Chapter 862
"Is there a secret? What is the secret?"

Zhao Wen looked at Wang Qi standing in front of him, and asked calmly.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the thing is this, this Dong Qun is the magistrate of Kaifeng Prefecture, this year's summer harvest, Kaifeng Prefecture's winter wheat harvest is indeed bumper.

It's just that the degree of harvest is not much compared with the surrounding prefectures and counties, so this Dong Qun wanted to pick some words on the memorial.

His main purpose in doing so is to improve the confidence of the local people in growing food, and at the same time encourage local agricultural production.

The other one is to announce the good news to His Majesty and make His Majesty happy! "Wang Qi said so.

"And then? That's it? That's the end? The matter of yielding thousands of catties per mu is just over like this?

What did Dong Qun do?After so many days of investigation, you found this?Is this the truth of the matter? What does Dong Qun do for food?
Encouraging local agricultural production in this way?It's incredible. "Zhao Wen looked at Wang Qi in disbelief, not that Zhao Wen didn't believe Wang Qi, but that Zhao Wen didn't believe Dong Qun's way of encouraging production.

Encouraging production is a good thing, but with such a method, Zhao Wen really can't think about it.

"Your Majesty, after I found Dong Qun, Dong Qun had already realized his mistake. In fact, Dong Qun was too anxious after all." Wang Qi explained.

"Okay, there's no need to talk about this matter anymore. As for his punishment, I will send this matter to the official department and let the official department take care of it." Zhao Wen waved his hand to Wang Qi as he said, signaling that Wang Qi could do it. leave.

Wang Qi bowed to Zhao Wen, and then withdrew from the imperial study.

Seeing the back of Wang Qi leaving, Zhao Wen began to review the memorial again.


At the same time, in a small alley in the outer city of Xuan Town, a young man about seventeen or eighteen years old was wandering back and forth in the alley.

The clothes on him looked very shabby, out of tune with the bustling surroundings.

There is an inn at the entrance of the alley, bursts of aroma wafting from the inn, because it is meal time, so many people go to the inn to eat now.The boy stood in the alley, staring blankly at the inn at the entrance of the alley, his deep eyes were full of longing.

Although the clothes on his body were torn and old, his hair and face were very clean, and his whole body was also very clean. He was very thin, without any flesh on his face, and it was all sunken.

He looked at the inn, licked his dry lips, and swallowed.

He just stood there blankly in the alley, looking at the inn at the entrance of the alley like that for about an hour.

An hour later, the boy let out a long sigh, turned around and walked towards the depths.

Not long after, the boy came to the door of a very small and dilapidated courtyard.He pushed open the gate of the small courtyard and walked in, then locked the gate with his backhand.

He went into the only complete room in the courtyard, the room where he slept, and the only furniture in it was a bed.

The boy lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

In his sleep, he dreamed that he walked into that inn, and he dreamed that he was sitting in the lobby of the inn, eating food that he had never eaten before.

The teenager is an orphan, and this small dilapidated yard was left to him by his parents.

Although there are many factories in Xuan Town where you can work, it stands to reason that if a teenager enters a factory to work, he can support himself.But the young man suffered from a disease and was so weak that he couldn't do heavy physical work.

His parents had passed away many years ago. For so many years, he had relied on the assistance of his neighbors to survive until now, but it was impossible for the neighbors to support him all the time.

The boy is very strong by nature, and it is impossible for the neighbors to help him all the time.

The boy has not had a full meal for a long time. Recently, in order to resist the uncomfortable feeling of hunger, the boy has been drinking water, and the water will fill his stomach, and the uncomfortable feeling of hunger will gradually subsided.

The breathing of the boy lying on the bed gradually became weaker, his body began to curl up, and gradually lost his vitality.

In his sleep, the boy died in this early autumn season.

No one knew about the boy's death at this time. About seven or eight days later, the neighbor who lived next door to his house smelled a strange smell, so he turned into the yard of his house and saw the boy lying on the bed. juvenile.

