Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 860 Your Royal Highness, We Can't Copy It

Chapter 860 Your Royal Highness, We Can't Copy It

Cromwell was very curious, what kind of weapons did those Easterners bring to Charles I?Cromwell also wondered how these weapons would affect the balance of power between them and Charles I.

"You mean that these Orientals have reached some kind of agreement with His Majesty the King? Don't you?" Fairfax looked at Cromwell and asked suspiciously.

Cromwell nodded and said: "That's right, that's what I think, these Easterners have come all the way, I don't believe they are doing business.

Besides, even if it's for business, it's not like driving a sailing battleship and that huge ship. Come on, who have you ever met who came to do business with a battleship? "

"But why are you so sure that those Orientals brought powerful weapons to His Highness the King? Before, you always scoffed at the East and never thought that the East was powerful. Why do you now think that these Orientals brought powerful weapons to His Highness the King?" Fairfax asked seriously.

Fairfax disagrees with what Cromwell said. Fairfax has never dealt directly with the East, but the fact that the Netherlands can rule the East proves that the East is not very powerful, so he said However, Fairfax did not believe that these Orientals could bring powerful weapons to Charles I.

"At first I thought so too, but according to what I have now, these Orientals are very likely to have brought powerful weapons to His Highness the King.

Among other things, the huge warship docked at the port is not what we can produce. A country that can produce such a huge warship must also be very powerful in terms of weapons and equipment. "Cromwell explained with a serious face.

"Now we should prepare for the worst, let's do it, we should act first, and at least have the power to protect ourselves before tearing our skin apart.

After today, we will recruit troops aggressively to prevent His Royal Highness from attacking us suddenly.

I know His Royal Highness very well. This is an impulsive person. If he really has a powerful weapon in his hand, then he will definitely attack us immediately. At that time, we will be the fish on the chopping board to be slaughtered. "Cromwell said to Fairfax with a serious face.

"You are right, what you said is very reasonable, prepare for the worst first." Fairfax also very much agrees with Cromwell's statement. "Well, I'll leave for a while, I'll go back first, and recruit soldiers and horses in my hometown, and if things change, you will notify me in time.

Although we also have parliamentary soldiers and horses in our hands, it is always good to have more soldiers and horses just in case. "

Fairfax left Cromwell's office as he spoke.

After Fairfax left, Cromwell began to deal with things.

In Charles I's office, Charles I looked at Thomas standing in front of him, and asked with a serious face: "Is what you said true? We really have no way to imitate these weapons, and we can't even make bullets." come out?"

When Charles I asked Thomas to train soldiers, he asked Thomas to imitate the Dreiser rifle by the way.

After Thomas received the task of Charles I, he set out to imitate the Dreiser rifle.

At the beginning, Thomas was very confident. He felt that the Dreiser rifle could definitely be imitated, but after such a long time, the reality slapped him hard.

The craftsmen in Thomas' hands had no way to imitate the Dreiser rifle, and there was no way to even disassemble the Dreiser rifle completely.

Zhao Wen tampered with the Dresser rifles sold to Thomas. In order to prevent Thomas and others from imitating the Dresser rifles, Zhao Wen asked the craftsmen to strengthen the key parts of the rifles and connect some key parts together. Completely welded.

Therefore, the craftsmen in Thomas' hands have no way to completely disassemble the Dreiser rifle. If it is dismantled by force, it will inevitably cause some damage to the Dreiser rifle.

Even if it is disassembled by force, the parts in the Dreiser rifle cannot be manufactured by the craftsmen in Thomas' hands.

Some parts in the Dreiser rifle have very high requirements on the performance of steel. The steel processing in the UK is basically at the level of manual forging. It is not ordinary to rely on manual forging to manufacture a Dreiser rifle. big.

Even if it can be forged, the counterfeit rifle cannot be used due to various reasons such as poor air tightness.

Certain precision parts cannot be manufactured by hand forging at all.

Although Thomas asked the craftsmen in his hands to work overtime to study the solution after understanding these problems, but after so many days, he still couldn't find any solution.

After being unable to imitate the rifle, Thomas set his sights on the bullets used in the Dreiser rifle.

The Dreiser rifle uses custom-loaded paper bullets, but don't underestimate this paper bullet, even Thomas can't make it now.

Among other things, the gunpowder used in the bullets was not something Thomas could manufacture.

Although Thomas was able to make the craftsmen in his hands imitate the general appearance of the paper bullets of the Dreiser rifle, they were far inferior to the original bullets in terms of power.

Moreover, these counterfeit bullets are all handmade, and the speed is still very slow, and the cost is higher than buying from Zhao Wen.

The warheads of the manufactured bullets are rough and uneven, and some of them cannot be inserted into the barrel at all. Even if they are inserted into the barrel, they will cause air leakage due to poor air tightness.

All in all, with Thomas' current power, there is no way to manufacture the Dreiser rifle and the bullets used in the Dreiser rifle.

Thomas stood in front of Charles I, talking in detail about the situation he had encountered.

"Your Highness, judging by the power we have now, we have no way to imitate this rifle, we don't have the strength to imitate this rifle, and we can't even manufacture the original bullets used by this rifle.

Even if it is manufactured, the cost will remain high, which is much more expensive than buying it from the Eastern Empire.Moreover, the bullets we produce are bumpy and uneven, which will have a great impact on the range and power.

