Chapter 861
"According to our news, there are indeed those Orientals in the city of London today, and when these Orientals came, there was a very powerful fleet, and there was a very tall warship in this fleet, and this warship was very Big, unbelievably big." Richelieu explained in detail.

"The warship is very big, how big can it be? I heard from people in the Netherlands before that the Eastern Empire didn't even have the ability to go to sea. I don't believe they can build such a big warship." Louis XIII still didn't believe it at all.

"But the reality is like this. There is indeed such a fleet in London today." Richelieu said.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, these Orientals have nothing to do with us in London. Now our main target is still in China. Recently, are those people in China not convinced? Are there any other voices?" Louis Thirteen's tone gradually became gloomy.

In today's France, the most urgent thing for Louis XIII is to consolidate his rule. The thing he most often does in history is to consolidate his rule.

At the beginning of Louis XIII's accession to the throne, the main domestic affairs were controlled by the Queen Mother.Louis XIII's mother was Marie de' Medici, and the queen mother's family had close ties with Spain, so the queen mother implemented a pro-Spanish policy, and the power of the nobility was restored.

However, Louis XIII was not satisfied with the various policies implemented by the queen mother, so there was a big difference between Louis XIII and the queen mother, but because Louis XIII was still young at that time, he was not in charge of the government, so these dissatisfaction can only be kept in his heart .

After taking office, Louis XIII began to change various policies implemented by the Queen Mother, but he also offended the Queen Mother because of this, and was suppressed and excluded by the Queen Mother.

For his own rights, Louis XIII sent someone to assassinate Concino Concini, the queen mother's favorite.

Whether it is the Eastern or Western emperors are creatures of power, as long as someone dares to touch the emperor's rights, no matter who this person is, the emperor cannot easily spare him.

After Louis XIII assassinated the queen mother's favorite minister, the queen mother thought that Louis XIII was going to attack her, so she ran away in panic.

After fleeing all the way, the queen mother fled to Breuer. Although the queen mother returned to Paris after mediation, the estrangement had already formed and there was no way to eliminate it.

In the end, the royal party with Louis XIII as the core and the queen party with the queen mother and the king's younger brother Gaston Jean Baptiste as the core were formed.

In this mediation, Richelieu played an important role and was appreciated by Louis XIII.

Louis XIII basically fought against the Queen Mother and his younger brother for the first half of his life. The power struggle was very bloody and cruel.

But I have to say that Louis XIII's war vision and political vision are very good.

In the midst of his struggles with his mother and younger brother, the Thirty Years War broke out in the West.

In the early days of this war, France did not join the war, but only provided financial assistance to Sweden and Denmark, allowing them to attack the Holy Roman Empire.

But when Sweden and Denmark were about to succeed, France isolated them diplomatically to maintain the balance of the West.

Taking advantage of the exhaustion of both sides, France won a series of military and diplomatic victories, and finally won the war in 1648, including Alsace and other places into its own territory, greatly expanding its own territory. At this time, it has been five years since the death of Louis XIII.

Whether it is politics or military, Louis XIII is a rare general and handsome talent, but because of his mother and younger brother, Louis XIII attaches great importance to power and is extremely enthusiastic.

Therefore, when Louis XIII was alive, the most he did was to consolidate his rule.

"What happened to Denmark and Sweden? What about the Holy Roman Empire?" Louis XIII looked at Richelieu and asked.

"Back to His Royal Highness, the battle went relatively smoothly. The fighters from Sweden and the Kingdom of Denmark went very smoothly and did not encounter any major resistance. They are currently in the stage of triumphant songs.

The famous Prince Condé is now leading more than 6000 people south and is besieging the Salzburg Fortress in Roussillon.

It is estimated that it will not be long before the fortress can be taken down. " Richelieu said respectfully.

There was a short-fire gun hanging on Louis XIII's waist. Louis XIII took out the short-fire gun and played with it non-stop.

Louis XIII frowned tightly, not knowing what he was thinking, but Richelieu standing behind Louis XIII understood that Louis XIII was sketching out a huge plan.


In Zhao Wen's imperial study, a huge world map was laid flat on the ground in the center of the study by Zhao Wen. Zhao Wen took off his shoes and squatted on the map, holding a magnifying glass in his hand and looking at the map of the west.

"Now is the period of the Thirty Years War. The Thirty Years War was a war between the West and the West. Now it is the end of the Thirty Years War. In another seven or eight years, the Thirty Years War will come to an end.

