Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 865 Take out the prepared fake accounts

Chapter 865 Take out the prepared fake accounts
"Mister, you haven't shown your identity card yet. You said you came from the Ministry of Criminal Justice. How can we believe that you are from the Ministry of Criminal Justice? What if everyone says he is from the Ministry of Criminal Justice? Investigate the situation of our Welfare Department, shall we let them in or not?"

The clerk looked at He Gang and asked.

In fact, the clerk didn't believe that He Gang came from the Ministry of Punishment, because the Welfare Department was just a very small office with little power, very small.

Although it is in Xuanzhen City, it is very far away from the power center, so the scribes don't believe that people from the Ministry of Punishment will come here for no reason.

He Gang took out a waist card from his waist, and kept shaking it in front of him, "You can see for yourself."

The waist card in He Gang's hand is made of iron, glowing with dark light, with two large characters of the Ministry of Punishment engraved on the front, and He Gang's identity on the back.

The scribe took the waist card in He Gang's hand and looked at it carefully.

"It turns out that he really came from the Ministry of Punishment. I'm sorry!" The clerk returned the badge in his hand to He Gang, then bent over and kept clapping his hands at He Gang.

He Gang taught the badge to be put back to its original place, and repeated what he said before to the book with a blank face, "Bring me all the paperwork and account books of your welfare department, and I will check them carefully."

"My lord, I'm just a little scribe, I can't do what you said, because I don't have that power.

If you want me to move all the paperwork and account books of the Welfare Department, you must at least obtain the consent of the head of our Welfare Department in advance. If the head of the Welfare Department agrees, I cannot move here for you. "The scribe said to He Gang calmly.

"I came to investigate your Welfare Department under the order of the superior, and please cooperate accordingly and don't make me violent." He Gang said to the clerk calmly.

"Hehe!" The clerk sneered twice, and said, "My lord, you belong to the Ministry of Punishment, and we belong to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Households. No matter what your duties are, we are not responsible to you.

If you want to be violent, you must at least get the document issued by our household department office first.If there is no document issued by our household department office, we will not recognize it. "

The clerk said forcefully. Of course, the clerk knew what was going on in the Welfare Department, so no matter what, the account books and documents of the Welfare Department must not be taken out now. If they were taken out, everything would be covered up. Can't live.

"Well, you come with me first, you rest first, and sit down for a while. I'll report this matter to our superior and report to our chief, and see what our chief has to say." The clerk said He took He Gang and the others and walked inside.

Although He Gang was very dissatisfied with what the scribe said just now, he didn't do anything excessive. Instead, he followed the scribe and walked inside.

In the office hall of the Welfare Department, the clerk settled He Gang and the others inside. After the settlement, the clerk walked towards He Gang's classroom.

Just when he entered He Gang's classroom, the scribe heard a thunderous grunt.

There was no surprised expression on the scribe's face, and the scribe had already become accustomed to all this.

The clerk came to Pan Wenming's bed lightly. He looked at Pan Wenming who was sleeping soundly on the bed, and gently patted Pan Wenming's shoulder, "My lord, Mr. Pan, wake up!" , wake up quickly."

Under the clerk's constant calls, Pan Wenming gradually opened his sleepy eyes.

Pan Wenming's eyes were bloodshot, and he was a little sullen looking at the book.

Now, Pan Wenming's sweet sleep is suddenly interrupted by someone. This kind of thing is uncomfortable for anyone, let alone Pan Wenming, who is in the Welfare Department and overshadows the sky with one hand.

"Are you looking for death? What do you want to do?" Pan Wenming gnashed his teeth and growled at the clerk.

The scribe's face was full of panic. He Gang and others didn't scare the scribe just now, but now Pan Wenming did.Apparently, Pan Wenming has been in the Welfare Department for a long time.

"My lord, that's not what I meant. Suddenly, a group of people from the Ministry of Criminal Justice came. They said they wanted to check the accounts and documents of the Welfare Department over the years. I don't know what to do, so I want to ask my lord to see what you mean." The scribe was flustered, and hastily told the general story of the matter.

When Pan Wenming heard this, he sat up straight away, and the sleepiness on his face disappeared instantly.

"Is this really coming? People from the Criminal Ministry really want to check the accounts and documents of the Welfare Department?"

Pan Wenming didn't believe it the moment he heard these words.

Pan Wenming knew that the welfare department he was in was just a small yamen in Xuanzhan City, with little power and few things in charge, almost a transparent existence.

