Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 855 We Are For Future Generations

Chapter 855 We Are For Future Generations

"If it can really penetrate plate armor at this distance, then this weapon can really overturn the gap between me and the council!"

Charles I yelled excitedly as he ran, but at this time he did not have the majesty of a king at all.

At this time, he was like an excited commoner.

Not long after, Charles I came before the plate armor.

He looked at the plate armor in front of him, and excitedly shouted to Thomas who was squatting next to the plate armor: "Has the plate armor really penetrated?"

Pointing to the plate armor in front of him, Thomas excitedly shouted to Charles I: "Your Royal Highness, it has indeed been penetrated, and it is pierced in half!"

As he spoke, Thomas pointed his finger at the hole.

Charles I looked in the direction of Thomas' finger, and saw a hole the size of a thumb on the front of the plate armor.

Charles I squatted down, looking at the thumb-thick hole in front of him.

There is another hole behind this thumb-thick hole. Through these two holes, Charles I can clearly see the land behind.

Seeing this, Charles I slapped his thigh fiercely, and shouted excitedly, "As expected, it really broke through, it really broke through, it really broke through."

Charles I shouted again and again, his face was full of excitement.

"Hehe, Parliament, I see what else you can do. Just wait and see. Sooner or later, I will throw you into the garbage dump and trample all of you underfoot."

Charles I looked at the hole in the plate armor, his eyes were full of bloodthirsty light.

Charles I seemed to have seen the scene where he defeated the parliament, as if he had seen the scene where he was the only one.

Years of humiliation, now all vanished into thin air, turned into nothing, Charles I stood up, he looked in the direction of the parliament, his face was full of excitement.

"Your Highness, do you want to check the remaining guns?" Thomas looked at Charles I.

Charles I shook his head and said to Thomas: "I believe you, since this weapon is already so powerful, the rest must be similar to these weapons, there is no need to check the rest of the weapons.

By the way, quickly seal up all these weapons and send them to my castle, hurry up. "

Charles I pointed to the thing in front of him and said to Thomas.

Thomas nodded, and began to arrange for people to send these weapons to Windsor Castle.

By the time all these weapons were sent to Windsor Castle, it was already dark.

At this time, Thomas had already sent He Donglang and the others back.

Because there is no place to live for the time being, people like He Donglang can only live on the treasure ship tonight.

After He Donglang left, Thomas did not leave, but followed Charles I to Charles I's office.

In the office of Charles I at Windsor Castle, Charles I sat behind the desk and Thomas stood in front of the desk.

Thomas looked solemnly at Charles I who was sitting opposite him, and said, "Your Highness, there is one more thing I haven't told you today."

Charles I asked with a look of surprise: "What haven't you told me yet?"

Thomas said, "Your Highness, it's about the bombing of the port."

When Charles I heard Thomas say this, he became interested instantly.

"What's going on? What happened to the bombing of the port today?" Charles I asked with a gloomy face.

"His Royal Highness, the bombing of the port has nothing to do with those Orientals. The port was bombed by those Orientals."

Thomas explained in detail what happened to the previous port bombing.

Charles I listened to Thomas' voice, with anger appearing on his face.

In the end Charles I's eyes even burst into flames.

"These people are too rampant. They dare to bomb my port on my territory. These people are really brave."

Charles I's face was full of anger.

"Your Highness, what shall we do now?"

Charles I fell into deep thought, and after a while he looked at Thomas and said, "You mean that huge ship did the bombing of the port?
I'm curious what kind of weapon is installed on their huge ship, which is so powerful that it can blow up my port like this. "

The size of the port of London is not small, if you use the artillery of this era to bomb it.

At the very least, it would take a whole day of bombing. Even if it took a day of bombing, it might not be possible to bomb the port to what it is now.

Charles I couldn't figure out what kind of artillery could blow up his port like that.

Thomas said: "His Royal Highness, I don't know about this, I don't know what the weapons installed on their big ship look like.

They don't allow anyone near that big ship, and I wanted to go up there and see what weapons they had on that ship.

