Chapter 859 Fairfax

Charles I hated Cromwell from the bottom of his heart, because Cromwell was the main representative of the parliament. Without Cromwell, the conflict between Charles I and the parliament would not have been as great as it is now.

"At this time, he ran over and said he wanted to see me. An must have no good intentions. But if he doesn't see me, I don't know what his real purpose is. I'd better meet him, better see him, see him What exactly do you want to do?"

Charles I said to the guard and said, "I see, let him come to see me."

The guard withdrew as he said that. It didn't take long for Cromwell to appear in the office. At this time, Charles I had already taken down the rifle that was on the desk and hid it in the office.

Cromwell bowed respectfully to Charles I. Charles I looked at Cromwell expressionlessly and said, "What are you doing here?"

Cromwell was not angry because of Charles I's words, he looked at Charles I quietly, and asked calmly: "Your Highness, after I heard that those mysterious orientals have arrived, send I got some gifts from His Royal Highness, what are these gifts?"

As soon as Charlie heard this, he immediately became vigilant, "Could this guy know something? Did he come to me to test something?"

Charles I half-closed his eyes and looked at Cromwell carefully.

"Who did you hear that these orientals came here just to do business with me, where did they give me any gifts, they didn't give me any gifts.

Besides, where did you hear that?Inexplicable. "

After listening to Charles I's quick explanation, Cromwell gradually believed in what the young man told him.

"It seems that nine times out of ten this is true." Cromwell said inwardly.

Cromwell looked at Charles I and asked, "Your Highness, can I ask, what kind of business is the Oriental with you? I don't know what this business is about."

Charles I became angry in an instant, "Cromwell, I said that you are a little too lenient, do you care what business those Orientals do with me?
What kind of business do I do with those Easterners?Still want to tell you?Are you the king or I am the king, what do you want to do? "

"I don't dare, I'm just curious, what kind of business do these Easterners come here to do business with His Highness the King? After all, if they can travel so far to do business, the business they do must be extraordinary."

Cromwell said he didn't dare, but his mouth was still firm, and there was no expression of dare on his face.

These words of Cromwell made Charles I very angry. These words of Cromwell are obviously trying to harden Charles I.

Seeing Cromwell's rude look, Charles I secretly made up his mind, "It seems that Cromwell can't stay, and Parliament can't stay. After Thomas trains my soldiers, the first one will be Kill this Cromwell and dissolve Parliament."

In fact, this Cromwell is not a good thing. He claims to be the master of the people, but in fact he still thinks about the things of dictators.

In history, after he defeated Charles I, he claimed to represent the people, and then sent Charles I and his followers to the gallows. After Charles I was executed, Klingwell began his long dictatorship time.

After the victory of the civil war, under the pressure of the people, he executed King Charles I in the name of the parliament and the army.

Then Britain was declared a republic. Speaking of becoming a republic, in fact, it has not changed fundamentally from before, but it has just put on a layer of republic skin.

Cromwell also became the actual military dictator at this time.

In order to maintain his rule, he frantically suppressed the common people internally and sent troops to expedition to Ireland.

He also dispersed the parliament, disbanded the parliament in a disguised form, appointed himself the "lord of the country", and established the system of the protector of the country.

This so-called protector of the country is nothing more than the second king.

In the West, it is not so easy to become a king. The Western world regards blood as extremely important. If an ordinary person wants to become a king, it is almost impossible. Therefore, the Lord Protector is just a compromise of Cromwell. That's all.

After becoming the protector of the country, Cromwell showed his political ability, but Cromwell's political ability was not outstanding, the domestic class contradictions became increasingly acute, and the economic situation deteriorated day by day. Cromwell's rule It also gradually came to an end.Until Cromwell's death, Cromwell did not stabilize the domestic situation, and the country has been in turmoil.

When Cromwell died, it was Cromwell's son who took over Cromwell's position, but compared with Cromwell's son, Cromwell's son had even less political talent. His son was overthrown by Charles II, and Cromwell was also revenged by Charles II. Cromwell's coffin was dug out by Charles II, and he was beheaded and flogged in public.

In fact, Cromwell and Charles I are the same breed. If Cromwell is placed in the position of Charles I, Cromwell may have done more than Charles I.

"His Royal Highness, these orientals are not good people, please don't forget the Yellow Peril chaos back then.

These orientals are nothing but yellow-skinned monkeys. What can they bring to His Royal Highness?They can bring nothing to His Royal Highness, and ask His Highness to respect himself and not to mix with these people with low physical and mental abilities. "Cromwell said to Charles I.

