Chapter 851 Meet Charles I

Thomas and his sailors carried the first boxes into the city of London.

When Thomas walked into the city of London, many residents ran out and headed for the port.

The sound of the shelling at the port just now was not only heard by Cromwell of the Parliament, but also by Charles I, and basically all the residents in London also heard the sound of the shelling.

When the sound of the guns disappeared, these residents wanted to come out to watch the excitement and see what happened.

No matter when, there are always many people watching the excitement, even here.

Thomas led the sailors to carry the first batch of boxes and headed for the place where he lived.

The place where Thomas lived was not far from Windsor Castle, but it was still relatively far from the port. After walking for about half an hour, Thomas returned to the place where he lived.

Thomas is a nobleman, and his house is relatively large, with a large yard and many servants. Thomas just appeared at the door of his house, and the servants who were working at the door found Thomas.

All of a sudden, the servants in Thomas' house became excited.

Thomas led the sailors into his yard and directed the sailors to place the boxes in the yard.

In order to prevent any accidents with these boxes, Thomas left seven or eight sailors to guard these boxes, and then returned to the port with the rest.

When returning to the port, Thomas got out his carriage and headed towards the port in the carriage.

There were a lot of boxes, and it would be time-consuming and laborious to carry them by sailors, so Thomas thought of using a carriage to transport them.

When he left his house, there were no people on the road, and the carriage went relatively smoothly, but the more he walked toward the port, the more people gathered on the road. In the end, Thomas couldn't even move an inch, and couldn't move forward.

These residents all ran out to see what was going on at the port. Thomas looked at the gathered people with a look of anger on his face. He sat in the carriage and yelled loudly at the side: "Get out of the way, you guys! Get out of the way."

After all, Thomas was an aristocrat. No matter where and at what time, the people at the bottom were still very scared when they faced the nobles. Therefore, under Thomas' scolding, the gathered people hurriedly made way for him to pass.

It is impossible for ordinary people to have a carriage here in Shit Stirrer, and with the decoration of the carriage, the gathered people quickly recognized Thomas's aristocratic status.

Not long after, Thomas drove the carriage to the port.

This time, Thomas loaded part of the remaining boxes into the carriage, and then personally escorted them back.

In this way, a total of four or five deliveries were made, and finally all the two hundred boxes containing the Dreiser rifles were transported back.

After transporting these boxes back, Thomas returned to the port and headed towards his home with He Donglang and others.

At this time, the vicinity of the port was surrounded by residents who came to watch the fun.

They were talking about the messy port, and they were talking about the treasure ships docked at the port.

Coupled with the oriental faces of people like He Donglang, it made these residents talk about it even more.

The eyes of these residents kept sweeping over the port, the treasure ship, and He Donglang.

This era lacks entertainment facilities, entertainment projects, and entertainment methods. Although the West is now undergoing rapid development and opening up, for the bottom-level residents, information is still relatively closed. He Donglang's face seemed to be curious, chattering non-stop.

From birth to death, these residents of the city of London have hardly ever seen anyone with an oriental face. When they see people with an oriental face, they are as surprised, amazed, and Strange.

He Donglang looked at these surrounding residents with a look of pride on his face. He Donglang couldn't understand a word of the voices of these residents' discussions. Similarly, these residents couldn't understand what He Donglang said.

"What a bunch of barbarians!" He Donglang shouted, and led by Thomas, walked into the city of London.

When He Donglang passed by these residents, he could clearly smell the smell of these residents. This smell is not a simple smell, but a mixed smell, mixed with the smell of sweat Mixed with other stinks, it was disgusting.

The city of London is the capital of the shit-stirring stick. In He Donglang's subconscious mind, the capital of a country must be the cleanest and best place in the country. He Donglang also thought so, but the scene he saw later made him He Donglang will never forget it.

As soon as I entered the city of London, a very foul stench hit my face.

He Donglang's face changed in an instant. He covered his nose with a look of discomfort, "What is this smell? Why is it so smelly? Who is shitting in the street? Why is it so smelly?"

He Donglang kept cursing while covering his nose.

After He Donglang walked into the city, He Donglang saw a scene that he would never forget in his life.

I saw feces everywhere in the streets and alleys. Some of the feces were even dry, but some of the feces were still wet, as if they had just been released.

He Donglang even saw a few middle-aged people who defecated everywhere without any scruples.

"How could it be like this, how could these people be like this, are these people shameless? How dare they defecate anywhere, it's disgusting!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, He Donglang looked astonished. He really could not have imagined that such a thing would happen.

In addition to feces, the streets are full of sewage, all kinds of sewage are lying on the streets, as if the city has no drainage system, there are countless flies and mosquitoes, and the city is disgusting.

In fact, the current London City is much better than the medieval London City.

In the current city of London, these things are much better than those in the Middle Ages, both in quantity and quality.

In the Middle Ages, in the city of London at that time, there was no way to walk when the feces were piled up. It is said that high heels were born to prevent stepping on feces.

Although it is much better now than in the Middle Ages, for He Donglang, who has long been accustomed to cleanliness, the current London is still unacceptable to him.

He Donglang patted the shoulder of Thomas who was walking in front of him, and asked in disbelief: "Why are these people defecating everywhere? Why is there so much shit on this street? How could it be like this? Don't you bother?" What? Can you live with such a disgusting scene?"

He Donglang's voice was translated by the translator, and Thomas stopped listening to the translated voice, and he explained: "This is the way we are here, it's normal, the things in the toilet at home are basically cleared at will. fell on the street.

