Chapter 872 Killing You All

It was not long before the detectives reappeared in Cromwell's office.

Cromwell looked at a young man standing in front of him with a serious expression on his face.

"There is a huge building deep in the forest? And there seems to be gunshots coming from inside? Is what you said true?"

Cromwell looked at the young man standing in front of him, he couldn't believe what the young man said.

"Yes, that's exactly it. I dare not lie to you. It's the truth. There is indeed a huge building in the depths of the forest, and there are indeed gunshots inside. I guess it is very likely that His Royal Highness and Thomas are in secret. Train the army." The young man said.

This young man was the leader of those sent by Cromwell before.

"Secretly train the army?" Cromwell frowned and thought.

"Could it be related to those Orientals? Those Orientals sold powerful weapons to His Royal Highness. Could it be said that the army trained by His Royal Highness is mainly based on these powerful weapons? If this is the case, then It sucks."

Cromwell became anxious. Originally, the parliament still had a great advantage over Charles I, but if the army in Charles I's hands was trained, by that time, this advantage would be gone.

"It seems that it can't be delayed any longer. If it continues, who will know what will happen." Cromwell looked in the direction of Windsor Castle, his eyes full of bloodthirsty light.

Cromwell's fists were clenched tightly, and his teeth were gritted.

"You go down first, I know about this!" Cromwell said to the young man standing in front of him, and then he walked out of the office.

Cromwell stepped out of his house and began to move around London.

Except for himself, he also sent out all the people under his command to contact the new nobles who were in the same camp as him.

Cromwell is the spokesperson of the new nobles and emerging factory owners, and what Cromwell mainly represents is the interests of these people.

There are only so many cakes, if you eat one more bite, then I will eat one less bite, so these new aristocrats and spokespersons of the new factory owners gathered together to fight for their own interests.

As night fell, Cromwell's house was brightly lit.

In the largest drawing room in Cromwell's house, there were standing or sitting full of new nobles and new factory owners.

Cromwell was sitting on a sofa, looking at these people in the living room, he didn't know what was going on in his mind.

There was a lot of chatter and noise in the living room, and these new nobles and new factory owners were discussing things non-stop.

"Everyone, listen to me!"

Cromwell, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

These people in the living room stopped talking, and their eyes were on Cromwell.

Cromwell still has a relatively high prestige among these people, so when Cromwell spoke, these new nobles and emerging factory owners fell silent.

"I have reliable news now that His Royal Highness and Thomas, His Royal Highness's most loyal lackey, have formed a very powerful army. It is estimated that it will not be long before His Royal Highness will take action against the Parliament. If the Parliament cannot resist the King The army, then when the time comes, your good days will come to an end."

After Cromwell finished speaking, his eyes kept scanning the people in the drawing room.

Cromwell's words caused a lot of commotion. After a short gasp, the living room was filled with various tones of anxiety and despair.

Cromwell saw these reactions in his eyes, and the reactions of these people did not exceed Cromwell's expectations.

"Everyone, please be quiet!" Cromwell stood up and walked to the center of the living room.

He looked at these people sitting in the living room, cleared his throat, and said: "There is only one way in front of us now, and that is to fight His Royal Highness to the end.

Fight for our own interests for us, and our speed must be fast, if our speed is slow, we will also be stepped on by His Royal Highness.

In the past, our group of people were nothing more than servants of these feudal lords. We managed to be the masters of the house, but we can't hand over the remaining rights in our hands. We have to fight these feudal lords to the end. "

"That's right, we have to fight these feudal monarchs to the end, and we have to break the shackles on us."

"That's right, we have to break the shackles on us, and we have to fight for a bright tomorrow for ourselves!"

After Cromwell's bewitching, the drawing room was full of voices of protest.

"That's right, Cromwell's words are very reasonable. The rights are only in our own hands, and we can only get them through our own struggle. It would be foolish to beg these feudal monarchs to reward us with these rights. That's all."

A middle-aged congressman stood up. He was full of blood and impassioned, and shouted at these people in the living room.