But they never let me come near, and I felt like they would kill me if I got on the boat.

But when they fired, I saw them fire through a telescope.

The artillery they used was fast to reload, fast to fire, and had a lot of firepower.

The artillery also fired very far away. I guess the firepower on that big ship alone is not something we can deal with.

We still have the great enemy of the parliament in front of us. If we offend them again, we will definitely fail in the two-front battle. "

Thomas analyzed the matter seriously.

Hearing this, Charles I sighed heavily, "Oh, what kind of world is this? I was angry with the parliament before, and now I am angry with these Orientals."

"Your Highness, there is nothing we can do about it. After all, we bought these weapons from the East, so we have to bear with it for the time being." Thomas said.

"I know what you said, but I really can't bear it. When those Easterners came to the castle today, I already thought that they might have done this.

It’s just that I’ve been unwilling to believe it. Now that you’ve said it, I finally understand it, but I can’t figure it out. What is the purpose of these Easterners bombing our port? "

"I don't know, I don't know about this. Anyway, judging from the situation at the time, it seems that the garrison above the port wanted to use coastal defense artillery to attack them, and they said that they did it first to protect themselves." Thomas said.

"Hehe, do you believe what they said? Was it necessary for them to do this when you were in the boat?"

Charles I didn't believe it at all. In his opinion, this reason was just a poor excuse.

"But I have to say that their weapons are indeed powerful and powerful. Judging from today's situation alone, this weapon is enough to crush all the weapons we use.

Alas, the price is really not cheap.

By the way, I will give you one thing. After tomorrow, I will send you some blacksmiths who specialize in making weapons to see if they can imitate this weapon.

After all, the price of this weapon is very expensive, and the ammunition used by this weapon is also placed together.

At that time, as long as we can imitate this weapon, we can achieve our goal even if we put aside these orientals. "

Charles I looked at Thomas and said.

The current Charles I has put aside the matter just now. After all, in a short period of time, these Easterners cannot be easily offended.

As for the matter of the port, I can only smash my teeth and swallow it in my stomach, there is no other way.

"Okay, I'll take these craftsmen to do some research and see if I can imitate these weapons."

"Okay, then you go out first."

Charles I waved his hand at Thomas and said.

As Thomas spoke, he walked outside. When Thomas was about to walk out of the room, Charles I suddenly stopped Thomas.

"Wait a moment."

Charles I shouted at Thomas's back.

Thomas stopped, turned around, looked at Charles I, and asked, "His Royal Highness, is there anything else?"

"Yes, it's the residence of these people. Didn't these people bomb the port? Then let them live near the port and don't let them enter the city."


Thomas nodded.

"By the way, as for the silver coins returned to them, don't rush to give them back, just wait for a while. Blow up my port, and I can't return the silver coins to them so easily."


Thomas saluted Charles I, and then walked outside.

When Thomas walked out of the castle, it was completely dark. Because there were no street lights, London was always extremely dark at this time.

Thomas looked at the darkness in front of him, and thought of everything he saw in Xuanzhen, "Oh, I can't compare it, Xuanzhen is still very bright at night. On the road, there will be a street light every ten meters, but It’s dark here at night, let alone street lamps, and there are no torches for lighting. I really can’t compare, I can’t compare!”

Thinking this way, Thomas got into the carriage going home.

At the same time, He Donglang was sitting in the command cabin of the treasure ship.

Wang Dongliang sat next to He Donglang, Wang Dongliang looked at He Donglang, and asked, "Master He, when do you think we can go back?"

"Go back? You still want to go back?"

He Donglang shook his head and said, "We won't be able to go back for the time being, and don't think about going back in three or five years."

Hearing what He Donglang said, Wang Dongliang let out a sigh of relief, "When I came out, my wife was pregnant. Now when I go back, maybe the children don't know me."

"Don't worry, your children will definitely know you by then. Besides, aren't all the things we are doing now intended for future generations? If we live a little harder now, future generations will have a better life."

(End of this chapter)

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