Chapter 873
A guard standing at the door of the office turned sideways. He wanted to use all his strength to hear the voices coming from the office, but he couldn't hear anything except the long roar of Charles I.

The guard was very anxious. From Charles I's long whistle, the guard heard a lot.

But he didn't hear any sound afterward, and he didn't know how to tell Cromwell about it tomorrow.

In Cromwell's house, the atmosphere became more and more heated. In the end, these newly promoted nobles and new factory owners all shouted loudly, shouted and cursed Charles I, and kept berating Charles I. They were all telling All the encounters I have had and my dissatisfaction with Charles I.

"Tyrant tyrant, he's a tyrant, we're going to fight for our lives."

"There has never been a savior in this world, everything can only depend on ourselves."

"For our own benefit, we have no choice but to fight to the end."


Time passed by like this, and when the time came to midnight, those people in Cromwell's house gradually left.

Cromwell was sitting alone in his office, writing a letter.

The quill in his hand was flying up and down on a clean white paper, and it didn't take long for him to finish writing the letter.

Cromwell's letter was addressed to Fairfax, who was raising troops in Yorkshire.

Before that, Cromwell had already noticed that something was wrong with Charles I. At that time, just to be on the safe side, Cromwell asked Fairfax to return to his hometown to recruit troops.

During the First Bishop's War, Fairfax had raised troops in Yorkshire.

It is for this reason that Fairfax's recruitment of soldiers and horses in Yorkshire went very smoothly. Now he has recruited a lot of soldiers, and most of these soldiers are cavalry.

In the era of alternating hot and cold weapons, the cavalry is still a very powerful military, especially in the shit-stirring stick. The status and strength of the cavalry are equivalent to the tanks of later generations.

Cromwell put down the quill in his hand, put the letter in an envelope, and walked out of the office.

He found a guard, handed him the letter in his hand, and told the guard at the same time.

"Send me this letter to Yorkshire, to Fairfax, in the shortest possible time.

Remember, you must be quick, and you can only send it to Fairfax. If there is any accident on the way, even if this letter is destroyed by me, it cannot fall into the hands of others. Remember what I said. "

The guard looked at Cromwell solemnly, made a promise, and then rushed out of Cromwell's house with Cromwell's letter.

The guard rode on a war horse and drove away in the night.

"I don't know what kind of bloody storm this will be. I hope that in this war, the parliament can win and strive to further limit the power of these feudal monarchs. Otherwise, the future of us people can only be an abyss. "

Cromwell himself knew very well what this war meant to them.

This war can only be won, not lost.

Once it fails, the consequences are beyond what they can bear. If it fails, all the efforts for so many years will be reduced to ruins.

Cromwell looked at the starry sky in the sky. It was a clear night tonight, and the stars in the sky were very bright.

Cromwell walked to the yard of his home. He moved a chair and sat quietly on the chair like that, looking at the starry sky in the sky.

When looking up at the starry sky, Cromwell's heart is the most peaceful time. At this time, no matter what problem Cromwell thinks about, he will get twice the result with half the effort.

Cromwell did not sleep, neither did Charles I and Thomas, and He Donglang in the camp still did not sleep.

In this foreign country, what He Donglang thinks about most is his own home.

He Donglang and Wang Dongliang kept walking in the camp. Tonight, both of them suffered from insomnia and couldn't fall asleep.

Before Charles I asked the two of them if they wanted to go home, they said no, but that was just what they said.

He Donglang looked at the stars in the sky and took a deep breath. "Although I am in a foreign country now, the stars in the sky are the same as those in my hometown. Maybe at this moment, my parents, wife and children are also looking up at the starry sky like me."

The time difference in the UK is eight hours slower than that in the mainland. It is already midnight, and it is already early in the morning in the mainland. Maybe the sun has come out.

He Donglang didn't know this, he stared blankly at the starry sky, and could only pray that the task could be completed as soon as possible.

He Donglang and Wang Dongliang kept wandering around the camp. In the early hours of the morning, Thomas' motorcade appeared at the gate of the camp.

