Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 853 To learn their language from now on

Chapter 853 To learn their language from now on
"It's a pity, it's a pity that such an advanced thing is not ours." Hearing the translated voice, Charles I's face was full of helplessness.


Charles I heaved a long sigh, surrounded by a deep sense of powerlessness. Charles I couldn't have imagined that the far east had come to this state first.

"I'm afraid that we may not be able to catch up with the East now even if we spend a hundred years. It's terrifying, it's really terrifying." Charles I kept thinking, although his heart was full of helplessness, he didn't take this Helpless to show it.

Charles I looked at He Donglang standing in front of him with a smile on his face, "Mr. He, I don't know what is the purpose of your coming here? Also, is the ship docked at the port yours?"

Charles I had just asked this sentence, and before it could be translated, Thomas said, "Your Highness, let me explain this matter."

When Charles I heard Thomas say this, he set his sights on Thomas, "What's going on, please explain."

Thomas nodded, cleared his throat, and began to speak, "His Royal Highness, the matter was like this. At that time, because we didn't have that much money in our hands, so..."

As Thomas spoke, he explained why He Donglang came here.

It's just that the purpose that Thomas said was just what Zhao Wen told him, not the real purpose of people like He Donglang coming here.

After Thomas finished speaking, Charles I suddenly realized and asked: "I didn't expect that things turned out like this.

In other words, these people are only here to accept loans.

I didn't expect the price of this gun to be so expensive, but if this gun is really easy to use, it is so expensive that it is worth it. "

"But why are there so many people here? I am very puzzled about this." Charles I began to wonder as he asked.

If these people are just to receive loans, there is no need for so many people to come, and there are so many warships. Although the number is not large, they cannot stand up to the size.

When Charles I asked this question, he looked at He Donglang, and at the same time said to the Hongyi captive who could speak English: "These words are not allowed to be translated, you cannot afford the consequences."

When Charles I said this, his expression remained the same as before. He Donglang couldn't understand English, so naturally he didn't know what Charles I was talking about.

"His Royal Highness, I don't know about this, but in my opinion, the benefits of these people coming to us must be greater than the benefits of the Parliament." Thomas said.

Of course, Thomas didn't know the real purpose of He Donglang and the others coming here, but judging from the present, He Donglang and the others came here, and there was no other threat to them.

"By the way, can you open my eyes to the weapons you brought back? Let me see what kind of weapons they are that can overturn the gap between us and the parliament."

Charles I looked at Thomas and said in disbelief.

In fact, Charles I did not believe that a weapon could overturn the gap between himself and the parliament.

Although it is said that Charles I is the king, many things do not mean that Charles I does not know. On the contrary, Charles I knows many things.

In the current shit sticks, the weapons used by soldiers are basically matchlock guns, and some use weapons such as broadswords, spears or long bows.

It’s just that the number of people who use these cold weapons is relatively small. Charles I once played with arquebuses. In Charles I’s view, arquebuses are all like that. Although there are already some flintlock guns with longer ranges, those weapons The reload speed is too slow, even if it hits far, it is useless.

Charles I really couldn't understand what kind of weapon could overturn the gap between himself and the parliament.

There were already flintlock guns in this era, but because the rifling was very difficult, coupled with the quality of the steel, and the difficulty of loading and other problems, the number of soldiers using flintlock guns was very small.

In the current Western world, the mainstream weapon used is still the matchlock gun. If there is no accident, the matchlock gun will be used for nearly 100 years.

"Your Highness, this weapon is in my house now, if His Highness wants to see it now, I can bring this weapon to His Highness right now.

This weapon is called the Vulcan Gun, it can shoot hundreds of feet, it is very accurate, and the reload speed is very fast, it can fire ten to twelve rounds in a minute, and the speed is very fast.”

Thomas briefly introduced the Dreiser rifle to Charles I.

The rifle that Zhao Wen sold to Thomas was called the Drasay Rifle, but now it was produced by Zhao Wen in advance, so it was renamed by Zhao Wen to the Vulcan Rifle.

Listening to Thomas' voice, Charles I's performance gradually froze.

Charles I looked at Thomas blankly, and asked with disbelief: "Is what you said true? Are you lying to me? I have never heard that this kind of rifle can really hit so far. Is it possible to shoot such a long-distance rifle, and is the reload speed of this rifle really so fast? Can it really shoot so much in one minute?"

Charles I didn't believe it, he didn't believe that there would be such a powerful weapon, such a powerful rifle in this world.

In the eyes of Charles I, the data Thomas said were as unbelievable as a bible.

Charles I didn't even believe in such data, he didn't even dare to think about it.

In this era, if someone tells Charles I that there are such data weapons in the world, Charles I's first reaction is not to believe, but to give this person a big mouth.

But now the person who said such words to Charles I was the most trusted subordinate of Charles I, plus He Donglang standing in front of him and the book "Heavenly Works", Charles I had to accept this data.

However, this kind of data made Charles I always feel unreal.

"His Royal Highness, I can assure you that this Vulcan rifle is indeed powerful, has such a long range, and has such a fast reload speed." Thomas patted his chest and said to Charles I confidently. .

"If this weapon is really as powerful as you said, then it can indeed overturn the gap between me and the parliament." Charles I said.

