Chapter 874 Chaos in the City
Cromwell led his men in the city of London, constantly agitating these burden-bearing people.

In addition to Cromwell, Pym and Hampton, and even some members of the parliament, they all gathered and fanned the people in the city.

The night before yesterday, an eyeliner that Cromwell planted in the castle quietly came to Cromwell's home.

This eyeliner was the guard standing outside the office when Charles I was talking with Thomas. The guard told Cromwell all the news he had heard.

After Cromwell heard the news, he did not choose not to believe it.

Now that kind of strange buildings can suddenly appear in the forest, as well as continuous gunshots. Now Cromwell, no matter what the eyeliners he sent out say, he will believe it.

After Cromwell received the news, he gathered Pym and Hampton to discuss countermeasures.

After their discussion, they finally worked out a plan, which was to agitate the people in the city and rely on the people in the city to fight against Charles I.

In addition, it is to mobilize the soldiers and horses belonging to the parliament in the city of London.

As the years progressed, so did the power of the council.

At the beginning, the parliament did not have the right to lead the army, and the current parliament does not have the right to lead the army, but this is only on the surface.

In order to fight against Charles I, the parliament secretly started recruiting troops long ago.Charles I naturally knew about these things, but because of his strength, he had no way to manage them.

The number of soldiers and horses of the Parliament in the city of London is not very large, about 3000 people, and most of the soldiers and horses of the Parliament are in other cities.

Moreover, the power of the parliament in the local area is greater than that of Charles I, and the people in many places almost listen to the parliament.

On the streets of London today, there are parading people everywhere, as well as soldiers and horses from the Parliament. They fill every street and alley, shouting loudly and venting their dissatisfaction.

Charles I didn't know this situation now, and now he was riding a war horse, leading the three hundred soldiers towards the city of London.

Charles I was riding in battle with a relaxed expression on his face. He held the rein with his left hand and the whip with his right hand, and he always had a smile on his face.

"After today, Cromwell, Pymhampton, and that Fairfax, there will be no more of them."

Charles I kept thinking about these things in his heart, and these people really suppressed Charles I a little bit hard before.Otherwise, Charles I would not hate these people so much.

Charles I led the three hundred horses closer and closer to the city of London, and the voices of the parade people also reached Charles I's ears.

Charles I looked forward with some disbelief, "What is this sound? Where did it come from? It seems to come from the city. The sound is extremely noisy. I don't know what it is shouting."

As Charles I spoke, he kept riding forward on his war horse.

Thomas was walking behind Charles I, and he also heard the voices coming from the city.

He said to Charles I: "His Royal Highness, I will take a few people over to see what happened. How could there be such a big commotion?"

"Okay, then go and come back quickly, and make sure you find out what happened." Charles I said to Thomas.

Thomas ran away from Charles I with a dozen cavalry with live ammunition.

Thomas' figure gradually receded, and Charles I's speed gradually slowed down.

The farther you go to the center of London, the louder the noisy voices are. Charles I didn't know what the noises were. To be on the safe side, Charles I slowed down his marching speed.

It didn't take long for Thomas to come to the streets of London. As soon as he appeared on the streets, Thomas saw a scene he didn't want to see in his life.

I saw people everywhere on the street, people holding various banners everywhere, and among these people were the soldiers of the parliament.

They kept wandering the streets, shouting loudly, and venting their anger and dissatisfaction. They were complaining about their hatred for Charles I.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Thomas quickly understood what happened.

After Thomas figured out what was happening in front of him, he turned around and headed towards Charles I.

Thomas returned to Charles I, and he said to Charles I: "His Royal Highness, things have changed, and now the city of London is full of parading people and the troops of the Parliament.

These people filled the entire city, and the streets and alleys of the city were filled with these people. Now they have caused quite a commotion. It is estimated that if His Majesty wants to arrest Cromwell and the others, it may be difficult. "

When Thomas said this, his face was tangled and embarrassed. Obviously, someone must have leaked the news. Otherwise, how could these people in the city be like this? Someone must have instigated it.