Although it was persuasive, the tone was full of sarcasm, as if to say that you, Charles I, were nothing but a fool, to hang out with this kind of person with low physical and mental abilities, and to hang out with this kind of person would be a shame. That means you, Charles I, are the same people.

Hearing Cromwell's voice, Charles I's eyes almost burst into flames.

"Hehe, I advise you to worry about your own affairs, I don't need to discuss with you what I want to do?

I don't need to tell you what I want to do, what are you?Come up to me and say these words. "

Charles I yelled at Cromwell with a gloomy face. Now Charles I has the heart to kill Cromwell on the spot.

"I'm just here to advise His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness has noble blood, don't mix with these imbecile people. Now that His Royal Highness refuses to admit it, I have nothing to do, I will go first."

After speaking, Cromwell turned around and walked outside.

Seeing the back of Cromwell leaving, Charles I took out the hidden rifle and aimed it at Cromwell's back, "I really want to shoot you to death."

Charles I gestured for a long time and cursed viciously, but finally gave up. At this time, the two sides have not completely torn their faces. It would be a stupid choice to beat Cromwell to death at this time.

As Charles I spoke, he put down the rifle in his hand. He looked at the rifle on the table and muttered in a low voice, "I'll teach you how to dismantle it into pieces, and I'll cut you into pieces, damn it."

After Cromwell returned to his office, he found Fairfax who was on the same side as him.

Fairfax was born in a noble family, and his father was a baron. In the parliament, he was in the same position as Cromwell, and he was a proper reformer.

He was tit-for-tat with Thomas, who was on the royalist side, but Fairfax had a more peaceful personality and was not as aggressive as Cromwell.

In history, Fairfax hated Cromwell's dictatorship of Britain very much, but the power and conspiracy in Fairfax's hands were not as strong as Cromwell's, so his opposition seemed pale.

But this person is a natural commander. During the civil war, he defeated Charles I's army several times, laying an important foundation for the victory of the reformists and the victory of the parliament.

If there is no Fairfax, it may not be so easy for the parliament to win Kechari I.

Fairfax is young, and now he is only in his early 30s.

Regardless of Fairfax's young age, he is now a seasoned general.

He raised a troop of cavalry called the Yorkshire Red Dragons in the First Bishop's War against the Scots, and was knighted after the Bishop's War.

Later, he opposed conscription to the royal army, and at Heston Moor he managed to present a petition to King Charles I, a move that made him a local hero but thoroughly offended the royal family.

His actions aroused the retaliation of the royal cavalry. When he was wandering in the street, he was directly knocked to the ground by the rampaging royal cavalry and almost lost his life.

After these two incidents, Fairfax saw clearly the true face of the royal family. He felt that the most important thing for the royal family was the rule of the royal family. They don't care about the life and death of the people at all, so after these two incidents, Fairfax has firmly stood among the parliamentarians.

Fairfax came to Cromwell's office. He looked at Cromwell sitting in the office and asked, "Is there anything you need to bring me here?"

Cromwell pointed to the chair next to him, and said to Fairfax, "Sit down first, and I'll talk to you after I sit down."

Fairfax was not polite either, moved the chair opposite Cromwell's desk, and sat down.

After Fairfax sat down, Cromwell said, "Did you know that a mysterious fleet came outside the port?"

Fairfax nodded, "Yes, there was a lot of noise about this incident at the time, and it was said that it came from the East.

The ship docked at the port was very big. I went to the pier to have a look, and it was really huge. I couldn't imagine how such a big ship was built.

And I heard that this fleet came from the east, and it seems to be related to His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness arranged these people near the pier. I don’t know what relationship these people have with His Royal Highness. I remember the previous At that time, Thomas seemed to have gone to the East, maybe it had something to do with Thomas going to the East. "

"Now I have a reliable news that these orientals did not come here for no reason, they are inextricably linked with His Royal Highness.

These orientals seem to have handed over a very powerful weapon to His Majesty the King. I went to His Majesty’s just now. I was going to see if I could get this news out of His Majesty’s mouth, but I found that His Majesty the King His mouth was so tight that he couldn't come up with any useful information at all. "Cromwell said with a sad face.

"Didn't the news from the Netherlands say that the East is still very backward? What powerful weapons can they provide?" Fairfax looked at Cromwell suspiciously.

"Who knows, if the East is really so backward, how to explain the huge ship in the port? All this can't be explained.

And when I went there today, His Royal Highness was very tough towards me. In the past, His Highness rarely treated me like this. If there is nothing else going on here, I would not believe it at all. "Cromwell said solemnly.

Cromwell has actually believed what the young man said, but there is no conclusive evidence to prove that what the young man said is true, and Cromwell is also very curious, those Orientals brought Charlie What exactly is I's weapon?
(End of this chapter)

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