Chapter 856 You Can't Relax

"Don't worry, what we are doing now is for future generations. Your children will definitely remember it, and your son will definitely recognize you. Don't worry." He Donglang kept persuading Wang Dongliang.

Listening to He Donglang's voice, Wang Dongliang's expression gradually eased.

"Okay, don't talk about these things, let's study what to do next!"

He Donglang took out a map of Britain from the cabinet next to the cabin and spread it on the table in front of him.

This map of Britain was given to them by Zhao Wen.

This map of Britain was drawn by Zhao Wen from the map of later generations of Britain based on his memory.

Some place names and the like may have changed, but the specific situation has basically remained unchanged.

He Donglang spread the map on the table in front of him, and looked at it seriously.

"The name Yingji is really ugly. It sounds inexplicable."

He Donglang looked at the map in front of him with contempt.

He Donglang stood beside the table, and Wang Dongliang stood beside He Donglang.

He looked at the map in front of him and said, "Master He, this English country is really small, it's too small."

"Who says it's not? England is a small country. If it were next to us, a small country like this would perish in an instant.

Fortunately, this country is far away from us. "

He Donglang and Wang Dongliang stood quietly by the table, carefully studying the future.

At dawn the next day, Charles I had Thomas called into the castle.

Charles I assigned Thomas a very important task, which was to select a thousand soldiers from the current army for training, and after the training was almost done, distribute the thousand rifles to these soldiers.

In Charles I's plan, these thousand soldiers are his trump card against the parliament.

Although it is said that Charles I is not as powerful as the parliament, Charles I is still a king after all, and he has a lot of troops in his hands.

After Thomas received this order, he acted in a hurry.

At this time, Zhao Wen called Zhao Daniu, Song Hu, Liu Wu and others into the imperial study room in Xuanzhen, thousands of miles away.

In the imperial study room, Zhao Wen sat quietly on top.

He looked at the three people standing in front of him with a smile on his face, and said: "In the blink of an eye, so many years have passed, I still remember when I first met you, you were just a member of Xuanzhen. Frontier Army, now all of you are enshrined as marquises and generals, time flies."


Zhao Daniu laughed a few times with a simple and honest face, and said to Zhao Wen: "Your Majesty, isn't this all due to your credit?

If it weren't for you, all of us would be nothing more than a small frontier soldier until our death. "

"Yeah, that's right. If it wasn't for His Majesty, we would be nothing more than a small frontier army until our death." Song Hu also echoed.

Zhao Wen said calmly: "I have nothing else to come to you today, but I just want to tell you that although the world is calm now, you can't relax. After you go back, you will practice for me. Don't think about the future." Then you can enjoy the happiness."

After the world was completely pacified, Zhao Daniu, Song Hu and others also resigned from their specific positions. Although there are many positions on them, they are basically empty titles. Now they no longer lead the army.

The regular army in Zhao Wen's hands has now been placed in the planned place according to the previous plan.

These planned places are basically located around Xuan Town, either around Xuan Town, or in provinces not far from the declaration of war.

There are reserve forces in the local area, so it is not of much use for these regular troops to be placed locally.

Anyway, there is already a railway now, and even if something happens somewhere in the future, relying on the railway, the regular army can be quickly deployed.

In addition, there is basically no threat to the north now, so the defense of the north does not need to be paid too much attention.

Zhao Daniu and others standing in the imperial study room became puzzled when they heard what Zhao Wen said.

In their view, all the wars in the country are now over, and these people have almost no use for them, so what's the point of retraining?

Zhao Wen looked at their puzzled faces, and knew what they were thinking, "I tell you, the war is far from over, and there will be more wars in the future. If you carry them, you may not be in future wars." .”

Zhao Wen frowned, and said to these people solemnly.

"There will be wars in the future? Your Majesty means that there will be wars to be fought in the future." Zhao Daniu asked in surprise.

"Didn't I say it before? In the future, I will send troops to the west to attack the west.

