Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 863 You said this chapter very well

Chapter 863 What You Said Well

Mr. Pan never cared about the life and death of those widows, old and weak. For Mr. Pan, getting the money in his hands is the most important thing. As for those who are lonely, old and weak, they have nothing to do with him.

The most infuriating thing is that Mr. Pan has the identification resources for poor households such as low-income households. All the application materials written by poor people will be collected in his hands. As long as he does not nod, no one will pass.

In this way, it is very difficult for the people who are really in need to apply for the subsistence allowance, unless they give gifts or some benefits to Mr. Pan.

Even if he is recognized as a low-income household, the minimum security deposit issued will be deducted by Mr. Pan, and there is not much money in his hands.

For the orphanage, the lives of the orphans, widows, old and weak in the orphanage are called hardships. The food expenses for one day are actually used by Mr. Pan as food expenses for three or four days, so the standard of living will drop. After coming down, the orphans, widows, old and weak are often hungry and full, and often have no food.

"Master Pan, let me toast you!"

A middle-aged man sitting next to Mr. Pan raised the wine glass in his hand, and said to Mr. Pan with a smile on his face again.

Master Pan raised the wine glass in his hand with a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Come on, come on, drink this glass to the brim, I am happy today."

After drinking, Mr. Pan put down the wine glass in his hand. The middle-aged man toasted did not take his eyes off Mr. Pan. He looked at Mr. Pan with an expression of wanting to say something.

Master Pan looked at the middle-aged man's expression and asked with a smile, "What's the matter? What's the matter? Just tell me if you have anything to say."

The middle-aged man said with a charming face: "Master Pan, the thing is like this, my family has a distant relative, and the family is very poor, so see if I can apply for a low-income household."

Master Pan put down the chopsticks in his hand and looked at the middle-aged man, "What's so difficult about it, isn't it just a low-income household? If I, Pan, can't get you a low-income household, then I, Pan What an official, really."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mr. Pan, thank you, Mr. Pan."

The obsequious expression on this middle-aged man's face became more and more intense, and he looked very reluctant to treat Mr. Pan as his father.

The middle-aged man kept saying good things, and kept flattering Mr. Pan.

Sir Pan listened to this middle-aged man's flattery, and it was very helpful. Of course, he closed his eyes, leaned against the back of the chair, tapped the table with his right hand, and listened to this middle-aged man with a face of enjoyment. Man's ass.

Seeing Mr. Pan like this, the people around also began to flatter. Suddenly, the sound of flattery in the room rang out one after another, and it couldn't stop for a long time.


Liu Wenzhong stood in the imperial study room. He looked at Zhao Wen standing in front of him with an expression of uncertainty on his face.

When he came, Chen Donglai told Liu Wenzhong the general story of the incident. After hearing what Chen Donglai said, Liu Wenzhong felt uneasy for a moment.

In fact, Liu Wenzhong didn't know about this kind of thing at all. It is basically impossible for such a thing to be reported to the Senate. , the first time it was not the House of Representatives but the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Besides, the lower the officials are, the more deceitful they are, and the less likely they are to be discovered.

Because the lowest-level officials basically have nothing to restrain them, and the pre-court division has limited manpower, and the largest number in the entire country is the lowest-level officials. It is simply a dream to monitor all the lower-level officials.

"Do you know why I called you here today?" Zhao Wen stood in front of Liu Wenzhong, looking at Liu Wenzhong calmly.

Liu Wenzhong nodded and said, "When I came here just now, Eunuch Chen had already explained the general situation of the matter."

"Since that's the case, then I won't waste my words, and now I want to ask you a question, do you people care about the documents and policies that I sent down?

I am very confused now. In the past few years, you have often said in front of me that this is a peaceful and prosperous age, a prosperous age that has never appeared since ancient times, and I am puzzled. Isn’t it a prosperous age now? ?Why are there still people starving to death?
What on earth do you officials do?Can a teenager starve to death at home in a peaceful and prosperous world or whitewash the peace? "The tone of Zhao Wen's words was very aggressive, and the saliva flew all over the place, making Liu Wenzhong's face collapse.

