Chapter 867 Moving the Capital
After taking Pan Wenming to the Yamen of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the Minister of the Ministry of Criminal Justice immediately sent Pan Wenming to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

After being sent to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the Secretary of the Ministry of Criminal Justice asked He Gang to start interrogating Pan Wenming.

Although Pan Wenming has some skills in making money, he is a proper softie.

Under He Gang's interrogation, within an hour, Pan Wenming confessed everything he had done.

After He Gang received Pan Wenming's interrogation results, he immediately sent them to the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment.

The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice sat in his classroom, holding the interrogation results sent by He Gang.Squint your eyes and watch carefully.

He Gang stood in front of the Minister of Criminal Justice, and said to the Minister of Criminal Justice, "Of course this Pan Wenming is simply an animal, even worse than an animal.

The Welfare Department was specially set up by His Majesty to take care of those people who were impoverished due to illness or other reasons, but it turned out to be Pan Wenming's means of raising money.

The boy's freezing to death has an inseparable relationship with Pan Wenming. It can be said that the boy was indirectly killed by Pan Wenming.

In addition to this young man, the orphanages under Pan Wenming have also been severely detained by Pan Wenming. According to the results obtained now, besides this young man, there are many people who have been oppressed by Pan Wenming .

The identification of those poor households is also controlled by Pan Wenming. It can be said that Pan Wenming can make whoever he wants to become a poor household.

In the Welfare Department, Pan Wenming can be said to help relatives but not to help. He mainly focuses on his relatives or those who benefit him. As for those who are really poor, Pan Wenming does not care at all. "

The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice put down the interrogation results in his hand, looked at He Gang, and asked: "Apart from these, are there other interrogation results?
According to your investigation, there are no other phenomena. "

He Gang shook his head and said, "My lord, this subordinate has taken everything Pan Wenming said exactly.

What we investigated is similar to what Pan Wenming said. "

The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice slapped the table in front of him, "Now you immediately take someone to search Pan Wenming's home. Remember, the speed must be fast, and their home must be searched for me in the shortest possible time."

He Gang looked at the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment with some hesitation, "My lord, this Pan Wenming is a seventh-rank official after all. If there is no imperial decree from His Majesty, let's just copy a seventh-rank official. Is that really okay?"

The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice said: "Your Majesty has entrusted me with full authority over this matter. I copy it as soon as I say it. I will be responsible for what happens. You don't have to be afraid."

He Gang had no choice but to obey the Minister of Criminal Justice's order, walk out of the Minister of Criminal Justice's classroom, and lead people towards Pan Wenming's address.

The most important reason why the Secretary of the Ministry of Justice ransacked Pan Wenming's home so eagerly was that the Minister of the Ministry of Justice wanted to close the case in the shortest possible time.

Although judging from the current situation, there seems to be nothing else in this case except Pan Wenming and the officials under Pan Wenming, but if the case is not closed in the shortest possible time, if it is delayed Over time, who knows what changes will happen.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, the Ministry of Criminal Justice chose to close the case in the shortest possible time and arrest all the people involved in the case.

Of course, Hubu Shangshu still has to give face.

After the Minister of the Ministry of Justice sent He Gang out, he came to the Yamen of the Ministry of Households in person and explained the matter to the Minister of the Ministry of Justice.

At this time, Shangshu Hubu panicked, and he just wanted to end the case as soon as possible without involving too many people, so after Shangshu Xingbu explained his thoughts, Shangshu Hubu agreed with Shangshu Xingbu's approach .

This matter lasted for about five or six days in total, and within these five or six days, everything was investigated clearly.

The main reason for the young man's death was Pan Wenming's corruption and perverting the law. If it wasn't for Pan Wenming's corruption and perverting the law, the young man would not have starved to death in early autumn.

After Pan Wenming was arrested and brought to justice, he was quickly convicted and sentenced to death. Pan Wenming's family property was all successful, and all of Pan Wenming's family members became ordinary people. The benefits that Pan Wenming got before were nothing like them. any relationship.

After this incident, in order to prevent the same incident from happening again, Zhao Wen elevated the status of the welfare department to the direct jurisdiction of the household department.

It can be seen from this matter that no matter how good the policy above is, it will be in vain if the officials below do not take care of it.

So in order to prevent this from happening again, Zhao Wen formulated the assessment method for grassroots officials.