"From what you said, someone leaked the news. If no one leaked the news, how could there be so many people in the city?

It must be the ghost of Cromwell and the others, using the people to blackmail us.

This trick they use often.They used this kind of trick when they made the "Great Protest" before, but they didn't expect to use it now, damn it.

But in the end who leaked the news, the number of people who know the news is really limited. "

Charles I's eyes were half-closed, and there was a lot of murderous intent inside, his face was cold and murderous.

Seeing Charles I's expression, Thomas shivered in fright. He hurriedly explained to Charles I: "Your Royal Highness, it is impossible for me to leak this news about you. I was born as a man of His Royal Highness, and died as a man of His Royal Highness." It is impossible for me to leak the news of His Royal Highness' dead man.

Those people in the parliament have already regarded me as a dog beside His Royal Highness, and they have long wanted to get rid of me, and even if I reveal this news, those people in the parliament probably won't believe it.

Moreover, the [-] soldiers I have drawn out were also drawn out this morning. Before that, these people didn't know about it at all, so it is impossible for these soldiers to leak the news. "

Charles I stared at Thomas, and after a dozen or so breaths, Charles I looked away from Thomas.

Thomas is the favorite of Charles I and the most loyal courtier of Charles I. In the words of the parliament, Thomas is the most loyal dog around Charles I.

Therefore, Charles I only suspected for a second or two before excluding Thomas.

"Then who leaked this matter? I don't believe it for no reason. Could it be that Cromwell is so powerful that he can predict my thoughts in advance."

Charles I's eyeballs kept moving, and his eyes kept sweeping over the guards who followed him.

"It seems that Cromwell must have planted an eyeliner in the castle. Otherwise, how would Cromwell know my next plan and plan? Hmph, after I go back, I have to screen all the people in the castle. Once again!"

Charles I's face was very cold, as cold as a water tank in the twelfth lunar month.

"Your Highness, what should we do now? Should we go back now, or continue to arrest Cromwell Pym and Hampton?" Thomas asked.

Charles I said with a firm face: "Catch it! It's hard to feel proud, how can you just give up and give up?
Before, they made me lose so much face, and now they want to get back the lost face no matter what.It would be even more embarrassing if they went back out of fear of these people making trouble.

Besides, now that we have powerful weapons in our hands, what are we afraid of?Pass on my order, and those who block it will be killed without mercy. "

Charles I shouted at Thomas murderously.

Thomas was the most central favorite of Charles I, and a person like him would not refuse any request from Charles I.


Thomas took the order of Charles I, and then walked towards the city of London.

Charles I's face was very gloomy and cold. Looking at the buildings in the city ahead, he had murderous intentions in his heart.

"It's just a group of untouchables. They still want to stop me. They really don't know how to live or die. Today, I want to let you know what is the divine right of kings and what is called superiority."

Charles I led these people into the city of London. Most of the 300 people led by Charles I were infantry, and they carried Dreiser rifles.

These soldiers are the elite selected by Thomas from the royal army, and they are relatively well disciplined.

No one in the entire team spoke, looking solemn and solemn.

As soon as Charles I led these people to appear on the streets of London, it caused an uproar. The people all over the streets saw Charles I appearing on the street and the soldiers around Charles I, like water drops dripping into the streets. into the oil pan.

"For our benefit, fight to the end with these feudal monarchs!"

"Down with the feudal monarch!"

"Down with the feudal monarch!"

Under the instigation of some people, all these people on the street shouted loudly.

They roared loudly at Charles I, venting their dissatisfaction.

Under the rule of Charles I, the lives of these people in London were also very difficult. In order to consolidate his rule, Charles I set a lot of taxes after he ascended the throne.

Coupled with the exploitation of various old nobles and landowners, the people in the city live very poorly.

Before there were religious matters, these people in London had already lost confidence in Charles I.

There is also the fanning and fueling of the parliament, all kinds of dissatisfaction broke out today, and they don't care whether the king is a king or not, they just want to vent their anger and dissatisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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