Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 866 Arrest and bring to justice

Chapter 866 Arrest and bring to justice
The criminal officers who appeared at the boy's door began to go door-to-door to collect any information related to the boy.

Although it had been some time since the boy died, the neighbors around the boy were quite familiar with him, and they collected a lot of useful information in just a few days.

The information they collected was sent to the classroom of the Ministry of Justice in the shortest possible time.

In the yamen of the Ministry of Punishment, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment sat in his class room, holding a booklet in his hand.

"It's appalling, it's simply appalling. I didn't expect the Secretary of Welfare to be so arrogant." Minister of the Ministry of Justice looked at the booklet in his hand and muttered in disbelief.

This booklet shows a lot of information, among which the Ministry of Criminal Justice's most inconceivable thing is the embezzlement of those relief funds by the Welfare Department, the inside story of the examination of low-income households, and the embezzlement of money from the orphanage.

These things are all the results of investigations by another team of Criminal Department personnel after field visits.

Looking at the booklet in his hand, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice felt a little embarrassed.

The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice did not know when he would hand over the booklet in his hand to Zhao Wen. If it was handed over to Zhao Wen now, the Minister of the Ministry of Justice was afraid that Zhao Wen would be even more angry. At that time, once the pre-court department and the palace department appeared, things would be bad. end.

After thinking about it, the Minister of the Ministry of Justice chose to wait for all the truth of the matter to be found out before handing it over to Zhao Wen.

As for He Gang, nothing amiss was found in the account books of the Welfare Department.

Pan Wenming is a cautious person, which is an important reason why he can do whatever he wants for so many years.

The fake accounts they made openly cost a lot of money and were made by professionals. If you don’t refer to the physical standard material standards, basically there will be no problems.

But the biggest mistake is not having any.

He Gang does not believe that the ledger is so perfect that there are no mistakes. He Gang does not believe that the ledger has no mistakes.

He Gang didn't keep his eyes on the account books of the Welfare Department, after he left the Welfare Department.

Then he set his sights on the officials under Pan Wenming. After several days of investigation, He Gang also got some information.

There is indeed serious corruption and serious dereliction of duty in the Welfare Department. He Gang also took the information he had to the Minister of Criminal Affairs.

After receiving these news, Minister of the Ministry of Justice combined the booklet sent up earlier.So they sent people to arrest Pan Wenming and some of Pan Wenming's subordinates.

This matter was handed over by Zhao Wen to the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, so the Minister of the Ministry of Justice also had the right to arrest Pan Wenming.

When the personnel of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs arrested Pan Wenming, the Minister of the Ministry of Accounting also sent people to start an investigation within the Ministry of Accounting, but the Ministry of Accounting is not professional after all, so the efficiency is definitely not as fast as that of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs.

He Gang led more than 50 personnel armed with Dreiser rifles to appear outside the gate of the Welfare Department.

The fifty people led by He Gang were all from the yamen of the Ministry of Punishment, because they were not the army after all, so the weapons they used were rifles like De La Sai.

To deal with ordinary criminals, this rifle is completely sufficient, and there is no need to use the powerful 56 and a half and 56 punches.

He Gang looked at the gate of the Welfare Department in front of him, and led his men to walk directly towards the gate.

The door of the Welfare Department is closed now, and the people in the Welfare Department don't know that people like He Gang are coming.

He Gang led his men to the gate of the Welfare Department. Without saying a word, He Gang asked his men to break down the gate of the Welfare Department.

Almost all the personnel in the Welfare Department have problems, so in order to prevent these people in the Welfare Department from escaping, He Gang chose to let his subordinates break down the door of the Welfare Department.

At this time, Pan Wenming was sitting in his classroom, holding a stack of bank notes in his hand, and kept counting them.

It is said to be a banknote, but it is actually no different from the banknotes of later generations, only the name is different.

The bank has been established for so many years, and the banks established by Zhao Wen are found in almost every province and every important city in the world. Coupled with the development of industry and economy, the promotion of banknotes has become an unstoppable trend.

So now banks have started to issue banknotes, but the issuance mode is still similar to the previous issuance mode of banknotes.

The main reason for doing this is to seek stability and prevent unnecessary things from happening.

The banknotes in Pan Wenming's hands are exquisite. The paper quality of these banknotes is very good, the cost is high, and they are anti-wrinkle and washable.

On the top of the front of the bank note, there is a line of small characters in block letters with the four characters of Hua Xia Bank.

In the middle is written one hundred yuan in three block letters. The banknotes are symmetrical, with five-clawed golden dragons painted on the left and right.

