Chapter 868
"Your Majesty, what I mean is that since the capital will be moved sooner or later, it is better to move the capital to the capital as soon as possible. After all, Xuanzhen still has a lot of shortcomings compared with the capital." Qi Qingtian looked at Zhao Wen and said.

As soon as Qi Qingtian's voice fell, Liu Wenzhong retorted.

"I don't agree with you. If you follow what you said, moving the capital so early will have a great impact on the entire country. Now there are a large number of factories and industrial areas in Xuan Town. If the capital is moved now, these factories and What should we do with industrial areas? Have you ever thought about these issues?
Although the capital is many times better than Xuanzhen in terms of status and geographical conditions, it must be known that there are almost no industrial facilities or factories in the current capital.

The buildings in the capital are almost all old buildings. What if the capital is moved to the past?Could it be possible to throw away all these factories and industrial areas in Xuanzhen? "

Liu Wenzhong retorted that he did not agree with moving the capital. In his opinion, even if the capital was moved, it could not be moved now.

"Lord Liu, that's a big mistake. After moving the capital to the capital, it doesn't mean that all these factories and industrial areas will be abandoned. We are moving the capital and not doing anything else. Things that can be moved to the capital will be moved to the capital, and those that cannot be moved will stay in the capital." Xuanzhen, these things don't have long legs and can't run, what are you afraid of?" Qi Qingtian said.

Liu Wenzhong's expression turned ugly. Liu Wenzhong didn't know how to refute what Qi Qingtian said.

"That's what I said, but now that the capital city has been in disrepair for a long time, what I mean is, should we wait until the entire capital city has been repaired before moving the capital?" Liu Wenzhong looked at Zhao Wen tentatively.

Zhao Wen said: "The capital will be moved after the entire capital is repaired. It is estimated that the day lilies will be cold by then, and some things cannot be delayed. The longer the delay, the longer it will take.

I started from Xuanzhen, and you civil and military ministers also have feelings for Xuanzhen, but you have to be clear about one thing, Xuanzhen is really not suitable as the capital of a country. If Xuanzhen can be the capital of a country, I will not The capital will be moved to Beijing. "

"Your Majesty's decision to move the capital should not be taken lightly. It is a matter of national destiny and has a great impact on the country's future, so I hope that Your Majesty will think twice before acting." Liu Wenzhong saw that Zhao Wen had made up his mind. It's hard to say anything else, I can only say something that makes Zhao Wen think twice.

"The matter of moving the capital has already been decided, and there will be no further changes. After you go down, you should carefully discuss the various matters of moving the capital, as well as the fastest time for moving the capital. This matter is so decided, you go down first .” Zhao Wen said unquestionably to the officials sitting opposite him.

Seeing that Zhao Wen had already made up his mind, the officials sitting opposite Zhao Wen couldn't say anything more, so they could only stand up and exit the imperial study room first according to Zhao Wen's order.

Seeing the figures of these people retreating, Zhao Wen picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip of tea, and then continued to review the memorial.

Zhao Wen is very busy now, because Zhao Wen's army has begun to gather in the Yunnan-Guizhou area.

Earlier, Zhao Wen had asked Zhao Daniu, Song Hu and the others to prepare for the expedition. At that time, Zhao Wen had already prepared for the expedition to Southeast Asia. Now the conditions are almost the same, and the army has already embarked on the journey.

The mountains in the Yunnan-Guizhou area are steep and there are many jungles, so the railway is not easy to build, so the railway is not built in the Yunnan-Guizhou area.Even Sichuan has not been built, and to enter Sichuan, one must pass through Hanzhong.Today's railway is only built to Hanzhong.

A series of trains departed from Xuanzhen and headed towards Hanzhong. These trains were fully loaded with various war materials, making full preparations for the expedition to Southeast Asia.

Zhao Wen was not too impatient in his expedition to Southeast Asia this time, and put all his troops on it.

Unlike fighting in the mainland, going to Southeast Asia is a grind, so Zhao Wen didn't send too many soldiers this time, but let Zhao Daniu lead [-] soldiers.

The [-] soldiers led by Zhao Daniu have entered Sichuan and arrived in Chengdu.

Outside the city of Chengdu, a continuous camp surrounded the city wall of Chengdu.

The camp was exactly where the [-] soldiers led by Zhao Daniu settled down.

Zhao Daniu stood in the big tent of the Chinese army, and a map of Southeast Asia was hung in the center of the big tent.

Zhao Daniu stood in front of the map of Southeast Asia, looking at the map seriously.

"It's mountainous and densely covered with jungles, and heavy weapons are not easy to transport. Fighting in the jungle, the power of these heavy weapons is also limited, so in this war, none of those heavy weapons can be carried, and carrying them is also cumbersome. .”

