomas's heart turned cold for a moment, "It's over, it's completely over now."

Thomas felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, his whole body was extremely cold.

"They fired, they fired, they fired!"

Thomas stared blankly at the treasure ship, trembling unceasingly.

The rocket landed on the port after a short flight, and when the treasure ship aimed the ship's side at the port, the workers on the port had already fled.

Because Britain is an island nation, plus the Hundred Years War, these laborers knew what to expect when a warship came across.

So when the treasure ship started to turn its hull sideways, the laborers in the port had already fled.

But at this time, the coastal defense guns near the port hadn't finished their preparations before launching, and the operation of the artillery at this time was extremely complicated, and it was almost impossible to complete it in a short period of time.

After all, coastal defense artillery is not an ordinary artillery. Not only is it powerful, it has a lot of charges, and the firing process is also very complicated.

Rockets landed on the port, bursting into flames.The treasure ship is a huge mobile arsenal. There are a lot of rockets on the ship's side. The explosions on the port are like firecrackers set off during the New Year.

Under the continuous bombing, the port was instantly bombed with potholes, fireworks and smoke filled the air.

In just one wave of attacks, the port was bombed and could no longer be used.

Those coastal defense artillery forts near the port have also become the focus of strikes.

When the rocket shells hit the coastal defense artillery, the coastal defense artillery turrets collapsed instantly like eggs smashed by a hammer.

Almost none of the soldiers inside were bombed and survived.

He Donglang held up the binoculars and looked at the port in front of him, with a faint smile on his face, "If you don't let you see how powerful we are, how can we gain a foothold here in the future? The mountains here are high and the emperor is far away. I can't let you We were bullied."

Wang Dongliang, who was standing next to He Donglang, looked at He Donglang's back, and murmured: "We are still being bullied, it's fine if we don't bully others."

He Donglang turned around to look at Wang Dongliang, and said with a smile on his face: "You don't understand, you don't understand, at this time we must let these people see how powerful we are, and we must let these people know our methods. From now on, we can live in peace here."

At this time, the bombing on the port had ended, and there was only one wave of bombing. There was no need to stay red all the time, after all, it was not a declaration of war on Britain.

At this time, Charles I, who was sitting in the king's office at Windsor Castle, looked towards the window, and bursts of gunfire came from the direction of the port, reaching Charles I's ears.

Charles I frowned gradually, and he looked towards the port. "Where did the cannon sound come from? What's the matter? How can there be a cannon sound?"

Charles I looked puzzled, he couldn't figure out why there were cannon shots at this time.

Immediately afterwards, Charles I began to panic as if he remembered something.

"Could it be that those people in the parliament are going to make a move? Could it be that they made the sound of the guns?" Panic spread wildly on Charles I's face.

Charles I was completely flustered, he stood up hastily, and walked around the room, feeling uneasy.

Charles I was also afraid of death. Although he was very fanatical about power, he was also afraid of death.

Now in the power balance between him and the parliament, he is still on the weak side, so the current Charles I is very afraid of the power of the parliament.

At the same time, in an office in the Palace of Westminster, an ancient building in central London, a middle-aged man put down the quill in his hand and looked out the window.

"Where did the cannon sound come from? What's going on here? How can there be a cannon sound for no reason?" The middle-aged man frowned, with a dull expression on his face.

"Could it be that the king is going to do something? No, the king has been very quiet recently, it shouldn't be!" the middle-aged man said to himself.

This middle-aged man is the famous Oliver Cromwell in the history of shit stirrers.

This person had a high reputation in the parliament, and he was also the main leader of the later parliament when he fought against Charles I. He advocated the limitation of royal power, and had irreconcilable conflicts with Charles I.

"The sound of the cannon is not quite right. Why is this sound? Besides, the sound of the cannon sounds too dense. Not to mention such a dense sound of cannon, there should be hundreds of artillery firing at the same time. The king should not have so many. Artillery, what the hell is going on?" Cromwell looked puzzled, he couldn't understand why there was such a dense artillery sound all of a sudden.

Cromwell is a very intelligent person. He claims to be in control of the overall situation, but now he suddenly remembered the sound of the guns, which caught him off guard.

At this time, Thomas held up the binoculars and looked at the port, and now he was extremely anxious.

When the smoke and dust cleared, Thomas saw a messy port full of potholes.

"What should I do now? This is the end, what should I do now? This is the end."

Thomas seemed to have lost his soul, chanting these non-stop.

The sailors standing next to Thomas were similar to Thomas, and they all looked panic-stricken.

They have never encountered such a thing before, being beaten like this at the door of their house.

What's more, the guns were fired inexplicably. Up to now, these sailors don't know the reason why He Donglang fired the guns.

After a long time, Thomas often sighed, and said with a helpless face: "I still don't know why they fired the cannon? Could it be that it was really just because I saw those soldiers running towards the coastal defense battery?
This is not normal. It is normal for such a large fleet to appear near the port for no reason. "

Thomas really couldn't understand the purpose and reason of He Donglang's firing. Did he choose to fire just because he saw those soldiers running towards the coastal defense artillery?

In fact, there are still some warships in the shit-stirring sticks of this era, but the warships of the shit-stirring sticks are not in the Port of London these days, but in other places.

In fact, in this era, there are not many warships that stir shit. This era is the era of Spain and Hongyi.

In this era, Hongyi is the most powerful at sea. As for the shit-stirring stick, it is not ranked well on the sea, and if it dies, it will sail in the inland sea.

The farthest place I went was to go to the Americas. Although some colonies were established in the Americas, there was no way to compare with Hongyi and Spain in the colonies.

After a long time, Thomas sighed helplessly, "Oh, helpless, helpless!

No way, who let other people's weapons be more powerful than ours, and they bombed the port, I have nothing to dare to ask. "

At this time, Thomas had already seen clearly that he couldn't find trouble with He Donglang for the bombing of the port today.

Thomas put down the binoculars in his hand and looked up at the sky with a sad expression on his face, "Where is there such a disgusting thing in this world, how can there be such a thing in this world."

Hedong Lang put down the binoculars in his hand, and said to the messenger standing behind him: "Order the fleet to move to the port and prepare to dock."

Under the order of He Donglang, the fleet headed towards the port. In fact, the current treasure ship is not far away from the port. After walking for a long time, it docked at the port, and Thomas' ship also docked at the port. .

Although the current port has been bombed into a mess, these fleet ships of He Donglang can make do to stop.

He Donglang got off the treasure ship and came to the port. He looked at the pitted port in front of him with a calm expression. It was the first time He Donglang did such a thing.

Thomas also got off his merchant ship. He came to He Donglang, pointed at the port in front of him with grief and anger, looked at He Donglang, and asked loudly, "Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this?" Bombing the port? What is the purpose of your bombing the port?"

Thomas' voice was full of anger, and he spoke with great grief and indignation, but He Donglang didn't understand a word. He didn't know what Thomas was asking, although he could feel the anger from Thomas' tone.

He Donglang looked at Wang Dongliang who was standing beside him, and said, "Go and get the few people your lord assigned us."

(End of this chapter)

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