When attacking the west, must I rely on you?Could it be that you still want Zhen to go to the battlefield and fight the enemy himself? " Zhao Wen asked back.

When Zhao Daniu heard this, his eyes lit up instantly.

Those who were born as generals, the most fearful thing is that the horses will be released to Nanshan, and the swords and guns will be put into storage.

If this is the case, it is really more uncomfortable than death.

The greatest ability of these people is to fight wars. Once the world is peaceful, their role will gradually decrease.

Don't look at how easy they are living a day now, but they also understand in their hearts that if this continues, sooner or later they will eventually fade out of His Majesty's sight, and if they really reach that point, they will be completely It's over, and these people will be completely useless.

"I do remember, but at that time I thought His Majesty was just talking." Zhao Daniu said with a look of disbelief.

It is not unreasonable for Zhao Daniu to say this. From ancient times to the present, no matter what dynasty or generation, as long as the world is pacified, there are almost no major wars.

Zhao Daniu also thought that Zhao Wen was just talking about it before.

There is no benefit in pacifying the world and attacking the West.

In Zhao Daniu's view, the West is just a poor and wild land, so what's the point of attacking the West?What is the use?

Song Hu's eyes also lit up. He looked at Zhao Wen and asked uncertainly, "Your Majesty, is what you said true? Do you really want to attack the West again in the future?"

"That's right, what I said is true, I will definitely attack the West again in the future, this is what I said before, it is impossible to break my promise.

You may wonder what benefits it is for us to attack the West, but I want to tell you that the benefits of attacking the West are great.

But some benefits cannot be seen in a short while, although these benefits can not be seen in a short while, but I also want to attack, I want to let the army push all the way from east to west, until the end of the world. "

It's not that Zhao Wen is a warmonger, but that Zhao Wen clearly understands how big a threat the West is to the East.

The West is a civilization system that is different from the East from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside. It is almost impossible for these two civilization systems to coexist peacefully.

The aggressiveness of Western civilization is very strong. If this threat is not killed in the cradle in advance, once the West becomes stronger, it will be a very big disaster for the East.

Just like later generations, Zhao Wen does not want the disaster of later generations to repeat itself.

Therefore, Zhao Wen wants to completely strangle the West in its cradle in this era. Even if he cannot completely conquer the West, he must keep the West in long-term turmoil. Only by thoroughly disrupting them can the East develop stably.

Of course, before going to war in the west, all these things in the east must be dealt with first.

"Now there is one more thing I want to tell you. In addition to attacking the west, I plan to take action against those countries in the southeast of us first, and then completely calm down these places."

Zhao Daniu pointed to the southeast direction and looked at Zhao Wen, "Is your Majesty talking about places like Annan Cochin and Siam?"

Zhao Wen nodded and said, "That's right, it's these places. These places also need to be conquered. These places are rich in rice and can grow three crops a year. If these places are conquered, the country will no longer have to worry about food. "

"Your Majesty, I also think we should conquer there. Annan Jiaozhi has been our territory since ancient times. Now we must take these places back, otherwise we will be sorry to our ancestors." Zhao Daniu said in a buzzing voice.

"You're right. If we don't take these places down, then we will be sorry to our ancestors." Zhao Wen also agreed with Zhao Daniu's opinion very much.

"As for the detailed plan of the matter, we need to discuss it with the Military Academy. I called you here today to say hello to you first, to practice first, and don't slack off. There are many battles during the war."

"Okay, you guys go down first."

Zhao Wen waved his hands at these people.

Zhao Daniu and others bowed to Zhao Wen, and then withdrew from the imperial study.

After these people withdrew, Zhao Wen stood up and walked outside.

Chen Donglai followed closely behind Zhao Wen. Zhao Wen went to the East Palace instead of somewhere else.

Zhao Wen is very concerned about his son, after all, he is the future successor of the empire.

The East Palace is still within the Imperial Palace and is an independent courtyard.

There is a room specially used for classes in the East Palace now, and Zhao Mingyu holds classes in this room on weekdays.

