Chapter 864 Welfare Department

"Okay, what you said is good, what you said is the same as if you didn't say it." Zhao Wen looked at the Hubu Shangshu standing in front of him, and said with a gloomy face.

When Zhao Wen said this, Shangshu Hubu's expression changed instantly.

Hubu Shangshu looked at Zhao Wen in panic and said, "Your Majesty, I really don't know about this matter. If I knew about this matter, I would definitely not let this happen.

After the minister goes down, he will definitely investigate the matter carefully. No matter who it is, as long as there is any situation of favoritism and fraud, the minister will definitely bring them to justice. "

"Now I'm not talking about favoritism and fraud, now I want you to give me an explanation, instead of saying that there are some of them.

When your household department implemented those regulations, did you have any intentions?In other words, your household department just regards this matter as a dispensable matter? " Zhao Wen said.

"Your Majesty, I don't think so, I don't mean it.

The minister must have put his heart into implementing those regulations, but it has been such a long time since the implementation of those regulations, and the officials below must have the existence of fly-on-the-wall dogs.

Our household department is also responsible for this. After we go down, the minister will definitely scrutinize these officials, and let them pay the price they deserve. "

Hubu Shangshu had a solemn face, solemnly reassuring Zhao Wen non-stop.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you. I just want to see the result. I will give you five days. If you can't solve this matter within these five days, you will not be the secretary of the household department."

Zhao Wen waved at the Minister of the Household Department, indicating that he can leave now.

Hubu Shangshu saluted Zhao Wen, and exited the imperial study in fear.

After exiting the imperial study room, Shangshu Hubu kept wiping the cold sweat on his forehead. The sweat from Shangshu Hubu just now had already wet his clothes, as if he had just been fished out of the water Same, drenched all over.

"What are these people below doing? What are they doing? How can His Majesty meet with such a thing in person? Isn't this killing me?
Originally, I thought that the people below you were quite peaceful, but I didn't expect that you were all such bastards, just a little bit, and my official position would be gone, but the official position is a trivial matter. If my life is gone, That would be the end of it. "

The Hubu Shangshu walked towards the Hubu yamen with a panicked expression on his face, and when he walked to the Hubu yamen again, he kept muttering.

Obviously, the situation just now has frightened the Minister of the Household Department enough.

Seeing the back of Hubu Shangshu leaving, Zhao Wen started to deal with the memorial again.

For Zhao Wen, a young man starved to death in Xuanzhen City, which was indeed very embarrassing.

However, Zhao Wen didn't have extra time to lament this matter. After all, the current empire is under Zhao Wen's control. If there is any carelessness, the country will experience huge deviations. In order for the country to run stably and stably, Zhao Wen had to put these things aside and focus on dealing with state affairs.

After returning to the Yamen of the Ministry of Punishment, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment immediately organized a manpower, but after all, this time he was going to investigate the subordinates of the Ministry of Households, so no matter what, he had to say hello to the Ministry of Households first.

After the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment sent the news to the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, he sent out the people he organized in his own hands.

The sky gradually darkened, the moon rose from the ground, and all the street lights in Xuan Town were lit.

Xuanzhen's nightlife has also started again. Because of the popularization of electric lights, Xuanzhen's nightlife is very rich now.

These people in Xuanzhen enjoy the happiness brought by nightlife to the fullest.

The death of a young man is like a piece of paper that is burned by fire. When it is reduced to ashes, it disappears. No one will remember him, and no one will always remember him.

Mr. Pan didn't seem to think he was wrong, he didn't even know about the boy's death.

He returned to his home as usual. Besides his first wife, he also had three concubines.

Zhao Wen promulgated corresponding laws and regulations when he ascended the throne, implementing monogamy and restricting concubines.

Especially for officials, the law is more stringent.

If you want to marry a concubine, you can only marry a concubine unless your main wife has nothing to offer.

Moreover, when marrying a concubine, you must also apply to the higher authorities. If the higher authorities do not approve it, you will not be allowed to marry a concubine.

At this time, it is illegal to marry a concubine. For this kind of illegal behavior, you can be fined or fined, and you can be sentenced to prison if you are serious.

But why does Lord Pan care about these things?
Even if taking a concubine is illegal, he doesn't care at all.

Besides, Mr. Pan is an official after all, and it is many times more convenient to marry a concubine than ordinary people.

Under such circumstances, if no one reported it, the people above would not know about it at all. At that time, when he married a concubine, he directly avoided the above link and took the new daughter-in-law back to his home.

In this way, those people above don't know about it at all.