This banknote is the banknote with the largest denomination in Pan Wenming's hand, and the whole body of this banknote is golden.

This silver ticket is equivalent to one hundred silver dollars, and the face value is still very large.

This kind of silver bill is almost difficult to circulate in the market, and it is specially used when trading bulk items.

There is only one banknote in Pan Wenming's hands, and the most numerous banknotes in Pan Wenming's hands are those five-yuan and ten-yuan banknotes.

In addition to these silver notes, there are also silver notes corresponding to those copper coins and other auxiliary coins. These silver notes corresponding to copper coins and other auxiliary coins are the largest circulation silver notes in the market.

Pan Wenming's eyes were squinting, and he kept counting the bank notes in his hand with a smile on his face.

"Although my official position is not high and my power is not great, when it comes to oil and water, I am one of the best in the household department.

Although other departments seem more important than my department, none of them can compare to my department in terms of the ability to make money.

In another two or three years, after the purchase of vehicles is released, I will buy a few more cars at that time. "

Pan Wenming smiled, and kept dreaming about the future in his heart.

But at this moment, a rush of rhythmic footsteps appeared beside Pan Wenming's ear.

Pan Wenming hurriedly put the banknotes in his hands into his arms, stood up like a normal person, and walked outside.

"What's that sound? Who's coming? Why are the footsteps so dense?" Pan Wenming walked out of the classroom with a puzzled expression, and came to the courtyard outside.

He saw He Gang walking in the front and the people behind He Gang at a glance from the outside.

Pan Wenming's heart began to beat violently. He didn't know why He Gang brought so many people to the welfare department.

Pan Wenming's thoughts were all on making money, so Pan Wenming didn't know before that several officials in his welfare department had been taken away by He Gang. If Pan Wenming knew in advance, maybe they would return Can be prepared.

"Isn't this Mr. He Ganghe? Didn't you check all the account books and documents of our welfare department before? Why are you here again now, and you have brought such a large group of people with you? What is the purpose of your coming here? "Pan Wenming walked towards He Gang and asked with a smile on his face.

There was no expression on He Gang's face. He watched Pan Wenming walking towards him and stopped.

When Pan Wenming stood in front of him, He just said, "Master Pan, please follow me for a while, and cooperate with us to investigate some matters."

"What's going on here? Why do you want me to investigate? What happened, can Mr. He tell me?"

Pan Wenming's complexion changed, and the smile on his face gradually froze. An ominous premonition rose in his heart, and this ominous premonition became more and more solid.

"As for the reason, you will understand when you arrive, so follow us now." He Gang said to Pan Wenming with a straight face.

Pan Wenming didn't want to go, he involuntarily took two steps back, a trace of panic flashed across his face.

"Master He, you belong to the Ministry of Punishment, and I am under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

There is no conflict between our two departments. Why should I follow you to investigate and investigate?

Besides, without Shangguan's order, I will not follow you to leave. Unless you get Shangguan's order, I will not go anywhere today. "

"Aren't you going with us? You can't help yourself if you don't come with us?" He Gang's face darkened, and he asked his subordinates to control Pan Wenming.

Seeing that her posture was wrong, Pan Wenming ran away, and at the same time shouted loudly, "What do you people want to do? Is there any law for the king? What do you people want to do? Why do you arrest me? I committed a crime." What crime? Why do you arrest me?"

Pan Wenming ran back frantically, but no matter how fast he was, he couldn't beat He Gang's men.

Pan Wenming had just run away, and He Gang's men took Pan Wenming under control.

Pan Wenming was tied up behind his back by He Gang's men, and brought in front of He Gang.

Pan Wenming looked at He Gang standing in front of him, and yelled at He Gang with a distorted expression, "What do you want to do? The surname is He, what do you want to do? Why do you arrest me?
What enmity do I have with you, what resentment do you have, why do you do this?Why are you arresting me?What am I doing wrong?You are from the Ministry of Punishment, and I am from the Ministry of Household Affairs. We do not violate the river water, so you have no right to arrest me. "

Pan Wenming babbled a lot, implying that you can't catch me.

He Gang glanced at Pan Wenming contemptuously, and said lightly: "Take him away, and start arresting people according to the results of the previous interrogation. After arresting people, the Welfare Department will be emptied, and all places and things will be sealed up. "

Under He Gang's order, He Gang's subordinates acted quickly.

It didn't take long for them to arrest all the people who should be arrested. At the same time, they also began to seal up the yard of the Welfare Department and the contents of the Welfare Department.

After completing these matters, it was already dusk. In the evening sun, He Gang escorted these people arrested from the Welfare Department to the Yamen of the Ministry of Punishment.

(End of this chapter)

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