Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 852: Charles I's Feelings

Chapter 852 Charles I's emotion
"Those who know think we are going to visit your king, and those who don't know think we are going to do something!" He Donglang looked at Thomas sitting in front of him and said.

"If that's the case, then leave these men of yours with me first. Then I'll look for the king to see if I can approve a place for you and settle you down!" Thomas said.

He Donglang nodded, and said with a face of approval: "If that's the case, then I will listen to you. By the way, when are you going to see your king?"

"If it's convenient for you, you can go now!"

"It's convenient now, what's the inconvenience now!"

Hearing what He Donglang said, Thomas stood up and said, "If that's the case, let's set off now. It will be dark later, and we won't be able to get in by then!"

Thomas said and walked out to arrange the carriage.

He Donglang also walked out of the living room and went outside.

He Donglang looked at his men standing in the courtyard, standing straight, and shouted loudly.

He Donglang walked in front of these people and shouted: "Brothers, I'm going to visit their king later, you stay here temporarily, remember my order, you can't leave here until I come back Half a step, no matter what happens, you can only talk about it after I come back!"

"Follow your orders!"

The soldiers standing in front of He Donglang shouted loudly at He Donglang.

He Donglang nodded, and then walked out with Wang Dongliang and a dozen personal guards.

At this time, Thomas had already prepared the carriage.

Because He Donglang had a large number of people, Thomas prepared three or four carriages.

He Donglang Wang Dongliang and Thomas sat in the same carriage, as for He Donglang's personal guards and a large number of translators, they sat in the remaining carriages.

The carriage walked out of the yard of Thomas' house and headed towards Windsor Castle.Just then, three or four people in ordinary clothes appeared at the door of Thomas' house.

These few people looked like ordinary residents of the city, but what they did betrayed them.

They looked at the direction Thomas' carriage was leaving, and made a firm note of this direction.

When the shadow of the carriage completely disappeared, these people came to the gate of Thomas' house.

At this time, the door of Thomas's house was firmly closed, and they were like thieves, standing in front of the door of Thomas's house, constantly looking in through the cracks in the door.

"What's the matter with these people? Judging from their appearance, these people seem to come from the East. How could these people from the East get mixed up with Thomas.

Thomas is a member of His Royal Highness, that is to say, these people have been mixed with His Royal Highness now. What are the identities of these people?They came here from the east for thousands of miles, what is their purpose? "

The leader saw the soldiers gathered in the yard through the crack of the door. These soldiers stood quietly in the yard, as straight as pine trees.

"Why are these people standing so neatly? It's so strange!" The leader muttered, with a strange expression on his face.

"Who's at the door?"

A voice sounded and came out from the door.

After hearing the voice, the people standing at the door hurriedly ran into the distance.

They had just left when a servant opened the door.

The servant came out of the room and looked around.

"Strange, just now, I clearly heard someone outside. What's going on?"

The servant looked out of the extremely empty door, his face full of doubts.

The servant walked back and closed the door.

At this time, the Thomas had already arrived outside Windsor Castle.

Windsor Castle is the place where the royal family lives, and the defense force is the most stringent place in the entire city of London.

Outside Windsor Castle is surrounded by a very wide and very deep moat.

On the walls of Windsor Castle, there are many soldiers standing. These soldiers are wearing very typical European plate armor. These plate armor are polished and shiny.

Although it is said that the current Charles I lost to the parliament, but after all, Charles I is still the king, and it is very normal to be able to arm these people.

"It's here now. In front of it is Windsor Castle. The king lives in Windsor Castle."

The carriage stopped outside the moat in front of Windsor Castle, Thomas got off the carriage, pointed to the Windsor Castle in front of him, and said to He Donglang who had just stepped off the carriage.

He Donglang stood beside Thomas. He looked at the Windsor Castle in front of him, and said to Thomas with an incredulous expression: "Your king lives here, and this is your palace?"

Although Windsor Castle can be said to be a very majestic building in the UK, it would be nothing more than that if it were placed in the east. What's more, as a place where a king lives, Windsor Castle is indeed a bit shabby in He Donglang's view.

"This is the palace where their king lives? Why does it look so shabby? It's not as good as the local rich people there. I really didn't expect the king of a country to live in this kind of building. There is a sense of pettiness all over his body." "He Donglang kept slandering in his heart, in He Donglang's view, this Windsor Castle is really too shabby.

Listening to He Donglang's voice, Thomas' face turned gloomy. Although he really wanted to refute, but the reality is here, no matter how much he refuted, it would be useless.

Thomas took a deep breath to calm down his mood, and said to He Donglang: "Your east is an empire that has been passed down for thousands of years. Where is your foundation? Of course we are not as good as you, but don't look at Windsor The castle is not very good for you, but it is still very good for us. In our area, there are few countries where the royal family lives more than us."

Thomas is telling the truth. Windsor Castle is indeed very good now. If you want to surpass Windsor Castle, at least you have to wait for Buckingham Palace to be built.

"Okay, don't say these words anymore, everyone follow me in, presumably His Royal Highness has been waiting for a long time." Thomas said and walked towards Windsor Castle. Because there has been no war recently, the drawbridge above Windsor Castle was released. down.

Thomas walked across the drawbridge and came to the gate of the castle.

He Donglang, Wang Dongliang, the guards and the translators followed closely behind Thomas and walked towards the castle.

The soldiers standing on the wall naturally knew Thomas, and they looked at Thomas approaching, and opened the gate of the castle.

Thomas walked into the city gate, He Donglang, Wang Dongliang and the guards followed Thomas closely, and were about to walk into the castle, but just as He Donglang took two steps, three or four soldiers surrounded He Donglang stopped.