This middle-aged member was Pym. Prior to this, the conflict between the parliament and Charles I had reached an irreconcilable state, and this Pym was one of the main contributors to this state.

Prior to this, Pym, Cromwell, and a councilor named Hampton convened a joint parliament, in which the "Three-Year Act" was passed.

It is stipulated that the parliament shall be convened at least once every three years, and the king shall not dissolve the parliament without the consent of the parliament.

At the same time, the feudal and autocratic privileged institutions "Star Chamber Court", "Northern Committee" and "Supreme Court" were abolished.

The Parliament passed the "Great Protest", with a total of more than 200 articles.

Counting the atrocities committed by Charles I, he demanded that the king guarantee the freedom of industry and commerce, and that the government be accountable to the parliament.

Charles I not only refused to approve the "Great Protest", but also declared Pym, Hampton and other opposition leaders as "rebels".

It's just that, at that time, Charles I didn't have powerful soldiers and horses in his hands. Although he hated him so much that his teeth were itchy, there was nothing he could do.

Pym stepped out from the crowd and stood beside Cromwell.

He kept promoting his ideas to these people in the living room.

"The era of monarchy has passed, and the beasts of monarchy are nothing but lies of these feudal monarchs. We must fight these feudal monarchs for our own interests to the end. Even if we shed our last drop of blood, we cannot compromise."

Pim's voice was extremely penetrating, and his voice struck the hearts of these people deafeningly.

Not long after, these people began to roar loudly.

"Fight to the end, do your best."

Cromwell looked at the crowd in madness with a smile on his face.

Charles I was unaware of all that happened in Cromwell's house. Now that he has returned to Windsor Castle, he is sitting in his office discussing matters with Thomas.

"His Royal Highness, according to what He Donglang said, these thousand soldiers are already ready to be used. Shall we act preemptively and directly arrest all the people in the House for the House?" Thomas said with a fierce look on his face. Said.

Charles I shook his head and said: "Although I really want to arrest all those people in the parliament now, the world is not mature yet."

Although Charles I's Windsor Castle is in London, Charles I knows that London is no longer his London.

With the progress of overseas expeditions and the development of colonies, a large amount of gold and silver poured into the city of London. After the gold and silver poured into the city of London, business became busy again. rise.

The current city of London can be said to be the base camp of these newly promoted nobles and emerging factory owners.

Although Charles I had thousands of soldiers and horses in his hands, the city of London was after all the base camp of these newly promoted nobles and emerging factory owners. If they made a sudden move without sufficient preparation, it might be counterproductive.

"Since the time is not yet ripe, Your Highness, it is better to arrest those unsightly guys first!" Thomas said viciously.

Of course Charles I knew who the unsightly guys Thomas was talking about were.

"Cromwell, Pym, Hampton I don't want to let go of any of them.

How about this, after tomorrow, you will transfer all these thousand soldiers back to me and transfer them around the castle.The day after tomorrow, I will personally lead the soldiers to arrest these three people. I will see how these three people are still running. Unless they all have wings, they will not be able to escape from the city of London. "

When Charles I said this, his eyes were full of that kind of vengeance.

The "Great Protest" made that year made Charles I lose face and became a laughing stock, and he was ashamed for a long time.

At that time, Charles I wanted to execute all these people, but the strength in his hands did not allow it, so he endured until today.

Now that Charles I finally has this strength, the first thing he wants to do is to arrest these people first, and then execute them publicly to vent his anger.

"Follow His Royal Highness's order!" Thomas said.

"The day after tomorrow, I must wipe out Cromwell and the others to vent my anger!"

Charles I looked up to the sky and screamed, as if his revenge had been avenged, heartily.

The two were discussing the following matters in the office, and there were two guards standing outside the office.

Among the two guards, one was Cromwell's eyeliner in Windsor Castle.

The discussion between Charles I and Thomas was not loud, and ordinary people standing outside the door could not hear the voice inside clearly.

However, the long roar of Charles I was clearly heard by Cromwell's eyeliner.

(End of this chapter)

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