Zhao Wen's method of assessing grassroots officials was based on previous investigations, but because of the large number of grassroots officials, it was impossible to carry out a large-scale and comprehensive inspection as usual.

Therefore, the assessment of grassroots officials is mainly based on the headquarters, and the assessment is carried out through the headquarters, with the assistance of the National Council or the Military Academy for supervision.

That is to say, the Ministry of Households examines those yamen under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of Industry assesses those yamen under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industry.

This incident gradually passed, and autumn will become more intense.

Along the streets of Xuan Town, there are a lot of green trees planted, the most numerous of which are ginkgo trees.

The leaves of the ginkgo tree are withered and yellow, falling down under the blowing of the autumn wind.

The cleaners on the street kept cleaning the fallen leaves. When the autumn wind blew, the number of fallen leaves increased, and the cleaners took the trouble to sweep.

Chongzhen walked slowly on the streets of Xuanzhen with his son Zhu Cihong.

"Oh, it's another year of autumn wind!" Chongzhen raised his head and looked at the withered and yellow ginkgo trees on the street with emotion.

Four years have passed since the fall of the Ming Dynasty, and it seems that it will be five years, and Chongzhen gradually only has sighs and memories of the past left in his heart.

Chongzhen stopped on the sidewalk, and he looked around, seeing the vendors around him, the people coming and going, and the houses that were gradually being built.

"Before there was news that Zhao Wen was going to move the capital to the capital, and I don't know if this is true or not. If the capital was moved to the capital, wouldn't the buildings here in Xuanzhen be in vain? Could it be that Zhao Wen still wanted to move the capital to the capital? Xuanzhen will be rebuilt in this way?"

Chongzhen couldn't understand why Zhao Wen, who was so good, chose to move the capital. Although the geographical environment of Xuanzhen was not as good as that of the capital, there was no need to move the capital to the capital.

Zhao Wen has been operating here for many years, and now Xuanzhen is even more prosperous than the capital. Chongzhen couldn't figure out why Zhao Wen moved the capital.

Chongzhen took Zhu Cilang for a walk on the streets of Xuanzhen, a few dark clouds floated in the sky, and the autumn rain fell, and the pedestrians on the street ran in a hurry to avoid the rain.

In the imperial study room, Zhao Wen looked at Liu Wenzhong, Qi Qingtian and other officials who were the first to follow him who were sitting opposite him.

"What do you think about moving the capital? I plan to move the capital to the capital after the coming year."

Zhao Wen rubbed his forehead and looked at the officials sitting opposite him.

"Your Majesty, I feel that it is too early to move the capital." Liu Wenzhong said.

Now Liu Wenzhong is already old, almost 60 years old. As the saying goes, seventy years of life is rare, and 60 years old is already an advanced age in this era.

People are getting older, no matter what they do, they will focus on safety and capture the capital. It has only been a few years, and the environment in the capital is simply incomparable with Xuanzhen. If the capital is moved to the capital at this time, no matter what It is very difficult to do anything.

Therefore, Liu Wenzhong disagreed with moving the capital to the capital. What he meant was to focus on Xuanzhen for the time being, and wait for the capital to develop in the future.

"Your Majesty, I think moving the capital to the capital is a very good thing." Qi Qingtian said.

"Although Xuan Town has been operated by His Majesty for many years, the limitations of this place are very large, and this place is not qualified as a capital, let alone a capital.

Moreover, the geographical location of Xuanzhen is also very remote, and it is still far behind the capital city.

Now His Majesty develops sea transportation and attaches great importance to sea power. Compared with the capital, Xuanzhen is located inland. If sea transportation is developed, Xuanzhen will have relatively large limitations here.

Although the capital is located inland, it is relatively close to Tianjin Wei. If His Majesty moves the capital to the capital of Tianjin, it will have a great advantage in developing sea power.

His Majesty often said that the future of the country lies in the sea, so I feel that since the capital will be moved to the capital sooner or later, the capital should be moved as soon as possible. "Qi Qingtian expressed his opinion.

Qi Qingtian's thinking is different from Liu Wenzhong's thinking. Qi Qingtian's thinking is that since the capital is moved early and late, it is better to move the capital early.

If you move the capital early, you will be one step ahead, and if you move the capital late, you will be one step ahead.

Moreover, the matter of moving the capital should be moved sooner rather than later. The further you go, the more difficult it will be to move the capital, and the earlier you move the capital, the less difficulties you will face.

(End of this chapter)

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