As for management, it’s not easy to manage, and you don’t have that much money to manage, so you can only let it go, and even if you clean up these things on the street, within a day, the street will be full of these things again. "

He Donglang looked at Thomas in disbelief, he really didn't expect the West to be like this.

He Donglang kept shaking his head, "A barbarian is a barbarian, it's really disgusting."

He Donglang, a man of steel who never frowned on the battlefield, almost couldn't hold back today and threw up.

Walking on the streets of London, He Donglang didn't even dare to take a big mouthful of breath. He Donglang was afraid that his big mouthful of breathing would suck the feces that turned into powder into his lungs.

Whenever He Donglang thought of that scene, he felt sick to death.

He Donglang was walking on the streets of London with disgust all over his body, nothing but disgust.

"It's disgusting, it's disgusting!"

He Donglang kept yelling and cursing, and He Donglang was very casual when he yelled and scolded. After all, the people around him couldn't understand, so they just scolded when they scolded.

Not long after walking, He Donglang arrived.Thomas' residence, Thomas' residence is a typical European-style building, and Thomas is a nobleman, so the place where Thomas lives looks very rich, as if all the public welfare and all the wealth must be revealed He Donglang, standing outside the gate of Thomas’s residence, looked at Thomas’s residence with contempt on his face. This kind of aesthetics is not as good as that of our rich landowners. How could a really rich family put himself Changing my home to this look, I really don't understand what connotation is.

"This is my home, everyone go in."

Thomas pointed to the gate of his house, and said to He Donglang and the others.

After the translator translated Thomas' voice, He Donglang was not polite, and walked directly into the gate of Thomas' house with his subordinates.

The servants who were working in the yard saw Thomas coming in with such a group of people, and immediately put down the working tools in their hands, stood respectfully on both sides of the road, and bowed to Thomas.

When these servants saw the appearance of He Donglang and others walking in, the surprise on their faces was no less than those of the residents, but because of their status, they did not dare to ask.

"I didn't expect you to be here, and your life is pretty good, quite nourishing?!"

He Donglang walked into the living room under the leadership of Thomas.

Thomas' home is a three-story building, which is a bit similar to the European-style villas of later generations, but it does not have the luxury of European-style villas of later generations. After all, in this era, supplies are still relatively scarce.

He Donglang took Wang Dongliang and several personal guards into the living room, while the rest of his men stayed in the courtyard outside.

The soldiers led by He Donglang were the most elite soldiers. They stood in the yard as straight as pine trees, motionless.

The servants in the yard looked at these soldiers standing upright with surprise on their faces. They didn't understand why these soldiers stood so straight, but they didn't dare to disturb them when they saw the extraordinary momentum of these soldiers standing there. I can only watch from afar.

Thomas arranged for He Donglang Wang Dongliang and others to sit in the living room. The chairs in the living room were sofas, but the sofas of this era were not as luxurious as the European-style large sofas of later generations. The sofas of this era were relatively simple. Just use some goose feathers as stuffing, not as comfortable as later generations.

Although it is quite comfortable to sit on, it is far from the sofa of later generations.

He Donglang sat on the sofa, the soft touch came back, which made He Donglang show an expression of enjoyment.

He Donglang caressed the sofa he was sitting on, and slandered: "These barbarians really enjoy themselves. The chairs are so soft and comfortable. I really don't know what they think. They are really like those wealthy landowners. They are really like It's like those local rich people who have been poor for a long time."

The contempt on He Donglang's face, since He Donglang entered the city of London, He Donglang has been contemptuously all the time.

Also, in this era, when people in the mainland look at Westerners, they basically look at them from a condescending perspective. In their view, these places are wild lands.

The people in these places are all barbarians, how can I be better than my country?
The seats in the west are different from those in the east, and Thomas sat directly opposite He Donglang.

Those translators did not dare to sit next to Thomas and He Donglang, so they could only stand quietly beside Thomas and He Donglang.

He Donglang said with a smile on his face: "I didn't expect you to enjoy it here. The chair is so soft, you really know how to enjoy it."

The translator standing next to He Donglang hastily translated He Donglang's voice.

Listening to the translated voice, Thomas laughed and said, "Be kinder to yourself in life. Besides, these sofas in my house are just cheap goods. The sofas at His Royal Highness's are the ones that are comfortable."

As soon as He Donglang heard Thomas say this, he asked: "The sofa from the king? You still want to get back the sofa from His Royal Highness the king? There is something in your words!"

When He Donglang's voice was translated, Thomas' expression changed instantly.

He hurriedly explained: "It's not what you think, I just said that the sofa at His Majesty's place is more comfortable, nothing else."

Of course Thomas knew what He Donglang was talking about, and Thomas was afraid that He Donglang would distort his meaning.

"It's okay, I'm just talking casually, it doesn't mean anything else." He Donglang smiled like a normal person.

Thomas let out a long breath and said, "This is a joke, you can't make such a joke."

"Look at you, you're still a joke, what's the matter?"

He Donglang looked at Thomas strangely.

Thomas laughed twice, "Okay, let's not talk about these things, I will take you to His Royal Highness later, you should prepare first. How do you deal with your staff?"

Thomas pointed to the soldiers outside and said.

"Let them stay with you first, it is not appropriate for me to take these soldiers to your king's place.

Those who know think that I am going to meet your king.People who don't know, think what we are going to do? "

(End of this chapter)

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