He Donglang looked at these soldiers in plate armor with an unfriendly expression, and asked, "What do you want to do?"

As He Donglang said, he touched his waist with his right hand, and touched the big black star on his waist.

As the saying goes, you must not have the intention of harming others, and you must not have the intention of preventing others. Although Thomas and Zhao Wen are now in a partnership, this is not the East after all, so He Donglang has to be extremely careful.

These soldiers didn't understand what He Donglang was saying at all, but when they saw He Donglang's right hand touching his waist, they thought that He Donglang was going to do something.

Afterwards, they also raised their matchlock guns and pointed them at He Donglang.

The situation suddenly became tense.

When He Donglang saw these soldiers pointing their Vulcan spears at him, he immediately exploded, and directly touched the big black star on his waist.

When Thomas saw this scene, cold sweat dripped down his face.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and stop!" Thomas yelled, with a nervous expression on his face.

Thomas was afraid that these soldiers didn't know how deep they were, so he attacked He Donglang.

Thomas was also afraid that He Donglang would attack these soldiers because of his nervousness. No matter who took the lead, the result would be bad.

"Hurry up and put down the weapons in your hands, these people are the guests of His Highness the King." Thomas looked at the soldiers who raised their weapons and shouted loudly.

Thomas was a close friend of Charles I, and these soldiers certainly knew Thomas.

They looked at Thomas with a gloomy expression, and slowly put down the weapons in their hands.

Thomas looked at He Donglang, and said kindly: "These people are ignorant, please don't blame them, Mr. He."

When the translator translated Thomas' voice, He Donglang said angrily: "Ignorant? Ignorant just pointed a gun at us? Is this how you people treat guests?
If you don't want our help, just say so. "

He Donglang asked with a gloomy face.

Thomas' complexion changed, and he hurriedly smiled and said, "Mr. He, please don't do this. It's just a small misunderstanding. It's really just a small misunderstanding."

Seeing what Thomas said, He Donglang no longer held him accountable.

The main purpose of He Donglang's coming here is not to find people like Thomas, so that's about it.

"I don't want this kind of thing to happen again in the future. Remember what I said, otherwise our cooperation will come to an end." He Donglang threatened Thomas with a gloomy face.

Thomas sneered: "That's for sure, that's for sure.

Mr. He, can you take off those weapons on your body?
When meeting the king, you cannot carry weapons. "

Without hesitation, He Donglang handed over the big black star to Thomas, and asked his subordinates to take down the weapons as well.

"It's over if you're so amiable. Don't point a gun at us just now. We're not unreasonable people."

Seeing He Donglang handing over the weapons on his body, Thomas let out a sigh of relief. When He Donglang Wang Dongliang and the guards handed over the weapons on their bodies, Thomas finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"In that case, follow me in. His Royal Highness should be inside." Thomas pointed to the inside of the castle and walked towards it.

He Donglang followed Thomas and walked towards Windsor Castle.

When Thomas left, he stopped a soldier and asked the soldier to report the news that he had brought someone over to Charles I.

Without hesitation, the soldier ran directly into Windsor Castle.

There is a hall in Windsor Castle that is specially used to receive courtiers. Although this hall is not comparable to the three halls of Zhao Wen's Palace, it is not small in size.

Although it was not a formal interview this time, it was the first time for people like He Donglang to come to see Charles I. In addition, He Donglang had a special status, so Charles I chose the place in here.

In the great hall of Windsor Castle, Charles I was sitting on the throne, waiting quietly.

Not long after, Thomas walked into the hall with He Donglang and others.

According to British etiquette, Thomas saluted King Charles I respectfully, and said loudly, "See Your Royal Highness."

He Donglang did not imitate Thomas and salute Charles I, but bowed his hands at Charles I and said expressionlessly: "I have seen His Royal Highness."

From the beginning to the end, He Donglang was extremely arrogant, as if he didn't take Charles I seriously.

Of course Charles I could feel that feeling from He Donglang's body, but Charles I didn't feel any discomfort.

Charles I couldn't understand what He Donglang said. After the translator translated what He Donglang said, Charles I said with a smile on his face: "No need to be like this, no need to be like this. Dare to ask sir, but From the East?"

Charles I looked at He Donglang and asked with a smile on his face.

After the translator translated Charles I's voice, He Donglang nodded and replied, "That's right, I came from the east."

When Charles I heard this, he became interested instantly.

"Since the gentleman is from the east, I have a question to ask the gentleman. This question is the things on the Tiangong objects, are they true?"

He Donglang nodded heavily, and said: "The content on Tiangong Kaiwu is true. In our place, those things on Tiangong Kaiwu can be seen everywhere. Our place is not only rich, but also the people are polite. "

As soon as He Donglang mentioned Xuanzhen, he started to praise Xuanzhen endlessly, and the praise lasted for almost half an hour.

Listening to He Donglang's voice, Charles I's expression was sometimes relaxed, sometimes happy, and sometimes dull.

Thomas stood next to He Donglang, his eyes were always on Charles I.

Listening to the translated voice, Charles I kept feeling in his heart, "The Eastern Empire is still powerful. At the beginning, I didn't believe that the content on the Sky Kaiwu was true. I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it." The content on Tiangong Kaiwu is actually true.

The ship docked at the port has already grown up to that size, and the content on Tiangong Kaiwu must be true. "

While feeling emotional, Charles I felt a very helpless feeling in his heart.

"It's a pity, it's a pity that such an advanced thing is not ours!"

(End of this chapter)

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