"This area of ​​Annan must be taken this time. Now this area is divided into two countries, one is the Mo Dynasty and the other is the Le Dynasty.

These two countries have been fighting endlessly, and now the Li Dynasty has the upper hand, no matter which dynasty it is, it has the upper hand and directly wiped them out. "Zhao Daniu touched the beard on his chin, his eyes were full of cold light.

"Staying at home for such a long time, my body is almost falling apart. This time I finally come out, and I have to vent everything I say."

Zhao Daniu kept his eyes on Annan's map.

The current Annan is not monolithic, it is still in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and the current Annan is split into two parts, one is the Mo Dynasty located near Yunnan and Guizhou and the Li Dynasty further south.

The relationship between these two countries is in dire straits, and one side wants the other to die completely, which belongs to the level of endless death.

Among these two countries, the most powerful is the Le Dynasty.

Le Dynasty is located in the south of Annan, with a long coastline. The Frangji people once rented land on the land of Le Dynasty and used it as a port.

It is precisely because of this reason that Li Chao had the opportunity to communicate with Franji.

The Fran robot sold some matchlock guns to Li Chao. Although the matchlock guns were not as good as those in Zhao Wen's hands, they were able to rub Mo Chao on the ground.

Fortunately, the weather here is hot and humid, and the power of the matchlock gun will be greatly reduced. In addition, it is close to Yunnan and Guizhou. If it were not for these reasons, it is estimated that Mo Chao would have been annihilated by Li Chao long ago.

To the south of the Le Dynasty is the Guangnan Kingdom, which will be annexed by Annan in the future, but it is still independent.

In the west of the Le Dynasty, the Xieng Khouang Kingdom and the Xun Cang Kingdom.

In addition to these relatively large countries, there are also many small countries scattered here and there.

These countries are spread all over the land of Southeast Asia, and thanks to the lack of scientific and technological power of the colonists in the West, they cannot colonize these countries on a large scale.This has also led to these places being very backward and traffic jams.

If you want to conquer these places, the first consideration is not the issue of weapons, but the issue of transportation.There are many mountains and rivers, miasma and mosquitoes, so it is not easy to conquer this place.

"There are so many countries in this big place." Zhao Daniu looked at the map in front of him with a sneer on his face.

"grown ups!"

A short young man walked in with a long and narrow samurai sword on his waist.

This young man was none other than Sakata Arii who had taken refuge in Zhao Wen before.

Raiding Southeast Asia is not an easy task. In order to continue the war smoothly, Zhao Wen transferred Sakata Arui, who had been doing nothing in Japan, over here.

Along with Sakata Arii, there were [-] wu soldiers.

These military soldiers were soldiers and horses recruited in the country of Wa before. Now that the war in the country of Wa is basically over, these soldiers are useless. Instead of letting them stay in the country of Wa with nothing to do, it is better to pull them to Southeast Asia.

It is best to let these Japanese warriors deal with these natives in Southeast Asia.

Sakata Arii stood in front of Zhao Daniu, and saluted Zhao Daniu respectfully.

"Sakata Arii sees your lord!"

Sakata Arii said to Zhao Daniu, now he speaks Chinese fluently.

Zhao Daniu looked at Sakata Arii standing in front of him, and said, "What do you think about this battle? Tell me!"

Sakata Arii moved closer to Zhao Daniu, pointed to the map in front of Zhao Daniu, and said, "My lord, the current power in our hands can sweep almost all the countries in this place. The countries in this place are very important to us. It's just like a chicken and a dog.

However, we now have a very real problem, that is how we can permanently and completely occupy this place.

As far as I know, during the Yongle period, Annan was once occupied, but after that, Annan was abandoned.

As for the specific reason, it is because there is no way to have a stable rule over the Annan area, which has caused the continuous rebellion in this area.

The most important thing for us is how to establish a stable rule in this place. If we cannot establish a stable rule, then even if we attack all of this place, it will be useless. In the future, we still have to rebel of. "

Zhao Daniu looked at Sakata Arii with surprise in his eyes, he didn't expect that Sakata Arii, a Japanese, could say such an opinion.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect you to say such a thing, it really surprised me."

Zhao Daniu patted Sakata Arui's shoulder and said with emotion.

"You are right. The most important thing for us now is how to establish a stable rule in this place. I heard that what you just said is very reasonable. Then I want to ask you, do you have any What is a good way to establish a stable rule?" Zhao Daniu looked at Sakata Arei.

"Yes, there is, but this method may be a bit difficult to implement." Sakata Arui said.

"Let's talk about the method first!" Zhao Daniu asked.

(End of this chapter)

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