Chapter 857

For this Hou Fangyu, Zhao Wen dare not say that he understands it [-]%, but he also understands a lot.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect, I didn't expect that Hou Fangyu would be reduced to this level!" Zhao Wen shook his head sarcastically as he looked at the novel in his hand.

Zhao Wen looked down on Hou Fangyu very much. This person's personal integrity is really bad.

On the Internet of later generations, many people quoted a few words from Qing history manuscripts, saying that Hou Fangyu dedicated his advice to the Qing army to suppress the Yuyuan Army uprising in Zhili, Shandong, and Henan provinces.

But this is not the case. In the spring of the seventh year of Shunzhi, because Zhang Cunren visited his father, Hou Fangyu had no choice but to discuss the "Suppression of the Governor's Office of the Upper Three Provinces" in general.

Moreover, Zhang Cunren only flooded the Yuyuan Army in the eighth year of Shunzhi.

Although this is what he said, Hou Fangyu's personal integrity and ideological integrity are relatively low.

Even if Zhang Cunren's flooding of the Yuyuan Army had nothing to do with Hou Fangyu, it had something to do with his father.

Li Xiaoying looked at Zhao Wen's words and thought Zhao Wen knew him, so she asked, "Does my husband know this person?"

Zhao Wen shook his head, "I don't know him, I just know a little about him, that's all."

"It turns out that this is the case. The concubine thought that the husband knew this person."

"Okay, let's not talk about him, it's meaningless to talk about him.

Zhao Wen put Hou Fangyu behind him and began to have a short chat with Li Xiaoying's parents.

At the same time, a young man wandered aimlessly on the streets of Xuan Town.

This young man is none other than Hou Fangyu.

Hou Fangyu's hometown is in Henan. Now the railway from Xuanzhen to Henan has been completed, and it is more convenient to go from Henan to Xuanzhen. It only takes a day or two to take the train, which is many times faster than before.

Hou Fangyu is a very utilitarian person. In history, after the fall of the Ming Dynasty, he passed the imperial examination of the Qing Dynasty, so it is not surprising that he has come to Xuanzhen now.

The main reason he came to Xuanzhen was to see if he could be an official.

Hou Fangyu was wandering aimlessly on the streets of Xuanzhen, he looked at the buildings beside the streets of Xuanzhen, and kept taking a deep breath, "I didn't expect Xuanzhen to be so prosperous.

In the past, this place was just a poor and cold place, but in just a few years, it has become so prosperous. "

Hou Fangyu sighed again and again. "Oh, I don't know if I will be admitted to the university in Xuanzhen during this trip."

Before coming to Xuanzhen, Hou Fangyu had figured out the specific process of becoming an official now.

The first thing to do is to be admitted to a university. If you fail to pass the university entrance examination, you will basically not be able to become an official.

So Hou Fangyu wanted to come to Xuanzhen to try his luck, to see if he could be admitted to university. Of course, it's not time to go to university yet.

"If I can be admitted to university after coming to Xuanzhen this time, then I can basically be an official.

But if you can't get into university, then it has nothing to do with being an official. "

Hou Fangyu frowned suddenly when he said this.

"I heard that there are quite a lot of subjects in this university, but there is no stereotyped essay, and no matter how good the stereotyped essay is, you can't get into the university. I heard that the exam content seems to include mathematics and other things. I don't like it at all. Yes, what should I do?"

Hou Fangyu is just a very ordinary scholar, and his stereotyped articles are not very good.

During the reign of Chongzhen, it was difficult for him to take the Jinshi exam, let alone the university entrance exam now.

"Hey, you still have to prepare early, otherwise, you won't be able to pass the university entrance exam!"

Hou Fangyu walked forward with heavy steps.

Now he has just walked out of Xuanzhen Railway Station not long ago, the first thing he has to do is to find an inn and stay first.

There are quite a lot of inns in Xuan Town, because this is temporarily the reason for the capital, so there are still a lot of people who come to Xuan Town on weekdays.

The more people come to Xuan Town, the more inns there will be.

It didn't take long for Hou Fangyu to find an inn to live in.

In a hall called Tongguang Inn, in the hall where Hou Fangyu sat.

Just now, he ordered some dishes and a bowl of rice, but the dishes and rice have not been served yet, so Hou Fangyu sat quietly in the hall and waited.

At this moment, three or four students wearing university uniforms walked into the inn.

The students found an empty table in the lobby of the inn and sat down.

They sat around the table, chattering non-stop.

Hou Fangyu looked at these students with envy in his eyes
The school uniforms worn by these students had the name of the university embroidered on them, so Hou Fangyu recognized them at a glance as the school uniforms of the university.

