Chapter 850 Cromwell
Seeing Charles I like this, Thomas can also understand why Charles I thinks this way. After all, the knowledge on Tiangongkaiwu is indeed advanced. If you learn that knowledge back, you will definitely be able to deal with the parliament.

Thomas looked at Charles I and explained in detail, "His Royal Highness, the knowledge on the creation of heavenly objects is indeed advanced and good, but these things cannot be learned in a short time.

Don't think about understanding the knowledge on Tiangong Kaiwu in three to five or seven or eight years, and even if you learn all the things on Tiangong Kaiwu, don't even think about it in us if you don't have more than ten years. State implementation. "

"Is this really the case? Does it really take so long?" Charles I looked at Thomas suspiciously, "Is what you said true? If what you said is true, then how can we deal with it?" parliament?"

"Hey, Your Royal Highness, yes, there must be a way!"

Thomas smiled, and pointed to the direction of the port with a mysterious face, "Your Highness, the things I brought back this time will definitely be able to deal with the parliament."

Charles I looked in the direction of Thomas' finger, and only saw the treasure ship docked in the port.

Charles I looked at the treasure ship docked at the port, and asked: "The thing you are talking about, shouldn't it be this huge ship?

Could it be that you brought this huge ship back to deal with the council? "

Charles I said this, thinking in his heart, "If this huge ship is really used to deal with the parliament, it doesn't mean it can't be done, it's just too useless.

After all, he and the council were going to fight on land, and it was impossible to go to sea to fight. Even if he had fought the council at sea, it would not be worth it if he couldn't fight on land. No matter how big the ship was, it wouldn't be of much help. "

Thomas shook his head and said, "Your Highness, it's not that ship, that ship is not mine, and has nothing to do with me."

When Charles I heard this, he hesitated even more, "It's not yours, so what's the matter with this ship? You just arrived today, and this ship just appeared, which means that this ship and you appeared at the same time. This ship is not yours, whose is it, and what is going on?"

Thomas scratched his head and explained: "His Royal Highness, this matter will not be explained clearly for a while, so let me give you a long story first."

As Thomas spoke, he told Charles I in brief what he encountered and what happened after he arrived in Java.

Charles I listened quietly, with a very rich expression on his face. After a while, after Thomas finished all his experiences, Charles I suddenly realized: "You mean that you brought back some guns, these Are the guns powerful?"

Charles I looked at Thomas with suspicion.

Charles I did not believe that the gap between himself and the Parliament could be subverted with just a few guns.

Seeing Charles I's disbelief, Thomas couldn't say anything more. After all, it was really hard to believe this kind of firearm if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes. He couldn't believe it with just a few words.

"Your Highness, why don't you come over with me, and I'll show you this weapon?" Thomas pointed to the port and said to Charles I.

At this time, all of He Donglang's men on the treasure ship came to the port.

Charles I looked at those people gathered at the port, and kept feeling apprehensive, "Forget it, I'd better not go there."

Because of the long distance, Charles I couldn't see the faces of these people clearly, but there were so many of them, and they were all tall and fat. There were not many people around Charles I, so he was a little scared and didn't want to go there.

Thomas saw what Charles I was thinking, and said, "In this case, His Royal Highness should go back first. I will show you that weapon later. What do you think?"

Charles I thought for a while, and then said, "Okay, that's it, then I'll go back first."

As Charles I spoke, he walked to the carriage. At this moment, Cromwell appeared at the port with seven or eight members of parliament and a group of entourages.

Before reaching the port, he saw Charles I's carriage and the huge treasure ship docked at the port from a long distance.

When Cromwell saw the huge treasure ship, his whole heart went cold.

He looked at the huge treasure ship on the port, and kept muttering: "What is this? Why is the ship so big? Is it an enemy or a friend? Why did it suddenly appear here? Where did this ship come from? Why did no one notice when we came from the sea? What is our fleet for? Such a big ship, why didn't we find such a big ship?

When it came over, it couldn't have passed through the middle of the ocean. It must have gone along the coastline. Why didn't there be any movement from the countries he passed through?What exactly is going on? "

Cromwell frowned tightly, he really didn't know how the ship came here.

While thinking, Cromwell walked forward cautiously. When he came to Charles I, he saw Charles I and Thomas.

Seeing these two people, Klinwell's face immediately became gloomy, as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Could it be that they made this ship?"

Cromwell looked at Charles I, saluted Charles I with a gloomy face, and then said, "I have seen His Royal Highness, but I wonder why His Royal Highness came here suddenly?"

Hearing Cromwell's eccentric greeting, Charles I glanced at Cromwell, and directly turned back, "You don't care why I came here, you don't care what I'm here for, you servant, How can there be so many qualifications to question me, the king?"

Charles I said sarcastically, although Cromwell did not greet with yin and yang, but in the ears of Charles I, what Cromwell said was a yin and yang greeting.

Cromwell didn't know what to say after what Charles I said, so he could only stand there quietly.

After a while, Cromwell pointed to the treasure ship ahead and asked, "Your Highness, is this ship really not related to you? Why is this ship so big? What's going on with it?"

Charles I stared at Cromwell, and scolded: "No big or small, I am still the king. Is this your attitude when talking to a king? Please pay attention to your words. I am still the king now."