"This weapon is in your house now, so you should send this weapon to me now." Charles I suddenly remembered something, and said to Thomas anxiously.

Charles I was most afraid of this news being leaked, and most afraid of someone stealing those weapons from Thomas's house. If someone really stole those weapons from Thomas's house, it would be a huge blow to Charles I, so It is said that in the eyes of Charles I, this kind of weapon is the safest only if it is placed in his own Windsor Castle.

Thomas saluted Charles I, and said: "Your Highness, I will go back and send you this weapon now. You can ask Mr. He something now, and I will take Mr. He back later. .”

After Thomas said that, he exited the hall and walked outside. Charles I watched Thomas leave and began to look forward to it.

"If the weapon is really as powerful as Thomas said, it will really be a matter of time before the council is defeated."

For a while, Charles I began to feel uneasy. He was afraid that the power of this weapon was not as good as Thomas said. After all, what Thomas said was beyond common sense.

The hall fell into silence, and He Donglang stood there quietly.

After a while, Charles I looked at He Donglang and said, "Can you tell me about your situation?"

He Donglang nodded and said, "Of course!"

"Cough cough!"

He Donglang cleared his throat and started talking.

"Speaking of our place, I think our emperor deserves the most credit. Our emperor's surname is Zhao Yuwen. In my opinion, our emperor is the greatest emperor. He is the greatest emperor in our history. He ability is outstanding”

He Donglang talked about the things in Xuanzhen. When He Donglang said these things again, he was mainly talking about Zhao Wen's greatness, mainly praising Zhao Wen's ability and how capable he is.

"His Royal Highness, our emperor is a man of his word. As long as he says something, no one dares to object, no one dares to refute."

He Donglang kept patting Zhao Wen's flattery, although Zhao Wen could not hear He Donglang's flattering, but this did not prevent Hedong Lang from flattering Zhao Wen.

Listening to the translated voice, Charles I kept sighing and sighing.

"It doesn't matter that the Eastern Empire is powerful, but their emperor is still the supreme existence. Unlike me, the words I say are only heard by a small number of people. As for the parliament, my words are like deaf ears.

I really can't figure out why this parliament was established in the first place. What's so bad about dictatorship?At least no one dares to refute my will. "

For a while, Charles I was full of admiration for Zhao Wen. He adored Zhao Wen very much. He was able to bring a disintegrated empire back to normal in such a short period of time, and he also adored Zhao Wen's supremacy.

As the saying goes, if there is such a powerful empire around the shit-stirring country, Charles I will definitely not be able to sleep at night and eat, but if this country appears in the east, Charles I will not be so afraid .

In Charles I's view, no matter how powerful this country is, he cannot travel thousands of miles to attack him. Judging from the weapons he sold to him, it is impossible for this country to attack him in a short time Make yourself an enemy.

"I didn't expect your emperor to be such an outstanding talent. I want to learn from him and see how he does it." Charles I said modestly.

He Donglang didn't react to what Charles I said, but this was only on the surface. In He Donglang's heart, He Donglang had already belittled Charles I as nothing.

"You still want to learn from His Majesty, you don't look at it, you don't take a piss to see who you are, your hair is so long, it's still curled up, you don't wash it, you don't tidy it up, your hair is disheveled. what does it look like
He didn't wash his clothes, he was really a savage, and he still had an unpleasant smell on his body. "He Donglang satirized Charles I abnormally in his heart.

Charles I had very long hair that was curled like instant noodles.

In the eyes of Charles I, his long hair is very chic, but in the eyes of He Donglang, he is no different from a barbarian.

Of course He Donglang would not say these words.

While the two were chatting nonsense, Thomas walked into the hall again. He saluted Charles I and said, "Your Highness, I have brought all those weapons over."

This time, Thomas got out all the carriages in the family and used them to transport these weapons, so it didn't take long for all these weapons to be transported over.

"Where are these weapons now?"

When Thomas heard this, he stood up excitedly from the throne and walked in front of Thomas.

Thomas said: "His Royal Highness, all these weapons are now stored in the open space outside the castle. Because I did not have your order, I have not pulled them into the castle for the time being."

"Okay, okay." Charles I said three good words excitedly. Charles I patted Thomas on the shoulder and praised: "Thomas, you are really the most capable person under my command. You have done these things very well and perfectly. , after the parliament is resolved, I will make you a duke at that time."

Charles I began to draw a big cake.

With these weapons in hand, Thomas believed, it would not take long to defeat the Council.

At that time, Thomas became the nobleman with the highest title under the prince.

However, He Donglang who was standing by the side would not do what they wanted.

Although He Donglang couldn't understand what these two people were talking about, He Donglang would not let these two easily defeat the parliament.

Listening to the voices of these two people, He Donglang secretly made up his mind, "It seems that we must learn their language in the future, otherwise who knows what they are discussing, these two people are talking and laughing, who knows what they are talking about. What are they talking about, who knows if they will have other thoughts about me."

"However, this barbarian language is like a bird's language. It sounds like babbling. I'm afraid it's really not easy to learn." He Donglang let out a long breath, and looked at Thomas and Charlie who were talking blankly. A generation.

"Your Highness, those weapons are outside now, why don't you go out and see the power of these weapons?" Thomas pointed to the outside and said to Charles I sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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