Zhao Mingyu was still under a lot of pressure. Zhang Mingyu had to take a lot of classes. In addition to reading the Four Books and Five Classics, he also had a series of subjects such as mathematics and science.

He is the crown prince, the successor of the future empire, so he must know more than ordinary people.

Zhao Wen didn't want his son's future emperor to be a big fool who could be easily fooled by his courtiers.

As soon as he walked into the gate of the East Palace, Zhao Wen heard the sound of reading aloud. Don't think about it, this is the sound of Zhao Mingyu's reading.

Hearing the sound of reading, Zhao Wen laughed, and said in a low voice, "This brat has some energy when he is reading."

As Zhao Wen spoke, he walked in, and just as he entered the gate, the eunuchs standing behind the gate hurried over.

These eunuchs said they were going to salute Zhao Wen, and they bowed their heads.

"You don't need to salute, get up." Zhao Wen said to the eunuchs.

The eunuchs stood up awkwardly and stood behind Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen walked outside the room where Zhao Mingyu was in class, and looked in through the window.

I saw Zhao Mingyu sitting behind a desk, holding a book in his hand and studying hard.

Because of the angle, Zhao Wen couldn't read the words clearly.

There was a blackboard hanging in front of the room, and a middle-aged man with a goatee was standing in front of the blackboard, holding a pointer in his hand, staring at Zhao Mingyu seriously.

"Your Majesty, do you want to inform me?"

Chen Donglai pointed to the room and whispered to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen shook his head, "There is no need to inform them, I just came to see it, let's go, I have already seen it, there is no point in staying any longer."

As Zhao Wen said that, he walked outside, and Chen Donglai hurriedly followed behind Zhao Wen.

After walking out of the East Palace, Zhao Wen headed towards the Harem.

In Kunning Palace, Li Xiaoying was sitting in the palace of Kunning Palace, holding a book and reading it with relish.

The book in Li Xiaoying's hand is a storybook, which basically contains some love stories.

Zhao Wen walked into the palace of Kunning Palace. He looked at Li Xiaoying who was reading a book, and asked in a low voice, "What are you looking at? Why are you so engrossed?"

Hearing the voice in her ear, Li Xiaoying hurriedly put down the book in her hand, raised her head and looked at Zhao Wen.

"Your Majesty, I didn't read anything, it was just a story book. I just thought it was beautiful, so I was a little fascinated by reading it. I didn't notice that His Majesty came, and I asked His Majesty to make amends."

Zhao Wen waved his hand and said, "I'm an old couple, why are you still talking about this?"

Zhao Wen said and sat next to Li Xiaoying, and picked up the picture book on the desk.

"Who wrote this book?"

Zhao Wen said and turned the book to the cover.

"Hou Fangyu, it turned out to be him!"

Looking at the author's name on the cover of the book, Zhao Wen suddenly fell into deep thought.

Hou Fangyu, courtesy name Chaozong, was originally from Guide Mansion. His father was Hou Xun, Minister of the Household Department, and his grandfather and father were all members of the Donglin Party. They were all deposed because they opposed the eunuch's monopoly.

Together with Maoxiang, Chen Zhenhui, and Fang Yizhi, they were collectively called the "Four Young Masters" in the late Ming Dynasty, and they had a good friendship with Chen Zhenhui.

After the fall of the Ming Dynasty, Hou Fangyu was exiled in the south of the Yangtze River. After the fall of the Ming Dynasty, he took part in the imperial examination.

Zhao Wen recalled the historical records about Hou Fangyu, with a look of sarcasm.

"Why is this Mr. Hou starting to write novels now? He's really going back as he lives."

To be honest, Zhao Wen really looked down on this Hou Fangyu. This person is the kind of person who has nothing but boasting, and he is also the leader of Fushe.

What kind of organization Fushe is, no one knows better than Zhao Wen.

This is an organization that is more disgusting than the Donglin Party. Zhao Wen hates this kind of organization from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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