Mrs. Pan's home is a courtyard with three entrances, the decoration is very prosperous, and many decorations inside are not what he should have in his official position.

Master Pan's full name is Pan Wenming, and he is a seventh-rank official.

If calculated according to the official salary, there is no way for an official in his position to afford a third-tier courtyard. Unless he uses other means, otherwise, an official of the seventh rank will have no way at all. Affordable three-entry yard.

Now that the housing prices in Xuanzhen are soaring, Sanjin's courtyard is simply not something a seventh-rank official can afford.

Pan Wenming was sitting in the main hall of his home, holding a cup of tea in his hand and sipping it.

Behind him are his concubines, who are young and beautiful, fair and beautiful.

These concubines rubbed Pan Wenming's legs, squeezed his shoulders, and beat his back, making Pan Wenming look uncomfortable.

Pan Wenming put down the teacup in his hand, and smilingly hugged the little concubine who beat his leg into his arms.

Pan Wenming had a lewd smile on his face. He pinched the concubine's chin and giggled non-stop.

"Xiao Cui, I haven't seen you for a few days and I've become more proficient in this technique. Let's go to your room to sleep tonight." Pan Wenming said to the concubine with a smile on his face.

The concubine showed a shy expression, and said shyly, "Master, it's getting late now."

"Are you in such a hurry? Then let's go now, you go back to your room first, and I will go to find you after I wash up, master."

Pan Wenming stood up while speaking, he let go of the little concubine in his arms, and walked outside.


Early the next morning, Pan Wenming walked out of the gate of his house. Last night, he turned upside down and made them sleep all night. He walked out of his house with a pair of thick dark circles under his eyes. door.

Pan Wenming is a seventh-rank official. The government office he works in is called the Welfare Department, not very far from his home.

Usually, Pan Wenming would walk to the office where he works,
But last night's exhaustion left Pan Wenming with no energy left, so he had no choice but to take a carriage.

Pan Wenming dozed off non-stop. The carriage he was riding in was very luxurious, covered with all kinds of exquisite carvings, and inlaid with a series of gold and silver threads, which looked extraordinarily luxurious.

Not long after, Pan Wenming came outside the yamen.

After entering the Yamen, Pan Wenming went straight to his classroom.

Pan Wenming's class room is very large, in addition to a desk, there is a bed behind the desk, and there is a bookshelf between the bed and the desk, which is used as a cover.

Obviously, when Pan Wenming went to work, he didn't try his best at all, and spent most of his time fishing in troubled waters.

Pan Wenming was lying on the bunk in the class room and sleeping soundly. How could he look like an official?

At this time, the investigators from the Ministry of Criminal Justice had already arrived outside the gate of the Welfare Department.

The officials who came to investigate from the Ministry of Punishment were wearing official uniforms. As soon as they appeared outside the gate of the Welfare Department, they attracted the attention of the staff in the Welfare Department.

A clerk in the Welfare Department ran out with a smile on his face. He looked at these people standing outside the gate of the Welfare Department and asked with a smile on his face: "I don't know what you are here for? Is it when you are investigating the case?" Just passing by?"

The clerk of the welfare department had no idea that these people were the ones who came to investigate them.

There were about twenty people dispatched by the Ministry of Punishment, and the leader was a man named He Gang.

He Gang used to be an inspector, but because of his excellent handling of cases, he was finally promoted to the headquarters of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

Because he is highly valued by the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, the Minister of the Ministry of Justice handed over this matter to He Gang to handle.

He Gang looked at the clerk standing in front of him expressionlessly, and said, "We are indeed here to investigate the case, but we are not passing by. What we want to investigate is your Welfare Department."

The clerk was taken aback for a moment, he stared blankly at He Gang, and asked with a puzzled expression: "Check our Welfare Department, our Welfare Department is a law-abiding official, why are you checking us? We didn't do anything illegal. things."

"Where do you come from so much nonsense, if you want to check you, I will check you."

He Gang said without doubt, and then walked into the gate of the Welfare Department.

"Go and bring me all the paperwork, ledgers and other things you have had over the years. I want to check and check."

After arriving at the front yard of the Welfare Department, He Gang spoke to the clerk following behind him.

The clerk following He Gang became anxious when he heard that He Gang wanted to check the documents and accounts of the Welfare Department over the years.

Others don't know what the welfare department has been like these years, but he does.If these people are allowed to investigate seriously, wouldn't all those sleazy dogs that the Secretary of Foles have worked for so many years be brought out?
(End of this chapter)

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