Chapter 858 What is he doing here?
Zhao Wen put down the brush in his hand, stood up and moved his body. Zhao Wen had been sitting here for nearly three hours.

Zhao Wen walked out of the imperial study room. He stood at the door of the imperial study room, looking at the stars in the sky.It's summer now, and the weather is hot. At night, a gust of cool wind blows over Zhao Wen's face, making him very comfortable.

Zhao Wen felt the cool wind blowing on his face, looked at the stars in the sky, and said, "There must be so much winter wheat per mu, there must be something tricky in it, but why did the officials who wrote this memorial dare to put this figure Written in the memorial? Does he really think that I am a person who does not distinguish between five grains and four bodies and does not work hard?"

Zhao Wen's face gradually became gloomy, and he remembered the auspicious incident before. Could it be that this was another incident to curry favor with Zhao Wen?
Zhao Wen shook his head and walked towards the bedroom.

Early the next morning, Zhao Wen brought Wang Qi over.

In the imperial study room, Zhao Wen handed over the memorial that he reviewed yesterday to Wang Qi.

Zhao Wen looked at Wang Qi standing in front of him, and said, "Look at this memorial, it says that the yield of winter wheat is more than 1000 catties per mu, do you think it is possible?

Now you take this memorial, go and investigate this matter carefully to see what is going on. "

Wang Qi cupped his hands at Zhao Wengong, and then walked out of the imperial study with this memorial.

After Wang Qi went out, Zhao Wen had someone find Wang Qi in the Military Academy.

Zhao Wen intends to take action against those countries in Southeast Asia, so the Military Academy needs to formulate a specific war plan.

Zhao Wen looked at Qi Qingtian standing in front of him, and said, "I plan to take action against those countries in the southeast and try to calm them down within a year."

Qi Qingtian had heard Zhao Wen express his intention to pacify those countries in Cochin, Annan and Siam, so he had no doubts.

Qi Qingtian said to Zhao Wen: "Your Majesty, our Military Academy will be able to come up with a specific plan within a month. I don't know if your Majesty has any orders other than those countries in the southeast?"

"No, that's all!" Zhao Wen shook his head.

"In that case, the minister will leave." Qi Qingtian bowed to Zhao Wen, and then exited the imperial study.

Zhao Wen began to review the unreviewed memorials again.

At the same time, Chongzhen sat in the study of his home and kept sighing, his face full of sorrow.

"Big Companion, Big Companion, you absolutely shouldn't, you shouldn't get involved with those monsters from the White Lotus Sect.

It's good now, let's pay yourself in, right?At that time you told me that you wanted to take back the country, and I told you at the time that this is an impossible thing, you have to do it if you want to do it.Well now, get yourself in, shall we? "

Chongzhen's face was full of remorse, he regretted that he didn't persuade Cao Huachun well then.

In Chongzhen now, there are not many acquaintances.

Moreover, Cao Huachun had followed Chongzhen for a long time, so of course Chongzhen didn't want to see any accidents happen to Cao Huachun.

After capturing Cui Tianli and Huang Tianhe, these two also confessed to Cao Huachun.

After confessing Cao Huachun, Zhao Wen ordered Cao Huachun to be arrested as well.

Although Cao Huachun was hiding in Xuan Town, Zhao Wen's men were not vegetarians, so they arrested Cao Huachun not long after.

Although this Cao Huachun joined the White Lotus Sect, he did not do anything excessive at this time. In addition, he did not participate in the burning of the factory, so he was not sentenced to death, but was sentenced to exile in America.

There is a very short population in the Americas right now. Although Cao Huachun is a physically disabled person, he can still do some work in exile in the Americas.

It is precisely because of this reason that Cao Huachun saved his life, otherwise, Cao Huachun would definitely not survive.

Chongzhen sat in the study and sighed long and short, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot.Cao Huachun has been in Xinwang Mansion for a very long time, and has been with Chongzhen since Chongzhen was named Xinwang.