The two of them, who hadn't slept all night, asked Thomas's team to be let in immediately.

At this time, the soldiers in the camp also got up and started training, and the translators also came to He Donglang and the others.

Thomas came here today to take the more than 1000 soldiers out and bring them around Windsor Castle. After Thomas told He Donglang of his intentions, He Donglang asked all these soldiers to gather together. Heading towards Windsor Castle.

He Donglang was the instructor of the thousand soldiers, but he had no command. Thomas didn't say clearly what He Donglang and the others were going to do now.So after Thomas left with these people, He Donglang took his men and headed towards the port.

Near the port is the temporary address of people like He Donglang. Charles I seemed to have temporarily forgotten this matter, and did not re-select the address of people like He Donglang.

These addresses of He Donglang are very simple wooden houses. Because of the tight time, they can only build such houses.

He Donglang was sitting in a room, and in front of him was a table with a map of England on it.

He squinted at the map of Britain, wondering why Thomas had brought the thousand soldiers out.

"It is estimated that we have to do it, and then we will have dinner.

I have been waiting here for such a long time before, and what I have been waiting for is now.

If the two sides have been getting along quietly like this, then I have no meaning here.

So, they have to fight, and only in this way can I intervene, and use this as a springboard to intervene in the entire West. All the waiting is worthwhile. "

He Donglang's face was full of excitement. He had been here for such a long time, and what he was waiting for was this opportunity.

Wang Dongliang walked in, he looked at He Donglang with a smile on his face, and said to He Donglang: "Master He, now that the opportunity has come, what should we do? Judging from Thomas' performance today, both sides are very likely to It's time to start, when do we start?"

"We definitely want to get involved in this matter, but we can't be too hasty, we must keep our temper.

Let them fight first, it is best to let the parliament be taught a severe lesson by people like Thomas, and we will take action when the parliament is half dead and about to die.

Only in this way can these people in the council know our strength, our strength, and our strength, and the follow-up work can be carried out easily.

However, if we help the parliament, or sell weapons to the parliament, we will definitely offend Thomas and the king, so we have to prepare in advance. "

He Donglang analyzed the matter to Wang Dongliang seriously.

"What Mr. He said is very reasonable. It seems that we have to wait for a while." Wang Dongliang said.

"Oh, it's a pity that the language is different, and there is a big gap between their appearance and their appearance. Otherwise, if we buy a few eyeliners, it will be very helpful for us to grasp the overall situation. Now everything can only rely on our guesses." He Donglang sighed. In one breath, he said with a little sorrow.


Just two days passed by.

This morning Charles I woke up early. He deliberately put on brand new clothes, armor and a helmet, and a gorgeously decorated cross sword hanging from his waist.

Surrounded by guards, he rode a war horse out of the gate of Windsor Castle.

He came to a location not far from Windsor Castle, about two miles away.

In this place is where Thomas and the thousand soldiers are stationed.

After Thomas led the thousand soldiers back, they settled here.

The rising sun, just above the horizon, the earth begins to come back to life.

With more than 300 heavily armed soldiers, Thomas waited quietly outside the camp for the arrival of Charles I.

It was impossible for Charles I to capture those people, and it was impossible to bring all the thousand soldiers with him, so he asked Thomas to choose 1000 superb soldiers from the [-] people.

"His Royal Highness, the subject is ready and waiting for His Royal Highness's order at any time."

Thomas was also riding on a war horse. He looked at Charles I standing in front of him, and shouted loudly at Charles I.

Charles I's eyes fell from Thomas to the three hundred soldiers behind Thomas.

"Let's go now, the first target we want to catch is that damned Pym." Charles I shouted at Thomas.

Charles I hated Pym and Hampton more than Cromwell.Because the "Great Protest" was led by these two people.

Therefore, Charles I most wanted to arrest Pym and Hampton first.

Charles I led Thomas and the three hundred soldiers towards the city of London. Along the way, the excited light on Charles I's face never disappeared.

However, what Charles I didn't know was that a storm was brewing in the city of London now.

(End of this chapter)

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