Pan Wenming didn't believe that the yamen he was in would suddenly be staffed by the Ministry of Punishment.

"My lord, if you go out and take a look, you will know. I really didn't lie to you. I just arranged those people in the office hall. You just go over and take a look." The clerk quickly explained.

Pan Wenming got off the bed, tidied up his appearance indiscriminately, and walked towards the office hall under the leadership of the clerk.

As soon as he entered the hall, Pan Wenming saw those people sitting in the hall.

When seeing these people, Pan Wenming's heart beat violently. At this time, Pan Wenming had already made a decision in his mind.

"I'm afraid these people really came from the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Judging by their posture and majesty, they might really be, but what do these people want to do when they come to our Welfare Department?
Is it really as simple as checking paperwork and account books?I don't believe it, how could someone come to me for no reason, there must be something I don't know, there must be fraud. "

In just a short moment, countless thoughts flashed through Pan Wenming's mind.

"You are Pan Wenming, right?"

Seeing Pan Wenming walking in, He Gang stood up from his chair and came to Pan Wenming.

"This is Pan Wenming, are you all from the Ministry of Punishment?" Pan Wenming asked tentatively.

He Gang took off the badge from his waist again, and kept shaking it in front of Pan Wenming.

Pan Wenming took the waist card from He Gang's hand and looked at it carefully. After about ten breaths, Pan Wenming returned the waist card in his hand to He Gang.

"It turns out that they really came from the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Mr. He, I don't know why you came to my little welfare department?"

Pan Wenming cupped his hands towards He Gang and asked with a puzzled expression.

"Little Fuli Secretary? Master Pan, you are joking.

Your Welfare Department is concerned with the most basic protection of the low-income people in Xuanzhen Town. For the people, your Welfare Department is heaven.

For those low-income people, your Welfare Department is higher than the sky. If this is the case, how can your Welfare Department be a small Welfare Department? "

When He Gang said these words, there was no excessive expression on his face, but in Pan Wenming's ears, it was full of jokes and playfulness.

After hearing these words, Pan Wenming's face became hot, as if someone had slapped her in the mouth twice.

"I'm afraid these people are not kind!" Pan Wenming muttered softly.

"Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore, hurry up and take out those account books and documents from your welfare department, I want to check." He Gang said with an unquestionable expression.

"Okay, Mr. He, you wait first, and I'll get it for you right away."

Pan Wenming walked outside as he spoke.

The clerk followed behind Pan Wenming and walked towards the place where the welfare department kept the account books and documents.

"My lord, do you really want to take out the account books and documents of our Welfare Department? Our account books and documents are all faulty. If these people find out something, it will be a disaster." The clerk A look of worry.

"What are you afraid of?"

Pan Wenming stopped in his tracks, "Before, didn't I ask you to find those master accountants outside to make a batch of fake accounts? These fake accounts are used to meet the inspections of the higher authorities. Just take out the fake account and it’s fine.”

"But my lord, these fake accounts are used by us to deal with the inspection by the household department at the end of the year. Is it appropriate to show them now?" asked the clerk.

"When is it, it doesn't matter whether he is suitable or not. Let's deal with the things in front of us first, and let's talk about it. At the worst, let those who make false accounts make another copy? Really, everything must be paid attention to." Priorities." Pan Wenming said bitterly.

Pan Wenming has been doing this for a long time. Over the years, Pan Wenming's methods of deception and concealment have become more and more proficient. In his opinion, relying on the fake accounts he made last time, he will definitely be able to make money in front of him. These people fooled the past.

Not long after, Pan Wenming brought seven or eight of his subordinates to carry the account books and documents of the Welfare Department into the office hall.

"My lords, please check first. I'll leave first, so I won't bother you." Pan Wenming walked outside as he spoke.

"Okay, then you guys go out first." He Gang said expressionlessly.

At the same time, more than a dozen men in official uniforms of the Ministry of Criminal Justice appeared at the door of the starved boy's house.

Of course, He Gang and the others will not be the only ones who will be excluded from the investigation of the Welfare Department by the Office of the Ministry of Punishment. After all, the Office of the Ministry of Punishment is the most serious law enforcement department in the imperial court. There were two teams.

One team is clearly investigating the situation in the Welfare Department, and the other team is using the starved boy as a breakthrough to conduct investigations.

(End of this chapter)

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