Liu Wenzhong just stood quietly in front of Zhao Wen, not daring to take half a step back, nor did he dare to stretch out his hand to wipe the spittle on his face, so he could only quietly endure it.

"Your Majesty, I think this kind of thing is only a rare occurrence, and it is impossible for him to exist on a large scale. If such a thing exists, I feel uncomfortable.

Your Majesty, no one wants to see this matter, but before this, I really didn't know about it.If I really knew about this kind of thing, I would definitely not let this kind of thing happen. "

Liu Wenzhong didn't know what to say for a while, he thought for about ten breaths before speaking.

In Liu Wenzhong's view, it is absolutely undeniable that today's world is a peaceful and prosperous world.

If this position is denied, then all previous remarks will be overturned. Overturning this statement is neither scary nor important. The most important thing is that this is slapping Zhao Wen in the face.

Liu Wenzhong can still see these things clearly, and he can handle them fairly, so no matter what, he cannot object to rebutting his previous remarks.

This matter has little to do with Liu Wenzhong, and it is impossible for Liu Wenzhong to pay too much attention to the bottom. After all, the Senate is to help Zhao Wen deal with political affairs, and he doesn't have so much time to pay attention to the bottom.

"Your Majesty, my heart ached when I heard this incident, but it must be that this kind of incident is definitely not a high probability event. If Your Majesty is worried, you can send people to check the welfare homes and low-income households in various places. Let's see what's going on."

Liu Wenzhong said to Zhao Wen solemnly.

Hearing Liu Wenzhong's voice, Zhao Wen gradually calmed down the anger in his heart.

"The biggest lie in this world is the prosperous age. As long as there is one person who starves to death, as long as there is one person who can't afford to eat, wear warm clothes and see a doctor, then it is not a prosperous age.

I hope you can put yourself in the shoes of the people at the bottom, and I also hope that you can do something down-to-earth and stop praising the prosperity in front of me all day long. "

Zhao Wen waved his hand at Liu Wenzhong and said, "Okay, you can go down first, I will ask someone to investigate this matter later."

Liu Wenzhong returned a salute, and finally exited the Imperial Study Room.

After Liu Wenzhong exited the first study room, Chen Donglai sent someone to find the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment.

Not long after, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice came to the imperial study.

"His Majesty!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Punishments saluted Zhao Wen and shouted respectfully.

Zhao Wen sat on the top, looked at the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment who was saluting to him, and said, "Be flat."

Taking advantage of the situation, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice stood up straight.

"I came to you today because I have a matter for you. I want you to investigate the implementation of welfare regulations and low-income household regulations in various places. Remember, the investigation must be detailed and there should be no mistakes. , Don't expose this matter in advance.

I will give you three days in terms of the time and scale of the investigation. Within these three days, your criminal department must come up with a plan. "


Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment walked out of the imperial study room, his face was full of sorrow as he walked towards the Yamen of the Ministry of Punishment.

"Your Majesty ran into this kind of thing on the street, and the people in the household department probably couldn't afford it and walked away, and they all had to be punished.

That's right, it's really too much. It's too bottomless to let a teenager starve to death on the street. If there is no inside story, I don't believe it at all.

Fortunately, His Majesty asked the Ministry of Punishment to investigate, and did not use the pre-temple department or the pre-trial department. It seems that the matter is not too big, and it is all within the controllable range. It's not a good ending. "

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment walked towards the Yamen of the Ministry of Punishment while talking.

At this time, Hubu Shangshu was in the Hubu yamen, fidgeting in his classroom, Hubu Shangshu kept walking back and forth in the classroom, his face was full of anxiety and panic.

"What should I do? What should I do? This is the end of me, this is the end of me!"

Hubu Shangshu was completely panicked. This incident happened so suddenly that Hubu Shangshu didn't have any psychological preparations at all. It happened suddenly, and Zhao Wen encountered such a thing on the street. You are slapping Zhao Wen in the face naked.