It was a certain day in early autumn, and Zhao Wen was wandering around Xuanzhen City with his son Zhao Mingyu and a dozen personal guards.

Zhao Wen hadn't wandered around Xuan Town for a long time, and Zhao Mingyu hadn't rested for a long time, so Zhao Wen wanted to take Zhao Mingyu out to wander around and relax.

Turning around, Zhao Wen came to a certain alley in the outer city. Just after arriving here, Zhao Wen saw a large number of people crowded in the alley.

Zhao Wen looked at the people in the crowded alley with curiosity on his face, "What are these people doing? Why are they all crowded in the alley? And why is there a strange smell in the air?"

Zhao Wen twitched his nose and covered it subconsciously.

"Go and see what happened over there?" Zhao Wen pointed to the group of people in the alley, and said to Chen Donglai who was standing behind him.

Chen Donglai walked towards the alley with three or four personal guards.

After about a quarter of an hour, Chen Donglai returned to Zhao Wen.

"What happened, why are there so many people over there?" Zhao Wen asked.

"Alas!" Chen Donglai sighed a long time, and said sadly, "Return to Your Majesty, a young man has died."

"Dead? How did he die?" Zhao Wen's expression immediately became serious when he heard this.

"Your Majesty, I have inquired about the matter. The boy who died was named Chen Yimu.

His parents passed away many years ago, and now he is the only one in the family, an orphan.

He is about seventeen or eighteen years old this year, but he has physical problems and cannot do heavy physical work, so he cannot work in a factory because he is too poor, has no money to see a doctor, and has no money to eat, and then..."

At the end, Chen Donglai didn't say those two words, but kept sighing and shaking his head.

"It's so pitiful!" Zhao Wen sighed, and then asked: "I remember that I promulgated welfare regulations and low-income household regulations a long time ago.

It stands to reason that such a situation should not be possible now, what is going on?What does the local government do?
Judging from what you said, this boy died of starvation. I really can't believe that there are still people in Xuan Town who are starving to death! "

When Zhao Wen said this, the expression on his face became angry again.

As Zhao Wen said, he walked into the alley.

After about an hour, Zhao Wen walked out of the alley and walked towards the palace.

On the way back, Zhao Wen didn't choose to take a special car, but chose to walk. Zhao Wen's face was very dark along the way, extremely gloomy.

Chen Donglai followed behind Zhao Wen, not daring to make any sound along the way.

Chen Donglai knew that Zhao Wen was on the verge of breaking out.

This section of the road was very long, and Zhao Wen walked for a long time before returning to the palace.

After returning to the palace, Zhao Wen came to the imperial study. Zhao Wen sat in the imperial study. He looked at Chen Donglai who was standing next to him, and said, "Bring me the welfare regulations issued earlier."

"Does Your Majesty want the original or a copy?" Chen Donglai asked.

Now every time the documents are released, the originals of these documents will basically be preserved, in addition to the originals, there are also transcriptions.

Generally speaking, as long as the original is archived, there is no way to retrieve it without Zhao Wen's order.

"Get the original, give me the original!" Zhao Wen said.

Chen Donglai responded, and then hurried towards the place where the files were stored.

The place where the archives are stored is located in the palace, and there is a special palace not far from the imperial study.

Not long after, Chen Donglai brought over what Zhao Wen needed.

Looking at the document in his hand, Zhao Wen frowned tightly.

Zhao Wen slapped the desk in front of him fiercely, cursing: "What are these officials doing? Why didn't the contents of these documents be implemented?"

Zhao Wen promulgated the welfare regulations and the low-income household regulations a long time ago. These two regulations are specially set up for those who are disabled, orphans, widows, old and weak.

Previously, Zhao Wen always thought that these regulations would be implemented as they were, but judging from today's situation, this is not the case at all.

If these two regulations are implemented as they are, without any compromise, will that boy die?That boy will not die.