The relationship between the two of them is also very stable. When Gao Qiqian framed Cao Huachun back then, Chongzhen did not deal with Cao Huachun excessively.

"Zhao Wen will most likely kill you. I dare not say how much I know him, but it is impossible for him to forgive you in such a matter." Chongzhen said with a gloomy face.

Chongzhen used to be the emperor, and the emperor was most sensitive to things that threatened his imperial power.

Although Cao Huachun did not directly threaten Zhao Wen, in the eyes of Chongzhen, the White Lotus Sect was a threat to the emperor, so it was absolutely impossible for Zhao Wen to bypass Cao Huachun.

"My lord, I found out."

At this moment, Wang Chengen's voice appeared outside the study.

Standing outside the study, Wang Chengen kept knocking on the door of the study, shouting loudly into the room.

Upon hearing this, Chongzhen stood up from the chair suddenly, came to the back of the door, and pulled the door open.

Chongzhen looked anxiously at Wang Chengen who was standing outside, "What's the matter? How's the inquiry going? How did Zhao Wen deal with Cao Daban?"

Wang Chengen patted his chest and said out of breath: "Godfather was exiled to some America. I heard that it is far away from here. It will take a long time by boat. He will never come back in this lifetime!"

Cao Huachun is Wang Chengen's godfather, so it doesn't matter if Wang Chengen calls Cao Huachun his godfather.

"It's okay, it's okay, at least I saved my life, at least my life was saved."

Chongzhen breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a look of joy: "I never thought that Cao Huachun could save a life. As long as he can save a life, no matter where he goes, he is still alive."

"Master, I heard that America is very far away from us. I'm afraid godfather will have to travel for a long time on the road. After arriving in America, godfather may never come back again." Wang Cheng'an said.

"If you can't come back, you can't come back, as long as you are still alive." Chongzhen said calmly.

Now Chongzhen has seen it through, as long as a person is still alive, no matter where he is, no matter what he is doing, it is not bad, it is not bad.

At least people are still alive. As long as people are still alive, hope exists. If people are gone, nothing will be gone.

"I didn't expect Zhao Wen to be able to spare Cao Huachun. I thought Zhao Wen would kill Cao Huachun, but I underestimated Zhao Wen."

After speaking, Chongzhen left the study and came to the front yard.

Chongzhen looked at Zhu Cihong who was playing in the yard, and said, "Come on, go out with me for a walk, and go to relax with me too!"

"I'm coming!"

Zhu Cihong followed Chongzhen with an excited face, and walked outside.

When Chongzhen went out, seven or eight personal guards followed Chongzhen. Since that incident, every time Chongzhen went out, at least seven or eight personal guards followed.


In an office in the Palace of Westminster, Cromwell looked at a young man standing in front of him, and asked with a gloomy face: "Is what you said true? Those Orientals brought His Royal Highness You bought a powerful weapon, aren't you lying to me? Is that weapon really that powerful?"

This young man is exactly one of Cromwell's eyeliners in Windsor Castle. When Thomas brought those Vulcan rifles into the castle, he was seen by this young man. Even Thomas was testing the power of firearms at that time. He was also seen by this young man when he was in the castle. At that time, he could not go out because of the fortification of the castle. When the wind eased a little in the past few days, he ran out and hurriedly reported the matter to Cromwell.

The young man swore to Cromwell: "I can assure you that what I have said is true.

That kind of firearm is very powerful, it can penetrate plate armor within a hundred feet, and the reloading speed is very fast, about ten rounds can be reloaded within a minute.

As for the exact quantity, I'm not sure, but the quantity is definitely quite a lot. Just looking at their box, there are at least two hundred boxes. "

Cromwell frowned tightly, and he looked at the young man standing in front of him suspiciously, "Pierce plate armor? Is it that powerful? And it still penetrates at a distance of a hundred feet." Plate armor, why don’t I believe it?”

Cromwell very much doubted the authenticity of what the young man said. It is simply impossible for the arquebus of this era to penetrate plate armor at a distance of a hundred feet, and it is beyond common sense.