"That's great. It would be even better if I can also enter the university." Hou Fangyu said enviously.

Hou Fangyu was not far from these college students, and what Hou Fangyu said was also heard by those college students.

A student turned around, looked at Hou Fangyu, and asked, "Do you want to go to university too?"

When Hou Fangyu saw this person asking this question, he immediately became interested. He said with great interest, "Of course, the biggest purpose of my coming here from Henan is to be admitted to a university."

Hearing what Hou Fangyu said, the student continued to ask: "Then what preparations have you made? It's not the time for the exam, why are you here so early?"

Hou Fangyu said: "I'm not ready yet. The reason why I came so early is that I want to get ready early."

"I see."

The student nodded.

"By the way, I haven't asked for your name yet." Hou Fangyu looked at the student.

The student said, "My surname is Sun and my name is Shirui."

This student is Sun Chuanting's son Sun Shirui.

This inn is not very far from the university. Today is the university holiday, so Sun Shirui and a few of his classmates went out for a walk.

"So it's brother." Hou Fangyu cupped his hands at Sun Shirui familiarly, and said with a smile on his face.

Sun Shirui hurriedly said: "I'm not as old as you, how can I be a brother?"

"As the saying goes, those who are successful come first. If you are the first to enter the university, then I am admitted to the university. Then you are my senior. Even if you are my senior, then it is not an exaggeration for me to call you brother." ?” Hou Fangyu said sincerely.

"It's really interesting what you say." Sun Shirui looked at Hou Fangyu with a smile on his face. He didn't expect Hou Fangyu to say that, "If that's the case, since you've said that, then I have no choice but to agree. How about it, My brother can’t be in vain. At that time, I will find you some my study notes and the exam question types in recent years. With these things, you will also have a goal when you review, to pass the exam. Universities are more confident.”

Hou Fangyu's eyes lit up instantly, and he said hastily, "In that case, thank you very much."

Sun Shirui shook his head, "Thank you, I have become your brother, why should I thank you? It is right to help you. After you enter the university, we will be classmates. There is nothing to thank."

"Although that's what I said, I still have to thank Brother Sun."

Sun Shirui is a warm-hearted person. He used to accept help from others when he was going to college, so now he sees other people going to college, so he also wants to help others.

While the two were talking, Hou Fangyu's food was served by the waiter.

Hou Fangyu said to Sun Shirui: "Let's not talk for now, I'll eat first, let's talk after the meal."

Sun Shirui nodded and said, "Okay, then you can eat first."

As Hou Fangyu said, he picked up his rice bowl and began to feast on it.

After eating, Sun Shirui did not leave in a hurry, but sat in the lobby of the inn, chatting with Hou Fangyu, talking about chatting, but in fact it was Hou Fangyu, who kept asking Sun Shirui about the exam, and Sun Shirui did not Concealment, all the questions that I can answer are explained in detail.

At this time, Zhao Wen was sitting in the imperial study, correcting the memorial that was sent up.

There are a lot of memorials piled up in front of him, and the number of these memorials is still a bit too much.

Although there are two houses, it can reduce Zhao Wen's burden a lot.

However, there were many memorials that Zhao Wen had to review in person. Zhao Wen picked up a memorial and began to review it.

Looking at the contents of the memorial, Zhao Wen frowned tightly.

"Wheat yields fifteen shi per mu. Isn't that bragging? How is this possible?"

Zhao Wen looked at the contents of the memorial with a gloomy expression.

Fifteen stones are converted into the unit of later generations, which is equivalent to [-] catties.

Even in later generations, it is impossible for the yield of wheat per mu to be so high.

"In this era, there are no fertilizers and pesticides of later generations, and an acre of land can only support three to four hundred catties. How could it be possible to have one thousand five hundred catties? I don't believe in the content of the organization at all."

According to the memorial, in Kaifeng, Henan, the harvest of winter wheat is very good, and has reached the point where the yield per mu is [-] shi.

"How could there be fifteen stones? This is simply impossible. Is this another auspicious sign? Do these officials really think I'm a fool?"

Looking at the contents of the memorial, Zhao Wen became angry again for no reason.

Zhao Wen put the memorial in his hand aside, took a deep breath, and then began to deal with other memorials.

Although Zhao Wen didn't believe the contents of the memorial, Zhao Wen couldn't spend too long on the memorial.

After all, there are still remaining memorials that need to be reviewed. We can only wait for the people from the Ministry of Agriculture to check carefully the next day to see if the matter is like this.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and not long after, the sky was completely dark. Zhao Wen put down the brush in his hand, stood up and moved his body. Zhao Wen has been sitting here for nearly three hours. .

(End of this chapter)

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