Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 869 Your Majesty, the soldiers and horses have been trained

Chapter 869 Your Majesty, the soldiers and horses have been trained
"Tell me what your method is first, I want to hear your method!" Zhao Daniu looked at Sakata Arii and asked.

Sternness flashed across Sakata Arui's face, and his tone began to sink, "My lord, my solution is very simple, that is to kill a group of people first for show, and if anyone still refuses to accept, then continue to kill. Kill until someone obeys, if everyone refuses to obey, then kill all of them and leave no one behind."

The words of Sakata Arui made Zhao Daniu look at him with admiration. Zhao Daniu really didn't think that Sakata Arii would say such a way.

"Kill all the people in this place, how do you kill them? There are so many people in this place, who will work for us after we kill them? And if you want to kill all the people in this place, don't even think about doing it for three to five years arrived.

I will kill all the people in this place, so who will plant them?Have you ever thought about this question?It's easy to kill them all, but who will plant the land for us and who will open up wasteland? Have you thought about these issues? "Zhao Daniu looked at Sakata Arii and said.

Killing all the people in this place is indeed a very fast and safe way, but this way is not the best way, it can be said to be the worst way.

If all these people in Southeast Asia are killed, not to mention whether they can be killed, even if all the people in this place are killed, who will farm the land by then?
If there is no population, what is the point of attacking this place?

Therefore, Sakata Arui's method is not feasible at all, and there is no way it will work at all.

"Okay, this method of yours is simply nonsense." Zhao Daniu shook his head, and then said, "There are two more days, and the army will go south after two days, so your troops should go first. "

Sakata Arii nodded heavily at Zhao Daniu, "Follow your lord's order!"

"Then go out first and make preparations for the expedition!" Zhao Daniu waved at Sakata Arui.

Sakata Arii withdrew from the tent of the Chinese army and walked towards the camp.

Ban Tianyoujing's camp is not far from Zhao Daniu's camp, just around Zhao Daniu's camp.

Although Sakata Arui came from Japan, the weapons used by Sakata Arii's soldiers are definitely not as good as Zhao Daniu's army.

The weapons used by Sakata Arii's team are basically cold weapons such as katana swords. Although they are also equipped with some rifles, they are just some Dresser rifles.

It is not as good as Zhao Daniu in terms of weapons and equipment, but in other respects, it is similar to the army in Zhao Daniu's hands.

After all, to make a horse run, one must let the horse graze.

Two days later, the army set off.

As the vanguard, Sakata Arui led the army under his command to set off first.

Sakata Arii was sitting in a jeep, walking in the middle of the line.

There are many mountain roads in Yungui, Sichuan, some of which are bumpy and rugged, and the speed of the jeep is not fast.

Sakata Arii was sitting in the jeep, shaking with the jeep.

The number of jeeps in Sakata Arii's team is not many, and only those officers in the army can sit in the jeeps.

As for the ordinary warriors, they can only advance on foot.

After Zhao Wen captured Yunnan, Guizhou and other places in Sichuan, he asked the prisoners of war to level the mountain roads.

Although cement cannot be used to harden all the mountain roads, the most basic leveling can still be achieved.

If there is no level mountain road, there may be some places where jeeps and other vehicles cannot go up at all.

Sakata Arii was sitting in the jeep, thinking about things in his mind.

"It's hard to come out of Japan, and finally there are battles to fight. This time, we must behave well and can't go back. A samurai deserves to die in battle. Peaceful times are a disgrace to samurai."

Sakata Arii looked determined. In his opinion, a samurai should die in battle. After he left the Wa country this time, he didn't want to go back.

"The mountain roads in those places are densely covered with dense jungles. It is estimated that it is impossible to end the war in one or two years. The duration of this war is estimated to be very long. It will take three or four years at least. Three or four years is enough to establish an inexorable feat. .”

As Sakata Arui spoke, his eyes began to glow with excitement.

Although during the war in the Wa Kingdom, Sakata Arii made a lot of contributions.

But who in this world despises a lot of credit, and if Sakata Arui does not come out of the Wa country, if there is no accident, it is impossible for Sakata Arui to leave the Wa country in this life. This is not what Sakata Arui wants to see.

The soldiers under Sakata Arui's minds were similar to what Sakata Arui thought.