We have no way to produce the gunpowder in the bullets. The gunpowder produced by ourselves cannot reach that power, and it is not as powerful as the original bullets. "

Thomas said with a serious face. For Thomas, if this rifle cannot be imitated, who knows how many rifles of this kind will be purchased in the future. This is a bottomless pit.

The rate of fire of this kind of rifle is very fast, and the consumption of bullets will definitely be large. At that time, it can only be purchased from Zhao Wen, which is not a small expense.

Listening to what Charles I said, Thomas frowned and looked serious, "If we say this, then we can only buy this weapon and the bullets used in this weapon from the Eastern Empire in the future. This is a bottomless pit. If we If we can't defeat Parliament in time, who knows how much money we'll put in it?"

"His Royal Highness, this matter is not what I am most worried about. What I am most worried about is not this. What I am most worried about is that the parliament will also buy such weapons and bullets from the Eastern Empire. At that time, what should we do?" Thomas' face was very ugly, and he suddenly thought of why Zhao Wen would send so many people here for that little money. I'm afraid that from the beginning until now, Zhao Wen has no good intentions.

"What you said is not unreasonable. We can buy it, and those in the parliament can also buy it." Charles I's face was not much better.

"It seems that we have to train the recruits in time and defeat the parliament before the parliament reacts.

Otherwise, once the parliament gets in touch with the people from the Eastern Empire and buys the weapons from the Eastern Empire, it will really be uncertain who will win. If the stalemate continues like this, then this will be a bottomless pit. "

Charles I was not a fool either. He quickly understood the trap. If both sides persisted like this and bought weapons and bullets like the Eastern Empire, the country would be hollowed out in a short time.

Charles I kept thinking about the problems inside, thinking about it, cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

He suddenly figured out why that fleet came here.

"These people, these orientals are really cunning, I now understand why the emperor sent so many people to us.

I was very confused at the beginning, isn't it just some silver coins?Why did you send so many people here?Now I finally understand that the emperor of the Eastern Empire didn't have any good intentions at all. "

Dr. Charlie's face was gloomy, with cold sweat on his forehead.

This was a naked conspiracy, even if Charles I knew it, he had to jump.

"These Easterners are really too cunning, that fleet is too powerful, and bombed the port like that in a short period of time, our warships are definitely not their opponents.

In this way, even if there is no conflict between me and the council, I may not be able to fight them if I team up with the council to deal with them, at least not on the sea. "

That day, the port that was bombed left a deep impression on Charles I. He was able to bomb an intact port in such a short period of time. Charles I asked himself that even if all the British warships were gathered, It is also impossible to bomb the port in that time period.

It can be seen from this that their warships may not be able to beat that warship on the sea. Even if they can't beat them on land, Charles I has nothing to do with them on the sea.

"Oh, damn it!"

After thinking about all this, Charlie sighed heavily, "Sure enough, there is no free lunch in this world, but things are not too bad, as long as the parliament is defeated in a short period of time, things can be restored."

But Thomas shook his head and said to Charles I worriedly: "Your Highness, what I am most afraid of now is that if we go to war with the Parliament again, I am afraid that these people will intervene."

Hearing what Thomas said, Charles I instantly became alert, "Don't say this is still very possible."

"However, all of this is just your guess and it may not be true. What if so many people just come to collect money? What if they don't have so many ideas?"

Because the result was too bad, Charles I had to force himself to think about the good result.

"Okay, you go down first, since there is no way to imitate that kind of rifle and the bullets of that kind of rifle, then let's put this matter aside.

First train the soldiers on hand, and then try to let them use this rifle proficiently in a short period of time. At that time, it is time for us to attack the parliament. "

Charles I waved his hand at Thomas and asked Thomas to leave. Thomas did not hesitate, saluted Charles I, and then walked out of the office.

After Thomas left, Charles I sat behind the desk, leaning on the back of the chair, thinking about what happened just now in his mind.What Charles I is most afraid of now is not that he can't beat the parliament, but the fleet.


On the palace wall of the Palace of Versailles, Louis XIII stood on the palace wall and looked at the distant scenery. Cardinal Richelieu, the most loyal subordinate of Louis XIII, stood respectfully behind Louis XIII. Richelieu was one of the few courtiers who could enter the Palace of Versailles at will.

"I heard that the people sent by Charles I have returned?" Louis XIII murmured.

Richelieu nodded and said, "His Royal Highness, according to the intelligence sent by our spies in London, those people have indeed returned, and besides those people, there are also people from the East who came back with them. Orientals come.

I heard that the ships of the Orientals are very tall, and their fleet looks very powerful. I heard that before they docked at the port, they bombed the port of London for some reason and destroyed the port of London in a short period of time. Boomed into ruins. "

"Is the news from the East reliable?" Louis XIII turned around and looked at Richelieu.

Louis XIII did not believe that there would be Orientals coming from the East in this era.

"The news from the Netherlands said that the East is very rich, and the people there and their emperor are very rich.

It's just that their military strength is not very good, and they don't even have the strength of the ocean. If the news from the Netherlands is true, then how could the East send people here? "

Louis XIII looked at Richelieu in disbelief. This era in history is the era of the rise of the West, and the awe of the West towards the East has gradually disappeared, replaced by contempt and disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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