The Hubu Shangshu still clearly remembered that three or four days ago, Zhao Wen had summoned him. At that time, Zhao Wen asked him how the life of the people in Xuanzhen was like.

At that time, he patted his chest and assured Zhao Wen that poverty had basically been eradicated in today's Xuan Town.

Almost all the people live and work in peace and contentment, even those who are lonely, old and weak are taken care of by the welfare regulations and the low-income household regulations, and they live very well, and the things that happened in the Ming Dynasty will not happen again.

But now that Zhao Wen suddenly ran into such a thing on the street, it was equivalent to all the words he said before were farting, and no one would feel good if this kind of thing was put on anyone's head.

"I'm afraid His Majesty will summon me. If His Majesty wants to ask me at that time, what should I say, how should I explain it? I really don't know about this matter. If I knew about it, I would definitely not let it happen. , What should I do about this? What should I do about this?”

Hubu Shangshu's face was full of anxiety. Now he doesn't know how to face Zhao Wen.

When Zhao Wen asked Liu Wenzhong to go back, this matter had already spread, and the current Minister of the Household Department already knew about it.

When something like this happens, the biggest responsibility must be the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Therefore, the Minister of the Household Department is the most anxious and flustered among these yamen.

Just when he was anxious and at a loss, Chen Donglai appeared outside the classroom.

As soon as Chen Donglai appeared, the Minister of the Household Department saw Chen Donglai.

Seeing Chen Donglai standing outside the classroom, Hubu Shangshu ran out anxiously and came to Chen Donglai.

Before Chen Donglai could ask the Minister of the Household Department, he asked anxiously, "Is Your Majesty looking for me?"

"You're right, His Majesty is looking for you, so hurry up and tidy up, and follow me as soon as you're done."

Chen Donglai said to the Minister of the Household Department.

"All right, all right, I'll prepare now, and I'll leave now."

Hubu Shangshu kept nodding, his face was full of anxiety, "By the way, Eunuch Chen, can I ask, how is Your Majesty's mood now, is he in a good mood now?"

"Ah!" Chen Donglai sighed a long time, and said, "It's no wonder your majesty is in a good mood. I know this matter has nothing to do with your lord, but you still have to be mentally prepared. You will definitely be scolded by His Majesty."

"Well, this kind of thing is not what anyone wants to see, and I don't want to see it either." Hubu Shangshu didn't know what to say, so he sighed and walked towards the imperial study with his head sullen. go.

Not long after, Hubu Shangshu came to the imperial study.

Hubu Shangshu stood outside the door of the imperial study room, took several deep breaths, kept adjusting his mentality, and then walked into the imperial study room.

"My lord, pay homage to Your Majesty!" Hubu Shangshu stood in the imperial study room, saluting Zhao Wen respectfully.

Zhao Wen sat in the imperial study room. He looked at the Hubu Shangshu who was saluting towards him. He didn't speak, just kept watching quietly.

The imperial study room fell into a strange silence, Hubu Shangshu stood quietly in the imperial study room, the strange quietness in the imperial study room made him unable to breathe.

After a full quarter of an hour, Zhao Wen began to speak.

"You already know the matter, right?" Zhao Wen asked blankly.

Hubu Shangshu nodded, and said hastily: "Your Majesty, I already know the matter."

"It's good to know, then let me ask you, what do you think? What do you think about this happening, or why did it happen?"

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he stared at the Minister of the Household Department.

Hubu Shangshu was stared at by Zhao Wen like this, and the cold sweat on his forehead kept flowing down. He didn't know why Zhao Wen asked such a question, and he didn't know what the purpose of this question was.

"Your Majesty, I don't want to see such a thing happen, but now it has happened, and what we can do now is to prevent such a thing from happening again in the future."

Hubu Shangshu didn't know what to say, so he could only say such a panacea.

"Very good, what you said is good, what you said is the same as what you didn't say." Zhao Wen said expressionlessly.

 It's really busy these days, after all, it's the end of the year, please forgive me, the normal update will resume tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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