Behind Sakata Arui are Zhao Daniu and the soldiers led by Zhao Daniu.


At the same time, far away in the western world, Charles I sat in his office at Windsor Castle, looked at Thomas standing in front of him, and asked excitedly: "A thousand soldiers have been trained."

Thomas nodded excitedly, and said to Charles I: "His Royal Highness, you have been trained, and now these thousand soldiers are proficient in using Vulcan rifles. Soldier."

Charles I stood up suddenly, and he walked around the office excitedly, "Okay, okay, with these thousand soldiers, I will see what they will do in the parliament.

This time, I want to defeat the whole council, wipe them all out, step them into the mud, make them never stand up again, and dare to fight against me, it is wishful thinking. "

"His Royal Highness, this time we will definitely be able to defeat the parliament. After defeating the parliament, we will disband it directly. No one can restrain the king."

Thomas' face was also full of excitement. Thomas asked Charles I to dissolve the parliament not only for Charles I, but also for himself.

If the parliament is dissolved, then Thomas will be under one person and above ten thousand by virtue of his own merits. At that time, no one will dare to disobey Thomas except Charles I.

No one in this world would dislike the little power in their hands, and Thomas was the same.

"Hehe, of course we have to disband this bullshit parliament, and we can't let them appear again." Charles I said through gritted teeth.

"Are the 1000 people still at the previous place? I want to see it now." Charles I said to Thomas.

When Thomas trained the 1000 men, for safety reasons, he trained under secret conditions during the training. Only Thomas and Charles I knew the training place.

"His Royal Highness, the 1000 people are in the previous place. If His Royal Highness wants to see it now, you can take His Highness to have a look." Thomas said to Charles I.

When Charles I heard this, he couldn't wait to say, "Take me there now, I want to see it now."

"Okay, since His Royal Highness wants to see it now, the minister will take the King down now."

Thomas walked out of the office as he said that, and Charles I followed Thomas out, ignoring changing clothes.

After Thomas walked out, he began to arrange for Charles I's convoy. About an hour later, Thomas and Charles I left Windsor Castle in a carriage and headed south.

When the convoy of Charles I and Thomas had just walked out of Windsor Castle, a guard quietly walked out of Windsor Castle and headed for Cromwell's residence.

Cromwell's home is in the city of London, and Cromwell's home is relatively luxurious. In the office of Cromwell's home, the guard stood in front of Cromwell and said solemnly:

"His Royal Highness and Thomas went out. I don't know where they are going. They didn't say anything, and they didn't bring many people with them when they went out. There were only seven or eight people."

Cromwell's eyes half-closed, "Seven or eight people? Where are they heading?"

"I see them going south," said the soldier.

"South? What's there in the south? There seems to be nothing in the south!" Cromwell whispered, he didn't know what Charles I and Thomas were doing in the south, and he didn't know what Thomas and Charles I had in the south .

After thinking for a long time, Cromwell couldn't figure out why Charles I and Thomas went south.

"I remember that after Thomas came back, he disappeared for a while. Could the disappearance of His Royal Highness and Thomas this time have something to do with the disappearance of Thomas before?"

"If it has something to do with Thomas disappearing before, then what did Thomas disappear before?"

Cromwell walked back and forth in his office, constantly thinking about these questions.

"In the future, we must pay more attention to intelligence work. If we do a good job in intelligence work, we won't be as ignorant and unclear as we are now."

Cromwell regretted a little in his heart. He regretted why he didn't pay attention to intelligence work earlier.

"Well, you go down first, and don't come to me for the time being after you go back, if you have nothing to do."

Cromwell stopped, looked at the guard standing in front of him, and said.

Now Charles I and Thomas have all gone to the south. Although Cromwell doesn't know what's in the south, in Cromwell's view, there must be nothing good.

In order to prevent the guard from being exposed, and also to ensure that news can be spread smoothly in the future, Cromwell told the guard not to come out for the time being if there is no serious situation.

"Okay, then I'll go back now." The guard said and turned to leave.

Cromwell stayed in the office for about 10 minutes. During these 10 minutes, Cromwell walked back and forth in the office without stopping for a moment. Today, Cromwell is guessing why Charles I and Thomas went south.

(End of this chapter)

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