"I really didn't expect that there would be teenagers starved to death. Is this the peaceful and prosperous age that those officials said? I am panicking now. If this is the peaceful and prosperous age, how could there be teenagers starved to death? Damn it!"

Zhao Wen walked back and forth in the imperial study angrily. After a while, Zhao Wen stopped and shouted at Chen Donglai, "Bring me Liu Wenzhong."

At the same time, in an inn in the inner city of Xuanzhen, a middle-aged man in his 40s was sitting on the third floor of the inn.

This inn is not considered big in Xuan Town, but it is not small either. The third floor of the inn is an independent private room, and this middle-aged man is sitting in the private room.

In this private room, there are three or four middle-aged people who are about the same age as him.

The clothes on this middle-aged man are very exquisite and gorgeous, and he doesn't look like he is short of money.

The middle-aged man held a wine glass in his hand, and the wine glass was filled with good wine. He smiled and said to the people sitting around him: "Everyone, I will do it first."

The middle-aged man drank the wine in his hand.

The middle-aged man sitting around him also hurriedly picked up the wine glass in his hand, and accompanied the middle-aged man to drink the wine in one gulp.

After drinking, the man in the middle put down the wine glass in his hand, picked up the chopsticks on the table and started eating.

On the table in front of him was a very rich meal, including fish, meat, shrimp and chicken, very rich.

"Come, come, everyone, hurry up and eat!" The middle-aged man persuaded the people around him while eating.

The people around also hurriedly picked up their chopsticks and started eating.

One of them picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth and chewed it non-stop. After he swallowed the piece of meat in his mouth, he looked at the middle-aged man and asked, "Master Pan, it's the end of the year soon." Now, when the time comes, we will have to make a new financial plan, I wonder how much your lord intends to report to the higher authorities this time?"

That Master Pan put down the chopsticks in his hand.Swallowing all the food in his mouth, he said, "As for how much to declare, I don't have a detailed plan, but it will be more than last year.

Although there are more and more factories and more jobs in Xuanzhen City, you also know that there are more and more orphans and incapacitated people, widows, old and weak, etc. who appear every year due to various reasons.

The larger the number of these people, the more money they spend, so I naturally have to declare more, otherwise how can I support them. "

"That's right, Master Pan's words are very true, the population of Xuanzhen is increasing.

As the population increases, there will be more and more orphans, old, weak, sick and disabled.

Our Majesty is a benevolent monarch that has never been seen in the ages. He cares about the people of the world and will not give up on these people. Therefore, many orphanages have been built in Xuanzhen City, and Mr. Pan is the superior of these orphanages. Therefore, this declaration The amount of money is also more. "The person who spoke, Barabara, talked a lot and kept talking.

Master Pan nodded, patted the man on the shoulder, and said: "You are very right. Now there are more and more orphans, widows, old and weak in our Xuan Town. Our Majesty is Renjun, Shengjun, whom we have not seen for thousands of years. , those of us who are courtiers, naturally have to share the burden for His Majesty."

What these people say is high-sounding, but what they do is not personal.

But they are really as good as they say, so they wouldn't be sitting here.

The dead boy should have entered the orphanage, even if he hadn't entered the orphanage, he should have been a low-income household.

This Mr. Pan is the official in charge of welfare in Xuanzhen City. Whether it is a welfare home or a low-income household, it is under the supervision of Mr. Pan. If this Mr. Pan really fulfills his duties, then the boy will not will die.

Of course, the death of a young man is nothing to Lord Pan at all, and now Lord Pan doesn't know about the death of that boy at all, he only cares about his own black hat and his own property.

Mr. Pan's official position is not high, but in the eyes of others, he is a fat job, because the above allocates a lot of funds for welfare.

Mr. Pan has been in office for several years, and now he has a lot of property and is very rich, but his money is earned by those widows, old and weak.

 There are some things today, only one chapter can be updated, please forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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