As the saying goes, war is the most profitable, how can I participate in it, and then sell my weapons to them, this is a lot of money, before destroying them, first transfer all their money. "

Zhao Wen looked at the western map, his face was full of fiery light.

Zhao Wen thought of this when he sold weapons to Thomas. For such a long time, Zhao Wen has been conceiving a plan to see how to sell weapons to the West so that he can participate in the Thirty Years War, and strive to win the war again. The 30-year war that is coming to an end is giving him some time to go.

After such a long time of thinking, Zhao Wen has come up with a general plan, that is, take He Donglang and the others as the vanguard to settle the British affairs first, and then use the UK as a springboard to participate in France and other countries.

Zhao Wen fixed his eyes on the map of France, "The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and after the Chinese New Year, it will be the fifth year of Qiyuan, which is [-] A.D.

If I remember correctly, the Battle of Rocroi broke out around May [-]. In the Battle of Rocroi, France defeated the main force of the Spanish Army, thus making the French Army replace Spain as the number one in Europe army.

It can be said that this battle is the battle of France's national fortune, and France has also become stronger since this battle. "

As Zhao Wen spoke, he set his sights on the map of France.

"There is still time now. Find a way to mess up this battle. Spain can't win, and France can't win. It's best to let them fight and lose. The more people die, the better."

Zhao Wen's eyes narrowed, he looked at the map of France quietly, and began to think of a way in his mind.

The Thirty Years War was actually a war between Catholicism and Protestantism, and in the final analysis it was actually a religious war.

For various reasons, the war lasted a particularly long time, from [-] to [-].

Zhao Wen couldn't get involved in the previous events, so Zhao Wen wanted to get involved in the later time.

"Louis XIII, Charles I, Ferdinand II, Ferdinand III, Philip IV. You famous kings, I really want to fight with you to see what kind of people you are, Let's see if you can withstand my attack?"

Zhao Wen looked at the map of the west and began to sneer.

For Zhao Wen now, it is the most cost-effective to be able to sell weapons to the West.

The current era is an era of alternating cold weapons and hot weapons. In this era, there are still some cold weapon troops in the West, although there are not many of these cold weapon troops.

The weapons used in the West in this era are basically matchlock guns. These weapons not only have a slow rate of fire, but also have a too short range. The use of such weapons basically belongs to the tactic of queuing up to kill.

Although the casualty rate of such tactics is very high, in Zhao Wen's view, the casualty rate is still very small, still too small.

So Zhao Wen wanted to sell the produced Dreiser rifles to the West, firstly to generate income for himself, and secondly to make the soldiers in the West die more.

"You countries, just jump slowly, with me here, you don't even want to stand up!"

As Zhao Wen spoke, he stood up, walked out of the map, put on his shoes, and asked Chen Donglai to put away the map.

But after all this, Zhao Wen began to revise the memorial.The West still has to deal with it, but the most important thing right now is to correct the memorials. After all, the plan cannot be formulated in a short while.

Just as Zhao Wen was revising the memorial, Wang Qi walked into the imperial study.

Zhao Wen put down the brush in his hand, looked at Wang Qi who was standing in the imperial study, and asked, "What's wrong?"How is the investigation going?How is the investigation of the wheat yield of thousands of catties going? "

Earlier, Zhao Wen had received a memorial stating that the yield of wheat per mu was over a thousand catties. Zhao Wen didn't believe it at all, so don't ask Wang Qi to investigate the matter.

Wang Qi replied: "Return to Your Majesty, the matter has been investigated almost."

"If that's the case, then you can tell me the general situation." Zhao Wen said.

"Return to Your Majesty, the thing is like this, the contents of this memorial are false.

It's just that it's a little different from the last auspicious incident. The last auspicious incident was completely made up by the two officials themselves, but this time it's really weird.

The memorial was sent by Dong Qun, the magistrate of Kaifeng Prefecture. Before investigating the matter, I first investigated Dong Qun's background.

This Dong Qun used to be a student in the university, and later became the magistrate of Kaifeng Prefecture due to various reasons.

The yield of winter wheat in the first generation of Kaifeng Prefecture is indeed not so high. Although the yield of winter wheat is higher than that of previous years, it is not such an exaggeration.

As for why Dong Qun sent such a memorial, there is something hidden in it. "

(End of this chapter)

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