Chapter 871 What is this place

"When will you leave? I heard His Royal Highness is urging us to leave quickly? How long have we only stayed here, and His Royal Highness is getting impatient?"

He Donglang looked at Charles I and said teasingly.

He Donglang knew exactly what Charles I meant by saying this, and he wanted people like himself to leave quickly.

But He Donglang didn't intend to leave in a short time when he came here. If he left in a short time, how could he maximize his benefits?

Therefore, no matter what Charles I said, it is impossible for He Donglang to leave in a short time.

"No, that's not what I meant. It's not that I'm urging you to leave. It's just that the distance from the east to here is very far. You have different living habits and language customs here. If you stay here for a long time, you will inevitably feel homesick. I It's also for your sake." Charles I hastily explained.

He Donglang smiled slightly, and said: "Your Highness, don't bother you to worry about this matter, we can live here, eat well, and sleep well.

As for whether we want to go home, we don't have time to think about it now, after all, we are busy training these soldiers of His Royal Highness.

When we will leave, we can't say for sure, anyway, we can't leave now.

Now His Royal Highness looks like he is about to go to war with the people in the parliament. If we leave at this time, we will definitely be stabbed in the back by others after we go back.

In our east, it is not allowed to run away privately when others are in danger. It is immoral to do so. Therefore, for the sake of His Royal Highness, we cannot leave. "

What He Donglang said was awe-inspiring, as if he was saying that we can't leave because of you, His Royal Highness.

Charles I listened to what He Donglang said, although he didn't have any angry expression on the surface, but still smiled, but in his heart he scolded He Donglang all over the place.

"By saying this, do you mean that you don't want to leave? If you don't leave, how can I sleep peacefully at night?
It is precisely because we are about to go to war with the parliament that you are leaving. If you don't leave, what should I do if you get involved in this war? "Charles I kept scolding He Donglang and the others in his heart.

"Mr. He heard you mean that you want to help us deal with the parliament?" Thomas looked at He Donglang and asked.

He Donglang nodded very straightforwardly, "Of course, the main purpose of our stay here is to help His Royal Highness defeat the Parliament.

If we hadn't defeated the Council, if it hadn't been for His Royal Highness, we would have left long ago. "

He Donglang's face was full of sincerity.

Charles I and Thomas looked at the sincere expression on He Donglang's face and He Donglang's sincere tone, and their faces darkened instantly.

Charles I and Thomas glanced at each other, and both of them saw anger and helplessness in each other's eyes.

The current Charles I wanted to scold his mother very much, and really wanted to drive He Donglang and the others away, but when he thought of the huge treasure ship still standing in the port, Charles I gave up this idea.

"So that's the case, that's the way it is. I didn't expect you Dongfang to have such a spirit of contract. It seems that we will have more in-depth cooperation in the future!" Charles I smirked and said his own words to He Donglang with great reluctance. Very reluctant to say words.

"Mr. He, can you take His Royal Highness around here? At the same time, explain to His Royal Highness the performance of these weapons, and the tactics you gave these soldiers?" Thomas looked at He Donglang and asked. .

"Of course, it's a matter of duty!" He Donglang happily accepted the task.

"His Royal Highness, please go this way. Let me introduce you. I will teach you the most common tactics of these soldiers."

He Donglang made a gesture of invitation, and led Charles I around the open space.

Thomas followed behind the two, his eyes fixed on He Donglang all the time, and now his brain was running fast, thinking about how to deal with He Donglang, to see if there was any way to make He Donglang leave as soon as possible.

When He Donglang was thinking about the problem, he didn't come up with the method of getting rid of He Donglang.

After all, once He Donglang is eliminated, if the news leaks out, who knows what the consequences will be.

As Thomas, who has personally been to the East, he understands and knows very well what kind of power the East has now.

At that time, if the removal of He Donglang caused Dongfang's revenge, I'm afraid it would not be something they could bear.

But after much deliberation, Thomas still couldn't think of a perfect solution.

I hope, I hope people like He Donglang are really willing to help His Highness the King defeat the Parliament, otherwise, if he meddles in the war between His Highness the King and the Parliament, things will really be difficult to handle.


Seven or eight young men dressed in ordinary resident clothes appeared outside the camp.

Outside the camp is a continuous forest, and the road from the camp to the outside of the forest is very rugged.

In order to prevent people from entering here by mistake, Thomas did not level the path too much, and at the same time made a lot of confusing paths.

Ordinary people can easily get lost in the forest if there is no one who is particularly familiar with the road to lead the way.

These seven or eight young men couldn't find the camp, but it just rained a few days ago, and the road was relatively slippery. The ruts left by Thomas and Charles I's frames showed the direction. The seven or eight young men The man ran in along the ruts.

These seven or eight young and strong men stopped about two miles around the camp.

They looked at the tall walls of the camp with shock and doubt in their eyes.

They were shocked that there was such a place deep in the forest, and what they wondered was that they didn't know why such a place appeared in the depths of the forest.

"Where is this place?" A young and strong man in the lead hid behind a big tree. He held a single-lens telescope and kept looking at the camp in front of him.

The cars that Charles I and Thomas were riding in were brought into the camp, so these people did not see the frames of Charles I and Thomas.

However, the ruts on the ground have not been cleaned up, and the ruts stretch along the road to the inside of the iron gate.

"His Royal Highness and Thomas should have gone in. Could it be that this is a place specially created by His Royal Highness?" the leading man said to himself.


A gunshot sounded, and it came out from the camp wall. Because of the relatively long distance, when it reached the ears of these people, the sound had already become weak.

Immediately afterwards, sporadic and many gunshots rang out.

The doubts on the face of the leading man became more intense. He looked at the camp wall through the binoculars, and said to himself, "What is this sound? It seems to come from inside, it sounds like a gun sound, but why does this gunshot sound a little weird, and it's still continuous?"

"Captain, I think we should leave these things alone, let's write down this place first, and report it to your lord." A man standing behind this man said.

 There is a power outage at home, and the computer cannot be used. I am too busy during the day, so I can only update so much. Please forgive me!

(End of this chapter)

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