Charles I kept emphasizing his identity. Cromwell was very depressed by what Charles I said. He kept breathing heavily and scolded Charles I more than ten thousand times in his heart.

Charles I shook his face a few times, then boarded the carriage and headed for the distance.

Looking at the back of Charles I leaving, Cromwell let out a deep breath, and then he looked at Thomas standing next to him.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, what did you do?
I heard that you seem to have gone to the East?Why did you run there suddenly?Why do you want to go to the East?
Our place is the center of the world, what's the point of going to the East?
I don't know how far the East is from here, what are you thinking of running there? "

Cromwell asked, his tone full of contempt and disdain.

Of course, Cromwell knew the purpose of Thomas going to the East, and Cromwell also knew the book "Heavenly Creation".

It's just that Cromwell regarded the content of the book "Heavenly Creation" as a joke.

In Cromwell's view, the West is the center of the world, and all places except the West are backward and barbaric.

Cromwell looked down on the East from the bottom of his heart, so Cromwell did not believe that the contents of "Heavenly Creations" were true.

Shortly after Thomas set off, Cromwell knew the details of what happened.

In the current Windsor Castle, Cromwell has inserted a lot of eyeliner, and it is not surprising that Cromwell knows these things.

Thomas squinted at Cromwell, and said with a cold face: "What do you care about me? What does it matter to you if I die? You just need to take care of yourself, there is no need to worry about mine matter."

The relationship between Cromwell and Charles I was very tense. Similarly, Thomas was the most loyal confidant of Charles I, so the relationship between Cromwell and Thomas was also very tense.Both belong to the kind of situation that is neither dead nor alive.

Hearing Thomas' voice, Cromwell couldn't say anything.

"Ha ha!"

Cromwell sneered twice, "Remember what you said."

"What? What does it have to do with you if I remember what I said? What does it have to do with you even if I don't remember? You'd better go back quickly and don't disturb my time here." Thomas said with a flick His face turned towards the treasure ship.

Looking at the back of Thomas leaving, Cromwell's face was as cold as ice.

Although Cromwell couldn't scold Charles I and Thomas publicly, he already regarded them as dead people in his heart.

Cromwell cursed secretly in his heart: "Sooner or later, you will pay the price."

"Keep an eye on them. If there is any movement, please notify me in time. Besides, find out what this huge ship is about!"

Cromwell said and left here.

There were a thousand guns that Zhao Wen sold to Thomas, and a thousand guns was not much. Five guns were packed in a box, which was almost two hundred boxes.

It didn't take long for two hundred boxes to be removed from the merchant ship.

He Donglang looked at Thomas who was approaching, and asked the translator standing next to him to prepare quickly.

"Why are you here again? Who was that person who came just now? Could it be your king?"

He Donglang's voice was translated by the translator.

Thomas stopped in front of He Donglang, nodded heavily, "Yes, he is our king."

As soon as He Donglang heard this, he looked surprised. He kept looking at Thomas and muttered: "He is also the lord of a country, why doesn't he even have a guard of honor? Just those few cars, just those few horses , why so shabby?

It doesn't even look as grand as our rich locals. "

"I should pay a visit to your king just now. Anyway, I will stay here for a long time in the future, so I should pay a visit to your king."

Thomas waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about these things, there will be time to meet you in the future, there is no need to be so anxious."

"In this case, let's see you later, um, yes, how do you transport these guns back? And our identity, have you told your king? And what happened in the port just now, you How are you going to explain it to your king?"

He Donglang looked at Thomas and asked a series of questions.

"My guns are easy to talk about, I just let these sailors help me carry them into the city.

As for your identities, I will meet the king after I enter the city, and I will just reveal your identities at that time. "

When Thomas said this, he thought about it, and then said: "Well, when the time comes, you will go into the city with me, and I will bring you to the king, there should be no problem.

As for the matter at the port, I will explain it to the king in detail at that time. The port has been completely blown up by you now. The matter has already happened, and there is no way to say anything else! "

Thomas looked helpless, not knowing how to explain this to Charles I.

The shit stirrer is a typical island country. For an island country, the port is very important.

Therefore, whether it is in Charles I or in Parliament, this port is very important.

Now that he was blown up like this by He Donglang, things are really difficult to handle.

But He Donglang belonged to Zhao Wen and represented Zhao Wen, so it was difficult for Thomas to trouble He Donglang.

Angering Zhao Wen is more terrifying than angering the parliament.

Thomas took a deep breath and kept thinking about how to explain this to Charles I.

"In that case, let's go with you then."

He Donglang had a calm face, without any worries.

From He Donglang's point of view, even if he was in front of Charles I and said directly that I bombed the port, Charles I would have nothing to do with them.

Coming here, He Donglang represents Zhao Wen's face.

Behind He Donglang is a powerful country, so even if Charles I wants to do something, even if Charles I has the strength, Charles I has to think about what kind of country stands behind He Donglang.

He Donglang stood quietly beside the port, looking at the extremely busy sailors.

He Donglang didn't have any intention of helping. From He Donglang's point of view, he didn't need to help. Anyway, he wasn't the one who was in a hurry, so why should he help?

Thomas commanded the sailors to carry the boxes towards the city. Because there were a lot of boxes, they couldn't be taken away at once. Thomas could only take them away in batches.

(End of this chapter)

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