Chapter 849 Depressed Charles I

He Donglang looked at Wang Dongliang who was standing beside him, and said, "Go and find the men that the Lord sent to us."

The few people He Donglang mentioned were the translators allocated to them by Mao Chengzuo. As for the form of translation, it was similar to before, and the Hongyi captives were also used as translation intermediaries.

Not long after, Wang Dongliang brought a few people to He Donglang's side. He Donglang pointed to the few people standing in front of him, and then asked: "Ask Thomas, see what he wants to ask?" What!"

He Donglang's voice was translated, Thomas heard the translated voice, and the anger on his face became more intense, "You don't know what you have done, and now you still ask me, it is really a great shame. "

Thomas scolded He Donglang ten thousand times in his heart.

Thomas took a few deep breaths, calmed down his mood, and said, "Why did you bomb the port? What is the purpose of the port you bombed?"

Thomas' voice was translated. Listening to the translated voice, He Donglang looked at Thomas jokingly.

"What is the purpose of bombing the port? That's a good question. Just now, I saw through the binoculars that those soldiers were going to shoot at me. I was just doing it out of self-defense. I was protecting myself. It was that simple and there was no other reason." .”

Listening to the translated voice, Thomas' face turned red. "You fire before they fire. You beat them badly and destroyed the port. Are you self-defense? You are a naked aggression!"

Thomas wanted to curse for a moment, but just as the words reached his lips, he forcibly endured it.

Thomas knew that no matter how much he shouted and cursed, it would not help.

Thomas sighed, and said helplessly, "Forget it, let's stop here first."

Thomas also knew that it was useless to say anything now, and the most important thing now was not the port, but to send the weapons back first.

As Thomas spoke, he turned around and took the men on the merchant ship to remove the weapons on board and put them on the port.

After doing these things, Thomas sent someone to Windsor Castle to inform Charles I.

But before the person who was going to notify them left, several carriages appeared on the outskirts of the port.

Charles I got off the carriage, looking at the bewildered port in front of him with a look of shock.

"What the hell happened? How did the port become like this?
All right, what kind of artillery can bomb the port like this? "Charles I looked puzzled.

Most of the artillery of this era are solid ammunition, and it is difficult for solid ammunition to cause such damage.

He looked out along the port, and saw the huge treasure ship lying across the port at a glance.

This treasure ship is like a hill, and it is difficult for Thomas Charles I to miss it.

"My God, oh my god, what is this? Is this a boat? Why is it so big? It's like a mountain. Where did this boat come from? Is it a parliament boat?
If such a large ship is used as a warship, who would be its opponent on the sea?The enemy can be knocked down just by collision. Is this the parliament's trump card?
Impossible impossible absolutely impossible, it's not true, I don't believe it's true. "

Thomas looked flustered, and he kept rubbing his eyes.

Charles I didn't believe what he saw at all, but no matter how much he rubbed his eyes, the treasure ship was still there, motionless.

His eyes moved from the treasure ship to the sailing battleships behind the treasure ship. These sailing battleships were also relatively large in size. Although they were improved from Hongyi's sailing battleships, they were smaller than Hongyi in size The number of sailing battleships is quite large.

Although it is not as big as a treasure ship, it is still relatively large among sailing battleships.

Charles I had been staring blankly at the sailing battleships behind the treasure ship, and said to himself dullly, "Is this a sailing battleship? Why is there such a large sailing battleship? Which country's sailing battleship is this?" ?
Which country's flag is the flag on the ship?Why have I never seen it?Could it be that an enemy country has invaded?But no one declared war. "

Charles I was flustered. At this time, he regretted coming to the port to check the situation.

At this time, Thomas standing on the edge of the port saw Charles I and Charles I's convoy.

Thomas looked in the direction of Charles I, adjusted his clothes, took a few deep breaths, calmed himself down, and ran towards Charles I.

When running towards Charles I, Thomas' heart was beating non-stop.