Plate armor is currently the most defensive armor, and it is very time-consuming and labor-intensive to build.

So Cromwell didn't believe that that kind of rifle could penetrate plate armor at a distance of a hundred feet.

If this is true, then there is no armor in this world that can block this kind of weapon. If Charles I really has that kind of weapon, it will be a disaster for the parliament.

"What I said is true, I never lied to you!"

Looking at Cromwell's scrutinizing expression, the young man hastily explained.

Cromwell's right hand tapped lightly on the desk in front of him, and the sound of knocking on the table kept ringing in the room.

Apart from the sound of knocking on the table, there was no other sound in the room, and both the young man and Cromwell fell into silence.

After a long time, Cromwell broke the silence, and Cromwell said to the young man: "Okay, you go back first, it takes a long time to come out, in case His Royal Highness finds out, then You might be exposed."

Cromwell urged the young man to leave, and the young man didn't talk nonsense, turned around and left Cromwell's office, and ran outside.

Cromwell stood up, and he walked around the office with his hands behind his back, "How can there be such a powerful gun? It can penetrate plate armor at a distance of a hundred feet. Why does it feel unreal?"

Crowell was very unwilling to believe this, after all, it was beyond common sense, but this young man was personally selected by him to be sent to Windsor Castle, and it was impossible to lie to him about this kind of thing.

"Could it be that this kind of weapon is real? His Royal Highness really has so many weapons? And it was given to His Highness by the Orientals? These Orientals came all the way to give these weapons to His Royal Highness. Logic!"

Cromwell stopped. He looked in the direction of Windsor Castle, and walked together with his brows tightly together, forming a "Chuan" character.

"It seems that if I want to really understand this matter, I still need to meet His Royal Highness the King!"

Cromwell made up his mind and planned to meet Charles I.

At this time, Charles I and the parliament were already in dire straits, almost to the point of tearing their faces apart.Therefore, now Cromwell has made a great determination to meet Charles I.

After speaking, Cromwell picked up the top hat that was on the table, put it on his head and walked outside.

It didn't take long for Cromwell to arrive outside Windsor Castle.

The drawbridge outside Windsor Castle was lowered, and Cromwell walked across the drawbridge and came outside the gate of the castle.

Because there was no fighting now, the gates of the castle were open, and Cromwell walked through the gates.

Guards stood on both sides of the city gate. These guards all knew Cromwell, so they didn't stop him.

But when Cromwell entered the city gate, one of the guards ran into the castle and reported the news.

At this time, Charles I was sitting in his office, and on the desk in front of him was a Dreiser rifle that had been wiped clean by him.

Charles I held a white rag in his right hand, pressed his left hand on the Dreiser rifle on the table, and kept wiping it with his right hand.

Charles I's face was full of smiles, he was more affectionate looking at the Dreiser rifle in his hand than seeing his wife.

"Hahaha, after Thomas completes the formation of the army, I will have a decisive battle with you at that time. I want to see how the people in your parliament compare with me. You people are waiting to die, I will not spare you Yes, I want to be like Zhao Wen, the only king, the supreme king."

Charles I's eyes were full of fanaticism and passion, as if he had seen himself sitting on the throne with a crown on his head.

At this time, the guard who came to report the news appeared at the door of the office, and he knocked on the door of the office.

Without raising his head, Charles I shouted at the door, "Come in, the door is unlocked."

For these guards in the castle, Charles I basically had no doubts. He didn't know that Cromwell's eyeliner was already in the castle, so he didn't act too cautiously.

"My lord, here comes Mr Cromwell."

The guard said to Charles I.

Charles I put down the rag in his hand, looked at the guard, and his face collapsed instantly, "What is he doing here? He came to me, and he definitely didn't have any good intentions."

Charles I didn't believe that Cromwell would come to himself when he had nothing to do. If Cromwell really had nothing to do and came to himself, then Cromwell would not be called Cromwell .

(End of this chapter)

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