Thomas was thinking about how to explain the scene in front of him, how to explain to Thomas, why he was the only one who came back, and why didn't those students come back?
"His Royal Highness shouldn't worry about these things, after all, I got him such a powerful weapon."

Thomas muttered to himself, and ran quickly towards Charles I.

Charles I saw a figure running towards him. He didn't see clearly who was running towards him. He thought it was an enemy, so he hurriedly backed away, and he was about to crawl Get in the carriage.

Seeing Charles I in this state, Thomas hurriedly shouted at Charles I, "His Royal Highness is me, I am Thomas, His Royal Highness is me, I am Thomas."

Thomas kept yelling at Charles I. Charles I's left foot had already stepped on the carriage, but when he heard Thomas' voice, he put his left foot down again.

"Didn't Thomas go to the Eastern Empire? Could it be that he came back again?"

Charles I was a little puzzled in his heart. It stands to reason that the distance between here and the Eastern Empire is more than one hundred and eight thousand miles away. There is no reason to come back so soon.

Charles I squinted his eyes and looked at Thomas. He didn't believe that Thomas would come back so soon, but judging from various circumstances, this person was probably Thomas.

When Charles I was able to see Thomas's appearance clearly, the expression on Charles I's face was nothing but shock.

"Thomas, it's really Thomas, I didn't expect it to be Thomas, how is it possible, how could he come back so soon, it's impossible, it's simply impossible!"

Charles I exclaimed again and again, he simply did not believe that Thomas would come back in such a short time.

"Could it be that he has brought back the contents of "Tiangong Kaiwu"? Is this true? Why is it so easy?"

Charles I couldn't believe that Thomas could return in such a short time.

In the eyes of Charles I, the contents of "Heavenly Created Things" are unprecedented and very precious. Even if Thomas can get these things back, in the eyes of Charles I, it should take at least three to five years time.

But Charles I did not expect that Thomas would get back the contents in just a short time.

Seeing Thomas running towards him, Charles I had an unreal feeling in his heart. Charles I always felt that he was dreaming. He twisted his thigh, but the pain in his thigh told him that it was not a dream.

Not long after, Thomas came to Charles I, "His Royal Highness, I am back."

Thomas saluted Charles I, and shouted excitedly at Charles I.

Charles I also asked excitedly: "Why did you come back so soon? Did something happen in the middle? Have you learned those advanced things? Recently, the parliament has become more and more arrogant. It's getting more and more presumptuous, it's time to give Parliament a little color."

Charles I looked at Thomas in front of him, and told him in his heart that Thomas must have learned the content of the creation of heaven, and his consciousness forced himself to think in that direction.

"His Royal Highness, I haven't learned those things from Heavenly Creations."

Thomas shook his head decisively, and said to Charles I solemnly.

"What? You haven't learned those things from Heavenly Creations?"

Charles I looked at Thomas in disbelief. He really didn't expect that Thomas hadn't learned the content of the natural creation.

If Thomas really didn't learn the content of the creation of heavenly objects, how should he fight the parliament, how should he defeat the parliament?
Charles I's heart suddenly became cold, and his whole body was cold from beginning to end as if he had fallen into an ice hole.

"Your Highness, I brought back better things. Although the things on Tiangongkaiwu are good, they can't help us in a short time. The things I brought back can give us better things in a short time." Help." Looking at Charles I's expression, Thomas instantly understood what Charles I was thinking, and he hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.

Hearing what Thomas said, Charles I's mood improved a little bit, but it didn't get any better. He looked at Thomas and asked depressedly: "What did you bring back that can be compared to the creation of heavenly things?" Are those things good? I really can’t believe that there is anything in this world that is better than the content on Tiangong Kaiwu.”

Charles I's heart was extremely broken, because in Charles I's view, the best thing in this world is the advanced knowledge on Tiangong.

Now Thomas did not bring back those advanced knowledge, even if he brought back other things, but in the view of Charles I, it is still not as good as those things above the creation of heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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